Because I am a Mother - BNHA...

By Crazy-Otaku-demigod

39.5K 1.2K 452

(y/n) is a single mother living in Musutafu with her twin boys Yuuma and Kei and in the minds of everyone who... More

Introduction to Characters and Story!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Love List
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Happy Birthday Boys!

Chapter 7

3K 113 48
By Crazy-Otaku-demigod

An actual update!? Oh my gods! I know, I've been naughty and haven't updated in a while, no excuses this time, other than procrastination, my ukulele and the demon that is writer's block! Anyway, this is an actual chapter, that I think you will like, at least I hope you do. I am going to start writing important notes at the end of chapters, but I hope you enjoy! Xxx

Third Person pov

The morning was fairly chilly for this time of year, which made it all the more difficult for the young mother of two to break out from her blanket cocoon and get ready for work. (y/n) sighed as she heard her alarm at a pretty good time of 8am. Of course, she would've liked a lie in a lot more but she would take what she could get. 

Sitting up, still wrapped in blankets, (y/n) turned off her alarm and stretched her arms over her head, letting out a loud yawn. So, today was a Saturday, which was usually great, as (y/n) usually wasn't working, but today, the cafe was understaffed and her boss asked her to come in. Naturally, she agreed, Saturday's were busy but more customers meant more tips and lord knew she needed the money.

Another thing about Saturdays, the boys weren't able to go to daycare... Meaning, they would have to go to the cafe with their mama. (y/n) didn't really mind this, her boys were very well behaved, as long as they were kept entertained. Yuuma and Kei certainly didn't mind, Kei was overjoyed at not having to leave his mama's loving and watchful gaze. Yuuma was excited to see their Granny, which is what they had taken to calling their mother's boss. She was the kind old lady who ran the cafe and, whenever they were there, she made sure to bring them some sort of yummy things.

Anyway, (y/n) got out from her warm bed, rather unwillingly, before rushing to the bathroom for a warm shower. After showering, she got her uniform on, which really just consisted of black, semi-formal clothing that would look good under an apron, then gently pushed the door to her son's bedroom open. The boys looked like sleeping angels, which always made the young mother smile. She crept over the curtains, pulling them open ever so slightly, so she didn't wrench the boys from their peaceful sleep. 

Yuuma, who was closest to the curtains, began rubbing his eyes with his little fists and yawning widely. His big green eyes blinked up at his mama and he soon began smiling the same infectious smile he had inherited from her, "Morn'n mama," Yuuma mumbled, seemingly too tired to finish the word. (y/n) chuckled at her eldest son, waving gently and moving to sit on the opposite bed, stroking back the soft brown hair of her youngest, Kei. 

Kei was sleeping on his back, his mouth wide open and a small trail of drool was at the corner of his lips, his arms were raised, causing his fluffy lime green pyjama shirt to ride up, showing of his little belly and his fists were softly clenched and up by his head. Giggling at her son's cute sleeping position, (y/n) kept stroking his hair, waiting for him to wake up, which he did so pretty quickly, almost immediately sitting up and crawling into his mother's lap, clutching her shirt.

(y/n) picked him up and followed a sleepy, but still stereotypically excited Yuuma into the kitchen, where breakfast was already set up. The family ate breakfast in mostly silence, Kei very happy curled up in his mama's lap and eating tiny spoonful's of yogurt and Yuuma was very happy watching compilations of his favourite heroes on the television set. 

Once breakfast was over and done with, the boys got dressed and sat in front of the door, getting their socks and shoes on, (y/n) then helped them into their jackets and they went across the hall to say a quick greeting to their grumpy neighbour. (y/n), Yuuma and (begrudgingly) Kei, opened the door to Katsuki's apartment, to which, he had given them a key for, they each poked their head around the corner and said a 'Hi' and a 'Bye'.
The usually grumpy pro hero watched as their heads individually removed themselves from his doorway, the youngest leaving him with a slight glare, but the man just smiled and shook his head at the adorable sight.

(y/n) pov

Me and the boys left the building after seeing Katsuki, headed towards the cafe, which wasn't very far of a walk. I could see people's judging eyes whenever I brought the boys with me to work, wondering why they weren't with their father. Let me tell you! If I knew where he was, I still wouldn't let them anywhere near him. Their deadbeat dad would never get within ten feet of my beautiful, angelic- oh hey, we're here!

As we opened the door to the cafe, the bell above it letting out a cheerful ring, the smell of coffee and baked goods surrounded me and made me feel a lot more calm. Granny immediately came over and pulled me into a hug, the way she greeted me whenever I came into work, offering me a cup of coffee. I laughed and politely declined, "I should really get to work," I told her with a relaxed smile, I could see the effect of my quirk over the people in the cafe already, people were smiling more, were more at peace. 

I nudged the boys towards Granny, she was one of the only ones outside the family that could get Kei to be talkative and confident, the boys ran up to her and almost tackled the poor lady to the floor in a tight hug. I saw her laugh and lead them over to the corner booth, when they came, that booth was always reserved for them, with colouring books, soft toys and even a tablet for the two to share. They were always spoilt at Granny's.

I went into the back to grab an apron and when I came back, Granny was sat in the booth, watching the boys with nothing but love in her eyes. Granny's biological children lived a fair way's away, so when I applied for the job, stating it was to support my twins, she practically adopted us into the family. She was sat their, stroking the boys' hair and I could see she had set a plate of chocolate chip cookies and two large glasses of chocolate milk in front of them.

I smiled and shook my head warmly at the scene, before getting my head into work mode. I tied the apron behind my back, grabbed a notepad and pen and walked over to the two gentlemen who had just walked in and sat down. One of the men seemed to be covering his face with a black hoodie and had his hand up against his neck, scratching furiously (a/n bet you can't guess who it is!) and was sat in front of another man around the same age.

He was a bit different, I had seen many people with interesting features, especially considering how some people's quirks change how they look. I've seen people with the features of a frog, ears of a cat, tails, blue skin, pink skin and so many more. But I have never really seen anyone like him. He had piercing turquoise eyes, studs and rings littered his face which was partially pale skin and partially what looked to be scarring, burns maybe? (a/n I wonder who that could be?) 

Dabi pov

I looked up from my phone, my gaze lazily drifting over the cafe, a smirk began to grace my face when I saw one of the waitresses who had seemed to have just come in for her shift. She was pretty sure, actually, that was putting it lightly, she was perfect. Girl of my dreams. Unfortunately for me, being a League of Villains member didn't leave much time for dating, let alone a relationship, even if it was the girl of my dreams. But she was beautiful, innocent looking, might have been fun to play with.

I looked the woman up and down, she can't be that much younger than me, maybe four or five years, when you pass the teen years, you realise how insignificant age gaps can be. Either way, I felt some sort of odd feeling rise up in my chest, as she walked about with a hot pot of coffee and poured the dark liquid for the other patrons in the building. I was mildly worried she would burn herself, or someone would take advantage of her. 

I wanted to take her and lock her away from the world, keeping her safe. 'As safe as she could be with a villain of course,' I thought, my smirk increasing as she came over to our table. I sent my smirk over to Shigaraki, his face was covered and he was still obsessively scratching at his neck, blood coming away under his nails. I leaned back in the chair, my arms folded over my chest as the woman stood in front of me. She had a large smile, which appeared to be genuine, I felt my entire body relax when she began talking.

"Hi, I'm (y/n), what can I get you guys?" She asked, I could see that her voice had either had a similar effect on Tomura, or she had startled him with her presence, because he had suddenly stopped scratching. Tomura, who was hiding his face even more, though I could see red on his neck that seemed to blood under the skin, mumbled that he wanted green tea, thankfully, the girl, (y/n), seemed to have heard him and wrote down the order.

She then turned to me and I could really take in what she looked like.
(h/l) (h/c) hair that she had in a messy ponytail with wisps of hair framing her face that made her (e/c) eyes shine brighter under the fluorescent lighting. I was momentarily distracted. I mentally shook myself out of it and my smirk returned, "I would love a black coffee, maybe a blueberry muffin and definitely your number." I told her with a wink. She looked both shocked and unsurprised at what I said, but her smile soon returned and she spoke up in that angelic voice of hers. "Okay, I'll be back with your order!" 

She didn't lie, she was indeed back with our drinks and food, sadly, there was no phone number in sight, oh well... 

Anyway, I was about to strike up a conversation again, maybe slide in a few pick up lines, when I quickly stood up and grabbed (y/n) to stop her falling as two boys crashed into her legs. "Mama!" The boys cried in unison. I was happy with my newest dame in my arms, living a little fantasy until I thought over what the crying boys had shouted. 'Mama!?' I thought, shocked. 'She was a mom!?'

(y/n) wriggled out of my arms, much to my displeasure, to kneel in front of the young boys, smiling a gentle, motherly smile and lifting them into her arms, asking what the matter was. "Kei said that Shoto was the best hero!" One of them cried, causing the other to cry, although I think it was only because his, I'm assuming twin, was crying. Apparently, they were arguing over heroes, not like they would ever argue over who was the best villain, damn heroes getting all of the attention...

(y/n) tells the boys that there can be multiple good heroes, it doesn't matter who the best is as long as they kept the people safe. I guess she made a good point. 'What am I thinking!?' I thought, actually shaking myself this time. The boys quickly stopped crying, hugged it out and then ran back to their table. (y/n) sighed, turning to us again. "I'm so sorry about that," She told me, a blush on her face, I guess she was talking about falling into my arms. 

"Never apologise for falling for me darlin'," I told her cockily, she rolled her eyes with a smile still, when she wasn't looking, I slipped a piece of paper into her apron pocket, hoping she found it and actually at least texts me.

(y/n) pov

Once my shift had finished, I walked back over to the booth, clutching the piece of paper I had found in my pocket, I'm not entirely sure whose number it was, I can only assume from the the flirty 'Call me' and the winking face drawn next to it, that it was the overly-confident man from earlier. The man with the deep, beautiful eyes...

I shook my head and looked down at my boys, maybe it would have been a good idea to have brought the stroller with me today, I hadn't expected the shift to run that long. Yuuma's eyes were drooping and he stifled a yawn by nearly shoving his entire fist in his mouth and Kei was fast asleep with his head on his brother's lap.

I knelt down and picked up Kei, cradling him to my chest as Yuuma grabbed my sleeve and we began the walk home. I hadn't noticed the flashes that followed me and the boys the whole way.

I am so so sorry it has taken this long for an actual update, but I really enjoyed writing this one, I mean its 5am right now, but I think I did good! Hopefully there will be more chapters soon (knock on wood). Anyway, I wanted to ask, if it would be a good idea to make an Amino Community, not just for this story but for all of them, for my readers, other author's readers. Anyone really.

It hit me because I know a lot of people don't have Instagram and this way, I can do polls and other non-chapter updates on Amino rather than here and not make people upset when they realise its not a chapter...

Anyway, if you like that idea, please please let me know and I will get started on that!

Much love as always! Xxx

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