Deity Descendants and the Cyc...

By huntressbooks

184 1 3

Follow Accalia & Raven as they discover that they are not normal humans, but half-bloods, or more formally, d... More

Get To Know The Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 9

4 0 0
By huntressbooks

Hi y'all! Hope you are all well! Lets jump straight into this next chapter! Hope you enjoy! -LT

Written by Library Turtle

Wandering around the beautiful sights of Camp Half-Blood raven began down one of many paths. She had been taken to the Hermes Cabin because her godly parent "Had yet to claim her.". To be frank this all seemed like a joke to Raven. Her godly parent, who ever that may be, had got her to leave her life behind only to NOT bother to claim her. It was stupid.

The people in the Hermes cabin seemed nice enough, and they weren't visibly bothered by her. However, they weren't nice enough to keep her from boredom, so after being left to settle in, she had decided to leave and go exploring. Raven had brought little with her and hadn't got that much to unpack. Sitting around seemed pointless - and it looked like they had quite a big campus around here.

Sliding down her chosen path, Raven came across a large arena with Accalia and a boy she recognised from around Camp. They were circling each other in battle formation. Accalia was giving the boy a challenging look. Almost teasing him. Watching carefully and analyzing the pair, she concluded that the odds of the fight seemed unfairly piled up against Accalia.

The boy teased, "Come on, Accalia, don't be a scaredy cat!" still circling Accalia, he snickered.

With a snort from Accalia she twisted the shining silver knife in her hand. It looked almost one with her hand and she gripped it tight; the handle fit naturally and smoothly into the shape of her fist. Entranced with her new-found entertainment, Raven perched on the grass, hugging her knees tightly.

Flicking her eyes at the boy Accalia replied "Oh, well you see Alvis... I'm just the rookie here so shouldn't you be the one charging!". Mock innocence was coating her words and she even tilted her head slightly, finishing her act. Just as Alvis was caught off guard by this request Accalia ran at him. Her legs propelled her towards Alvis and she expertly dogged his now swinging sword as if she had seen it moments before.

Letting out a sigh and letting a smirk grow into her face ,looking at the expression on Alvis's face, Accalia swung her knife arm towards Alvis's shoulder, hitting it with its handle. The now surprised and slightly winded Alvis smiled at this unexpected challenge. He steadied himself and squared off to Accalia again. Wielding his short golden sword he brought it up ready to charge. But just as he did so Accalia leapt out of the way just in time.

His eyebrows drawing together in confusion Alvis drew back into his defensive stance and watched Accalia carefully. She was once again in her attacking stance like Alvis. She grinned up to him and said teasingly "Wow Alvis. I thought you were meant to be good at this?". Alvis shot a glare at her and gripped his sword harder as he charged at her again. This time Accalia looked like she had seen it coming yet again and ducked under the sword. She then swiped her knife at Alvis's back and hit him with its quillon (The thing where the blade meets the handle and sticks out).

He was once again shocked and Accalia lept into action. She rapped one of her arms around his neck bringing her sword arm to push the blade up against his neck. She then shifted her legs around his arms holding them in place so he couldn't move. She was sure to stand on his feet to make sure he couldn't move.

Smiling in victory she whispered to Alvis, smirking in joy, "So, I guess that I'm not too bad at this!". He smiled back and shifted carefully unsteadying her feet leading to her falling to the floor as he climbed on top of her pinning her arms down with his forearm and her legs with his own as he kneeled on her. His other arm was now holding his sword which was against Accalia's neck.

He let out a breathless chuckle and replied "Well I must say... That was a brilliant first attempt, Accalia. But I still do have a few tricks up my sleeves and I me-" Alvis said but fell short as he was being shoved off of Accalia by a very angry Raven La Croix.

"What the HELL are you doing to my best friend you..." Raven ranted. She was swiftly cut off by Accalia. Who pulled Raven's hand off of a surprised Alvis.

"Gods Raven, it's fine we were just sparring. He didn't mean anything by it. It helps me practice and its fun! You should try it. Anyway it-" But Accalia silenced herself as her eyes flashed and she dropped to the floor swiftly just missing a rogue arrow that had been headed straight for her head.

"What just happened..." Muttered Alvis as he carefully looked at Accalia. Lending her a hand up he brushed onto her dagger which was now burning hot. He drew in a sharp breath as he drew back speedily grabbing his hand. "This is... Strange. Very strange." Alvis said.

"Accalia? Are you okay?" Asked Raven a quizzical expression on her face. She carefully put out a hand for Accalia to take which she carefully does. Pulling herself up, Accalia took a breath and started to murmur to herself.

"I-i'm fine... I just." She muttered and looked at her dagger in awe. Smiling to herself as she picked it up and began to twirl it between her fingers. The silver was glinting in the sun and was dazzling. Accalia's eyes flashed the same glint appearing in her eyes as she let out a small gasp staring into space.

Her mouth tilting up into a giant grin she said ,still regarding the sharp silver dagger in her hands, "I think... I think it might have something to do with the knife... It's strange... I think. I think I can almost tap into it? I can see ahead slightly sometimes. I..." She threw her dagger upwards and it did a small spin in the air before falling back down to be caught by Accalia again.

Looking up to Alvis he nodded to her and said "It's unlikely... There haven't been anyone exactly like it but similar weapons have been made." Smiling Alvis continued " you should go rest Accalia. It's almost time for dinner and you should go and reboost. I'll go and tell Chiron and Mr D they should know for sure but they can talk to you later!".

Smiling in thanks Accalia nodded and turned to Raven and asked "You coming?". Raven shook her head slightly before perking up. Walking slightly towards the exit she responded "No thanks AC I'm gonna keep exploring. Now go get your beauty sleep ,you'll maybe even be awake enough later to stay up and remember to come inside when you stay up late again.".

Rolling her eyes as she walked back towards her cabin Accalia smiled to herself clutching her dagger and smiling at all of the adventures she knew she was about to have...

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