Kanmusu Struggle - A Kantai C...

Von musashi311

3.3K 89 42

Thrown into a new world, two young men and their friends must take on new and highly important responsibiliti... Mehr

Here We Go Libya!
The Final Sortie
We're going home!...or not?
Night Stalkers vs Carriers
Night Stalkers vs Carriers PT 2
A well deserved day off
Mixer & mixed trouble
Operation Swift Strike
Operation Swift Strike part 2
Shock and awe
Sacrificing life and limb
New found allies
Admirals save the sister
Why we fight
Things might get messy
Almost there...
The waiting game
Is the end in sight?

Admirals...but not so much

107 3 3
Von musashi311

In order for Herbert and Roland to prove their worthiness of the promotion to the rank of Admiral they were sent on a mission along with their crew to obtain supplies, which would turn out to not be a simple supply run...

March 26th 2016:
21:40 Hours (9:30PM)

Herbert and Roland along with their crew were preparing for their first night op a mundane supply run but of course better than nothing.

"Alright kids...you both ready for this? Night flying is nothing like flying in the day so TRUST your instruments and of course the Silent Knight radar, they'll keep you from smacking into the ocean." Cliff said

"Roger that Cliff! Herbert are you still taking that Ghost Hawk?" Roland replied

"Aye aye, cap! Gotta put Wraith to some good use, scare some souls around...", Herbert grinned and gave a thumbs up.

"Now down to business...if the coordinates Nagato provided us are correct then we should be heading out near the Caroline Island's!? Wow this is weird, anyway the target destination should be 300km's out and my guess would be that they're en-route to the Caroline Island's... Cliff replied

"I don't think they're headed to the Caroline Island's Cliff..I have a feeling that they might be resupplying someone or something off shore."

"Could be...also I asked Marcus and Dion to come along as well, they'll fasten everything so I can hoist the supplies up. I need you BOTH along with Kaufman to watch my back as i'm hoisting those supplies since i'll be a sitting duck....got it?

"Leave it to us. You be sure to get as many supplies as you can!" Herbert said

"I've got your back Cliff." Roland replied with a salute

"Alright you both do us proud then...I'm trusting you both with my life and the lives of my crew." Cliff saluted and then headed to his Chinook.

Before Roland and Herbert headed to their helicopters Yamato ran over to them.

"Ad-Admiral's! Please you must hear me out before you head out for the sortie!" She said while panting

"What's wrong Yamato? You look like you just ran a marathon." Roland replied while handing her a bottle of water.

"Take some breath first...", Herbert said while pointing to the helicopter's seat, telling her to sit down a bit.

"Now Yamato, what's going on? Me and Herbert were just given some coordinates to our mission area...is there something that Nagato is not telling us?" Roland asked
"I bet there is...", Herbert guessed.

Yamato finally caught her breath enough for her to reply. "Nagato is sending you all to attack an Abyssal supply route, they're currently resupplying an Abyssal base...that supply route is one of the most heavily defended as well....we actually lost several Kanmusu's a few years ago when they were on a supply run."

"What the hell is she planning with this?"

"She wants you all to prove your capabilities in real battle...she feels that this is the way to do it. According to her there's a 95% chance you and your friends will die..." Yamato replied

"Damn...well we can't exactly back down now. We committed to this mission and you all need supplies. What do you think Herbert?" Roland added

"When we get back...and we WILL get back...she's gonna hear some words...", Herbert replied, arms crossed in disapproval.


Yamato watched the choppers lift off and head out for the sortie...Musashi was also angered by Nagato's plan.

"NAGATO! Do you realize that you signed their death certificates? You sent them to assault and STEAL from an Abyssal supply line what is wrong with you??" Musashi protested, finally breaking her calm silence.

"If they're as good as they claim, there should be no problem, right?", Nagato replied calmly. "You shouldn't worry too much either."

"You've gone off the deep end Nagato...we need the Admiral's alive, not dead. Then again I wouldn't be surprised if you had some ulterior motive to the suicide mission you just sent them on." Musashi scoffed before leaving the room

"Musashi-san!", Mutsu replied.

"Leave her be. She'll understand later.", Nagato said.

22:00 Hours (10:00PM)

As they were en-route to the mission area Roland broke the long silence during the flight.

"Everyone be advised: I was informed by Yamato that we are headed into some heavy shit, do not let your guard down." Roland said

"Roger that, thanks for the heads up kid." Cliff replied

"Yessir." Kaufman added

Nearing the mission area Cliff looked out of the Chinook's cockpit in shock and saw a large convoy of Abyssal supply ships being escorted by destroyers and cruisers

"Holy shit boys that Nagato lady just sent us on a damn suicide mission, look at all the tangos down low. You and Herbert were not kidding.."

"Wraith here, let's try not to alert them as much as we can!", Herbert said.

"Oh boy...it's the first time flying the Wraith on a mission...and I love it already! So quiet, so smooth...so deadly...", Herbert had a grin from cheek to cheek.

"Those stealth choppers are quite cool but I love this MH-60 too much..also if Yamato's intel is right then they might be supplying an Isolated Island Oni...ridiculous name but they say she's mean as hell." Roland replied while turning on his night vision goggles.

"The attack on the Indy made me learn not to underestimate them, no matter the size, appearance or name.", Herbert answered. "I guess
we're getting close. Engaging 'whisper mode'!", Herbert said while pressing a button; some unknown tweaks in the exhaust and rotors made the chopper a lot quieter than the others, with just a low whistle heard from the turbines.

"Okay, I have no idea how this works, but it's frikkin' black magic!"

"Atago here...Takao just handed me something called a SOFLAM, what do I do with it?"

"You aim down it and designate targets with it....it's just a laser designator." Cliff replied

"Okay! Well I found something ahead of us and it sure looks unfriendly, designating now!"

"You tell us, you know them better than us!" Herbert replied

"It looks like a RO-Class destroyer." Atago said

"Well thank god I chose to load up on Hellfire's then, I have a solid lock." Roland replied

"Clear out the path!", Herbert said while moving away from the group to avoid detection.

"Roger that, Mamushi weapons hot." Roland replied before firing a Hellfire

"Where did that come from!?" shouted an enemy

"Cliff stay at the rear with Herbert, we can't afford to lose you." He continued

"Alright...FLIR got a lock on that big heavy cruiser...Roland, you're on!"

"Roger that, good mail Herbert." Roland said while firing two more Hellfire's

"GAH WHERE DID THAT COME FROM!?" Shouted an Abyssal

"Okay guys, they're starting to get nervous...Cliff, move onto the designated area and get those resources, double time! Roland, watch out for AA's! Kaufman and Nazari's, watch the perimeter!", Herbert said.

"Roger that, Gunfighter 1 on perimeter defense." Kaufman said while putting the Cobra into a hover

"Roger that, Huey on station." Amir added

"Earl get up off your ass and get on the starboard minigun!" Cliff said

"Roger that boss man!" Earl replied while putting his book away

That went on for a few minutes, until a patrol boat began to get too close to Cliff...close enough to hear the engines and rotors.

"Roland, take out that fucking PT boat! Clear!", Herbert said while lighting up the target.

"Going in for a strafing run.." Roland replied as he opened fire with the GAU-19's and M230

"Whoa...that's fucking cool." Takao added

"Watch your mouth, lady! Where'd you learn that?!", Herbert said in shock.

"That shock and awe 160th video Admiral Chambers showed me." Takao replied

"...I thought so.", Herbert mumbled. Obviously, that strafing run called the attention of the enemy fleet, although they were still unaware of the group's location, so they began firing at random.

"WHOA!!! Guys, they're angry!! Cliff, hurry up! Everyone be ready to blast them to Oblivion!", Herbert shouted.
"Roger that." Kaufman replied

"Mamushi here, breaking right." Roland replied

"Roger that Roland...eh I mean Mamushi covering your break." Kaufman replied

Roland made a hard right turn and began circle strafing the targets to cover Cliff.

"Okay...I think I can score some hits while still remaining unseen...", Herbert moved in to the kill and locked onto two destroyers with the FLIR...and fired 4 Hellfires in a row, 2 for each target; all of them struck. "Two kills in a row while never detected...man, this baby is awesome!", He praised the Ghosthawk.

"On station over the target and getting ready to sling up the supplies. Keep us covered and give my regards to Herbert and Roland...damn kids did better than I expected." Cliff said While putting the MH-47 into a hover to prepare to sling load the supplies

"Lambert,Barcetti get down there!" Earl said

The duo fast roped down the hatch and down to the crates but were soon met with resistance from some of the Abyssal soldier on the supply ship

"FUCK we got company!" Marcus said while trying to fasten the ropes

"MARK LOOK OUT!" Dion yelled, opening fire with his M1911 the rounds barely even staggering the Abyssal soldier running their way

Marcus turned around and jumped from the crate then wrestled the Abyssal as if he were an alligator. "You don't fuck with me buddy!" Marcus said before snapping the soldiers neck

"Shit we got more tangos on the ground! EARL LIGHT 'EM UP BEFORE THEY GET OUR DELTA BOYS!" Tanya ordered

"Thought you'd never ask.." Earl replied aiming the M134 at the enemy soldiers running towards the helicopter

Earl opened fire on the targets dropping all of them in a hail of 7.62 before they even got close enough.

"ALRIGHT! The supplies are hooked up now let's the fuck outta here!" Dion said

"Roger we don't have time for you guys to climb up here so hang on for dear life!" Cliff said as he gained altitude and moved away from the supply vessel.

A few minutes passed until the enemy fleet began to disband.

"Okay, looks like they're retreating.", Herbert said. "I hope that's all for tonight..."

"Oh man Ritou is gonna be pissed!!" Said a destroyer princess as she and the others began their retreat.

"Cliff, tell me you got all the supplies we need...", Herbert said.

"Roger that, we got enough here to last us a damn century. Can we egress now?" Cliff replied

"Understood. Salvation caravan, head back to base! Wraith out.", Herbert chuckled while turning off the 'whisper mode'. "I love this bird too...", He caressed the dashboard. "...but I made my pilot life with Huey and now with Spades...you'll be a secondary character, pal.", He said.

"Roger that, man i'm dog tired.." Cliff replied

"Roland, Herbert, Bravo Zulu (well done) to you and your crew." Kaufman added

"Thanks a lot Daniel!" Roland replied

"Aye sir!" Herbert said

"H-hey guys...i'm having a bit of trouble so it looks like I might be a bit delayed." Takao added

"Do you need us to pick you up?" Amir asked

"Negative I can make it back under my own power, just go on ahead..you too Atago." Takao replied


"Admiral...I just completed my sortie with the Kanmusu forces, Two new Admiral's have joined their ranks along with a crew...they're all operating some type of mysterious aircraft...it's kind of like an auto gyro yet it's very different. They laid waste to our supply convoy and managed to make off with a large portion of our supplies. What are your orders sir?"

"My god...they pose quite the threat, continue your mission Ne-Class...try to get closer to one of the Admiral's as well. Perhaps you can gain more information to help us with our cause if you can find a way to trick the Admiral's into leaking intel. BUT keep in mind...if you are discovered you will not be rescued.." The Admiral replied before shutting down the radio

"Yes sir..." Takao said

02:30 Hours (2:30AM)

Everyone returned back to Truk safely and of course they were quite tired after a long and risky mission to secure the supplies. Roland and Herbert left the others and headed to the Admiral's office to report to Nagato on a job well done.

"Well Nagato...mission accomplished." Roland said after entering the room

"...good work.", She just said while sitting at the Admiral's table.

"Thanks Nagato.." Roland replied

"The fact that you two came back alive is surprising we surely expected you all to die." Mutsu added

"For fucks sake Mutsu..." Nagato replied, burying her face in her hands

"Is this why you sent us on this mission? To..."test"...our survivability?", Herbert asked, sarcastic.

"Yes Nagato I would love to know as well." Roland added

"Can the sarcasm you insubordinate bastards. I sure did send you on this mission to test your survivability and worthiness of the rank. I expected your chances of survival to be quite low but I was proven wrong. There's your answer, are you both happy now?" Nagato replied

"Actually, no we're not. I treat everyone with respect and expect the same to me and my friends. I do not like to be thrown into the lions' lair just for the sake of someone finding out if I'd be able to get out of there alive!" Herbert said

"You have no idea who the hell we are and the hell we came from, and I'm not about to tell you our whole lifestory. All we need to be to you and everybody on this base is a fixed point; the last men standing. We do not need your sympathy or your admiration, all we need is your respect, compliance...and your fighting skills. And if we can't get that, then you can go ahead and kick us out of here, so you'll deal with this Abyssal issue yourselves. Do I make myself clear?", Herbert asked, now talking like a proper Admiral, with energy, though not shouting...and very serious.

"We have a group of pilots and five fully operational helicopters ready for action Nagato, we can deploy anywhere and we can deploy very quickly, we can also see and hit what you cannot, like it or not you need us." Roland added

"GODDAMMIT ALRIGHT!!" Nagato said before punching the desk

"YOU TWO have achieved the rank of Admiral from this day forward you will use those helicopters and your skills to terminate ALL Abyssal's with extreme prejudice....and so help me if you betray the integrity of this base I will have you both killed and your friends imprisoned for the rest of their natural lives." Nagato continued

Mutsu couldn't help but jump when Nagato shouted...looking upon her in shock.

"Roger...and since now I'm an Admiral...can I say the same about you putting my friends and I at risk with these suicide missions?", Herbert didn't lower his head, he got closer to her face, in an intimidating stance.

"And as far as I see it Nagato...we just proved our worth." Roland added

"Get out...both of you. You both made your points very clear." Nagato replied to the new Admiral's.

"What...got a problem with that?" Herbert asked

"*sigh* No sir..."

"Alright then, thanks for the promotion ma'am." Herbert replied before leaving the room with Roland


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