Low Profiled (Harry Styles Fa...

By humorist

291 1 0

To my Dearest readers, This is my first fan fiction about Harry Styles, everything you are going to read in t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 33

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By humorist

*Alison's pov*

The flight to France didn't took so long, I had a nap during the flight and I never got bored from this trip and it's because of Harry, his craziness lifts up my energy.

"France" he sniffed the misty air as he held my hand as we got down the plane's staircase

Harry told me that we're going to stay in a hotel for the week so I don't have to worry about anything else. As the usual, he wore his disguise before we went down which made me laughing the whole time in the departure area.

We got our bags and Harry did the honors of pulling my suitcase, he's such a gentleman which makes me think he cannot make a stand up comedy for himself. We got ourselves checked out off the airport and took a cab to the hotel where Harry booked ourselves.

"You can now take off your disguise mister" I said loudly

Harry pulled off his disguise, removing his mustache first and then his sunglasses, revealing his face, his hair bun so done. I can say he's more prettier than me.

"Where are we going today?" I tapped his thigh, I know he planned for this hah.

He checked his watch and looked at me.

"We'll drop by the hotel for some rest and by seven Paris' Eiffel tower--but you can go wherever you want!"

Eiffel Tower! I always like to come there, they said it's the most romantic place on earth. I don't know why, but I wanted to learn why. Can't wait to see everything!

"Can we take a walk?" I asked "I am not that tired--I want to explore"

"Uhmmm----of course you can" he replied

The cab went to a halt and we realized we're already at the hotel, Harry exchanged sentences in French with the cab driver as he lift the door of the compartment of his cab and helped Harry put off our things and paid him.

We both got our way to the reception area and I took a seat by the lounge as I waited for Harry who spoke to the woman by the counter. He returned back with a man wearing a suit and tie and his hair flattened with some hairstyling gel, with the looks, I think he's a butler. He brought our bags and led us to the elevator to which I remembered led us to the tenth floor. He led us to our room and got a card on his hand and swiped it on the door and putting something on the knob with French words on it.

Harry pulled my suitcase to the room while I stood there looking at the elegant looking room, it has red velvet curtains with gold accents on it, and the carpets were in mixtures of red and gold, looks like a room for a king and queen, by judging at the tiny living room it seems expensive, I smiled looking everywhere, it seems like I'm in a dream.

"Alison! Come check this out" Harry called

I made my way to the room where I more got amazed, the bed was very big covered with a cream comforter and the rest of the room was in red too, different reds, the curtains were very fine looking with it's gold accents.

"Wow" the words escaped my mouth

"You liked it here, don't you?" Harry asked sitting on the edge of the bed and bouncing himself up and down

"Of course I like it here"

I walked out the room leaving him in the bedroom to the bathroom and to the kitchen which was amazeballs as well, Harry followed me to the kitchen. I jumped when he poked my sides making me run he's not going to chase me this time, he tried chasing me all over the living room and to bedroom where he finally caught me, we both stumbled and landed on the bed, he keeps on tickling me.

"Stop--stop" I was running out if breath from panting and laughing, he stopped and gave me one of those killer smiles he had, and gave me a kiss, since we're in France I am allowed to say we 'Frenched kissed.'

I guess we won't be distracted by anyone this time..I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him to deepen the kiss, hunger overtakes both of us, his hands were both on the bed, but when I pulled him, his hands were running on my back and into my shirt, I felt very odd and stopped.

"Why?" he said

"It's not our time yet" he gave me a questioning look "because I want to have a stroll outside" I laughed

Uh--oh--I think I annoyed him, it's not yet time, we're not even married, he can wait...wait and wait, I hope he doesn't get tired.

I stood up from the bed and fixed my shirt and put my hair back on its place, I got my boots and wore them sitting on the carpeted floor. Harry followed suit but I think I really really did annoyed him, I am distracted.

"Let's go?" I grabbed his hand to the door to the elevator he has been silent for a while, until we finally made our way outside the hotel and took a walk to anywhere we're not really familiar, to be honest--I dare to be lost if Harry's by my side. We walked and walked and got crazy, but I am still bothered.

"I'll take a picture of you, stay there--" Harry said as I paused for a photo near the most famous wishing fountain or well? here in France I don't know what's that called but it's beautiful, they say, everything you wish would happen. I turned to my back away from the fountain and found a coin from my pocket and whispered my wish to it..It's cheesy to say that I wished for Harry being my forever, my soulmate, or my going to be partner. I really wish it would come true.

"What--did you wished for?" Harry asked me while we walked away from the fountain

"I can't tell you--it's between me and the coin" I laughed "How about you? did you wished?"

"Yeah-I did" he said

"What did you wished?" I asked him..I know what's the answer

"Of course--I can't tell you too" he laughed

We found the exit and walked and walked some more until we got to a Museum where there are so many paintings and it's endless, my mouth flung open on every single artwork I see, while Harry was busy taking photos of me..then the rest we spent talking about those paintings of what we liked and really really liked. I took the opportunity to talk to him about what happened earlier.

"Harry" I put my hands on my coat's pocket

"Uhm?" he said

"Are you annoyed about what happened at the hotel earlier?"

"Of course no--but okay in the first place I was, but I respect you Alison--and we're not even married so don't think about that anymore" he assured me.

Awwwwwwww! he had a great respect on me! I am so flattered to hear them from him, I wish every guy would be like him. I am lucky to have one. But because he made me smile, I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

The day went by, Harry as promised took me to the Eiffel tower. We fell in line as we waited for our turn for the elevator which would take us up the tower.

It is time! it's our turn now for the elevator, I grabbed Harry's arm as we rode the elevator, to be honest--I felt quite nervous--it's freaking high in there. But I focused on Harry's face so I would not get my panic attacks, but I pressed Harry's arm harder as the elevator went it's way up.

"Have you been up there before this one?" I asked him

"Yes" he said "It's beautiful out there" he pleased me that moment, and made me more excited than being nervous

The elevator bell sounded signaling that we have reached the highest peak of the tower. I went out off the elevator first and Harry following at my back. I went first to the railing, instead of looking down I looked straight at the view, it was breath taking as many people would always say, I think I have conquered my fears that time, Harry moved to my side grabbing my waist, I felt like I was a bit tickled which made me grab my chest.

"It's beautiful!" I said

"More than the hotel room" he laughed, the cold air hitting our faces.

Brrrrrrr I feel cold, I felt like the gloves and the coat and everything I have worn today didn't worked. I crossed my arms across my chest and rested my head on Harry's arm, feeling the wind and looking over the oh so good view of the lighted city of love, it's literally love right now.

"Are you cold?" Harry looked over at me, his hands resting on his coat's pockets

"Uhuh" I said, still my head resting on his arm

"We can come down if you want"

"No--I want to stay for a while" I was really enjoying this view

"Okay--but we're going to be Olaf" he smiled

"You know Olaf?" I laughed

"Of course!--I've watched Frozen" I didn't know he did when I told him the story about that

"Just few more minutes Harry" I put out my phone "I'll take a picture of you first then me, then us"

I took a photo of Harry making up a peace sign with his fingers then he took a photo of me by the railings overlooking the city up the tower then, I took a selfie of both of us, many selfies. Then we headed for the elevator down, the elevator seemed to have less passengers tonight so we took the opportunity for another selfie and since it's a long way down we took the opportunity to laugh at each selfie we did earlier.

That tower adventure was ace and I am really really happy though. Harry grabbed a cab for us to the restaurant to spend dinner time, I didn't know he brought his disguise, I just realized when I face him across the table in the restaurant.

"What do you want?" he joked trying to change the tone of his voice. Cutie pieeeee.

I cleared my throat "I want this!" I said on a child like way pointing to him an organic pizza

What a night it was we spend here in Paris I hope there would be more to come the next few days...I was thinking where else is the next plan of this cheeky bastard.

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