Chasing Champions

By SGD1318

13.4K 294 266

Where a young Aussie girl who loves anything to do with racing dirt bikes, that lives and breaths the sport... More

The Beginning
A New Start, In A New Country
Leaving everything behind, right?
To the track! Finally...
Make it or break it, the MX way
The Nightmare
I just want to feel happy right now, please...
New bike, new team, new life
The trip home, and tough decisions
Unfeeling is the new feeling, but not the best
Hot night, and a happy, carefree day
Last night of relaxing, then back to the grind
Won't stop, can't stop
What's wrong with me?
Off the bike, but into a new world
A new way of life as we know it
The horror
Will you really stay? In my darkest hour?
This is home
Happiness, and a shock
What the hell are we going to do?
Nothing is safe anymore, is it?
More the better, even if you can't see me
Oh Fuck
Bloody hell
Getting back to normal, or the new normal.
Back to it
Here enters Rhys Phoenix
Time flying by
His turn
Can we fix this?
Final planning
The big day
The stay at home honeymoon
A coming home surprise
Rought times, and two miracles
Coming home and Confirming
OBGYN and telling some family
Time skip
Holy hell...
Joy and hell, no, no!
Oh god...
What...What? No, no way...

The newest Lawrence

169 4 6
By SGD1318

Layla POV:

After getting to the hospital and rushed into a room we had done nothing but wait for two hours and nothing had changed. Still having contractions but hadn't dilated hardly anymore, which was extremely frustrating seeing as I had been hoping to have my son in my arms by now. Right now I was trying to get as much sleep as I could and Jett either pacing or talking to Sarah about what to do and how it will be and it was actually adorable. But after another three hours I was getting fed up with all this waiting, as I was having another contraction and squeezing Jetts hand again I choke out,

"I swear to god if your fucking son doesn't come out of my vagina here soon I will kill you!"

He drastically pales and looked at me in fear, quickly putting a hand on my stomach and says,

"Ok little bud, you heard mommy. Come out soon so I'll still be around to see you!"

Rolling my eyes I fall back limp as the contraction ends finally. I get my breathing back under control and I say,

"Sorry, it's just that it hurts to bad and I just want to get it over with already."

He nods and pushes some of my sweat soaked hair off my face and mutters,

"I know you do, so do I. I hate seeing you go through this and I can't do anything to help you. If I could I'd change places with you I would in a heartbeat."

I smile when I was hit with a even harder contraction than ever before making me sit up and lean over my bump like I was a ball, and was hit with the need to push. My eyes widen as I look over at Jett who looked panicked and I tell him,

"It's time, go get the nurse now Jett!"

He looked hesitant to leave me but after a second he took off. It felt like hours as the pain never went away till he came back with nurses and the doctor. The doctor quickly checked to see if I was dilated enough and looked at me and said,

"It's time."

Sarah POV:

I was pacing the waiting room along with Hunter, I just had too much energy to sit down and we both were worried. I bit my lip as I stare at the doors that kept us from them with my mind running 200 miles per an hour. I know my birth wasn't normal and nothing compared to hers but this waiting was killing me. I couldn't even imagine how they feel right now. I was so busy lost in my thoughts I didn't even notice Chase walk in front of me till he laid his hands on my shoulders. Jumping slightly I look up and see him smiling down at me, his face instantly calms me down. Resting my forehead on his shoulder and wrapping my arms loosely around his waist causing him to wrap his around my shoulders with his chin on top of my head. I start to relax as his warmth coats me, and I whisper,

"I have never been this impatient in my life I swear. I just want to meet my nephew already." 

I hear his chest rumble as his laughs and responds,

"Yeah, I could tell with you pacing a hole in the floor here."

I snorted as we started to randomly sway a bit. Around 10 minutes pass before I blink and ask,

"Um, where is Jace?"

I felt a kiss to the top of my head and he chuckled,

"Took you long enough, and Hunter has him. Gave Jace to him to get him to calm down."

I turn my head enough to look where we were sitting to see Hunter playing with Jace, and couldn't help but smile. I watch as they play and giggle and think out loud,

"You know, as much as a fuck up I am and bring nothing but troubles to everyone around me, I'm glad that my son is my opposite. He just brings people happiness, no matter what."

We stop swaying suddenly and I look up in confusion, Chase's face holds a frown as he just looks at me. After a bit I start to squirm in discomfort as he just looks at me. But before either of us could say anything Jett comes bursting out of the doors looking exhausted but incredibly happy as he rushes out,

"Rhys is born! 6lbs and 4 oz at 8:45am!"

Pure joy runs through me as I run towards him and bring him into a hug, the previous discussion forgotten to me. As everyone congratulates him he looks at me and asks,

"Hey, Layla asked if you wouldn't mind would you come back and see her?"

I blink and smile shaking my head and answer,

"Of course I don't mind, let's go!"

I grab his wrist and start to drag him back through the doors and I could hear everyone laughing but I didn't care. I get to meet Rhys, and I was first so eat that Hunter!

As we enter Jett takes the lead seeing as I didn't know where she was, but we quickly reach it. Walking in I see an absolutely drained Layla but she was glowing while holding her son. I stop and smile at her as Jett walks towards her and sits on the bed next to her and wraps his arms around her. Quickly taking out my phone I snap a photo that I know they will love to see later. Luckily I had put my phone away before they saw it out, but Layla looks up and smiles and says,

"Come meet your nephew already!"

With a light laugh I walk over to her other side and look down into her arms to see him for the first time. I could tell he was going to have his father's hair and nose, but as he opened his eyes, those eyes were completely hers. I gently reach out and lightly run a hand down the side of his face and mutter,

"He's precious you guys. Really, and I really hope he takes after Layla for your guys sake. I think she would lose her mind with two Jetts."

She starts to giggle and Jett looks at me in outrage as he says,

"Hey! Take that back, I'm awesome and you know it!"

All I do is shake my head with a laugh. I look over at Layla and ask,

"Not that I'm complaining but why did you ask for me first?"

They look at each other before she looks at me and asks,

"Well we were thinking, since you did so much for us would like to be his godmother?"

My jaw dropped is shock, it took a few seconds for my brain to compute what was just said. But once I did I smiled and told them,

"If you think I'm the best pick, I'd be honored to be Rhys godmother."

They grin at me and Jett fidgets and mutters,

"Do you think Chase would want to be godfather? I mean, if you think he won't I won't ask but that's who we have picked."

I blink and think for a minute, I was taken back to be honest. I knew that after losing my baby he wasn't exactly fond with Chase, but with him over at our house a lot they did get over it and started being friends but I had no idea they had gotten that close. I know he had taken Layla in as family, as they got along great. But I guess I was to busy with other things to notice them get that close. So I nod my head and tell him,

"Ask him like you asked me, and I think he'd say yes. You know through everything we didn't even think of that. Might have to talk to him about that."

I trail off in thought before snapping back and looking at them and tell Jett,

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go ask him already!"

And with a dorky grin and a kiss to Layla and their son's head he ran out of the room. I look back at her and we bust out laughing, making her wince and say,

"Shit that hurt like a bitch."

I snort as I sit on the bed and come back with,

"Yeah, your gonna be sore with all that for at least a week. Tomorrow will be the worst then it will get better as the days go on. Just know we will be there to help you two whenever."

She nods with a smile when Rhys started whimpering making Layla try and quiet him down. But he just kept softly crying, holding my hands out to try and help she hands him to me. After holding him for a minute I got him to calm down and fall back asleep. I hand him back to her and she frowns,

"Why couldn't I do that? Does he not like me?"

I give her a sigh and give her a soft look,

"No, that isn't it at all hunny. Sometimes Jace doesn't even calm down to me, but he will for Chase. No matter what he will for his daddy. You'll figure out what's what as you go along."

She nods and looks down at her son and smiles while taking his tiny fist in her hand. I watch her as she slowly starts to relax and the adrenalin of everything starts to leave her. I stand up gaining her attention and say,

"I'm gonna go get Jett, you need to rest and he can look over everything while you do. And everyone else can come by later. Right now it's all about your little family ok?"

She nods her head in thanks and I head back to the waiting room to see Jett talking to everyone. With a laugh I walk up and say,

"Jett I say this with love, but shut up and go back to Layla. She's exhausted and needs to sleep."

He snorts but gets up and walks to the door, but as he passes me he pauses and puts a hand on my shoulder,

"He said he would love to. Thanks Sarah. I honestly don't think you realise just how much you, both of you guys have done for us. We really appreciate it."

I just shake my head with a laugh and push him towards the door. He smiles back at me and disappears. I head over and say,

"Ok let's all head home and get some rest. We can come back after dinner. They need some rest and family time themselves right now."

They all grumble but we make our way out of the hospital and back home. When we walk back into the house I spin around and kiss Chase, shocking him before he kisses back. I pull away slightly and look straight into his eyes and say,

"Put Jace to bed, he needs a nap anyways. And meet me in the pool."

I wink over my shoulder as I walk out the back door and can hear him power walk up the stairs. I just shake my head and strip down to my underwear and slip into the pool. After a few minutes of floating on my back I hear the back door open and close. But after that it was quite so I stopped floating and looked to see Chase leaning against the pillar to our balcony with a soft look on his face. Before I could ask why he pushed off the pillar and walked towards the edge of the pool and sat down and put his legs in. I swam over to him and right before I reach him he reaches out to pull me in between his legs and holds me to his chest. As he held me I felt myself melt into him as I let go of all the stress for a bit. And it was a amazing feeling, as I was relishing in the light weight feeling Chase spoke up quietly,

"About earlier when you called yourself a fuck up, I just want to make this very clear. If I ever, and I mean ever hear you say that again I think I might just snap and go hurt every single person that's ever made you feel that way, and that probably includes me too. You are not even close to being a fuck up. You just had shit cards dealt to you and you did the best you could at the time. Your amazingly strong person, you have so many walls up that it's hard for people to get close, to get to know the real you. But at the same time you have a heart of gold and are willing to drop everything and help anyone who needs it. Your driven, hard working, smart, beautiful woman and I'm so lucky I have you as mine. So let me tell you again, never call yourself a fuck up because you are the not even in the same country of that."

I look up at him and see the same gentle look on his face but I also saw the dead serious too. I could feel my chest start to tighten as I try not to sob. That, that right there that he said is what I always wanted to hear but never thought I would. I bury my head into his chest as I start shaking and he just holds me closer to him. He kisses the top of my head and adds,

"I love you, all of you. And I'm always going to be here for you, remember that. I'm not going anywhere."

I nod my head as I finally break down. I felt so many emotions but the most prominent was happiness, relief, hope, and love. Love so strong for this man holding me that it was almost scary. But I managed to choke out,

"Thank you for everything. You have no idea how much that really means to me. I will try and not think of myself that way but it will take a while. And I'm not going anywhere either. I love you and our family way too much to ever even think about leaving. Your amazing Chase, never forget that."

And for the rest of the day we just laid around and finally felt complete. This was our life, and we wouldn't change it for the world.

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