mental state

By yeshbesh

58 6 0

Two broken souls cant fix each other but they can help each other. This story is about two teenagers who have... More

2. Wait here
3. breakfest
4. The hill
5. before it hurts
6. if you wanna
7. Oh the things I do..
8. The door was open
9. a promise
11. Thank you!
12. I can still choose
12.5 I hope
14. See ya!
16. so tired
17. He is here
18. Here
19. Beautiful
20. Strong
21. Today
22. as our tears hit the concrete

10. Support

2 0 0
By yeshbesh

Its been about three months since we started "dating". Although I would call this a real relasionship by now. We hang out whenever we can or whenever we want to. Bc we are both very unstable we need time to be apart often. And bc we are the same that works just fine. Tay often calls me in the middle of the night wanting to talk to me abt how much I meanto him and all that. Almost everytime he is drunk or high so I just listen to him talk not really taking anything he says seriously.

Today is the last day of school before summer break. Tay as always isnt here. Hes been away for abt a week now. Im guessing hes been at home for the most part. 

I was walking home and suddenly I heard two voices arguing in the distance. It was coming from my plae. I turned the corner and saw where the voices came from. It was Tay and some guy infront of my house. I stayed behind the corner making sure that Tay wouldnt see me. I wanted to see from afar what was going on before going up to Tay. 

"Do you have a death wish old man?" Tay yelled at the man infront of him. "This is none of your business. Im wating for her so you can calm down." The man sayd calmly and plaed his hand on Tays shoulder. Tay threw his hand off his shoulder "Thats it!" He raised his hand ready to punch. Thats it I have to intervene. I hastly walked up to them "Tay dont!" I grabbed his hand before he could do anything. "I didnt think you would show up after last time." I sayd to the man Tay had been arguing with. "What? Is it so wrong wanting to see my daughter?" he answerd. "What?" Tay looked at me with a confused face. "Come over later Tay. Ill take care of this." I sayd. I dont know why but I couldnt even look at Tay. "No, he an stay. Id like to know what kind of a man Tay is. After all you are dating my daughter." He looked at Tay and smirked.

We headed inside. I felt the tension between us all, it was strronnnnnggg. Tay wouldnt stop glaring at my dad and my dad wouldnt stop staring at me. It was frustrating. Dad went and sat down in the living room and Tay leaned onto the wall, still keeping his gaze on my dad. 

"Id like some coffee please." Dad sayd while smiling at me. "She dosent need to do anything you tell her to. Stay." Tay responded quickly. "I know that. Robert, what do you want? You never come to see me just bc you "miss me"." I asked him while standing next to Tay with my hands crossed on my chest. "Fine, Ill get to it. I cutting you off for good." He sayd while taking a document out of his briefcase. "Your mother needs to sign this and then its over. Its time for you two to stop living off of me." He sayd that while standing up and handing the document to me. I was beyond angry. "We never needed your money anyway!" I spouted at him. "Mom works hard and never wanted your money!" I sayd, while glaring at him. "Is that so? Then this will be easier that I thought." He pressed the document into my hand and sayd "Finally I can leave my mistakes in the past." He smiled and walked out with his head up high. 

Tay walked over to him "Hey!" He yelled to get his attention. Robert turned around and !SLAP! Tay slapped him. Robert just looked at him and laughed "You think shes worth youre protection? Shes a broken slut and if you want to remain your honor or dignity Id be best for you to leave. But I guess trash sticks togethor." He turned and walked out....

Robert has always been chasing money and glory. So when he found a rich family whos daughter was his age, he took his shot. He left us making sure we knew that we were just a test run and nothing but a mistake. He used the familys money to start a firm. They got married and had two boys. My mom demanded child support and he gave it. Mom always used every last bit of that money to make sure I always had what i neede. She also worked her ass off so we could keep the house. Robert would only show his face when he needed someone to beat with his words. He loved reminding mom that she was worthless and that Im a stain on his life. Even tho I wouldnt shed a tear if hed die, those words he sayd to Tay cut me deep.

My head hurt from trying to keep my tears at bay. Tay walked over to me, grabbed me into his arms and sayd:"Fuck him! He doesnt deserve you!". My tears made his blouse wet. He smelt good so i held onto him tight. "Its fine honestly. Im used to this. Im just angry that you had to hear this."

Later when mom came home I told her everything. She got furious and called Robert. He didnt answer. Hes cut us off. After mom signed the papers, she sent them to Roberts assistent and as promised the support money was history. Mom asked me if I could get a summer job so I could save up for school. I had no choice, we might not need Roberts money but without it we do need to work harder......

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