Left Alone

By Hirogo4Life

40K 644 285

Things are going great for Hiro and his friends, until somebody shows up and everyone leaves Hiro alone. How... More

Going to see him
Happy Birthday
What Happened!
Unexpected Guest
The Fight
Wake Up
Honey Lemon!
The Beans
The Amusement Park
Ferris Wheel
Time Together
Better or Worse?


1K 18 10
By Hirogo4Life

Gogo POV

"HIRO!!!" we scream as his heart stops beating.  I start crying, knowing that I've lost the person that I loved, and that I never got to apologize for what we did to him.  However, most importantly I never got to tell him how I truly felt about him, and now I never will.  Fred and Wasabi run to get a doctor.  Aunt Cass goes to Hiro, crying, shaking him to try and make him wake up.  Honey Lemon goes over to Aunt Cass trying to calm and comfort her.  I just fall to my knees and cry knowing I've lost everything.  "It should've been me.  I should've been the one that died.  Hiro had his whole life ahead of him, but instead he decided to save me.  How could he have died so soon, he just turned 15." I think to myself.  Fred and Wasabi run back with some doctors.

When the doctors come in they tell us to clear out so that they can try to save Hiro.  Honey Lemon, Wasabi and Fred drag Aunt Cass out and I follow behind, head in my hands crying.  I look back at him one last time when I see something that shocks everyone.  Hiro's heart start beating again and his eyes open.  "HIRO!!!" I screaming running over to him and give him a big hug.  The others look at me confused before seeing that Hiro is alive and run over joining me.  "Everyone please.  He needs some space." the doctor tells us as we back away.  I'm so happy that he's alive and okay.  "We're going to have to do an x-ray to see if there's any internal damage, but from what I can tell he should be fine.  However, it's a miracle that he survived." another doctor informs us.  When we look at Hiro again he's happy with a big smile showing off the gap between his teeth.  This is the first time in a long time that I've seen him smile and it makes me happy.

"Ms. Hamada we have a few things we need you to fill out." one of the doctors say to Aunt Cass.  She nods then say to Hiro, "I'm just so glad that you're okay." and gives him one last hug before leaving with the doctors.  "Hiro we're so sorry." I say to him.  "It's okay, I know how much you guys care about me." he says to us.

Hiro POV

"Hiro we're so sorry." Gogo says to me as Aunt Cass and the doctors leave.  "It's okay, I know how much you guys care about me" I say to them remembering what Tadashi said to me.  They smile at me and I decide to continue.  "I haven't forgiven you guys yet," I say to them making them frown a bit, "but Tadashi told me how much you guys care and need me.  So, I'm sure I'll be able to soon." I continue causing them to smile, then they realise what I just said.  "Wait, you spoke to Tadashi." they say to me confused.  "Yeah he told me how much you guys care about me, and convinced me to keep living." I say.

Gogo POV

I'm super happy that Hiro's alive, but I'm a bit sad that he hasn't fully forgiven us.  "I'll never forget about him, and hopefully he can forgive us soon.  Who knows, maybe I can finally woman up and tell him how I feel about him and we can be together." I think to myself smiling.  Aunt Cass come back and we spend the rest of the day with him, showing how much we care about him.

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