Something Different

By overwrite_badass

122 0 0

22-year-old Donna decides to take a road trip. While travelling, she meets Alex, another girl with a dark pas... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 4

3 0 0
By overwrite_badass

It was around 2 pm, and they hadn't stopped for lunch.

Alex had dozed off, so Donna felt uncomfortable putting on some music. After a few miles of the car's steady rumbling and silence, Alex got up.

'Morning... more like, afternoon, but whatever.'. She yawned and stretched, her arms slightly shivering as she did so. She pushed her hair back.

'Where are we? Why is it so silent, and why is it so hot?'

Donna sighed. 'We're still in Pennsylvania, approaching Ohio. There's nothing much to see here, so I didn't stop. It's silent because I didn't put on any music. And it's hot because it's 2 pm.'

'Hmm, someone who can answer all my questions. Nice. Put on some music.'

Alex clicked the radio button. The radio jockey was announcing:

'And now, we've got back to back songs from the album 'Fine Line' by none other than-'

'HARRY STYLES!' yelled Alex.

Donna laughed. Alex grinned.

'Fan, much?' chuckled Donna, shaking her head.

'Oh, very. Was I not obvious enough?' Alex laughed, her dark hair tumbling down her shoulders. Donna glanced at Alex. For the first time, she started to notice how pretty she was.

Alex had jet black hair and gorgeous green eyes that shone when the light hit them just right. Her nose was slightly upturned and her lips were a pinkish-beige colour, small and slightly puckered. She obviously worked out, because Donna hadn't seen a body this fit in a long time. Alex's collar bones were prominent and her arms were well-built, with a slight bulge at her biceps.

Donna must have been staring, as Alex snapped her fingers in front of her face.

'Woah, girl. Eyes on the road, please. I don't have a death wish.'

'It's not like I'm gonna crash.'

'I know, it's just that I wouldn't like to take any chances.'

'Fair enough.'

Donna slightly threw her head back. She was exhausted. Her hands were sweaty and her legs were numb from the constant driving.

Alex glanced over and took a long look at Donna. Completely taken in by her sharp features, Alex let out a small sigh.

'Let me drive.' Alex said, gently placing her hand on Donna's.

Donna felt a shiver go up her spine. She felt an electric touch where Alex had touched her.

'Um, it's okay, I can drive-'

'You should let me drive, you're exhausted.'

Donna let out a sigh of relief. She stopped the car at the side. They made the switch, and Donna promptly collapsed into the passenger's seat.

As Alex drove, she smiled at Donna. Keeping her gaze on the road, she decided to make small talk.

'Tell me about your family.'

'Who, me?' Donna asked, quite amused by Alex's attempt to make small talk.

'No, Donna. I was talking to the soda cans in the back.'

'Haha, very funny.'

'I know, I'm hilarious. Now go on.'

Donna took in a deep breath. 'Well, my dad works as a college professor. He teaches journalism at NYU. My mom... well, she was an accountant. She was a pretty big deal in her business but left 2 years ago. Now she-'

'Why?' interjected Alex.

'I don't know. She didn't like the job anymore. It got too much for her. These meetings, late nights and agendas... she got majorly stressed.'

'Hmm. Fair enough. It's a tough job.'

'Yeah, pretty much.'

'I don't like the whole ideas of jobs.'

Donna stared at her. Alex stared back.

'What?' Alex asked, a tiny smile on the corner of her mouth.


'Just the fact that you're stuck doing the same thing for the rest of your life.'

'That's an unfairly harsh way of putting it.'

'No, it's not. It's perfectly fair.'

Donna scoffed. 'Well, what about marriage then? It's almost the same.'

'Which is why I don't wanna get married either.' said Alex, shrugging slightly.

'That's the whole point of marriage! You commit to one person for the rest of your life. That's what marriage is!'

'Yeah. Which is why you can never be sure if the person is, as millennials call it, "the one". Alex put the last two words in air quotes.

'You do realise you're a "millennial"? said Donna, mocking Alex's air quotes.

'Yeah, yeah.'

Donna laughed. 'Okay, I'm gonna sleep now. Don't wake me up until we have some solid food.'

'Roger that.'

With one last chuckle, Donna passed out. 

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