Chapter 5

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'Hey, wake up. I found something cool.'

Donna woke up, startled. She pushed her hair back and wiped the bit of drool near the corner of her mouth. Rubbing her eyes hard, she staggered out of the car.

The sky was darkening, and the stars were already out. Donna checked her phone. The time read 6:50 and there were five missed calls from her mother.

'Oh, fuck.', Donna muttered.

Alex turned around and looked at her in surprise.

'Just gimme a second.' said Donna, and held up a finger. Alex nodded, and Donna rang her mom's number. She paced around nervously as the dial tone rang.

'DONNA AVERY HUDGENS, WHY DIDN'T YOU PICK UP YOUR PHONE?' yelled an angry voice through her phone, so loud, even Alex could hear it from three feet away.

'Ouch!' exclaimed Donna, pushing the phone away from her ear for a second.

Alex bit her lip to stop herself from bursting into laughter.

'Hi, mom. I'm so, so, so sorry!' Donna apologized. As her mom ran into a torrent of words, Alex doubled up in laughter.

'Alex, shut up, I can't hear her!' shushed Donna, afraid that she'd start laughing any minute soon.

'Mom, I need to go for dinner. I've reached a nice little diner. I'll call you tomorrow. NO! Gosh, I'm fine, I'm not kidnapped. Mom, seriously, stop it now. Okay, I'm gonna go. I'll call you tomorrow. Yep, I love you. Don't tell Dad. Okay, bye! I love you so, so much!'. As she hung up, she playfully punched Alex on her arm. Alex snorted with laughter, and Donna lost it. After ten minutes of uncontrollable laughter, they both stepped inside.

The diner was a quaint place, with soft lighting and small round tables. The floorboards creaked slightly when anyone walked over them. Old music played from the speakers, and the bar was more or less occupied.

As they sat down on one table, a small, plump waitress walked towards them.

'Hi, dears. Welcome to 'The Dry State Diner'. What may I get you started with? Some drinks? Our everyday special? A small meal?'

'Uh, what would you suggest two young girls who've just made it into the Pennsylvania state to have for dinner?' Alex asked, quite interested in their menu.

'Well, dearie, I could get you started on with some of our red wine, and the garlic butter steak-'

'Sure, we'll have two of those, please.' replied Donna, smiling.

'Alright! Anything else, sweethearts?'

'Nah, we're good.' Alex looked around.

'Nice place, isn't it? Small and cozy.' Alex shuddered.

'Yeah, makes me feel right at home.'

'Home...' Alex mused. 'Must be nice to have one.'

Donna knitted her eyebrows. 'What do you mean?'

'Nothing. Ooh, dinner's here.'

Donna grunted in frustration. Did the lady have to bring dinner right at the moment Alex was opening up?

Seeing the plate of steak in front of her really narrowed her vision. She could only focus on the food. She dived right in.

The two didn't say anything till they were done with their food. Around ten minutes later, they finally looked up from their plates and laughed.

'Damn.' Alex said. 'We really were hungry, hmm?'

'I was starving. I hadn't had anything to eat since morning.'

'Well, we're finally in Pennsylvania. That's good.'

'Mmh, yeah. It's a small state. We'll be across soon.'

'Sure hope so. There's nothing to see here.'

Donna leaned forward in her seat, towards Alex. As she edged closer, Alex's heart started beating faster. To her surprise, Donna took a napkin and dabbed the corner of Alex's mouth.

'You are not a tidy eater, are you?'

Alex sighed, almost relieved. 'Yeah, no. Not really.' She stretched. 'We need a place to crash. I heard they have rooms too.'

'Really?' asked Donna. 'Good, cause I need my beauty sleep.'


Minutes later, they were in their room.

Donna threw her duffle bag on the bed and very conveniently threw herself across too. Alex rolled her eyes.

'Scooch, Donna. I need my space too.'

'Make me.'

'What?' asked Alex, amused at this response.

'Make me move.' giggled Donna.

'Yeah, I think the wine has made you a bit tipsy.'

'Nonsense. I have a high tolerance.'

'Mhmm, I can see.'

Alex dived in. Placing her fingers on Donna's waist, she started tickling her.

Donna laughed uncontrollably. She desperately tried to get Alex's hands away, but Alex's nimble fingers made it impossible to do so.

'OH MY GOD, ALEX, STOP-' she got only five words in before she melted into peals of laughter again.

'Now you gonna move?' laughed Alex.

'No- I- oof, not there, ahahaha- I'm... not gonna... move-'

Donna's hands firmly grasped Alex's wrists. She rolled over until Alex was directly under her. Donna's hair had come undone, falling over her shoulders like a sheet of silk. Her breast was heaving, and their lips were inches away from one another.

Alex cleared her throat, and Donna snapped back to her senses.

'So, uh, are you gonna shower? Or I could go first...' stammered Alex, quickly getting to her feet.

'Yeah, that sounds good.' muttered Donna. Grabbing her duffle, she started rummaging through it.

As soon as Alex shut the door behind her, her breathing quickened. The way Donna held her... gosh, she was gorgeous. The way her eyes sparkled, the way her hair tumbled down her shoulders... Alex shuddered contentedly. A split second later, she shivered. What were these thoughts she was having?

She wasn't alone. Out in the bedroom, Donna had been thinking about that too. Why did she feel that mellow shiver every time Alex touched her? God, she'd loved the way Alex's fingers felt on her skin... warm and tingling.

The next thing she knew, she was lying in bed next to Alex. Alex had already fallen asleep. Looking at her rested face, Donna's eyes shut. 

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