Ink Illness: Double Ink ( BAB...

By DragonHeartsy

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[DISCONTINUED] BOOK 2 OF INK ILLNESS!! I suggest you should read the first book "Ink Illness" Before reading... More

Home Sweet Home (2)
Home Sweet Home (END)
EXTRA: Last Piece
You Again?!

Home Sweet Home (1)

261 10 25
By DragonHeartsy

Boris's POV

Finally after experiencing crazy stuff, me and the rest of the gang can finally go back home!

Well... Not all of us, Mr.Felix decided to talk more with the doctor so it's just me and the cupbros. Mr. Felix said that we should rest then clean up the house before him and my bro arrive.

"FINALLY! We're home!" Cups cheered as I searched my pockets to find the key to unlock the door. But when i was about to insert the key, the door slowly opens up. "Oh yeah.. I forgot that I didn't lock the door last time-" I laughed nervously while I rubbed my neck gently. "Well then I hope there's no thief" Mugs said in a worried tone "Relax guys, it's not like this is the first time anyway" Cups rolled his eyes and went inside casually, not even caring if there's anything dangerous inside

Mugs on the other hand doesn't want to let his guard down and prepared his hand to shoot blue bullets just in case if anything happens. "Fear not bestie! I shall protect you from any danger!" Mugs said, giving me a confident smile "Ok!" I Smiled back. We both went inside, it was dark and messy. Cups went up stairs, probably going to his bedroom to see if anybody touched his stuff.

Mugs and I looked around, checking if there's anything missing or broken. "Phew I'm glad nothing is gone, it's just a little messy here" I looked at Mugs and pat his shoulder "You can relax now Muggy, it's safe here" Mugs looked back with a worried face "If you say so bestie, sorry for being overprotective.."

"I'm actually quite happy that you care for me and the rest so much" I wagged my tail as a sign of happiness. Suddenly he gave me a tight hug "Aww bestie! Why are SO CUTE!" He looked at me with bright eyes and a bright smile"I-IM NOT CUTE! A-and please let me go, your choking me!" Mugs lets go of the hug, he backed away from me "Sorry bestie.." He said in a sad tone "It's okay, you didn't do it on purpose anyway" I brushed it off.

Ever since that ink monster 'incident' Mugman started acting.. Weird(?) It's kinda hard to describe it-

"Oi! Enough chit chatting and help me out!" Cuphead growled, he already grabbed a mop and a bucket. "Bendy's room is a total wreck, there's ink all over the floor" Cups added and handed me the mop and bucket. "I'll help you out bestie!" Mugs grabbed another mop "Thanks Muggy!" We both carried the cleaning tools upstairs to Bendy's room while Cuphead cleaned downstairs.

Once we entered, I almost slipped because of the black goop. Good thing Mugs was there to hold me. "Be careful next time, ok?" I nodded. We then started cleaning the floor

Cuphead's POV

"Why the hell is this house so messy?" I asked myself while sweeping the floor. What a great way to celebrate victory. I just faced a giant goopy demon that who knows how it even existed in the first place and after so long conquering all those obstacles and meeting the frickin ink illness again and I have to clean up the house?!

Though I'm glad Bendy's gonna be alright...Wait..WHAT AM I THINKING?! WHEN DID I CARE FOR THAT SHORTIE--

*Sigh* Never mind. It's just the matter of time till I can tease him again. Like the good ol days >:D

After sweeping the floor I went for the dishes, none of us got to eat properly for the last few days, so I'm making it up by cooking something fancy and maybe sweet. But first these dishes needs some clean-





Dammit Felix! When are you gonna come home?!


3rd Person's POV

Meanwhile, with Felix and the doctor. They're discussing on how to handle the ink demon without hurting Bendy. "Doc, I can assure you that the monster will be held captive and the citizens wouldn't have to worry about it" Felix tried to make the doctor agree to let Bendy go, but the doctor still doesn't agree "You know how dangerous it is? You should be grateful that your friend isn't terminated yet!" He stood up from his seat and grabbed a file from a book shelf, he then tossed it to Felix which of course he catched right on time

"What's this?" Felix raised an eyebrow. "It's the latest check up of your friend, Bendy. From the results, I suggest to let him rest inside the hospital for the moment, his condition is too dangerous!" The doctor kept waving his hands while talking non stop about why Felix's idea is a bad idea. Felix didn't really listen or even care because his heart believes that Bendy would be better to be taken care by his "family" Rather than being cooped up inside the so called "patient room"

"Doc, I may not be an expert at medic but I AM an expert when it comes to magical creatures. And from my point of view, keeping Bendy in a place like this would just make it worst"

"Letting your friend ALONG with that ink demon roam around the town is risky!"

"But doc, Bendy himself is already an ink demon. Me and the rest have been with him long enough to the fact that we see each other as family!"

"... You're really stubborn huh? We medics have faced the deadly ink illness for so long, this one is like no other. So we must make sure those events doesn't happen again..we're worried that this ink monster would spread the ink illness again"

"It won't, that creature has roamed around the town yet there's no new case of the Ink Illness"

"And it shall stay like that with THAT monster under MY supervision"

"Bendy can still be under your surveillance.. Just let him be with me!"

"... I think we could come to an agreement"

"Is it truly necessary to do this?"

"Would you like him be put in a cage or a collar?"


Yep.. This is FAR from Canon now-
Going back to BABTQFTIM after so long felt nostalgic ;w;
Anyways, yesss the story goes on! There's still more things that needs to be unfold + I learned how to do those glitcy text things and I wanted to try them out on chapter 2!

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