Forget Me Not

By AmethystStar19

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Kat's life was about to change in so many ways. She was about to remember a life she didn't know she had or w... More

Character Info
Chapter One: Lost
Chapter Two: Then There Were Two
Chapter Three: Truth
Chapter Four: A Flicker of Truth
Chapter Five: Training
Chapter Six: Kuchiki
Chapter Seven: Lost Soul
Chapter Eight: A Boy and a Girl
Chapter Nine: The Kiss
Chapter Ten: Wounds That Never Seem to Heal Part I
Chapter Eleven: Wounds That Never Seem to Heal II
Chapter Twelve: The Weirdo with the Black Mustache
Chapter Fourteen: Quincy
Chapter Fifteen: Goodbye
Chapter Sixteen: Flashes of the Past

Chapter Thirteen: The Odds

95 5 1
By AmethystStar19

Chapter Thirteen: The Odds

I looked at the beautiful garden in front of me. It was full of different flowers, especially Sakura blossom trees. They were his favorite and naturally they became my favorite as well.

I crouched down gently tugging on some weeds and watering the smaller planets I had recently planted. I slowly stood up admiring the beautiful garden. Suddenly someone wrapped their arms around my waist. Turning to look at my capturer I giggled happily seeing Byakuya.

"Lady Shihion, what are you doing out here all alone?" Byakuya questioned politely and I giggled at his antics.

"Just admiring the beautiful garden Lord Kuchiki." I said happily, leaning into his chest, enjoying his embrace. "The cherry blossoms look beautiful this year."

"Not as beautiful as you." Byakuya whispered into my ear.

My knees turned weak as his breathe blew into my ear.

"I love you Catalina." He whispered.

"I love you Byakuya." I whispered back.

I slowly fluttered opened my eyes staring at the dark ceiling.

"You were dreaming about him again." Yoruichi suddenly spoke up from my side.

She was coiled up beside me in her cat form.

"Yeah, I was." I muttered softly.

I slowly touched my lips. I have dreamt so many times with him kissing me that sometimes it felt so real. I rolled onto my side and looked at Yoruichi sadly.

"Sometimes when I wake up, I can almost fell how much I actually love him. But then it slowly fades away and slowly my feelings for Ichigo overshadow those faint memories." I whispered solemnly.

Yoruichi sighed, "Kat you have to understand that your feelings for Byakuya were or are extremely strong. It's almost like you two were soulmates; like the string of fate has you guys connected." she explained sincerely.

I looked at my hand imagining a bright red string attached to my finger and sighed rolling back onto my side.

"Somehow I miss him, Byakuya Kuchiki, but I don't even remember him half of the time." I whispered sadly, tears pooling around my eyes. "It feels like something is missing at times. I feel sad for no reason..."

Yoruichi jumped onto my chest curling up against my chin.

"Kat, do you think it's wise to get involved with Ichigo if you feel confuse about Byakuya." She whispered sternly.

"Byakuya is my past though, I don't even remember him. Just his name, these strange feelings and his eyes. I can't even remember how he looks half of the time." I admit tearfully. "But Ichigo, he is here and present. He could be my future." I explained somberly.

What are the chances I'll ever see Byakuya again?

[Next Day]

Keigo, Chad, Mizuiro, Rukia, Orihime, Eita, Tatsuki, Ichigo and I stood in front of the Principal and a couple of teachers. On the TV screen you could see Ichigo getting tackled by the security guards. I held back my chuckles when they showed Eita getting thrown to the ground too. Eita elbowed me annoyed and I just held back my laugh even more.

"I can't freakin' believe this! Do you guys realize what you have done?!" Kagine, our PE teacher screamed outraged. He pointed at the screen, "This was broadcast nationwide! Nationwide!" he continued screaming.

I flinched a little at how loud he was being, a little dramatic if ask me.

"Well, then? Kurosaki, do you have anything to say about this?" He asked sternly,

Ichigo made a smug face, "Hm, looks a lot like me doesn't he."

"You moron! Every inch of him is you!" Kagine screamed, his forehead vein popping out angrily.

Tatsuki suddenly spoke up, "Kagaine sensei." she said sternly. "I understand you called us here because Kurosaki, Eita and Rukia appeared on TV. But I think there was no reason for you to call Orihime, and me here." Tatsuki explained sternly.

Ichigo stared at Tatsuki disbelief that she threw him under the bus like that.

"Because you guys were there with them." He explained angrily.

"Unintentionally!" Tatsuki defended. "We just happened to be there." She added.

"Lies! I invited Inoue and Arisawa!" Keigo defended.

"Please don't listen to him, he is prone to delusions." Tatsuki said bluntly. "For that reason, we're going back to the classroom. Let's go Orihime."

I sighed and looked at Tatsuki bemused. She was saving herself and Orihime. Technically I could save myself but I was there even if you can't see me. Tatsuki stuck her tongue at Ichigo as they made their way out of the room.

"I'm so sorry Kagine sensei." Rukia suddenly spoke up tearfully.

I stared at her weirdly. Where the heck did the tears come from?

"All of this is because I couldn't stop Kurosaki and Ei-Harada." She continued tearfully, pulling out a tissue out of nowhere.

I narrowed my eyes at Rukia. Since when are they on first name bases? Interesting. Eita has some explaining to do.

"I was the closet to Kurosaki and Harada when they jumped in." She sniffled regretfully.

I held back my laugh at Rukia's acting, this was totally unlike her. I noticed Ichigo, Eita and the rest of guys jumping out the window.

Suddenly Kagine sensei realized they were escaping and ran to the window yelling after them. I felt Rukia tug on my hand and we both ran out of there too. I laughed the whole way out as we tried to catch up with Orihime and Tatsuki.

"Hey Rukia, can I ask you something?" I asked seriously, slowing down to a walk.

"Yes?" she asked happily.

"Do you like Eita?" I asked teasingly.

"What what?!" she stuttered embarrassed.

"Do you like Eita?" I asked again.

"No, what would make you think that?" She asked flustered looking anywhere but at me.

"I dunno, you guys seem close and I could have sworn you almost called Eita by his first name." I teased even more, noticing the dark blush forming.

"What about you and Ichigo? Do you like him?" she countered flustered changing the subject.

I squeaked probably turned red just like her.

"I...I do." I whispered softly.

Rukia stared at me surprised. I smiled at her sadly.

"But I'm afraid nothing will happen between us. I don't think he likes me like that." I explained remembering back to our conversation from last night.

"I wouldn't be too sure." She mumbled catching up with Orihime and Tatsuki.

I stared at her back surprised. Watching them walk off. I was frozen in thought when suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder.

"You ok?" Ichigo asked.

I turned to look at him and smile weakly.

"Yeah, just thinking." I replied, walking off with the rest of the group.

[Later that week]

I looked around the empty alley sighing annoyed. I stared at my phone as did Rukia. Ichigo and Eita were bitching angrily beside us.

"There is no hollow again!" Ichigo yelled angrily.

"How many times has this happened this week?!" Eita also growled annoyed.

"How odd." Rukia mumbled messing with her phone.

"It must be the phones they are broken." Ichigo said annoyed.

"I doubt it, I had Kisuke check it out last night and it was working fine." I said seriously; putting my phone away and looked around and noticed there was a spirit. "Maybe he knows something." I pointed at the scared spirit.

The spirit suddenly jumped forward, trying to hug Ichigo, "I was really, really shcared!! Thank you sho much!!" He yelled scared.

Ichigo stomped his foot on his head keeping him from hugging him.

"Tell me about the person who saved you!" Ichigo yelled irritated.

"Just now you said you were scared, so that means there really was a hollow here right?!" Rukia questioned the spirit.

"Hey man, tell us who defeated the hollow and helped you?" Eita asked bluntly, crossing his arms annoyed.

I stopped listening feeling a faint spirit force at the distance. I looked around the area and grabbed Eita's arm.

"Eita let's go home; I still need to study for the exams." I said seriously trying to pinpoint the spirit force.

"Yeah, guess you are right. See yea guys later." Eita mumbled tiredly.

We both walked off.

"Follow me." I said seriously.

We flashed stepped towards the top of a nearby building. Once we got there it was empty. I walked around the area frowning.

"What are we doing up here?" Eita asked confused.

"There was someone here with a high spirit force sort of like us." I muttered feeling around the area, but the spirit force was gone now.

"You think that's the person who has been taking care of the hollows before us?" Eita asked seriously.

"Possibly, we should be careful and keep an eye out for it." I muttered.

[Next Day]

I stared at the huge piece of paper in front of me. I looked through the list of names trying to find mine. I gasped pleasantly surprised to see my name in 2nd place.

2 Catalina Shihoin

I can't believe I'm 2nd, all that studying really paid off. To be fair I do nothing but train, study and hunt hollows. I looked around and realized Ichigo and Rukia weren't here, they were probably off fighting some hollows.

"Wow. You are doing well as ever."

I heard Tatsuki exclaimed surprised looking at Orihime's place.

3 Orihime Inoue

"Kat, wow, 2nd place! You aren't doing half bad yourself." Tatsuki complimented happily.

"Yea, I guess since I spent so much time at home, I just study a lot." I said embarrassed.

"Kat don't say that! You are smart even without having to study!" Orihime said happily.

"Wow, who knew Orihime was so smart!" Michiru cooed amazed.

I nodded agreeing with Michiru.

I gasped surprised when I felt someone leaned forward next me.

"2nd place, guess that makes you a nerd." Ichigo snickered beside me.

I blushed slightly feeling his face beside mine.

"I'm not a nerd! I'm just smart." I said flustered, swatting his face away before I passed out from embarrassment. "Plus, what are you talking about... Mr. 18" I said looking at his name on the list.

18 Ichigo Kurosaki

"I didn't think you were this smart." I snickered loudly.

Ichigo scoffed at my teasing and I smirked. I was going to grab his hand but decided against it.

"I was kidding." I whispered tentatively.

"I know you were." He muttered giving me a small smile.

"Where were you this morning?" I asked changing the subject.

Ichigo stood beside me and shrugged.

"Another no-show hollow." He muttered annoyed.

"Any idea who is taking care of them?" I asked seriously.

"No." He replied.

"Well girls aside none of our comrades have betrayed us. No one got on the top 50." Keigo exclaimed happily.

"Uh, look again Keigo." I mumbled pointing at Ichigo's name.

"WHAT?!" Keigo shouted shocked. "HOW DID YOU GET SO HIGH?! Keigo questioned shocked.

"Shut up. I get home early; I have nothing better to do so I study." Ichigo hissed angrily.

"Lair! I always offer you to come and hang out with us! But you always refuse!" Keigo shouted angrily. "So that's what you were planning all along! NERD!" Keigo shouted running away from him.

I chuckled softly, "Who's the nerd now?" I questioned snickering. Ichigo narrowed his eyes at me. I just smiled sweetly walking over to Eita who was looking at the list.

"I thought you would have been off somewhere smashing lips with Rukia." I snickered happily.

"Eh!" Eita exclaimed shocked his eyes practically bulging out of his eyes. "What the hell are you talking about?!" Eita hissed looking around flustered.

"Relax. No one heard me." I said teasingly.

"So, big deal we are dating." Eita mumbled.

"I'm just saying I'm happy for you two. You two make a cute couple." I added shrugging.

I looked at the list smiling. "Seems your studying also paid off." I added looking at his name.

"Yea, just keep that idiot away." Eita said pointing his thumb at Keigo who still hadn't left Ichigo alone.

Eita walked over to them shoving his hands into his pocket.

"Eita, Chad let's go hang out. Unlike some people we're not in the top 50!" Keigo stated tearfully, elbowing Eita and Chad.

Eita sighed pointing at his name on the list.

5 Eita Harada

Everyone's jaw dropped at Eita's position.

"What the hell?" Ichigo questioned shocked. "How are you so high on the list?" Ichigo questioned.

"What, you think I'm stupid or something? Who do you think helps Kat study?" Eita questioned annoyed. "I'm not you." he scoffed.

"Bastard." Ichigo mumbled annoyed.

"Eita you're a traitor just like Ichigo! Be gone!" Keigo shouted breaking down into tears.

"Chad, come on let's go we don't need to be around these traitors!" Keigo sobbed elbowing Chad.

Chad simply pointed at the list.

11 Yasutora Sado

"WHAT?!" Keigo and Mizuiro shouted at the same time shocked.

"We are never hanging out with you two again! Traitors! Devils!" Keigo shouted as they ran away crying.

"Tsk, if we're devils, what the hell does that make the top ranked person?" Ichigo mumbled annoyed looking up at the list. "Ametatsu...Ishida." Ichigo mumbled.

"Who's that?" I questioned confused looking at the name.

"It's Ishida." Orihime spoke happily. "Uryu Ishida."

"Never heard of him." Ichigo spoke annoyed.

"Oh yea, he's in our class." I said realizing, he was the quiet kid with glasses.

"What? Really, he's in our class?" Ichigo asked embarrassed.

"Yeah remember, the kid with the glasses and dark hair." I described him.

Ichigo's face went blank.

"Don't bother Kat he won't remember him." Tatsuki said walking away with Orihime.

"Uryu." Ichigo mumbled trying to remember who he was.

[Nobody's POV]

"Kisuke pick up!" Rukia growled angrily at her phone.

"He isn't going to answer." Eita mumbled sitting on the railing.

"Eita." Rukia stated surprised, looking around the area just to make sure no one was around.

"Yeah I wouldn't worry too much about Kat finding out about us." Eita said bluntly sighing as he jumped off the railing.

"They found out." Rukia asked embarrassed.

"Just Kat knows. But she won't tell anyone." Eita assured her.

Rukia stared at her phone trying to figure out what's wrong with it.

"So, you think it's broken?" Eita questioned.

"Do you?" Rukia countered.

"No. I know what I felt. Every single time that thing goes off I feel a hollow. But just as quickly as it appeared..." Eita spoke seriously looking at Rukia, "It disappeared." Eita said snapping his fingers.

"I'll have to go by the store to get Kisuke to check my phone." Rukia muttered still not convinced.

"I'll go with you. It's my turn to work anyways." Eita said shrugging and Rukia nodded.

"Eita there's something else I have been meaning to tell you..." Rukia started off sadly. This caught Eita's attention and he looked down at her seriously.

Before he could say anything, the phone started to beep. Rukia grabbed her phone running off but stopped when Eita grabbed her wrist softly.

"Ichigo and Kat can handle it." Eita stated seriously. "What's wrong?" He questioned confused.

"It's nothing." Rukia said softly.

"It's something, if you are making that face." He said seriously.

[Kat's POV]

I stood by the window staring out it, the sun was slowly going down. I was trying to focus to see if I happened to feel the same strange spirit force from the other night.

''s in the school.' Mizu voice suddenly echo through my mind.

I slowly focused everything I had and started to search around the school when suddenly I felt something else nearby. I gasped surprise speed walking to Ichigo.

"Ichigo I need to talk to you!" I shouted grabbing his hand, dragging him down the hall.

"What is it?" Ichigo asked as he ran after me.

"A hollow." I said seriously looking at him over my shoulder.

"It better be there this time." Ichigo muttered seriously.

Ichigo suddenly bumped into someone and I let go of his hand continuing to run but stopped. The spirit force. By the time I turned around his was gone and Ichigo was already catching up to me. Shit. They got away.

I picked up my pace again and we ran towards where I felt the hollow. As we got closer, I suddenly stopped feeling it and realized that person had taken care of it again. The hollow was gone again.

I looked around the street glaring at the empty street in front of me.

"It's not here again." Ichigo mumbled looking at me.

"They took care of it while we were on our way here." I muttered annoyed.

I stared around the area trying to feel their spirit force. They still had to be nearby they couldn't have gone far.

"Kat are you sure it was here?" Ichigo asked slightly unconvinced.

"It was here." Eita said suddenly arriving with Rukia.

"My phone also went off. It should have been here." Rukia added.

"Well your phone is broken and no offense Kat are you sure your spirit force tracking is right?" Ichigo questioned.

"Of course, its accurate." I hissed annoyed.

I know what I felt. I knew there was a hollow here. Suddenly I felt it again, the person was coming towards us.

"They are coming." I muttered to myself looking around the street.

"Another hollow?" Ichigo asked concerned.

"No, a person." I said seriously.

"Good Evening, Kurosaki-kun Kuchiki-san Shihoin-san Harada-kun." A male in the shadows greeted politely.

I felt goose bumps run through my entire body. Who the hell was this eerie boy? The boy stepped out from the shadows and I realized who he was, it was Uryu Ishida from our school. He's a shinigami? No, his spirit force is different from a shinigami, he is something else.

"Hey how do you know our names?" Ichigo questioned angrily.

"Kurosaki-kun, you can see ghosts." Uryu stated cruelty.

We all looked at him shocked.

"Who are you?" Eita questioned seriously.

Uryu was about to speak but stopped suddenly. He stared at the distance and I felt it too, another hollow.

"Shit." I muttered.

"What is it Kat?" Ichigo questioned my serious face.

"A hollow." Uryu stated seriously. "Or am I wrong Shihoin-san." He asked raising an eyebrow at me.

Suddenly Rukia's phone went off.

"Where is it?" Ichigo asked seriously.

"You call yourself a shinigami and you can't even locate a hollow." Uryu scoffed. "It's that way." Uryu pointed to the direction I felt the hollow at.

I slightly covered my eyes when bright blue spirit force formed into a giant bow and arrow in Uryu's hand. I stared at him disbelieved as he shot an arrow towards the hollow killing it.

"Who is this guy?" Eita mumbled angrily.

"Uryu Ishida...Quincy." Uryu stated simply. "I hate shinigamis." He added bluntly glaring at Ichigo.

[Later That Evening]

I sat crossed legged mediating connecting with my zanpakuto. I slowly submerging myself into my inner world. I slowly opened my eyes appearing in my inner world. Kaji stood before me with his arms crossed.

"You should have beat some sense into that bastard." Kaji growled annoyed.

I slowly stood up holding my zanpakuto.

"He's a classmate. I won't hurt another person for no reason." I said softly.

Kaji scoffed.

"Kat with your recent battles we have noticed your strength and have decided it's time you start focusing on a new ability with your Shikai." Inazuma explained, grinning happily.

"A new ability?" I asked slightly confused.

"It's a really awesome one too Kat!" Kuki giggled happily running up to me, I hugged her tightly.

I patted the young spirit's head softly and smiled at how adorable the young spirit was.

"It's time you start to learn to use more than one of us at a time." Koori explained sternly.

I stared at her surprised.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"In order for you to be able to use Bankai you must have mastered the ability to use more than 3 of us at the same time." Mizu explained gently, giving me a motherly smile.

"3 of you at the same time." I exclaimed surprised. "Can I really do that?" I asked amazed.

"Yes, but you will have to train hard. It will take a lot of spirit force to able to handle using more than one of us at a time. You will have to train extra hard." Kage warned sternly.

"Are you ready for that Kat?" Chi questioned sternly.

"Let's get started." I grinned happily unsheathing my zanpakuto. 

[To be Continued]

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