Sunflower (HS) *PAUSED*

By Nsandhu_falling

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Sunflowers sun·flow·er /ˈsənˌflou(ə)r/ noun noun: sunflower; plural noun: sunflowers *includes mature langua... More



77 3 0
By Nsandhu_falling


August 19th

Walking towards Jeff's office, I pass a lovely old lady who I haven't seen before.

I smile at her and she does the same, and after I round the corner, I head to his office.

I walk in and he's doing some paperwork, and he looks up when he hears me.

"Harry! Sit down." He says and I sit on the chair in front of him.

I grab a peppermint candy from the jar on his desk, and smile at him, as I pop it into my mouth.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask immediately.

"Ok, so don't take this the wrong way, but who's that girl? You know the new one?" He asks me and I get taken aback, not expecting that at all.

"She's my friend. I met her a couple weeks ago, and she's really sweet, she can be a pain in the ass though." I chuckle, thinking about last night.

"Only a few weeks? And you let her come into the studio? What if she recorded something and posted it?" He says and I look at him confused.

"She wouldn't do that." I say, completely trusting her.

She's too pure.

"And you don't know that? Do you?" He says, putting his fingertips together on the desk.

I look at him even more baffled.

"You didn't care when I brought other friends into the studio." I say and he just sighs.

"Harry. I was just making sure, because I don't want stuff to get out about the new album." He says and I just sigh a bit.

He doesn't even know the one song I did about her.

"Well then what do you want to happen?" I ask.

"You can keep her in your life, I don't have control over that, but just don't try and have a lot of people hear the songs in making." He says soothingly.

Jeff has always been such a great friend of mine but I'm very confused right now.

"Um sure...I don't even know if she liked coming to the studio anyways..." I say, making an excuse.

I'm still going to play snippets of my music to her.

I have to. If I don't, I'm not showing her any part of me.

"Ok, one more thing. Try to keep your guys' friendship on the down low, for now at least." He says and I raise an eyebrow.

I wasn't going to anyways, I don't want to expose her sweet soul to the cruel media.

But it doesn't make sense why he would specifically say.

"Just...Harry. The media has never seen you with a do I not sound rude..." he says, while I sit utterly confused.

"A girl? They have plenty of times." I roll my eyes at all the relationship stunts I've had to do.

"No Harry. She's a girl, yes. But you know....she's different." He says and I completely understand what he's saying now.

Her skin colour.

"Different how? That she's Canadian? That she's not famous?" I push him, not getting why he even has to bring this up.

"Harold...I'm not trying to be rude to her, but imagine how much she's going to go through. All the girls you've dated before got so much hate already. Add race on top of that. I know this isn't your fans but the media. They are going to tear this poor girl up and she's going to suffer." He speaks out and I just shake my head looking down.

"She is amazing, and if people can't see that, they're stupid." I say, defending her.

"If you let even your friendship happen, it's going to somehow end up all pointed to you at the end and how you dragged her into this." He says sternly.

Shit. He's right.


September 3rd

It's been two weeks since I've seen Dianthe in person.

I've been texting her a couple times, just checking in to see how she is, but other than that, I haven't done much.

Which sucks because I really want her in my life, but I know I'm going to end up hurting her some way.

I still feel really bad, so right now I'm headed to a small flower shop to get her some sunflowers.

I park my car in front of the tiny store, and hop out of it, grabbing my phone and wallet.

As I walk in, I see a blond girl turned away from me. She turns around when she hears the small bell ring, and her smile slowly fades when she sees me.

I tilt my head a bit, confused.

Then it hits me.



"So...the cat finally came out of the bag. Oh mon dieu..." She says the last part under her breath, raising an eyebrow at me.

I look down.

"Well what do you want mister? Dianthe is back there on her break, so hurry up because she's going to be broken if she sees you buying flowers for someone else. Believe me, she might try to hide it, but she got really sad once you stopped asking her to hangout." Anna says and my eyes go wide.

"Shit. Fuck, oh my god...ok so firstly I hate myself for not talking to her as much, but I was going to get flowers for her to apologize. Also, she's here?!" I babble out.

"Monsieur...I know you're famous and all but if you even think about hurting my best friend..." She glares at me. "I will cut off your dick and slap you across the face with it."

My eyes get even wider. "I won't, I won't try to." I say and she squints her eyes at me.

"Well...what do you want?" she says and I snap out of it.

"Um, some sunflowers please, I don't care what size bouquet, just something Dianthe would like...also could you put some of those cherry things in it please?" I ask quietly.

She squints at me again and types in the order, ringing me up. "Your total is $19.72, how would you want to pay?"

"Um, in cash please." I say and hand her a $20 bill. "Keep the change."

"Was planning on it." She mumbles under her breath and I sigh. "Lucky you, I already have a bouquet of sunflowers and I just have to add the cherries."

I wait beside the doorway and she takes about 5 minutes to get everything ready and then she calls me over.

"Here you go." She says, still in a monotone voice.

"Thank you, also, what time does she get off work?" I ask, pleading that she tells me.

She sighs again. "At 2:30...don't hurt her."

I nod and walk out the door, giving her a small smile, to which she just looks at me.

I hop into my car and as I do I look up and see Dianthe come through the back door, her head down.

She had a cute little black apron on, with a giant white shirt underneath.

I smile slightly, looking at the sunflowers.

Don't fuck this up Harry.


It's 3 o'clock right now, and I am pulling up to Dianthe's house.

It's been 3 hours since I went to pick up the flowers, and I have come to a decision.

I will give her the flowers and a small note I wrote in it. I wrote a small poem for her, basically just apologizing. I plan on telling her about my conversation with Jeff.

I definitely do not want to stay away from her, but I should've known from the start that I was going to do something like this.

I hurt Sirena, someone who is so hard to hurt. Yet I still managed to do it.

Dianthe is way easier to hurt and I could never forgive myself if I hurt another woman.

I shake my head, not wanting to think about her right now.

I walk up to her front door, seeing her yellow bike parked in front of the house.

I've never seen a car that she owns. Only the bike.

I take a deep breath and ring the doorbell.

"Coming!" I hear her sweet voice through the house, bringing a small smile to my face.

She opens the door, a towel wrapped around her small frame.

I try to hide the gulp that I can't help.

Her eyes widen and she closes the door a bit.

I cover my eyes and stick the flowers out, trying to lighten the mood and make a joke.

She giggles.

"Harry, I'm so sorry, um you can come in, let me just go get changed." I uncover my eyes and see her open the door wide and I walk in.

"Make yourself at home golden." She says and I smile at the nickname.

I walk into the cozy living room, and honestly my entire house looks like shit compared to this.

It's so homey and mine is just barely decorated.

I sit down on the couch, Dianthe already gone, to what I assume is her room.

I look down at the sunflowers.


My head snaps up as she walks back in with a pair of white sweatpants and an oversized light pink jumper.

"So, hi." She laughs. "What are those for?"

"You, who else?" I tease.

She looks down to the ground, getting all shy.

"Sit down now will ya, and don't go all shy on me." I say and pull on her arm gently and she sits down.

I hand her the flowers and she smiles widely at them, and then sees the note.

She goes to grab it but I touch her hand, feeling shock waves through my arm.

"Open it when I'm gone." She furrows her eyebrows in confusion but still puts the flowers on the small coffee table in front of us.

I look at her and she smiles a bit, tilting her head. "Where, um where have you been? I assumed you were writing songs so I didn't text you, and I mean we barely know each other so you don't have to even talk to me and-" I cut her off.

"'re rambling." I laugh. "And to answer your question, I need to tell you something." I say seriously and her face grows a little panicked.

It's now or never Harry.

"I had that meeting with Jeff after the day you came to the studio." She nods. "Well he just pointed out how if the paps found out we were even friends, you would get tons of racism towards you and technically it would be all my fault because I dragged you into this and that's why I distanced myself from you. But I soon realized that it's very hard to stay away from someone like you because you are the sweetest person I know other than my mom, and you just have a pull to you that nobody can resist. You are utterly gorgeous and if anyone even thinks of hurting you, they are completely heartless. There is a reason I nicknamed you sunflower. You are so precious." I end my small speech and I hadn't realized I had moved over beside her. My hand almost reaching out to touch her cheek when she just looks at me dumbfounded, like no one has ever said something like that to her.

"I- Harry- I, thank you, oh my god that was probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever told me, holy shit-" She gently grasps my hand in hers, feeling lightening bolts of electricity through my veins. "Harry I don't fucking care what people say about my race. It's who I am and I am proud." She says and then just looks at me. Staring into my soul.

My lips part a bit, and I see her eyes quickly glance down to them, mine not being able to resist to do the same.

I slowly bring that same hand up to her cheek, gently caressing it.

This causes her lips to part and hold my hand up to her face.

I slowly lean in, my eyes glancing down to her lips. Both of our breaths quicken in anticipation of the inevitable.

"Sunflower." I say out of breath and she looks at me. "Can I kiss you?"

Right when I think she's about to say yes, something flashes in her eyes and she pulls away, blinking rapidly.

My heart drops into my stomach, knowing I fucked up.

"Harry..." She says in pity, and I shake my head. "No, Harry, you don't understand, I can't. You don't know how bad I want to, I just can't."

"Why Dianthe, I'm not pressuring you but if you want to, why are you scared?" I say and she stands up.

"Do you want some watermelon, I have some cut up and I'm hungry. You know what, I'll just go and get it." She says and leaves to the kitchen, not even hiding the subject change.

I sigh, "Cherry, you can't keep hiding like this." I say and she walks out with a plate of cut up watermelon.

She places it on the table and sits back down beside me.

"Fine, you want to know why I can't? It's because I have to get an arranged marriage and fulfil my mom's wish even if I don't want to, but she's my mom and I have to do it." She says aggressively, as if she's wanted to get that out there for a while.


"No, I do not need anyone's pity." She says sternly.

"Love, you don't have to do anything they say, and they cannot control your life. Besides they are back in Canada, not here." I turn my body so it's completely facing her and she stays facing the table, her elbows on her knees and face covered.

She starts laughing a bit.

"Yup they are all back in Canada." She states the obvious and sighs a little.

She looks at me and I look at her eyes, watching them get all glossy.

"Excuse me." She says and practically bolts away to the bathroom.

"Shit." I mutter under my breath.

I kneel over and glance up at the watermelon sitting on the table.

I chuckle pathetically, knowing I probably lost my sunflower forever, and grab one to eat.

What am I saying.

She was never mine to begin with.

- - -

Word count : 2411


I was lacking a bit of motivation, and school is hard, so is working with children almost everyday, and other things have been on my mind, and now I'm just making excuses...

Well I hope you guys enjoyed it none the less!

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