Elimination โ˜ž๏ธŽ Teen Wolf [4]

By -pastelmic-

782 6 4

Elimination (adj.) the complete removal or destruction of something. Why isn't Kate Dead? What is happening t... More

Kate & La Iglesia
Cousin Miguel & Berserkers
Liam & New Territory
Vixen & Monster
Dead Pool & Professional Assassins
DEREK & Immortal
Quarantine & Hale
45 Minutes & Vengeance
Lorraine & Gasoline
Cassette & Best Thing

Mantra & Home

60 1 0
By -pastelmic-

Chapter: Eleven

Zara is woken up by Derek's alarm again, she sits up and shakes Derek awake, he's a deep sleeper when he's more human but he shot up as soon as he heard it. They shared a glance before getting up and pulling on their clothes, Zara just pulling on her bra and underwear while Derek just pulled on some sweats... reminding her again that he is wearing nothing else underneath it.

Not now, Zara!

She walks in front of him as she unlocked the door, she sees the entire pack standing in front of her, except Kira and Scott.

"Guys, what the hell? It's 9am."

"Sorry for... interrupting you guys." Liam gulps, his eyes scanning her frame, making Derek step in front of her, Zara just snorts.

"Scott and Kira have been kidnapped!" Stiles rushes out.

"What? What do you mean? Who took them?" Derek said firing questions

"It was Kate and the Berserkers, she took them to Mexico." Lydia replies

"Okay, so we have to go back to Mexico?"

"Looks like it." Jackson responded

"Okay." Zara sighs, "We're going on a rescue mission."

After everyone left and Zara and Derek were able to shower and get dressed again they were standing in the middle of the loft. Zara was feeling very overwhelmed, both of her friends were taken by the person she hated and had almost killed, and then there was Derek. The person she had said I love you to the night before, the person she made love with, the person who was fated to die and leave her.

She didn't know what to with all these emotions, she felt herself start to hyperventilate as Derek's arms anchored her back to life, she let out a shaky breath as she gazed into his jade green irises, she focused on the thumping in his chest, memorized it like it was her favorite song because eventually, that's all she'll ever remember of it.

"Zara." Derek says, caressing her cheek.

"Derek.. how are you so okay with this?"

"What do you mean?" He asked

"How are you okay going to Mexico right now? We're going against Kate and her Berserkers. You could die, you probably are going to die and you just seem... okay."

He sighs, "That's because I am okay with it."

"Well you know that I'm not okay with any of this." Her voice cracks

Derek cups her cheeks before pressing their lips together, their temples meeting as a tear slips down Zara's cheek. "If it saves Scott and Kira... then I'm okay with it."

Zara changed the subject, she didn't wanna talk about Derek and him accepting his death anymore because she couldn't handle hearing that from him.

"Speaking of Berserkers, I think we're walking into a losing battle. How do we kill them? Can they even be killed?"

Suddenly there a footsteps on the stairs, Zara groans. Why the fuck is Peter creeping in the loft when he has his own fucking place?

"Oh you can kill them, it's just nearly impossible. It's not just killing them, it's breaking the animal spirit from the soul beneath it." Peter says finally revealing himself at the bottom of the stairs.

"Well the only person with that kind of experience is Argent and he's not getting back to me." Derek says

"Well then we're going to need help, like Malia, Liam, and definitely me." He says with a grin.

Zara gets a bad feeling in her gut, worse than usual when Peter's around.

"We have help, the pack already knows we're going to Mexico."

"We better hurry too, it's a full moon and Liam can't control the shift yet." Derek says

"We need a van or something just incase Liam needs space to wolf out." Zara runs her hands through her hair, she's so stressed out right now.

"I think I have idea, but you're probably gonna hate me." Derek says

And yep, he was right.

She hates him a lot right now.

"Derek! You called Braeden?" Zara whines

Derek just smiles before cupping her cheeks and pressing his lips to hers, "I still owe her money, meaning she'll do whatever I say. This is just a favor, okay?"

Zara pouts, "Fine."

"So how did you get the prison transport van?" Stiles asked

Braeden scoffs, "I'm a U.S. Marshal."

"I thought that was just a cover." Jackson jumps in.

"Okay one question, are we really bringing Peter?" Isaac says

"Are we really bringing Liam?" Derek replies back, Zara elbows him in the stomach.

"Be nice." She jokes, Derek just rolls his eyes.

"We're bringing everyone we can, considering Scott and Kira were taken the night before a full moon we should definitely get going." Peter replies

Zara walks over to Malia who hasn't said a word since she found out Kira was missing, "Malia? How are you doing?"

"I'm freaking out." She responds, her breathing uneven.

"Hey, Malia. We're gonna find them." Zara says placing her hand on her shoulder.

"It's just.. she came to my place before she went to find Scott, I kicked her out Zara. She came to apologize for what happened and everything and I just.. I didn't even let her get a word in. I should've forgiven her but.. I'm so new at apologies and forgiveness I just... god. If I had just let her speak then maybe she and Scott would be fine right now." Zara frowns deeply, when she sees the brunette is crying, she pulls her into a hug.

"This is not your fault, Malia.  Nothing you could've done would change this, Kate wanted Scott and Kira was with him. It could've been any of us with him yesterday, do not blame yourself for the two of them being taken, you hear me?" Zara says before pulling away and looking Malia directly in her bloodshot eyes.

She chuckles, "You sound like my dad, sometimes I forget you're older than the rest of us."

Zara rolled her eyes as she wiped her friend's tears, "We're gonna find them, okay?" Malia nods before giving her a small smile. Zara then walks back over to the Derek when she's sure Malia will be okay. "We good to go?"

Derek nods, "We better go now."

Zara nods before climbing into the prison transport van along with Stiles, Derek, Liam, Jackson and Isaac. Braeden was gonna drive the van and Peter was gonna drive Malia, once everyone was settled they started making their way to Mexico. Derek leaned over and handcuffed Liam to the seat, Liam nodded slowly with a nervous look on his face.

"I brought something for you, it's been in my family for centuries. It's a very powerful supernatural talisman. It helped all of us with the shift." Derek says with the triskele in his hand, he than hands it to Liam who takes it into his hands, he scans it.

"Thank you, Derek." Liam says

Derek nods, "You'll get your shift under control, don't worry about it too much."

Liam nods in understanding.

Zara nudges Derek with a smile playing on her lips as he turns towards her, "That was sweet."

"Shut up, Zara." Derek replies but he has a smile on his face.

It's nightfall when Liam starts to shift, Zara watches as his claws come out and his eyes start glowing their bright amber, he's sweating and grunting as he tried to keep himself under control.

"What ever you need to teach me, you should do it now." He grunts

"Okay Liam, there are mantras that work for certain werewolves. For me it was Alpha, Beta, Omega. Try that one" Derek says

Liam does, he repeats the words about 10 times but it doesn't do anything more than make him more feral, Derek, Jackson and Isaac are holding him down so he doesn't kill anyone in the van considering he lost control and broke the handcuffs.

"We're gonna need to go a little faster, Braeden!" Stiles yells

Liam starts clawing towards Derek's throat and Zara quickly get's up and breaks his hands causing him to growl in pain, "We need to try the other mantra!"

"We're almost there!" Braeden yells

"Liam, What three things cannot long be hidden?" Derek grunts

"Say it, Liam!" Jackson growls

"The sun..." he pants, "The moon... and the truth.."

"Good, say it again." Derek says

"The sun.. the moon, the truth." Liam says calming down a bit.

"Again." Isaac replies as he slowly let's him go but stays close incase he needs to hold him down again.

"The sun, the moon, the truth." Liam says, his eyes back to their normal blue and his claws retract themselves, takes a breath before nodding slowly.

"You good now?"

"I think so." he replies

Zara feels the van start to slow down before coming to a complete stop, she gets a really bad feeling in her gut when Braeden kills the engine. Zara feels her hands tremble, Derek looks at her before taking her hands in his.

"Zara, you're okay." He says gently

"I feel like something really bad is about to happen and I'm not sure what to do about it." She says, she feels herself starting to panic but Derek just connects their lips, she holds her breath as she melts into the kiss.

Derek pulls away, "No matter what happens, just know I love you, okay?" He whispers

She nods, "I love you too."

"I can't believe I did it, I controlled the shift." Liam says with a sense of pride in his voice.

"Well.. we believed you could." Isaac says grabbing the younger boy's shoulder giving it a comforting squeeze.

"I didn't." Jackson mumbled

That earned him a strong elbow to the stomach from Zara.

"Okay, I did. Sorry, full moons make me grumpy." Jackson grunts

"You're always grumpy." Stiles replies

"Shut it, Stilinski." Jackson says

"You know, I feel like if we went to high school together you would be the popular jock who would beat me up all the time, before I became a vampire of course." Stiles comments.

"I really thought I was gonna tear you guys to shreds." Liam says

"Well, that would've made for an awkward ride home so thanks for not doing that." Stiles gives him a sarcastic smile.

"Think you can bring the same level of control and strength inside of La Iglesia?" Derek asked

Liam looks at Derek, then he forces his claws out at will, Zara smiles.

He's gonna be just fine.

"I think we might be able to do this." Stiles says

"Don't jinx it, Stiles." Isaac mumbles

There goes that bad feeling in Zara's gut as Derek stands up and goes to open the doors of the van, before she even has time to move a muscle a Berserker snatches Derek out of the van and tosses him on the ground, all she can do is watch in horror as it picks him up and throws him again. She vamps out of the van and uses all the strength she can muster as she attacks, her fangs barred and anger running through her veins.

She straddles the monster ripping apart it's pelt and covering, she needs to get to the skin of the human beneath in order to really get a puncture. Once she sees skin she bites down hard, she hasn't drank from a human before since Stiles but she has murder on her mind as she sucks the Berserker's blood completely draining it's body, she snarls as she comes up.

She roughly wipes the blood off of her face before vamping to Derek's side, she may have attacked the Berserker but it had already stabbed Derek in the chest, she sobbed as she saw the blood pooling in his shirt, she placed her hand to the wound and looked him in the eyes.

"I knew something bad was gonna happen, I fucking knew it." She sobs as Derek weakly places his hand on her cheek.

"Zara, you have to save Scott." Derek replies weakly

"But what about you, Derek?" She cries as she grips his hand in his, their fingers interlacing.

"S-Scott needs you, all of you." Derek says, his eyes blinking slowly.


"Zara. I love you, I will always love you." He whispers before connecting their lips, Zara swallowed a sob as she kissed Derek with all she had. A tear slipped down her cheek when he went to kiss her temple.

"I love you too, for eternity." She whispers

"Go, s-save S-Scott." He grunts in pain as he clutches his chest where Zara's hand resides.

Zara looks up at Braeden who's eyes look glossy, "Will you stay with him, please?"

Braeden nods, "Of course."

Zara stands up and walks over to Stiles who wraps her in his arms, she sobs into his shoulder as they walk into the Church, she turns and looks at him one last time. She's pretty sure he will be gone before she comes out of the church, if she even lives through this that is. She feels Stiles stop and he's looking back at Derek, she does the same thing before they both make their way into the ancient building.

"Everybody stop! We gotta find where we are and then we gotta figure out how to find Scott and Kira." Peter orders

Then Stiles' phone goes off, "I don't know how I even have service." he says pulling out his phone, "I'll be back, Zara." he says before answering the call and walking away.

Isaac walks over and gives her a sad smile, she returns the smile before accepting the hug he gives her, she sighs into his shoulder before he pulls away, "I'm sorry, Zara."

She shrugs, with a sniff. "I knew it was gonna happen."

"He didn't deserve to go out that way." Jackson says with a frown.

"It would still hurt like this no matter how it happened." Zara replies brokenly

Malia walks over, "I'm not good with.. this stuff but.. would you like a hug?"

Zara chuckles, "Come here, Malia." She opens her arms. Malia throws her arms around her and Zara feels tears prick at her eyes again, she blinks fast forcing the tears away as she pulls away.

"Thanks guys."

"This is what packs are for, to always be by your side through the good and the bad." Liam says before pulling her into a hug, she hugs the younger boy and musses up his hair making him groan before she pulls away.

Stiles comes back, "That was my dad, he's gonna kick my ass and then ground me for 40 years, also Lydia isn't answering me and Lyla isn't answering you because there's a fucking Berserker in the school."

"Damn it." Isaac growls

"My dad is on his way, he's bringing firepower." Stiles says assuring Isaac.

"What do we do now?" Liam asked

"Duck!" Malia yells as she yanks Liam away from the Berserker that snuck up behind him.

"Run! Go!" Jackson yells  as he takes off, the rest of us right on his heels.

They don't stop until they meet a clearing, there's dust and cobwebs everywhere with a platform in the middle and broken pillars everywhere. Malia hands Stiles Kira's katana, "Find Scott and Kira."

"I'm going with him."

Malia nods, "Go, now!"

Stiles and Zara share a look before vamping through the Church, they're walking down a path and Stiles is holding a flashlight in his fist. He suddenly stops and squints, "Kira?"

Zara eyes widen as she walks closer, Kira looks injured but Zara isn't actually seeing any scars, just blood but it is hers. She runs over to her and pulls her into a hug, "Thank god you're okay, Kira."

"But Scott isn't" She says as Zara pulls away.

"What happened to Scott?" Stiles says, panic in his voice.

"Kate she.. she made Scott into one of the Berserkers." Kira replies

Zara looks at Stiles in horror, "Stiles, they're gonna kill him!"

"That's why the twins aren't here, so we wouldn't know who we're killing. We gotta get back to Scott." Stiles rushes out, "Kira, are you good to walk?"

She nods, "I figured out how to heal myself, let's go."

They all take off towards where they were before they found Kira, but when they got there they were already fighting him. They watch as Scott is knocked to the ground, Peter orders they hold him down so they do, and then he tells Malia to aim for the Skull.

"Guys stop! It's Scott! You'll kill him!" Stiles yells

Zara takes care of Scott helping Jackson, Liam and Isaac hold him back as Kira takes her Katana is break the bone that Malia was gonna use to kill Scott without knowing it. Malia freezes when she sees Kira, and then she's pulling the fox into a bone-crushing hug.

"It's Scott, guys."

Liam looks into the Berserkers eyes, and then his widen. "Scott?"

But now that Scott is a Berserker he's like 40x stronger than all of them, he pushes them off causing Zara to smash into a wall with Jackson and Isaac knocked out beside her. She leans back on her elbows wincing as she sees Malia get sucker punched in the face, Kira drops down and scans her before looking up, "Scott, no!"

But Scott just stumbles over towards Stiles and sends a powerful punch to his face as well, he sends him flying towards the wall. He then walks over to Liam who is defenseless by himself, he picks him up by his throat and slams him against the wall.

"Scott! Let him go!" Zara screams, as her body aches and she finds out that it hurts to move but she needs to wake up Jackson and Isaac. She pushes her body to move as she breaks both their fingers causing them to shoot up, once they're up she lays on the ground, her body screaming in pain as she feels defeated.

"Scott." Liam grunts, "You're not a monster!" He chokes, as Scott squeezes his throat tighter, "You're a werewolf! Like me."

"Zara, look" Jackson says as he sits her against his chest and takes her pain, Zara looks over at Liam and Scott, she sees Scott releasing him and scanning his own body. He then starts prying off the pelt and bones wildly. He then rips the skull head in half growling loudly as he's fully wolfed out.

"You." He growls angrily, Zara follows his gaze to Peter.

Oh shit, she knew he was up to some fucked shit today. Once upon a time Peter Hale was a bad guy and he still is, why is Zara not surprised?

She watches Malia moves away from Peter and Kira wraps her arms around her as she stares at Peter in a glare. Zara looks around and notices everyone is glaring at Peter, she stands next to Stiles and waits for the battle that is bound to happen to begin.

"The only one who knew as much as Argent about Berserkers. About the Nagual. You taught Kate. You helped her. All for Power." Scott spits angrily at Peter.

"For my family's power." Peter replies angrily, "To be rightfully inherited by me. Not usurped by some idiot teenage boy, so incorruptible, he wont even shed the blood of his enemies even when justified. You don't deserve your power. Not power like this." Peter's eyes glowed blue and his head tilted and turned wildly as he fully shifted revealing his animalistic facial features.

Malia shifts and growls at Peter, she runs at him but he just throws her against a boulder, Kira runs over to her dropping down before glaring at Peter, her eyes glowing orange.

"Oh, sorry, sweetheart, we'll talk about this later." Peter says in mock sadness.

This man is going to hell in a handbasket.

Kira shoots up, katana in hand.

"Kira!" Scott yells, basically telling her to back off, so she does and tends to Malia who's groaning in pain.

"You were my beta first, Scott." Peter growls, "It was my bite that changed your life. It will be my bite that will end it."

"Then, end it, Peter." Scott growls, "Because you won't get another chance."

Zara pulls Stiles to the side, "I need to go check on Derek."

Stiles nods, "Yeah, Scott's got this, go."

Zara nods before vamping out of the church, she looks around seeing hunters and hearing gunshots from every corner, she sees a Berserker coming towards her and she bares her fangs, she kicks it to the ground before slamming her hand through the pelts and through it's chest, she pulls out it's heart and drops it to the ground before running over towards Braeden who's firing rounds at Berserkers.

"Where did Derek go?"

Braeden looks over to where he once was, her eyes widening. "I don't—"

There was a loud howl, Zara followed the sound and out of the rubble came a wolf with dark black fur, and dark eyes, and then the eyes glowed.

Blue just like Derek's.

Her jaw dropped as she watched the wolf run over towards her, she leaned down. "Derek?" She whispered as the wolf leaned into her touch as she scratched behind it's ears before running off towards an angry Kate. She watched with wide eyes as Derek attacked her slicing through her chest, clawing at her face, just going take no prisoners mode on her.

Eventually after he's damaged her enough he climbs off, and then something she's never seen before happened. Her jaw drops as Derek transforms from wolf back to his human form, she doesn't even care that he's naked and that Braeden can see that, she's too fucking amazed by what she just witnessed.

"You were dead." Kat cowers on the ground

"No. I was evolving." He says with a triumphant smile.

Zara felt a surge of pride in her chest, tears falling down as she smiled at the man she was completely in-love with.

"Something you'll never do." He replies to Kate.

Zara sees a Berserker coming his way but he sees it too, he quickly grabs ahold of the skull and pulls it apart emitting a bright yellow glow from it before it breaks and the body falls apart. She then sees Chris coming out of the corner, he points his gun at Kate before pulling the trigger, the bullet hits her in the side and the impact sends her smashing to the ground groaning in pain.

"Chris?" She says breathlessly, she then get ups and runs into the church, Chris following after her.

Zara and Derek meet eyes, and it's that easy.

Zara runs over to him, he catches her when she jumps into his arms. She cries into his shoulder as his strong arms hold onto her waist while her legs are wrapped around his back. She pulls away and instantly connects their lips, she's so happy that he's okay. They slowly pulls away and Derek sets her back onto her feet.

"Zara, I'm literally naked right now." He says with a smile.

"Derek, I literally do not give a fuck. You are alive. That's all I care about right now."

He shakes his head, "I love you, so much."

"I love you too." Zara says before hiding her face in his neck, "So much more than you'll ever know."

The sun was up when everyone was safe again, Kate was gone but she was heavily injured so she won't be pulling anymore stunts like this anytime soon. Scott was okay and so was everyone else, except Peter of course but he had that shit coming. Parrish managed to find Derek some clothes so he was no longer naked, and Chris... Chris was leaving.

"I made a deal with the Calaveras weeks ago. They'll leave you guys alone. All of you. But only if I help them catch Kate." Chris explains

"What if you cant?" Kira asked

"I'll find her. Someone has to." Chris says, and then he turns and leaves with the Calaveras.

Zara leans into Derek's embrace as she watches Chris disappear with the other hunters, she takes a breath before interlacing her fingers with Derek's.

She looks up at her boyfriend, "Can we go home now?"

Derek nods before pressing a kiss to the tip of her nose, "Yeah, it's over now. We can go home."

W O W 

Guys. This book is over. Holy shit.

When I tell you I dreaded writing Derek dying, I was so upset and I just didn't fucking want to.

But I did it, and then he came back anyway so I still win.

Anyway, I really hoped you guys loved reading this as much as I loved writing it.

The next book will be coming veryyyy soon, I'm already watching season 5 so be looking for that guys. I've literally already made the book cover and everything, it's called....


Pretty cool right? I think so.

But yeah, until the next book guys.


— Mic

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