Thalia: The Goddess without T...

Bởi PrinceLupus

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30 years have passed since the day Percy Jackson fell at the hands of Zeus. Many great changes have occurred... Xem Thêm

I. The Lone Goddess
II. Almost Bliss
III. Encounter
IV. Nightmares
V. The Prophecy
VI. Clingy Boys are Annoying
VII. Paralysis
VIII. My Own Demon
IX. Revelations
XI. Identity Discovered

X. Guardians Join the War

601 20 14
Bởi PrinceLupus

The council waited in the throne room casually for Diana to return with the guardians. Some gods removed themselves from their thrones to speak with each other. Others sat idly waiting like Hephaestus tinkering with his projects, or Hermes making calls.

Hades talked with his brothers about the troubles of ruling a kingdom. Ares attempted to flirt with an unbothered Aphrodite. Athena, Apollo, and Hestia chatted casually together a bit away from the hearth.

Hestia sat as if she felt alone, tending to the hearth with a lost expression on her young face. Thalia sat with the queen, peacefully watching over an unconscious Jack. Now that she knew Percy was somewhere in there, she had hope again.

Diana warned the lone goddess against upright informing Jack of his other identity. Such a dangerous piece of information could cause chaos within him. If Jack was not yet mentally and emotionally ready, he could lose his sanity.

Time passed slowly as finally, after twenty minutes of waiting, Diana arrived with the guardians.

The guardians looked around the massive throne room before finding an unconscious Jack. Weapons were readied, sand swirling violently, and Tooth had her fists balled.

"Calm down." Athena called to the newly arrived guests. "Your fellow guardian is only sleeping. We have done him no harm, nor is it our intention to do so to any of you."

"Ah. You must be the queen Diana was talking about." Tooth says with a smile on her face.

"No." Athena shook her head. She turned her body and pointed towards Hestia tending to her hearth. "This is the ruler of the gods, Queen Hestia."

"Huh?" Bunny spits out quickly.

"Little girl is queen you say?" North asks with a confused expression.

Sandman shot out a flurry of strange symbols made of his golden dust. None of the gods understood what he was trying to say.

Hestia slowly looked up to see who had spoken. She took in the appearance of the guardians and was happy to find so much hope filled in their hearts. The queen smiled softly before flashing in bright flames.

Hestia and the rest of the gods were all seated in their thrones. The Olympian council, in their godly size, looked down at the guardians. Hestia had managed to draw strength from the hope the guardians had and was in her adult form.

Long flowing brown hair, a beautiful dress of brown, black, and orange adorned her body tightly. Eyes blazed with power and the colors of fire.

To say the guardians were all shocked, was an understatement. Mouths hung open while eyes went wide and silence remained.

"Guardians of Diana, the moon goddess, we seek your help. However, an introduction is in order for both respect and the future of our cooperation."

"Santa Claus." North says with a smile and putting his weapons away. "You can call me North."

"Bunnymund." Replies the grouchy Easter Bunny.

"Toothiana, queen of the fairies, but please, call me Tooth." Tooth then points to the short golden man beside her. "This is Sandman. We call him Sandy."

The gods all nodded their heads in respect to all of their introductions. The Olympians quickly introduced themselves along with their domains. After their introductions, Hestia began discussing the future war and the guardians' roll in it.

Thalia was occupied with looking after Jack she barely registered her name being called.

"Huh?" She says as she looks up at Hestia.

"It seems you are in the process of finding Percy within. Keep him by your side and watch over him. As such, Jack will be keeping watch over the hunters and hopefully continue to let Percy out during the night."

"Diana." Thalia calls out to the goddess of the moon. "Will he be the same as before if he let's Percy in?"

"Jack is Percy and vice versa. Both are practically identical in almost all aspects. The biggest difference between them is the memories and love that one holds for you. The slight difference is their maturity; one still immature though battle hardened."

"Thank you, for giving me hope again." Thalia smiles sadly.

"Everyone present should know what task they have and what to expect in the future. This council is dismissed." The gods nodded in response and flashed away in various forms or colors.

The moment Diana left with the guardians, Jack woke up in Thalia's arms being carried like a princess.

Thalia stared into Jack's eyes for a minute before he finally spoke up. "Could you um, put me down now?"

The goddess quickly puts Jack down on his feet giving him the chance to reorient himself. Still in the throne room, though it was now empty except for them and a small Hestia tending to the hearth with a blank expression.

Thalia offered up a hand to Jack and with a genuine smile said. "Let's go home now Jack."

For a split second Jack froze as his eyes shifted. The look on his face disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared. "Yeah, home."

That night after dinner, Thalia excitedly went to sleep early in anticipation of seeing Percy again. Just as the lone goddess hoped for, Jack came into her tent sleep walking. His form shimmered and Percy stood with a sad smile in Thalia's direction.

Percy reached her bed and was about to move some loose hair to the side of her face. Thalia's eyes opened and she smiled brightly before engulfing Percy in a bone crushing hug.

"How?" His husky deep voice instantly put shivers down Thalia's back. "You're usually so still and stiff."

"I know it's you Percy." Thalia responds while placing a gentle hand on his cheek. "I've missed you so much. Stupid kelp head."

"I missed you too love." No words were needed as the couple finally locked lips for the first time in 30 long years.

"Stay. Please." Thalia pleads with watery eyes.

"But, Jack."

"I know you two are the same people, it's fine."

Percy smirks with his mischievous eyes. "Sleeping in the same bed with someone that isn't your boyfriend? I don't know, sounds suspicious."

Thalia punches Percy on his arm causing him to laugh. "Please Percy. Stay with me tonight."

Percy looks into Thalia's eyes sadly. "It's because of me isn't it?" Thalia had a confused expression on her face. "A goddess with depression and nightmares. I'm so sorry I did this to you Thals."

"It's Zeus' fault with his stupid jealousy and hunger for power. I've never blamed you for anything. But Percy, how did you know?" She requests as she places a gentle hand to his left cheek.

"It's hard to explain." Percy leans into her hand, grabbing hers with his own left hand. "This power, my true power I guess, I can do so much with it. I felt it Thals. All your pain and sorrows, all the suffering you went through alone, I felt it with one look."

"Well, what about the glowing markings? Not to mention the insane amount of power you radiate." She waved her arms around.

"Jack's true power." Percy shrugs. "He doesn't seem to realize how powerful he really is because he's still kind of childish. This is what he's supposed to look like."

"He looks just like you." Thalia responds as she looks over Percy in greater detail.

"Well, we are the same person. Diana called it a perfect reincarnation."

Thalia reaches her arms around Percy's neck and looks into his eyes. "I like it." She smiles. "It looks so sexy."

The pair kissed once again and smiled into their kiss. They pulled apart and laid down on the bed together. Percy lay on his back while Thalia rested her head on his chest and held his left hand tightly with her right.

"I'll make him fall for me." She states suddenly. "If that's how I can get you two to become one, I'll make Jack love me just like you do."

"Congrats. You've officially made your boyfriend jealous." Percy jokes.

"I mean it Percy. I am the one thing you two have in common. Besides, he might already have a crush on me."

"Ah, you mean the constant following around?" Thalia nodded and Percy continues. "He's curious and interested. Jack's never met a god, but he met you first. It might work."


Thalia awoke slightly disappointed that neither Jack nor Percy was with her when she woke. Sure, being in the same bed as Jack might have been weird but she didn't want to be left alone again.

The lone goddess changed her clothing after a quick shower and left her tent. She made her way to the pavilion to eat with her sisters.

Jack was there smiling and laughing with the girls. He glanced at Thalia before blushing brightly and looking away.

"Morning." Thalia sang out to the hunters' surprise.

The hunters sang out choruses of mornings and hello. Artemis greeted Thalia with a smile and nod before the young goddess sat beside her.

"Any plans for today?" Thalia asked excitedly.

"Queen Hestia wants us to head to the camps to check in on them. The roman camp will be first before we head to the greek camp." Artemis noticed the visible look of disappointment in Thalia's face. "We will stay at the greek camp for some time so pack for an extended stay." The moon goddess announces.

After eating breakfast, Thalia decided to simply pack her entire tent with all it's belongings still inside. Being enchanted, the tent folded up and was placed into Thalia's back pocket.

Once complete, Thalia made her way through camp to find Jack. The frost child sat on a tree branch over looking the hunter's camp.

"Hey Jack." Thalia called. Jack turned his attention towards the goddess and flew down to her gracefully.

"What's up?" He asks, although not looking the goddess in the eye.

"Let me guess." She muses as she looks directly at Jack's face. He avoided her eyes and preferred to look at his feet. "So you did wake up in my bed."

"I-I uh. I'm sorry. I've been sleep walking lately and I guess I ended up there somehow."

"I knew it. That's why you avoided looking at me earlier and even now." Thalia grabbed Jack's face with both hands and turned him to look directly at her. "It's fine Jack."

Jack's eyes went wide with surprise at the goddess's words. "What? How is me sleeping in the same bed as you fine? Are all gods and goddesses this weird?"

Thalia hummed in thought. She knew she couldn't tell the boy who he really was. "Maybe just me. Maybe I took an interest in you like you have for me."

Jack took a few steps back away from Thalia's hands on his face. "What do you mean?"

"I know you've been following me around and watching me. Want to tell me why? Not like I'll hurt you or anything, as I said, I'm interested in you."

"But why?" Jacks asks incredulously.

"Simple." Thalia smiles brightly. Thalia caught how it made him loose a breath for a split second. "You're very unique and interesting. I feel drawn to you."

"Hunters!" Artemis called out disrupting their conversation. "Five minutes until we head out to the roman camp. Gather in the pavilion by then properly packed."

"Well." Thalia starts as she spins on her heels. Her arms were behind her back, hands grasped together lightly. "Let's go. You can bunk with me when we get to the camps."

"Thalia." Jack calls out before she leaves.

"Hmm?" The goddess looks over her shoulder.

"Why don't you look all that excited to go to these camps? Is it violent or something? Like a boot camp or a torture camp?"

Thalia smiles fondly at Jack's question. Maybe it won't be so bad to go back with Jack around. "I'll tell you know on the way. It'll be a quick trip with our speed."

"Ummm, okay I guess. Vague much." Jack mutters before following behind the goddess that seemed to be different now. Especially towards Jack it seems.

Thalia could see the shocked expression plastered on Jack's face. It seems Jack didn't expect the younger girls to be completely matched in speed with the larger, older hunters. Their speed was unbelievable to his eyes. It was equivalent to Jack's top flying speed and yet they made seem like a simple jog.

In the span of a mere two hours, the entire group was closing in on the Roman camp. Coming from a dense forest on the border of the city, the hunters jumped and wove around the forest smoothly.

Some girls were traveling from tree to tree with the grace of dancers. Others ran around and dodged over large roots that blocked their path. Thalia and Jack were flying through the forest above the hunters. They also wove through trees.

At some point they began a silent competition. Performing flips and spins along with various other tricks.

The entire group, led by Artemis, cane to a halt at the entrance to the Roman camp. Jack and Thalia softly landed to the ground behind Artemis.

"Welcome to New Rome." Thalia states.

The group make their way to the guards at the entrance and quickly pass by. Thalia kept her own eyes trained on Jack as he looked around in awe. His eyes gleamed with joy and wonder. His snow white smile shined brightly at the view before him.

For a small moment, Jack's eyes seem to hold a different older expression before he shook his head. Thalia wondered if that could have been Percy reminiscing about the past. Could Jack be seeing glimpses of Percy's past by walking in his footsteps?

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