Once upon a lifetime

By HuaisangsIntellect

337K 15.3K 3.1K

The second he awakens, Wei Wuxian realises that he has been sent to the past, but at what cost? How will he p... More

Rebirth - Part one
Rebirth - Part two
Rebirth - Part three
Familiarity - Part one
Familiarity - Part three
Theory - Part one
Theory - Part two
Waterborne Abyss - Part one
Waterborne Abyss - Part two
Waterborne Abyss - Part three
Abnormality - Part one
Abnormality - Part two
Bound - Part one
Bound - Part two
Bound - Part three
Revelations - Part one
Revelations - Part two
Caution - Part one
Caution - Part two
Caution - Part three
New Beginnings - Part one
New Beginnings - Part two
New Beginnings - Part three

Familiarity - Part two

14.9K 827 140
By HuaisangsIntellect

Revised 13/05/22

"Wei Wuxian! How dare you sleep in my class?!" Lan Qiren's partiality to Wei Wuxian wasn't much of a surprise to the disciples, but it nonetheless shocked them to hear him yell like so.

"I'm awake, I'm awake." Wei Wuxian said with a yawn, covering his wide mouth with a hand as unshed tears blurred his sight. "Um, grandmaster, what were you saying again? Sorry, bad memory, aha..."

"Wei-Xiong," A whisper murmured from beside him, "He asked you about the GusuLan's founder, Lan An, and the reason he created the Lan clan."

"Thank you, Nie-Xiong," Wei Wuxian whispered back, oblivious to the incredulous stare given to him by Lan Qiren. He doubted that any of the disciples were supposed to know about the founder yet, since it was further into the curriculum, but who's to say he can't score a couple points with the old goat while he still can?

"At a very young age, the GusuLan's founder, Lan An, became a very famous Monk who continuously recited and listened to various sutras," At Lan Qiren's nod of approval, Wei Wuxian fought back a grin as he continued, "When he came of age, he took the family name 'Lan' from 'Qielan' and thus became known as 'Lan An'."

"You are correct, Young Master Wei," Lan Qiren grumbled, stroking his goatee with a hint of respect, "And would you happen to know his motives for doing so?"

"After becoming a cultivator of music, he continued to strengthen his golden core, consequently meeting his 'fated one' whom he had endlessly searched for and had eventually become his cultivation partner," Wei Wuxian continued. "As a monk, I believe that Lan An was given some insight as to where to search for his fated one, hence why he went to Gusu."

"Perhaps they founded the Clan because they wanted their legacy of cultivation to continue, or perhaps they simply wanted to settle down, but no one really knows, since it was so long ago. But around the same time, the Wen Clan was created by the founder 'Wen Mao', so I believe that Lan An was simply following his example."

"You are very insightful, Wei Wuxian," Lan Qiren remarked. "I would ask you from whom you learned such information from, however, but this doesn't excuse you sleeping in my lecture." Wei Wuxian held back a wince; he'd hoped the old man had forgotten about that.

"But grandmaster, I have a very good reason as to why I was sleeping, sir," Wei Wuxian sent a glance to Lan Wangji, who was watching him with a raised eyebrow as if saying, 'really? Do entertain me'. He just hoped the Lan wouldn't rat him out..

"Well, grandmaster," Wei Wuxian straightened his back as he explained, "Actually, I was fast asleep when it first started..."

Knock. Knock.

"There was a strange knocking on my door,"

Wei Wuxian grumbled, pulling his blanket over his ears to muffle the sound disturbing his once soundless sleep. But despite his efforts, the knocking persisted.

Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.

"So I got out of bed, very very tired, I assure you, and made my way to the door,"

Wei Wuxian peered outside, looking left and right in an attempt to find the source to the sound.

"Except no one was there."

Nie Huaisang leaned closer in interest, "What happened next, Wei-Xiong?"

"What happened next was very surprising," he continued. "I stepped out of my room because I was adamant that something had been interrupting my sleep; I was sure of it."

Wei Wuxian held back a yawn as he pulled on his boots, chucked an outer robe around his shoulders, and made his way around the premises. He swore he could sense something there, but couldn't put his finger on it...

"It was then that I heard the sound of footsteps that were not my own. They were light, quick, though I couldn't make out whether they were a cultivator's or not."

Jiang Cheng stared incredulously, "And when exactly did this happen, Wei Wuxian?"

Wei Wuxian sent him a look that said, 'shut up, I'm trying to lie here,' but externally remarked, "Last night--I don't know what time, but it really did happen."

"Sure it did..."

Wei Wuxian slowed his walk into a pause as the footsteps grew louder; as they came so close that he could actually see a shadow peering out from behind a nearby building..

"I wasn't sure whether my eyes were failing me or not, for I hadn't slept much that night. But the shadow came closer and closer; so close that I could no longer deny its existence."

Wei Wuxian stiffly prepared himself for the worst as the figure came closer and closer, and was evidently startled by what he saw–

"It was actually Second Young Master Lan, Lan Wangji!"

There were many disappointed sighs around the room, a few eyes glancing at the mentioned Lan, before Lan Qiren interrupted, "And how is this relevant, Wei Wuxian? Wangji was on night watch; it was natural that he was there."

"Yes, well, we exchanged many... pleasantries before I made my way back to my room, clearly just imagining the knocks on my door,"

"Is this true, Wangji? Did you meet Young Master Wei outside last night?" Lan Qiren asked.

Lan Wangji replied, "...I did,"

Wei Wuxian suppressed a grin. While he knew that Lan Zhan despised lying, the question didn't really require any disclosure about the night before. Because they actually did meet last night, though just not like this!

"Well, that's the end of my story." Wei Wuxian grinned. "Please, don't hesitate to show your appreciation."

The room was awkwardly silent, save for Nie Huaisang's small claps and calls of "Bravo, Wei-Xiong! Bravo!"

Lan Qiren gave Wei Wuxian a small nod before walking up to his desk, "I suppose.. that my first impression of you wasn't the best. Now, if only you begin to concentrate, I can hope to rectify that–" As he glanced down at Wei Wuxian's notes, his face became 50 shades of both white, blue and red all at once...

Wei Wuxian nervously chuckled, moving his arms in an attempt to hide the paper on the desk that he'd doodled a turtle with Lan Qiren's face as its head.. "Ahaha... yes, yes, I, too, hope that we can–"

Lan Qiren's entire complexion trembled; veins angrily protruding from within his forehead. "Wei Wuxian, get out!!" He roared, storming over to his own desk just so he could grab a scroll and throw it at the boy. "And that will be a heavy punishment for you!!"

Another voice suddenly interrupted the many murmurs and gossips, "Uncle, I wish to personally choose his punishment," As a doting uncle who took pride in his youngest nephew, Qiren naturally nodded in agreement. "I think that the most suitable course of action is to have him copy out the rules; perhaps only then will he remember them."

Lan Qiren stroked his goatee and replied, "200 times should be sufficient for a wild boy like him," his mind suddenly supplied the humiliating image the boy had drawn and he corrected, "300... Yes, 300 should work."

* * *

The next day had arrived at seemingly warp speed, for Wei Wuxian's punishment was long since due. Within the Library pavilion, he was seated at a desk, ink brush in hand, as he continued to transcribe the rules. His intention hadn't been to rile up the old man like so, really; it was purely an accident that Lan Qiren had stumbled upon the drawing.

But nonetheless, he really hadn't gotten much sleep recently, for he was endlessly plagued with nightmares that woke him up incessantly during the night. He much preferred staying awake than to experience the Burial Mounds once again..

Lan Wangji evidently noticed his discomfort, for he asked, "Young Master Wei, you seem rather distracted."

Wei Wuxian glanced at his 'work', and sure enough, there was a large patch of ink where the brush had lied dormant while he was deep in thought. "Ahaha, my bad; sorry about that. Just tired,"

"I can tell," Lan Wangji replied, closing his book with a small slam. "Should I call for some tea? You have been writing for quite a while,"

Wei Wuxian startled at his words. 'Lan Zhan was never this concerned, never this... nice last time. What changed?'

A small flicker of hope surfaced within his stomach, 'Could it be...? Is this my Lan Zhan?'

He then properly observed the other, taking in his pinched expression and stiff demeanour. 'No... he clearly isn't, but...?'

Lan Wangji sighed, "I will take that as a 'no', then." He then glanced at his guqin, which had been set atop a table within the library. "I would like to practice the qin, if you wouldn't mind."

"No, that's fine," Wei Wuxian replied as he suppressed a yawn. "Go ahead."

Lan Wangji nodded, making his way to the instrument and resting his fingers on the strings momentarily. As he began to play, he plucked the strings while inserting spiritual energy, and whether it was knowingly or not, Wei Wuxian found he didn't mind, for it comforted him.

Before he knew it, he had fallen into a deep sleep. Upon seeing this, Lan Wangji's lip twitched into an unnoticeable smile.

* * *

When Wei Wuxian next awoke from his slumber, dusk was already approaching, for the sun had long since begun to set. He rubbed his eyes furtively before glancing around the room, his irises landing on Lan Wangji, who was presently engrossed in a book.

After allowing himself the luxury of observing the Lan's enviable features, he was too engrossed in his thoughts to notice when Lan Wangji had spoken, "You're awake?"

Wei Wuxian shrunk into himself at the gentle tone the other had used, feeling a flush rise to his cheeks. He was now fully awake, and had only begun to feel the shame of realising that his drowsiness had taken the better of him and sent him into a slumber.

"Sorry," He whispered. "Your playing was really nice, and I couldn't help but... sorry, I know I should have finished my punishment before sleeping.."

"You have the tendency to apologise a lot," Lan Wangji remarked. "I do not mind. But if you are tired then you should sleep longer at night."

After his statement, he manoeuvred himself from the desk and walked towards the bookshelf adjacent to his desk, pushing his book back into the empty space. Wei Wuxian watched, intently, as Lan Wangji then removed another book from within the bookshelf and began to read it once he was seated at his desk.

Wei Wuxian stared, at first unashamedly, but before long, his ears were beginning to heat up in embarrassment. 'I'm always staring at Lan Zhan recently.. He must think I'm weird..'

He then stretched his stiff limbs with a satisfied exhale, "Ah, I should get going now before Jiang Cheng wonders where I am. I'll continue my punishment tomorrow, and even make up for the lost time, is that okay?"

"Mn," Lan Wangji replied as he continued to intently read his book. "That is acceptable,"

He didn't give Wei Wuxian a second glance, even as the Jiang disciple left the library. He also certainly didn't show how bothered he was when Wei Wuxian ran back inside with a grin, "By the way, Lan-er-gege, your book is upside down!"

For the rest of the evening, Lan Wangji would continue to think of the melodic laughter he heard as Wei Wuxian once again ran away.

* * *

When you accidentally add another 1,000 words while editing

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