One More Time, I Dare You ~ E...

By xxcarinickkixx

269 13 2

Nicole is the typical Candor. She opens her mouth and says exactly what she is thinking even if she gets in s... More

The Choice and Punishment ~ Ch. 2
Whirl Wind of The New Life ~ Ch. 3
Step One: Survive
Fight, Just Don't Be The One That Dies ~ Ch. 5
Chapter 6 ~Fight Like A Warrior

It Has All Begun ~ Ch. 1

65 2 0
By xxcarinickkixx

Who knew it would feel like this. Like a thousand small jolts of electricity had been shot through every nerve ending in my body. I felt like I was alive in a way I had never known. Today was the day that would start the rest of my whole life. Today shaped everything. I had fit into Candor and loved my family. But I always felt like I was putting up a mask when I was here. I had to be "honest" always and always say what was on my mind. Sometimes I just wanted to curl up in a ball and do nothing. Who cares what my opinion is?! Why cant I just do whatever I want and shut up while I do it?

I put on my favorite outfit for today and headed downstairs to find my family already at the table. My brother had even come over to show me support on this day. It could possibly be my last day here.

"Hey weirdo." I said to Nick as I sat down and served myself French Toast.

"Nervous dork?" He asked me with a mouthful of pancakes.

"No. I already know where I will be. 'Ruler of the world' faction. Duh. Problem is there isnt a faction for that." I said and shook my head in a 'Duh isnt is obvious way'.

Since the Candor section of town was close to the school I always just walked to school. I walked slowly looking at my surroundings wondering if th
his was going to be the last time I would see this route in my life. I wondered if this was going to be the last time I would be wearing Candor black and white. I wondered if I could sneak my favorite black skinny jeans into another faction...

I walked up to the girl Candor line ready to walk into the building and face whatever it was that awaited me. No matter what the test told me, this was my choice. It had to be.

So like a brave and fearless person going into the unknown, I shuffled into the building with all the girls in my faction that I called home. I waited and waited and waited in the hall until they finally called my name along with 3 other people; 2 Candor boys and 2 Candor girls being called at once.

I walked into the room and was greeted by a woman adorned in all black with piercings and tattoos all over her body.

“Sit.” She said firmly as she messed with some wires.

“Fine. You could say it nicely you know.” I said without thinking about it. When you grow up around people always voicing your opinion, its hard to remember that other factions aren’t like that at all.

“Big mouth Candors, always my favorite.” She said rolling her eyes and hooking up electrode sensors to my arms and temples.

“If it makes you feel any better, I think your tattoos are gorgeous and your lip piercing suits you.” I said and shrugged like it was a commonly known fact.

“Thanks. Now drink before I die from being talked to death.” She said handing me a shot glass with a purple liquid. I downed it all and that’s all I remember. After that it was all shotty in my memory and hazy. Next thing I know I am halfway across the room spilling my beautiful French toast breakfast from earlier into a basket by the door used for trash.

“Nice big mouth, can’t hang?” She said and smiled handing me a tissue to wipe my mouth. I just shrugged and looked at her anxiously for my results. “You got Candor. Shocker.”

It was the weirdest next hour of my life. I feel like I had been punched in the gut after hearing that. How? What did this mean if I was disappointed that I got my own faction? I thought about my results all day and all night. I passively talked about it at dinner and contributed my quietness to my nervousness for tomorrow’s events. If I wasn’t happy with Candor what would I choose? I was definitely not Abnegation, nor was I Amity. Leaving me with three choices: my own faction, Erudite for the intelligent and Dauntless for the fearless.

I fell asleep thinking about what my choice would mean for me and what it would mean for my family. Faction before blood right?

As I got ready the next day for the Choosing Ceremony I put my ring on, my bracelet, and put a picture of my brother and myself in my pocket knowing deep down inside that I wouldn’t ever be returning to this room. I knew what I had to do.

Words: 791


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