By dhoraxiii

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"Some wander to get lost, some wander to find themselves." Liu Xin, an ACE idol who is currently at her peak... More

CHAPTER 1: Hiatus
Chapter 3: Pumpkin
Chapter 4: First Love
Chapter 5: Friends
Chapter 6: Memories
Chapter 7: Lost Love
Chapter 8: Distance
Chapter 9: Unspoken
Chapter 10: Almost
Chapter 11: You
Chapter 12: Collaboration
Chapter 13: Love
CHAPTER 14: With You

Chaper 2: Friends

92 7 0
By dhoraxiii


I got back to the restaurant after our conversation. Honestly, I felt relieved, I am a calm person but knowing that someone might follow me here gave me a panic attack. I felt bad when she stood up, so I followed her outside. She was nowhere to be found, I asked some passersby if they saw a person that I tried hard to describe and luckily one local recognized her and advised me to which direction she went. I ran toward her and saw her, that started our conversation.

I just arrived last night here in Prague. I am about to release my new album, but I felt burned out so I put a stop to it. I told my management that I want to take a break to breathe in. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for all the love and support that I am getting right now. From my parents, friends, my Umbrellas and all the brands who I am in contact with right now, but I feel overwhelmed. I asked for a break at least a month or two and I am thankful that they granted my request.

At first, they were surprised by my decision, but they understood. They are generous enough to tell me that they will welcome me back once I decide to come back. Don't worry I am not quitting. I just need to find myself again and become a better version of Liu Yuxin. It created a hot topic when my management dropped that I will be on a hiatus. I told my parents about my decision in advance so when they heard about it, they were not surprised but I received a lot of personal messages and calls from my friends asking me if I am well. I am the type of person who doesn't want to burden others, so I just told them that I would be in a vacation. Nothing else.

I know my umbrellas are so worried about me but I told them that I am okay and will take a quick break. My decision is not abruptly done. I planned about it for at least a month. Despite my busy schedule I still consider having an organized time for myself while I'm here in Prague. My management tried to really keep how I'll do my "vacation" but you know how the cpop works and rumors spread fast, so I don't know if they know where I am right now even myself. I am foreign to this place, but I find it amusing, and I feel free.

I haven't noticed the time, but I found myself in a mall doing one of my favorites, shopping. It's my stress reliever. Anything from clothes, shoes, accessories but why do I feel like it's not enough. What do I really want?


"I see, we meet again." I was interrupted with my thoughts when I heard a familiar voice. I look behind and saw her with her arms crossed and finally I saw her smile. She moved forward and now we're standing beside each other.

"Hi!" She greeted me.

"Hey! Are you buying this?" I asked her referring to a Dior bag I'm holding. I happened to pass by this new collection set of Dior. I'm honored that Dior is still with me. I just stopped by to appreciate it.

"Oh no! Even if I like that bag I can't afford that." She told me.

"I can give this to you as a gift. Friends." I told her and she chuckled.

"Do you buy gifts for all your "friends"? Like literally you just met today?" Shenasked.

"No. But you are an exception." I said. She smiled and nodded.

"I appreciate the gesture. Thank you. But no, thank you. I guess I have to leave now. I may be interrupting your alone time." Actually no, you're not interrupting anything. I just smiled at her and said my goodbyes. On a second thought,

"Y/N," I softly called her.

"Hmm?" She turned around and hummed her reply.

"Would you mind if I... tag along?" I know this is kinda bold for me, I really am shy but this is a new place for me. Maybe this time I need some help and have to ask for it myself. I waited for her reply and she just smiled. This is a new feeling and I'm loving it.


"You know what, I wonder why you still have this energy after all the places we've been to. Like, we were almost walking the entire time we only used the tram once. Don't you feel exhausted?" She asked.

"Well, to be fair my legs are kinda sore now but I enjoyed all the places we've been to and that is because my personal tour guide is great."

"You're funny but there are still a lot of places we can go to next time... That is of course if you like." Next time? Does it mean that we can really tour other places next time?

"Of course. I'd love to. Thank you!" I replied.

"Sure. No problem at all. Just tell me in advance, you know, work." She replied.

"Of course!"

"Okay, I guess I have to go. It's getting late." She said.

"Would you mind if I ask you for dinner? My treat." I asked politely not to sound too forward.

"That's so sweet of you but I am afraid I can't, I promised someone already but thanks though." She told me. Too bad.

"Alright then. Please accept this. Here." I handed her a paper bag.

"What is this?" She asked.

"You can open it. I'm planning to hand it over for dinner but I guess, this time will do." I responded.

"The bag earlier," She smiled when she opened it but changed her expression. Didn't she like it?

"Yuxin, I can't accept it, this is too much. You can just return it and get a refund or use it instead. Sorry." She continued and handed me the gift bag.

"I thought you'd like it." I told her.

"I do but I didn't agree for you tag along to get something in return, I agreed because I want to. For free." Is she even real? She said and smiled.

"I understand. But know that I'm really thankful and I really enjoyed today." I responded.

"I'm glad to hear that. I have to go." We bid our goodbye to each other, and we had our separate ways.

I never expected my first day in Prague to be this...warm. Having a friend for the first day is nice. Y/N is different. Her cold aura and straight forward personality is something, but she's real, genuinely real.


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