The File

By PowerOFProphicy

48 0 56

Originally, this was going to be my own book, but because of how similar it is to marvel content, I'm going f... More

• Prologue •
• 01 •
• 02 •
Book Covers

• 03 •

4 0 3
By PowerOFProphicy

⁌ Hold on, hold on, cause you are undefetable~ Skepta, Hold on ⁍


Friday 27th November 1978

Central Europe, Hungary, Budapest- németvölgyi út: Overground Base Extended Underground- Code Number 20192

Training room 5

Blair's POV

My dark brown and newly dyed silver hair hung loosely around my shoulder, waving wildly (if the hair were people they would have been having an epileptic fit) as my fists collided with the punching bag. Lucky for me, I care enough about my safety to wrap my hands before starting, although, I still felt as bruises formed on my fists.

The friction of the gradually swelling marks and leather made my knuckles sting violently, but I was too deep in thought to notice. My punches were sloppy and weak -well, weaker than usual- and again, I took no notice. I was feeling really out of it today, snappy, and short-tempered. It seemed that every other agent felt my bad mood, as they scrambled away as soon as I caught their eye. Good. But, I didn't know why I felt like this. And I hate not knowing.

It made me feel small. Annoyed. Frustrated. And worst of all, fearful. No-Not fearful, just agitated. Very, very, slightly agitated. I've been having dreams, but not dreams, more like visions. It hurts, when I get them, I mean. A pounding headache, 50 daggers impaled inside my head, and a tidal wave of sudden and short-lasting emotion.

My mouth started to overflow with an overly-sweet taste, quite similar to water brash, causing me to clamp my teeth together and clench my jaw, trying to swallow it down. Warm saliva vanished down my esophagus, only to reappear not even a second later.  The dreaded ache started to build up in my head. Sweat apparent on my forehead. Throat tightening with every strenuous breathe.

My body started to get heavy and my legs threatened to give way at any moment. I barely managed to slip down onto the nearest bench before losing myself to the dream-like state.


The trees stood in tightly compact groups, the reflection of the sun shining down on the leaves. The water glistened as it flowed down a short drop into the stream below from the piled rocks above conjuring a waterfall, spraying the dry ground in close proximity to it.

Mini boulders hid partly in the clear liquid, gradually converting into the land. Shrubbery sat still and unmoving, only occasionally twitching as a light, humid, breeze fluttered past. It smelt like air. Refreshing and soothing. The scent of nature, the scent of freedom, the scent of peace. Of silence. 

Two girls were gathered around the stream. The youngest one was probably around three, with short brown hair and blue eyes--she crouched down in the ankle-deep water, marveling at pebbles as if they were the best thing in the world. The oldest was one year older than the three-year-old, making her four. 

She had hair and eyes quite similar to the other girls but instead of the childish behavior, she was sat down with a book in hand- 'The Guns of August '.

"Blythe!" A lulling voice called out, "Sweety, would you be a dear and fetch your father for me?"

The four-year-olds head tilted up, in a way quite similar to a puppy dog, trying to get a better grasp on what the voice called out, "Yes mama."

Blythe, holding her book delicately to her chest, stepped through the water and started into the forest. However, instead of a forest, it resembled a dimly lit hallway. A hallway going for miles on miles.

In a more 'first person' view, she slipped into the shadows and padded along, her tiny footsteps echoing and bouncing off the seemingly nonexistent walls. As she anxiously made her way, doors started appearing on either side of her. All the doors were white and had a square window on the top middle of them.

She unwilling turned towards one of the many openings and pushed through. The lights sprung into action, lighting up the room before her. It was strange. She couldn't see anything in the room but it had an air of familiarity to it. The girl knew there was something inside with her. Not a person. Definitely not a person.

But as the fear set into her heart, she knew it wasn't something she would want to see either way.


Instead of Blythe, I could feel my brain wiggle free from the grasp of the vision, protecting me from whatever horrors could've been cornering me 

The click of approaching heels woke my aching state, reminding me to put up my hard facade and lock up all the emotion that would have seeped through otherwise. I stood from my crouching position and straightened out my clothes just in time for the gym door to swing open.

A tall woman came inside. She was dressed in rather professional clothing, a suit and grey skirt,  black heels and her hair pulled up into a neat bun. I think I remember seeing her around the base and, if I'm correct, she only understands Spanish or Romanian.

"Ah, ce am făcut pentru a fi binecuvântat de frumoasa ta prezență?" I smirked as I waited for the woman to reach me.

She stared at me with the most disinterested look known to man, "Care este ocazia specială? Nu ești niciodată atât de vorbăreț, de obicei ești serious."

My face hardened and converted from my smirk and I nodded at the woman to continue.

"Directorul vă solicită prezența în biroul său."

I nod to her once again, this time in farewell, and marched past her in the direction of the office. After not even two minutes of walking, I arrive at the dark wood door. I lift the back of my knuckle to knock at the door but halt when I catch him mid-sentence.

"-lew up a jet!" He hissed, only complete confusion and annoyance was in his words.

"The left engines went down sir. Sir, we couldn't fix it while in the air."

"Right. Right! What are the injuries?"

It took a minute for the unknown voice to reply, "Agent Coswell has a fractured right leg as well as a large glass shard in his shoulder. Agent Jenie has a bloodied-up face and a few cuts around his body. Agent Shern is currently unconscious and bleeding out of a wound in her abdomen. And I am just pretty bruised up."

The director let out a long sign, gathered himself, and spoke back into the phone, asking where they were which they replied with Gothenburg, Sweden.

"I would just like to know how the engine broke." The director mumbled, then a bit louder he questioned with a bewildered tone, "No, don't answer that. How the hell did you get a jet in the first place?"

Having had enough with their convocation, I once again raised my fist against the door and knocked.

"I have to go, I'll have someone out there in 20 hours." He hung up without another word and called me in.

Upon entering the room I noticed another presence. It was to my left. Two chairs had been pulled up, the one furthest away was already occupied. I didn't turn to look, instead, standing attention, my back straight and posture perfect.  I failed to make eye contact with the director, something in me knowing it would be classed as disrespectful, so I stared past him.

I entwined my fingers behind my back and held an emotionless gaze.

"Soldat. Meet Brea, your new partner."

Too shy to say, but I hope you stay~ Billie Eilish, Come out and play


Started: 20th March 2021 (20/03/2021) 22:35

Ended: 2nd April 2021 (02/4/2021) 21:20

(1289 Words)

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