Elimination โ˜ž๏ธŽ Teen Wolf [4]

By -pastelmic-

761 6 4

Elimination (adj.) the complete removal or destruction of something. Why isn't Kate Dead? What is happening t... More

Kate & La Iglesia
Cousin Miguel & Berserkers
Liam & New Territory
Vixen & Monster
Dead Pool & Professional Assassins
DEREK & Immortal
Quarantine & Hale
Lorraine & Gasoline
Cassette & Best Thing
Mantra & Home

45 Minutes & Vengeance

39 0 0
By -pastelmic-

Chapter: Eight

Zara spent the night at Malia's again, Malia just didn't speak to her which was kind of awkward but she was pissed at her so it just made sense that she wouldn't even look her in the eye at the moment. Zara felt horrible about lying to her but she promised Derek that she wouldn't say anything about it to Peter or Malia.

She feels like that promise bit her in the ass though.

Nothing happened the next day, she just got a text from Scott telling her to meet him at his house. So she vamped her way over there to see what her alpha needed from her today, but when she got there and heard what the plan was she kind of just wished she never came.

"Scott this is a stupid idea."

"But it could work." Scott reasons

"But you'll be dead!" Liam exclaims

"For 45 minutes!" he takes a breath, "This could be our last chance at finding out anything about The Benefactor guys."

"Scott, what is your mom gonna think?" Lyla crosses her arms

"She'll go along with this." Scott nods

"You're gonna make your mom play along with your death?" Jackson says, his brows reaching his temple.

"Guys if there's a chance that this works, we could stop all of this before more people need to die." Scott explains with a look of, "work with me here." on his face.

"I think this plan is insane." Isaac shakes his head.

"It is, but we have to try. Kira call your mom, we need her here." Scott orders, Kira nods before pulling out her phone.

Jackson let's out an annoyed sigh, "This is gonna be a nightmare."

When Kira's mom arrives they all move to Scott's room, Scott lays on the bed as Liam paces around the room, panicking.

"I think Liam's a little nervous, Scott." Kira says

Scott sits up a little, "Hey, Liam? I'm gonna be okay. I promise."

Liam shakes his head, "You can't promise that."

"But I can, don't worry about me." Scott says with a reassuring smile.

Liam stops pacing but his frown doesn't leave his face.

"Mom, how are you gonna do this?" Kira asked

"You've done this before, right?" Jackson says standing in the corner with his fist in his mouth.

"I've see it done." Her mom replies

"Is it just as good?" Isaac asked

"No." Her mom says, poker face on show.

"Mom! You're not exactly inspiring confidence." Kira groans

"Good. This plan is reckless, Kira." Her mom says sternly

"Do you want us to do it without you?" Kira asked

Her mom went silent, then raised her hand as a way of saying ok. "Put your hand over his heart."

Kira does that, but then Scott panics and grabs her hand. "When I'm out what will it feel like?" He asked her mom.

"It will feel like you're dreaming." Ms. Yukimura says

"Good dreams.. or bad?" Scott hesitates

"That's up to you and your mind, Scott." She replies

Scott leans back on the bed, and Kira places her hand on his chest, her hand slips under his shirt where his heart is beating before she sends electric surges from her palms. Zara winces as Scott jolts in pain, he's gasping as Kira electrocutes him, trying to stop his heart. After a few seconds of holding onto Liam and watching Scott gasp violently, his body drops and Zara can no longer hear his heartbeat.

Scott is dead.

And that's when Zara get's a text from Derek.

You were right about Braeden, please come see me tonight when you can.

And she will, but first she needs to know who the fuck the Benefactor is and how they know that Derek is gonna die, then she'll see him when she figures that out. So there she is sitting in the morgue of the hospital looking at a very dead seeming Scott Mccall, it's terrifying really. She hears footsteps coming from the hall and suddenly a very distressed Melissa Mccall is walking inside, she drops her facial expression and let's out a breath.

"I really hate this fucking plan." She mumbles as she stares at Scott who's laying on a morgue table.

"We all do, but he thinks it will work so we have to try." Jackson says

"We have 45 minutes until we need to wake him up." Kira says

"And what happens after?" Melissa asked

"Scott will be fine after." Mrs. Yukimura says

"No, I mean, If we don't wake him up in 45 minutes?" Melissa asked

"Let me guess, nobody told her?" Lyla says with a disappointed look on her face.

"Tell me what?" Melissa asked, her expression alarmed.

"If we don't wake him up in exactly 45 minutes, he will actually die." Mrs. Yukimura replies

Melissa has a look of anguish on her face, she gulps.

"Scott made us promise not to tell you until you agreed to the plan, I'm sorry." Stiles says as he pulls Melissa into his arms.

"He's the alpha, we had to listen and do what he said too." Jackson says

Melissa nods once Stiles lets her go, "My son is just an idiot."

"Not disagreeing with you there."

"What happens now?" Melissa asked

"I'm gonna go with Argent to go alert The Benefactor about Scott being dead, The Benefactor will need visual confirmation so he'll hopefully come here." Stiles explains

"That's what we're banking on, anyway." Liam replies

"Okay, Stiles, go." Melissa says

He nods before vamping out of the morgue.

He came back pretty fast with about 3 laptops in his hand and chargers, "Who wants to watch hospital cameras and for The Benefactor with me?" Stiles says with his lips in a straight line.

Jackson, Isaac and Lyla passed and just agreed to stay in the morgue and watch Scott.

That left, Zara, Liam and Kira.

So they were all in an empty room with the computers hooked to the wall and hacked into the hospital hallway cameras. After 5 minutes of looking at the cameras the one on the roof started to glitch out, then it said no signal.

"It's not supposed to do that, you guys should go check it out." Stiles says

"I'll stay with you."

Stiles nods, "Kira, Liam, be careful. And come back immediately!"

They both run out of the room, Stiles shakes his head, "Kids."

Zara snorts

"Hey? you okay?" Stiles nudges her

Zara nods, and runs her hands through her hair. "Yeah.. I just gotta see Derek tonight."

"You guys okay?" He asked

"I'm not sure, I got really mad about Braeden being in the loft but he just texted me something about being right about her, I'm not too sure what that means but I know it's definitely not good."

"She trying to come between you guys?" Stiles crosses his arms.


"Well.. don't kill her. That's all I'm gonna say." Stiles replies with a slight smile.

Zara smiles a bit, "I'll try my best not to." She pauses, "Did Derek ever.. call you?"

"Why would he?" Stiles asked, brows raised.

Zara groans, "That idiot, of course he didn't got he doesn't know about the Deadpool, about his name cracking the 3rd list."

"Oh, damn. Yeah you definitely have got to tell him." Stiles frowns

"I will."

And then the power goes out, emergency lights come on, flickering. Zara looks a the cameras, they've all gone black.

"Damn it." Stiles says as he taps the mouse on the computer.

"Where is Chris?"

"Somewhere in the hospital, we gotta go look for him." Stiles sigh before closing all three laptops.

Zara follows as he walks out of the room and down the hall, Zara sees Chris before he does. He's walking in front of them, and suddenly he spins around, gun to Stiles' face. He let's out a sigh of relief before putting it down.

"Power's out in the whole building and we lost all the cameras." Stiles says

Chris nods, "Stay with Scott and the others, text me if you see or hear anything."

Zara nods before she and Stiles vamp to the morgue, when they walk inside Isaac, Lyla, and Jackson are gone. Zara quickly called Lyla who answered almost immediately, "Hey Lyla, where are you?"

"Hiding." She whispers, her voice full of fear.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"The Berserkers, they came in and Isaac and Jackson started fighting them and Isaac told me to hide in a closet, that was 2 minutes ago. I don't know where they are now." She panics.

"Okay, Lyla just stay in there okay? Do not move."

"Okay." She whispers before hanging up.

"Where there are Berserkers there is a Kate, Damn it, Argent. Pick up the phone." Stiles mumbles as he calls him again.

And suddenly the door swings open, Chris on the ground groaning as Kate walks in confidently behind him. Zara feels her veins fill with unbridled rage, Kate came alone and Zara was gonna use that to her advantage.

"Move out of the way Stiles, I need that body." Kate says

"Why? For visual confirmation?" Stiles says, eyes glowing blue.

"Don't worry handsome, I'm not The Benefactor." Kate smirks

Zara bares her fangs, "No, you're just some psycho bitch who ruins lives." Kate doesn't get the chance to act before Zara kicks her to the ground, she straddles her hips as she slams her fist into her face repeatedly, her anger completely taking over her, but she knows Kate will heal.

So she needs to try something different.

She grips her throat with vengeance on her mind, she can feel her bones crushing in her hands, all she needs to do is squeeze just a little bit harder and her head will pop right off her shoulders, and then she'll be dead.

Just a little bit more—

"Zara, no!" Stiles growls

"Why shouldn't I do it?! She ruined Derek's life and she's still doing it when she's not even supposed to be breathing. Give me one reason why I shouldn't rip her head off right now, Stiles!"

"Because you're not like her, Zara!" Stiles growls trying to reason with her, panic in his beta voice.

"I will be if it means Derek will never have to worry about her anymore." Zara spits angrily as she watches Kate gasp, her eyes wide as Zara slams her head into the linoleum floor.

"Zara, please don't do this. You're not a monster, don't become one." Stiles begs, his beta voice has faltered to his normal one, he's worried about her. "Please, just don't do this." he pleads

Zara's hands are shaking, she can feel her anger dissipating, She really wants her dead, more than anything. But Stiles is right, if she does this then everything about her will change, and she doesn't want that when she's just starting to figure out where she belongs and and who she wants to be.

She can't jeopardize that for vengeance, now matter how much Kate deserves it.

Zara retracts her fangs, she might not be able to kill her, but she can still snap her neck.

So she does, then she stands up and walks over to Stiles.

He gives her a small nod before pulling her into his arms, "I'm sorry if I scared you."

"I just didn't want you to ruin everything you worked so hard for, your identity, and your huge heart." he says

"I'll take care of Kate, you guys watch Scott. Time is almost up." Chris says showing the 5 minutes left on his watch. After he leaves a minute later Kira runs into the morgue, she looked like she's been through hell. And so do Isaac, and Jackson when they walk in with Lyla.

"What the hell happened?" Stiles asked

"Berserkers, but they disappeared, just took off and left." Kira says trying to catch her breath.

"Kate was here, wasn't she?" Jackson asked, panting.

"Yeah, but Zara snapped her neck so that's probably why her Berserker guards left." Stiles replies

"We have 2 minutes before we need to wake up Scott." Kira says walking over to the drawer and pulling Scott out of the morgue cabinet.

"So, The Benefactor never showed?" Lyla asked

"No, sorry guys."

"So we just killed our alpha for nothing." Isaac mumbles in an annoyed tone.

"Pretty much." Jackson adds

Chris walks back in, Melissa and Kira's mom follow behind him.

"What happened to Kate?" Stiles asked

"She woke up, I threatened her with my gun and told her to take her Berserkers and get out of here." Chris says

"So she's gone?"

"For now," He pauses, it's time to wake up Scott." Chris says pointing to the 20 seconds on his watch.

Kira nods before placing her hand over Scott's heart, she sends electric surges through her palms back to his chest, and then he shoots up, panting, his eyes wide.

"What happened? Did it work?" Scott asked

Nobody knows how to answer him.

And then Liam runs in the room, "Kira. It's your mother, she's hurt."

Zara was following Kira down the hallway when she found her mom on the floor being held by Melissa, she was bleeding out from her stomach. Zara frowned as she leans onto her knees, "I know how to fix this, but I need you to trust me."

Mrs. Yukimura nods, "If you can help, then please do whatever you can."

Zara nods before biting into her own wrist, she watches as the blood drips down, "I need you to drink this, my blood will heal you."

Kira's mom gives her an unsure look before looking at her daughter, then she nods.

Zara holds up the back of her head and places her wrist against her lips, and then she's drinking from her. Zara lifts up her shirt and watches as the wound starts to heal itself, she pulls her wrist back and checks the wound again.

It's gone.

"She'll be okay, just make sure you keep an eye on her. She is on the Deadpool, and if she dies she'll come back a vampire with my blood in her system."

Kira nods, "Thank you, Zara."

Zara smiles, "It's no problem, Kira."

Zara then vamped her way out of the hospital and into the night, she had someone she needed to see. She hopped onto Derek's terrace before taking a deep breath and walking into the loft. She walked into the living room and saw him pacing the room, she walked up to him and his eyes widened when he saw her.

"Hi, sorry it took me a bit, Scott had this dumb plan where we—"

Zara was cut off by Derek throwing his arms around her, she sighed into the embrace before she wrapped her arms around his neck. She feels him scenting her neck and she tilts her head so he has better access. He then pulls away and looks her in the eyes, "I missed you, so much."

She smiles, "I missed you too, I'm sorry for running off like that."

He shakes his head, "No, you were right. Braeden shouldn't have been here. I just felt bad because she's doing me a huge favor." Then he looks angry, "But she tried to take advantage of that."

Zara steps back, holding his hands, "What did she do Derek?"

"She tried to kiss me, I shoved her off before she could." He says with bitterness in his voice.

Zara feels her veins fill with rage again, "First Kate and now Braeden? I swear it's like the universe wants me to kill someone tonight."

"Wait.. Kate? What happened?" Derek asked, brows shooting up in alarm.

Zara's anger disappears and shame comes in it's place, she looks down, "I almost killed Kate."

Derek caresses her cheek, "Zara."

"I know, I just.. she ruined your life Derek and she's still doing it. Your powers are gone, and it's all her fault and she's supposed to be dead. Why isn't she dead?" Zara exclaims

"You can blame Peter for that." Derek says gently

"Yeah, fucking Peter. Can't even kill someone right."

Derek chuckles, "Zara."


"I'm sorry about Braeden, I just wanted to help." He says with a frown.

Zara gives him a sad smile, "I know, I get it. Everything is okay now, we're okay.. right?"

Derek nods, "Yeah, we're okay."

Zara watches as his face scrunches, like he's in pain. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing I just.. got shot at the hospital the other day." He replies

"Derek!" Zara worries, "Show me."

He slowly lifts up his shirt revealing the bandage, she gently pulls it off and bites her bottom lip, "Why isn't it healing?"

"Because my ability to heal along with my powers are gone." He says, his frown deep. Zara then pulls up her sleeve and bites her wrist, "Zara, no." He protested

"Derek, if you dont drink my blood right now, so help me god, I will force feed it to you."

He sighs, she leans up and places her bleeding wrist to his lips, and then he drinks. She watches as the wound slowly starts to heal itself before she pulled her arm back and pulled her sleeve back down along with his shirt.

"Now just stay alive until my blood is in your system, or else you'll be a hybrid like Stiles."

"Would that be so bad? I'd get to be with you forever." He says gently as he wraps his arms around her waist, Zara flushes as she places her hands on his shoulders.

"You couldn't handle forever with me, you'd get tired of me."

"Not possible." He says before leaning in and connecting their lips, god Zara missed him so much. She wrapped her arms around his neck and reached up on her toes as she melted into the kiss. She felt Derek tug on her bottom lip as he slipped his tongue past her teeth, their tongues tangled emitting a soft moan deep in her throat.

And then there was a knock on the door.

They pulled away, Derek holding her waist protectively. "Go." She mumbles

Derek nods before walking over and opening it, Zara sees him grow tense as he allows the person to walk inside.


"Hi Zara." She mumbles, her eyes rimmed red.

"What's wrong?"

"I just came to tell you something." her eyes flicker over to Derek. "Alone."

He nods curtly before making his way up the stairs leaving the living room to Malia and Zara.

"What's going on Malia?"

"I went to see Peter today." She says


"I know you don't think it's a good idea but if he can help me find my mother then I really don't care about anything else." Malia says

Zara nods

"But I was also thinking about how.. when my mother—adoptive mother, we got in a fight that.. night. I don't even remember what it was about but.... I remember what I said." Her voice drops to whisper, a tear slipping down her cheek.

"Malia you dont—"

"I said, I wish you were all dead." She forces out.

Then Zara gets it.

"Malia," she gently grabs her arm, "Murder does not run in families."

She slowly pulls her arm away, "Maybe it does in mine." She then hands me the Deadpool list and makes her way out of the loft, slamming the door behind her.

An echo filling the silence of the loft.


So instead of Malia having that conversation with Stiles I had her have it with Zara since she's getting closer to her (despite the fact that Zara kept a huge secret from her).

Also yes, the Braeden bullshit is over because I didn't feel like making it bigger than it really was.

Not into drama like that, just love romance

Alright, well I got a Derek Hale fic to read.

Until the next one guys, byeee

— Mic ❣︎

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