Lucifer King

By LucifersMistresss

448K 11.9K 4.5K

His lips broke away from mine leaving me panting like crazy and made their way to my cheek. Leaving a hot tra... More

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Sin with me
Mind tricks vs. Reality
Pills N Smokes
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Hot as Hell
Fear and Danger
Our Last Kiss
I am Lucifer King
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Resisting Him
Hot n' Cold
The Devil's weakness
Daddy's girl
Confused or Confusing?
Up in the Sky
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On My Knees
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Silent echoes

6.9K 240 94
By LucifersMistresss

"If you can't find any reason to stay then I know I'm gonna always have a lonely heart" - Lonely Heart, 5 Seconds Of Summer

※ Eliana's POV ※

"I think it's time for me to go get some rest," My dad said as he stood up from the couch that the three of us were sitting in. 

After our... conversation with Lucifer, we both came to sit with my dad. Dad asked his usual overprotective questions and Lucifer lied as he did it professionally. 

Apparently, we met when he came to Thessaloniki and we bumped into each other in a small cafe. It was love at first sight and since then we have been together... No comment on that. Luciano was half Italian, half American and he was a businessman who left his company behind to travel the world, and wait for it.... find love and get married.

Kara snorted again as she remembered Lucifer, her King, talking like a hopeless romantic in front of my dad. I myself tried really hard not to burst out laughing as I heard the Devil talk like he is an Instagram influencer and a motivational speaker. 

On the other hand, my dad seemed to really like Luciano and the whole fake persona, as they discussed their companies and business matters. He seemed genuinely interested in what my boyfriend had to say and to be honest I was more than happy because that meant no questions afterward.

But of course, while they talked, I couldn't go anywhere because my sweet devil had wrapped me up in his arms, caging me in. He kept stroking my back and hugging my waist, keeping our bodies glued together and acting as if we are a real couple. And I just stood there, playing a stupid game on my phone while trying to push back my growing need for Lucifer's touch as he teased me.

"Luciano, why don't you stay for the night? I make incredible pancakes for breakfast!" My dad said, smiling softly and winking at me. My eyes widened and my throat tightened.

"No!" I immediately said and stood up, untangling my body from Lucifer's. 

I looked alarmed at my dad and then I realized that my action was clearly stupid.

"Um, I mean that Luciano can't stay because he has plans for the night. With your buddies, right babe?" I turned and glared at Lucifer, so he could take the hint and leave my house at last. 

His eyes darkened dangerously and his smirk grew while he looked at me slyly. He stood up and came in front of me, pushing his hands on his pockets. 

"No baby, I told you I canceled my plans so I could surprise you" Lucifer said and brought a hand on my face, softly palming my cheek. 

"Well then, you two figure it out. I'm too tired today." My dad said and walked towards the stairs. 

"Goodnight papa! Your bed is ready and there are extra blankets in the closet if you need more" I said sweetly to my dad. Without turning around, he started climbing the stairs and nodded once. I felt Lucifer's hand traveling down to my waist and settling there.

"Entaksei mikro mou. Goodnight!" He said and yawned loudly. Lucifer's hold on my waist tightened and my head snapped to his. I was taken aback by the frown that he had while looking at my dad. (Okay little one)

"What?" I asked dumbfounded. His eyes locked with mine and I got lost in the deep blue oceans.

"You're mine" He almost growled. I did a double-take, clearly confused by his words. Is he... Is he jealous of my father?

Most likely, Kara said.

"Are you insane? He's my father!" I looked disgusted at him and smacked his chest with the back of my hand. He growled again and dipped his head down, colliding our foreheads and pulling my body close to his. Butterflies and tingles erupted in my stomach when I felt the vibration of his chest as he growled.

"I said you're mine." He whispered, his hot breath hitting my face. I'm pretty sure I blushed because I almost felt the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Back o-off" I stuttered, whispering back at him, and stepped back, escaping his grip. I thought he would resist and hold me, but he didn't.

I huffed and bowed down to fold the blanket. 

"My dad will be suspicious if you are not here in the morning, and since you came here and fucked it all up, you're gonna listen to me...very closely" I said sternly as I tidied up the living room. I heard him let out a soft chuckle and I gulped thinking that he will just ignore me and do as he likes. 

"I'm listening," He said and I could feel the smile on his face as he did so. 

Wow, that went well...

Hmm, too well, Kara trailed off.

I turned to look at him and with my best serious face, I started explaining my plan. 

"There is no way that you will stay the night here. You can go do whatever the fuck you want in your precious Hell, or I don't know... at your house...if that was even your house. And you can come back, early in the morning, before 7:30 so my dad will think that you were here all along." I said without blinking, sternly looking at him. "Understood?"

At first, he didn't react. He stood there with a small smug smile plastered on his face, looking down at me with crossed arms. His rolled-up sleeves and the two open buttons of his shirt were staring at me and attacking my hormones, while I tried to stay calm for what seems like the hundredth time today.

His smile grew and he licked his lips, smirking at me. He moved towards me, with slow steps. 

Oh no...

"Or..." He trailed off. 

Here we go.

"We could go up to that cute bedroom of yours, and we could reenact the night that we met."He spoke huskily as he minimized the distance between us. My body was already on fire from all the teasings and kissing that went down today, but I could still control my needs. 

"Or... you could leave and come back in the morning." I insisted, as he closed the gap between us, my chest softly brushing against his upper stomach.  

"Why do you want me to leave? Your body is clearly craving my touch and I know that feisty mind of yours does too" He whispered and brushed his knuckles against my cheek, his eyes leaving a hot trail wherever they went.

"I do not." I whimpered out as my mark on the back of my head started itching. "I literally just told you to leave" 

"Hmm, you did" He whispered and his hand grabbed the side of my head, his fingers slightly grazing my mark, while his thumb caressed my cheekbone. His eyes were looking anywhere but my eyes, scanning my face and chest, which was pressed against him. 

"But a few hours ago, I'm pretty sure you were up against a wall with my tongue down your throat" I opened my mouth to stop him before he could finish that sentence, but his fingers pressed down on my mark, making me hiss from all the tingles that erupted in my body.

"Stop that," I said and grabbed his arm, tugging at it so he could let me go. He smirked down at me, and his eyes landed in my wide ones. 

You have to be careful Eli... One move is all it takes and you will be mated, Kara said warningly.

I know.

"What? That?" He said mischievously and moved his palm towards my mark, hovering above it, but nearly touching it. 

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets as I looked at him and dug my nails into his arm, pushing it back as hard as I could with both of my hands. I knew that the terror and the despair inside my eyes were visible and comprehensible to Lucifer. My eyes burned as I looked inside his, trying to understand if he wanted to complete the process against my will or if he was just teasing me. 

"Please stop" I whispered out, my voice barely audible. 

Lucifer could control everything his body did, his reactions and his facial expressions. He could hide behind his mask all he wanted but there was one thing that he couldn't control, and that is his eyes. The two beautiful irises inside that were framed by his long, dark lashes, were staring right at me, the blue color lighting up the room. His face looked stone-cold and his body was frozen. But his eyes faded, and I saw the sadness, the anger, and the confusion behind them, as he watched my reaction. 

We were stuck there, looking into each other's souls, searching for answers, as his mark hovered over mine and my nails drew blood from his arm. 

A small strand of his silky-smooth black hair, which was gelled back for the sake of looking more presentable to my dad, fell on his forehead, in between his eyes, and on top of his nose, pulling him out of his haze. His eyes snapped shut and he moved away from me, by removing his hand and taking a step back.

He bowed his head down, hiding his face, and brought a hand up to his temples, rubbing them. I closed my eyes softly, and two single tears fell down my cheeks. I turned around, hiding my face from him too and I wiped my tears away, as I breathed in deeply. 

Why did he do that? Why did he have to touch me like that? Is he really here because he wants to protect me or is he here because he wanted to get the job done and mate? To get it over with and take me to Hell with him...

After a few moments of painful thoughts and silence, I turned around, deciding to ask him. 

"Why are you rea-" I stopped mid-sentence as my eyes fell on the spot that he was standing. Empty. 

I looked around the living room, spinning my head left and right to see if he just moved while I was turned away. 

He's gone.




※ Lucifer's POV ※

The wooden chair made a loud cracking sound as it hit the wall, beside the windows. I grabbed whatever I found in front of me, which happened to be a small coffee table, and swang it over my shoulder, smashing it against the rest of the chairs, breaking everything in the process, splinters, and pieces of wood flying everywhere. 

"FUCK!" I screamed as loud as I could, filling the defining silence inside the huge, and now destroyed living room. 

I felt the rage completely taking over me and all I could see was red. I could feel the tips of my claws extending and I sensed my horns slashing through my forehead, resurfacing in the top of my head. I felt being lifted higher, as a few extra centimeters were added to my height, my body growing thicker and larger, muscles bulging and ripping the clothes that I wore.

I growled loudly, my voice deeper and distorted. I heard the soft 'whoosh' coming from behind me and then glass breaking, and things falling down. My wings were too big for this space, as the tips hit the ceiling. Both of the wings were basically surrounding me because I had to bent them inwards so they could fit. Vases, dishes, stools, and the mini bar in the far corner were moved harshly when my wings came out and pushed everything, breaking them in the process.

I was breathing harshly, with small angry breaths as I saw the destroyed white living room in front of me, engulfed by black feathers. I'm pretty sure my eyes were completely black at this point, as my wrath was uncontrollable. 

I left her place because I could feel my beast wanting to be freed, and he would destroy everything in her house, including her. He would probably snap her neck and toss her body on the couch like she was a ragdoll. 

As that thought came into mind, I growled loudly again and hugged the column in the middle of the living room, pulling at it and screaming in absolute rage. The concrete white column gave in under my stronghold and broke in two places. I swang the piece of stone into the stairs, barely missing my left wing, as it smashed against the marble stairs, cracking the marble. 

The beast that was now released, continued growling and groaning in anger, smashing everything in front of him. Everything on the first floor of my house was now completely ruined, from walls to couches and chairs, tables and doors.

I fell down, sliding against the wall. My wings were spread in front of me, laying on top of the ruins, and moved along with my deep breaths. 

I thought of her to help me relax. 

She was now the only thing in the universe that could calm me down, even if she wasn't present. There were many times in Hell that I lashed out because someone would touch her, especially that asshole Blake. I would get angry whenever strangers looked at her or whenever those pathetic humans in her university would stare at her, thinking about what they would do to her. That drove me mad. My beast would consume me in seconds and he would go to Earth and terrorize those immature boys that lusted after her. And I wasn't able to stop.

At least until she popped up in my mind. Scolding me and looking at me with those big hazel eyes that can literally put me in a trance. 

"Fuck" I whispered at myself as I sat down on the floor, wings, and legs spread in front of me. I felt my claws and my horns retreat, and my eyes returned to the normal blood-red color. I tried to catch my breath as I stood there with my head in my palms, fisting my hair and tugging harshly at it. 

Didn't she miss me? Didn't she miss my touch or my presence as much as I missed her?

I know that she asked me to bring her home and leave her alone... but how could I? And how can she? 

How can someone manage without his or her mate? Hell, I am the Devil and I can barely cope without her. But how can she, a fragile human being, with an even more fragile heart and mind, can stand being away from her mate? 

The mate bond is not something that you can mess with. Father designed it like that so you can't escape it, but also not wanting to. The only way to escape the mate bond is by killing yourself, but your mate would suffer the most horrible pain. Unbearable pain in the heart, while it literally shrinks every passing day until it disappears and the angel dies. 

I can't even imagine what would happen to a human mate. My mate. 

Or what would happen to me if she killed herself.

I rubbed my temples hard and brushed back my messy hair as I retreated my wings, placing them back inside my body. 

Now, what was that all about? I just had to go and destroy my whole living room because she didn't want me to stay the night? 

Ugh, who am I kidding? I couldn't fucking care less if she wanted me to spend the night... but what about the mating process? 

I give too many fucks about that one. 

Of course, I wouldn't complete the bond at that exact moment, I was only teasing her because I like it when she's irritated and frustrated. But she didn't only deny me, she looked terrified. Absolute terror and fear of what's to come next were written in her face, the message being crystal clear. She didn't want us to mate. But not only in that moment. She didn't want this in general. 

"Please stop" 

Her words rang inside my mind a couple of times, blurring all my other thoughts and scattering them around. Her frightened voice was painful to listen to, especially when the fear is directed at me. 

I looked around the living room once again and sighed. 

What do I do now? I have never been in such a situation before. I never even thought about having a mate, therefore I don't know how to treat her... what do I do? 

Do I tell her the truth? Maybe if I tell her the truth and trick her into feeling sorry for me, she will agree to mate. 

No, I can't do that. I'm the fucking Devil, I don't make people feel sorry for me. I make people feel sorry for themselves.

What if I just do it? I'm clearly the strongest entity in the world, except God, so I'll just grab her head and collide the marks.

No, my subconscious growled at me at the thought of hurting our mate.

"Well, what the fuck do you expect me to do?!" I yelled at myself, filling the silence on the demolished living room. The echo repeated three times what I said, and it felt like it was mocking my despair.

Well, how about you wipe your fucking tears, sober up and go do what you originally came here for? 

Oh, fuck, the angel.

I'm so stupid! I can't believe that I left her alone, after sensing a damn angel close to her. 

Rumors spread quickly in Hell, and after the angel showed itself in Greece, I immediately searched for it and Eliana. Those fucking bastards probably found out about my mate and wanted to get her away from me. As if they forgot about the consequences when they do something to me that I don't like, let alone take my mate in Heaven and keep her away from me.

Fucking idiots, I thought to myself as I stood up and rushed to the stairs, jumping over the ruins. I rushed to the bedroom and I wasn't ready for what I saw. 

The room was exactly like I have left it when we had sex with Eliana. The bedsheets were tangled, the pillow that she used had still the pattern of her head in it. And although the room smelled like an abandoned house, her smell still lingered in the air. I looked up and her red dress was still tangled up in the metallic design of the light.

Memories of that night came rushing back and messed up my mind, scattering my thoughts once again, while lust engulfed my senses and put me in a sweet haze. 

Her body glued to mine, her sweet lips brushing against mine and her small hands trying to hold on to my shoulders as I pounded into her. 

And I didn't even know who she was when I met her. But I felt some sort of connection from the start, especially when we kissed. It was electrifying and as I kissed her, the thought that I found my mate passed through my mind, but deep down I was sure that this wasn't the case. I couldn't have possibly had a mate... 

During the night, I checked her body for the mark, my burnt feather, but I didn't see it anywhere.

Taking Eliana hostage in Hell was not my intention but she followed me and when I saw that she survived the fall and that she had the necklace, I knew she wasn't just a simple human. She said her mother was Madison and then our conversations with the Queen of Succubi started. We had many meetings with Madison and she told me a lot of things about Eliana. Including that she is my mate. 

 When Madison said that she knows her, that she is her daughter, and that she has a mark on the back of her head, she explained to me that when she was born she saw the mark and she immediately knew who she was.

Of course, then I got mad, and I was ready to tear her to pieces but she quickly explained herself. She said that she wanted Eliana to reach 18 years old first and then introduce her to her fate. But she took precautions by letting her strongest succubus possess her and protect her since birth. She knew that she was born for an important cause. Damn right.

That's when I fully realized that I was given a mate, and I knew that I couldn't screw this up. So I did what Eliana asked me to do. Well, with some exceptions.

I stood in the middle of the room, frozen in my spot and lost in my own thoughts. The angel came back into my mind, and I sprang to the side of the room, opening the wardrobe and grabbing new clothes. 

I put on a simple black shirt and a pair of tight black pants as quickly as I could, and I immediately left the house, teleporting myself to Eliana's room.

Once I landed in the room, I raised my eyes and saw Eliana as naked as the day she was born, bowing down to one of her drawers, her beautiful ass raised in the air. 

I smirked evilly, as my face darkened and my dick twitched inside my pants. I was immediately turned on by the magnificent sight in front of my eyes and I took three steps closer towards my mate, barely holding myself back. 

I was ready to pounce.

"Hey baby"





Don't kill me for taking so long :) I had too many things to do for college...

But now I'm done, so here is a fresh chapter for you <3 It's not a big one, but it's Lucifer's POV so it doesn't matter ^.^

Lucifer's POV huh?  What do you think? 

Did I answer some questions or did I raise more? Hehehe...

Hope you enjoyed xx

Until next time, 

Lucifer's Mistress.

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