The Ascended, "This is the Fu...

By Iluna-_05

365 60 6

In the year 2026, the state Redwhich has advanced far beyond others. The state was always "futuristic," but d... More

Chapter 1: The Escape
Heart of a Stranger
A Beautiful Smile
A Drive through Redwhich
A Nice Man, a Quiet Woman, and a...Goth Person?
An Aggressive Shopping Trip
A Battle Begins!
The Battle Continues!
Red's Hand
The Other Targets
The Great White Demon, and The Blade Master
A Monster Attacks!
A Forming Team
New Leadership
Cookies and Information
The Gallows
The Meeting
Red's Memory
Piecing Things Together
Uncovering the Truth
Within the Facility...
Bad Place
Answers at Last
The Red Haired Man
Exiting the Facility

The Fog

5 2 0
By Iluna-_05

Firehawk took the first swing, only for the Stalker to block with it's claws! Though they appeared to be flesh, the claws acted more like stone! The blade of his sword sparked as he grinded it across the Stalker's claws. The Stalker had blocked with the outside of it's claws, but that meant nothing. It's fingers slowly bent backwards, gripping around the blade!

Firehawk countered this with a second weapon! He drew a dagger in his left hand, and sliced across the beast's fingers! It let out a horrid shriek as it stumbled back! It charged towards him once more, and he quickly trusted the dagger into it's chest! He grabbed it by the throat with his left hand, and lifted it into the air!

Despite it's incredible strength, it was quite light. A Stalker struck down from above at that moment, slicing through the one he held up! He swiftly stabbed his blade through the one he was holding, and right through the other one! More Stalkers approached, which he pushed back by slicing through the two he was holding in the air!

This caused black blood to spray all over the area, which he then struck with his blade! A loud sound blared as the blood burst out like fireworks! In the firework-like sound, the Stalkers held their ears in pain! He took the opportunity to slip away! The Stalkers had lost him! Meanwhile, Gill chased after Red!

"Stop running!" Gill exclaimed! She dashed into a parking garage, and he followed. "Come back!" Gill shouted! Red finally stopped. It seemed she had run out of energy! He ran over to her. "Hey...finally you slowed down. Where did all that energy come from?" Gill asked.

Gill felt something brush across his shoulder, before a hand clasped down on it! He quickly turned, and slammed his fist into the person's stomach! It was Firehawk! "OW!" He shouted! Gill realized his mistake. "Don't sneak up on me like that! You scared me." Gill said, "I can see that." Firehawk replied.

"Well, is it safe to head home?" Gill asked, "Probably. We just have to go quietly so we don't get noticed." Firehawk answered. Almost as if it were fated, a Stalker slammed down on top of a car nearby, and shrieked as loud as it possibly could! This alerted every Stalker in the area!

"Alright. Nevermind. Run back to the house! Hold her hand on the way so we don't lose her!" Firehawk exclaimed, "What?! You hold her hand!" Gill replied, "What? Do you not want a tree to sit in together, GILL? Just grab her hand, and run!" Firehawk exclaimed! Gill reluctantly grabbed her hand, and took off with her!

Firehawk threw out a small orb, it looked like a grenade! He slashed through it with his sword, causing fire and shrapnel to fly outward! Though despite it being some kind of incendiary grenade, the fire only shot out towards the Stalkers! They let out horrid shrieks as they caught flame!

In the chaos, Firehawk backed away, and continued to run after the others! Suddenly, one of the flaming Stalkers ripped the roof of a car off, then threw it at him! He turned around, and sliced the car roof in half! Unfortunately, this wasn't an action movie! The roof continued, only in two pieces now! One hit him in the stomach, and the other right in the head! "Ow." He said.

He clutched his head in pain! "That didn't feel good." Firehawk said, continuing on his way! At that moment, the Stalker picked the roof back up, then threw it at him again! This time, he wasn't fast enough! It cut into his arm!

Though strangely, there was no blood...nor did he seem badly hurt! He just kept dashing away! Meanwhile, Gill ran with Red! They were dashing down a street, when a shape suddenly landed next to them!

It was a Stalker that had come after them! Gill slapped it, causing it to fly back into a wall! The wall cracked immediately, and the beast died! "I've been working on that slap!" Gill exclaimed! Red kept running, now leading him! "Hey, wait a second!" Gill exclaimed!

They kept running for some time, until they entered the neighborhood! The fog had faded, and it seemed they weren't followed. A hand clasped down on Gill's shoulder, scaring him! Though he recognized the feeling of cold steel. It was Firehawk's hand! "Haha, very funny." Gill said, grabbing his hand.

Suddenly, the hand slipped off his shoulder, revealing that it was attached to a severed arm! Gill and Red both screamed, before laughter burst out behind them! "Ahhh, I couldn't help it." Firehawk said, right next to them! Gill turned to look at him, and saw that his arm was indeed gone! "How are you alive?!" Gill asked.

"I'm built to last." Firehawk answered, "So it seems..." Gill said, "Well, we're safe now. I'm sure Alex and the others are worried sick about us. We should head back." Firehawk replied. Gill nodded, and Firehawk picked up his severed arm. Together, they walked back.

Alex was waiting on the lawn. Firehawk waved his severed arm jokingly as they approached, and Alex seemed quite confused. "What kind of crazy party did you guys go to? You lost an arm, and to be honest it looks like you got hit by a truck..." Alex asked, pointing at Firehawk.

"We experienced the fog. Many Stalkers came from us. Apparently they love throwing large and strangely sharp objects at people, particularly at their arms..." Firehawk answered, looking at Red, "The fog? Again???" Alex asked, "Yes. We'll talk more inside. Though I need to recover. Can we rest for the night first?" Firehawk asked.

"Recover?" Gill asked, "Yeah...I may not show it all the way, but I am in agonizing pain right now." Firehawk answered, "Understandable. We should rest then." Gill said, "I'll tell the others you're back, and that you will be resting. We don't have much furniture in the spare rooms, or at all really. I don't know why David bought a massive mansion just to use three rooms.

But just pick the comfiest looking spot on the floor, and take a nap." Alex said, entering the home. They entered, and indeed picked the nicest looking spots on the floor in separate rooms. That night, they got good rest. Though they had new information to discuss in the morning.

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