Black Swan Assassins' (Spy an...

By Lazy_Writer1127

9.1K 113 95

Sophie Foster joined a group called The Black Swan Assassins. The Vackers are royalty, as well as Keefe (He i... More

Please Read!!!
Prince Fitzroy Vacker/Sophie Foster
Sophie Foster
Prince Keefe/Princess Biana
Prince Keefe/Sophie Foster
Sophie Foster/Dex Dizznee
A/N & Special Oneshot
Black Swan Character Info
Prince Keefe
Prince Fitz
Sophie Foster/Keefe Sencen
Keefe Sencen
Sophie Foster/Angel Wyndham
Dex Dizznee
Amy Foster/Sophie Foster
Special Oneshot
Sophie Foster
Sophie Foster/Fitz Vacker
Keefe Sencen/Sophie Foster
Sophie Foster/Keefe Sencen

Sophie Foster/Keefe Sencen

369 5 3
By Lazy_Writer1127

Sophie felt like her world turned upside down. Amy... missing? No way! That can't happen. 

"Are you sure?" Sophie asked, not even trying to mimic. 


The world around Sophie started turning around in circles, making her dizzy. Her vision dimmed. She barely acknowledged the fact that she fell to the floor. Or the fact her hood fell off. 

She did know that Keefe was holding her. 

Very close to him.

Snap out of it! 

Soon, the darkness took over her vision. The last thing She heard was, "Sophie?" before blacking out. 

Keefe looked between the exchange of Moonlark and Fork Dude. Suddenly, Moonlark started shaking. Then her legs gave up, collapsing. Keefe lept to catch her.

While she was falling, her hood fell off, revealing a head of golden blond hair and brown golden-freckled eyes. 

Soon, everything came together. 

Lady Fos-Bos? Why does that sound so... familiar?


"I will find out who did that."

He was positive he heard her voice before. Just like Foster

"We're supposed to meet someone today, remember?"

"Oh right! What's her name again? Sophie Foster! Yes her." 

Sophie Foster-Ruewen was The Moonlark. 


She didn't answer, as her eyes closed, showing that she's probably unconscious. 

Keefe looked up at Fork dude. "She's Sophie Foster-Ruewen, isn't she?"

He closed his eyes as he nodded slowly. "Help me take her to her room, I'll answer all your questions as we walk."

Keefe picked Sophie up as he followed Fork man out. 

"So, is the Black Swan good? Or are they bad? Same with the Neverseen."

"We're good. We steal gems and jewels as a cover. Really, we're trying to capture the Neverseen. We have the same goal: Making the Lost Cities better. But the Neverseen will do anything to get to that goal. Even if that means murder."

"How?" Keefe yelled, surprised. Elves' minds break from guilt. So murdering someone would make their mind shatter.

"I don't know. We've been at war for a while. But the Black Swan would never kill. Then I made Sophie."

"Made? What do you mean made?"

"Sophie is... how do I put this... a project. Now, wait," He said, stopping Keefe from saying anything, "I only enhanced her genes to get the certain abilities we wanted her to have. Telepathy, inflictor, and enhancer were the abilities we had wanted Sophie to get. Teleporting polyglot was what came with changing her genes."

"So... you experimented on a living person?"

"No. We experimented on her genes when she was still an embryo. We would never experiment on living beings. Unlike some people." He mumbled the last part, thinking Keefe couldn't hear. Of course, he did.

They stopped in front of Sophie's door. 

"What do you mean, 'Unlike some people?'" Keefe asked as Forkle opened the door. 

"Let's just say that my... significant other... want to experiment on Sophie after she was born. I said no and she left, saying she would do an experiment that could destroy Sophie." Forkle answered, leading Keefe over to Sophie's bed.

"Do you know what the experiment is?"

"Sadly... I don't. We've been trying to figure that out for 16 years. (I'm not sure if I set Sophie's age. If so, it's now 16) 

Keefe set her down on her bed. "So, let me get this straight. You experimented on Sophie. You, Fork man, had a... hmmm significant other who wanted to experiment with living Sophie while you wanted to do it while she was still an embryo. And only once since you don't like the idea of experimenting on living things. She broke it off with you and left you with a threat. The threat being 'I will make an experiment that will destroy Sophie and take over the world! Mwah ha ha ha!' Did I get that right?"

"Actually, we called Sophie 'Project Moonlark.' Her name, now, came from her human parents."

"Human? She was raised in the Forbidden Cities?"

"Yes. We had her born there so she could see the difference between our world and the humans' world. To see what needs to be fixed in the Lost Cities." Forkle explained, sitting down next to Sophie, brushing her hair out her face. 

"Ok. So, who's Amy? Is she Sophie's sister in the Forbidden Cities?" He asked.

Forkle nodded, still looking at Sophie with concerned eyes. "Amy knows about us. Her parents don't. I let Sophie go visit her once a month. To keep their sisterly bond. I went to go check on them because I got a note. From the Neverseen."

Keefe could feel the blood drain from his face. "What did it say?"

He reached into his pocket and brought out a small folded paper. 

Keefe read it but had to read it again. And again. No, this couldn't be right. 

You have something we want

If you don't give it to us

We'll get rid of the family 

Meet us where it all begun

Hope you come, Forkle-poo

"Ok. I'm not sure which is more disgusting. Them threatening to kill Foster's parents or the fact that they called you 'Forkle-poo.' I'm assuming by that, this is your 'significant other?'"

Forkle nodded solemnly, probably remembering his good memories of her. 

Keefe heard a sharp intake of air before he saw her eyes open. Her eyes took in the surroundings. She slowly sat up and looked at Forkle, not yet noticing Keefe.

"Ah, Miss Foster good that you're awake. We have many things to discuss. Mr. Sencen, please follow us."

That was when Sophie was aware of Keefe's presence. Her eyes widened at the sight of him. Then widened even more when she realized her hood fell off. 

"It's fine. I won't tell anyone. Promise." He added when seeing uncertainty had filled her features.  

She looked over at Forkle and he nodded in agreement. She breath out a sigh and looked back at Keefe. "Alright. But don't make me regret this." She demanded, staring him down. Daring him to something.

"Yes, Lady Fos-Bos!" He said, remembering the nickname that got under her skin.

Her glare could wither flowers. Or in this case, Keefe's confidence. 


They made it back to the room with the weird elves. Forkle explained everything to them. Except for the note, but Keefe has a feeling he transmitted to them since there was a pause of silence. 


Keefe flinched when he heard a voice in his head. Then he realized that was Sophie.

Yeah, Foster?


Yeah, Foster. Your new name

Whatever. Anyways, Forkle wants you to meet him in his office after this

Got it, Foster

Stop calling me Foster. It's either Moonlark or Sophie

No can do Foster

Keefe felt her cut off their connection. He could've sworn he heard her mumble, "I need to get Dex to make an elixir for me."

The meeting lasted a few more minutes, ending with them calling another meeting later with Sophie's group of friends. 

Keefe followed Forklenator and Lady Fos-Bos out the room and back into Forkle's office. 

Assuming they took him back to the cells, Fitz was no where to be seen.

"I have a proposition to make with you, Mr. Sencen." Forkle started as soon as they were in their seats. 

"Keefe or Lord Hunkyhair would work," Keefe told him, smirking.

"Please hear me out before you say anything," Forkle continued, ignoring Keefe's comment. "I would like you to join the Black Swan."

1240 words

A/N: I got no news, none whatsoever. So... how has your Wednesday been? Talk to me. 

Anyways, have a great Wednesday!

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