Chronicles of the Apocalypse:...

By Pacman1994

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Two years after the destruction of Midtown Manhattan, Kyle Desipich and his allies have been living as strand... More

Executive Producer
Music Composer
Visual Effects and Animation
Main Characters
Chapter 1: Beach
Chapter 2: Collateral
Chapter 3: Mourn and Relief
Chapter 4: Anchored
Chapter 5: Abandon Ship
Chapter 6: Ashore
Chapter 7: The Land of the Dead
Chapter 8: Across Hell and Forward
Chapter 9: Picking up an old friend
Chapter 10: Fort
Chapter 12: Road Rage
Chapter 13: Like A Ghost
Chapter 14: My Brother's Keeper
Chapter 15: Ashes
Chapter 16: Favors
Chapter 17: Shipping Yard
Chapter 18: Maintenance Required
Chapter 19: Through Ravage Oceans
Chapter 20: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 21: Power Surge
Chapter 22: Broken Paradise
Chapter 23: Tight Squeeze
Chapter 25: Desolation

Chapter 11: Rescue

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By Pacman1994

Outside of Archly Gate, Sarah and Cassandras' convoy truck are nearing Archly Gate when suddenly, a group of Condemned attack with digging bombs, causing the entire convoy to lose control of their vehicles and crash. Meanwhile, at Archly Gate, Kyle, Jake, Shawn, James and Bowers enter the main command room, discussing the matter of Pierce and Andrew Desipichs' machine.

Bowers: Well, that's just crazy....even for that fuckin asshole! 

Bowers turns to Kyle.

Bowers: So, Kyle, this machine your Dad's created; it'll kill the Krens for good? What about the Condemned?

Kyle: No promises. The Condemned were human, before they were monsters and just because they turned into Krens doesn't mean it could work on them, but we still gotta find out where Apollo is.

James: Damn shame about the Gods' Fist weapon. It's just what we need to give us an edge.

Bowers: goddamned thing. It still kicks off a few satellites, but the accuracy is fried.

James: hmm....maybe, I can fix that.

Bowers hands James the disk.

Bowers: James, you've impressed me once, son. Impress me again.

Beatrix, a Caucasian-American middle aged woman with blonde hair set in dreadlocks and bearing tattoos, wearing worn out A.O.W armor, walks into the command room.

Bowers: Beatrix, you are not going to believe this horseshit.

Beatrix: It'll have to wait, Lyle. Who's monitoring the radio network?

Bowers: Why?

Beatrix: It's Cassandra and Sarah. Their convoy's being under attack and they're trapped outside the area.

James: Shit! Where?!

Kyle: No, James, I need you here.

James: But Cassandra-

Kyle turns to James, putting his hand to his chest.

Kyle: I will get her and Sarah here. You have my word. I need you to fix the accuracy system for the Gods' Fist. We need it. 

Kyle turns to Shawn and Jake.

Kyle: Shawn, Jake, with me.

Bowers: I'll get one of our drivers to drive y'all out.

As everyone else departs, Beatrix pulls James back.

Beatrix: What? I miss something, poin Dexter?

James: Uh....I'll let the ol timer fill you in. Meanwhile, check on his elevated blood level. Heart rate. Make sure he's not going deaf or senile.

Outside Archly Gate, Sarah and Cassandra along with Murray and a few other survivors hold off the Condemned attack with casualties mounting. Meanwhile, Kyle, Jake, Shawn and Beatrix enter the garage and approach the truck.

Kyle: Shawn, with me. Jake, Beatrix, you two provide support from up top while James works on the God's Fist.

Kyle and Shawn climb to the back of the truck while Jake and Beatrix get up top to prepare giving covering fire. The driver leaves the garage and escorts Kyle and Shawn to rescue Sarah and Cassandra while Kyle contacts Sarah through his radio.

Kyle: Sarah, we're coming to get you! Are you okay?! Where's Caleb?

Sarah speaks through Kyle's radio.

Sarah: Kyle! We're pinned down! Caleb's not here! He's not his way with Marcus, Maya and Margaret! We can't hold them for long!

Kyle: okay, hang on! We're coming!

Jake speaks through the radio.

Jake: We'll watch your backs! Go get em!

The driver drives the truck through a battlefield of Condemned, before finally approaching Sarah and Cassandra's position.

Shawn: Kyle! I see the girls! Behind the transport!

Kyle: Look out! Mine!

The driver hits a Condemned mine as it explodes, killing the driver and causing the truck to turn over, knocking Kyle and Shawn out of the back of the truck.

Sarah: Kyle, are you alright?! Kyle!

Cassandra: Come on! Get up, damn it!

Kyle and Shawn recover while Murray is lying on the ground, only to be stomped on the back by a Condemned Drone, who brutally rips off Murray's left arm and beats him to death with his own severed arm.

Sarah: Murray!

With only Kyle, Shawn, Sarah and Cassandra remaining, the four retreat with Condemned attacking. En-route back to the fort, Krens stalks emerge from the ground and disperse Krens Drones.

Kyle: This night just gets better and better.

Jake: Damn it! Now, we got raddies joining the party!

Kyle: Let's just get everyone inside!

The Krens engage and kill the remaining Condemned drones.

Shawn: Hey! You stole my kills, you mutated motherfucker!

Kyle: C'mon! Fall back to the fort! Move!

Cassandra: Kyle, where's Jake and James?!

Kyle: They're at the fort! 

Kyle talks into his radio.

Kyle: James, we're being overran with Krens! Bring the Gods' Fist online now!

In the command center, James is attempting to fix the Gods' Fist weapon accuracy.

James: Yeah, fine, but I don't have full control and accuracy still a little off so might want to get your asses in here pronto! Is Cassandra okay?!

Kyle: She's fine! Just fire it up as soon as you can!

Kyle, Shawn, Sarah and Cassandra fight their way to the front of the fort while Jake and Jordan continue giving cover fire. Meanwhile, two other A.O.W Soldiers enter the battle.

A.O.W Soldier: Hey! Desipich! Over here! C'mon!

Suddenly, a giant Krens stalk bursts out of the ground next to the A.O.W Soldiers.

Shawn: Uh....Kyle, that's not good.

A Krens Living Monolith bursts out of the stalk, roaring.

Jake: Oh, my god.

Kyle: that's definitely not good....

The Infected Living Monolith takes down the two A.O.W Soldiers, before tossing a car that stops in front of Kyle.

Kyle: Watch it!

The Krens Living Monolith produces large tentacles from its back, before jumps into the air and smashing down into the car as Kyle dodges.

Kyle: Holy shit!

Sarah: It's a goddamn infected Living Monolith!

Kyle: Run!

Shawn: Goddamn, you're the ugliest bitch I ever laid eyes on!

Kyle, Shawn, Sarah and Cassandra open fire onto the Krens Living Monolith while retreating to the fort.

Kyle: James, where's the damn Gods' Fist?!

In the command room, James finally manages to fix the Gods' Fist accuracy.

James: It's!

Jake: Kyle! Run!

The Gods' Fist beam reigns down as Kyle, Shawn, Sarah and Cassandra finally reach the fort as the gate closes. The Gods' Fist beam apparently incinerates onto the Krens Living Monolith while in the front gate of Archly Gate, Jake, James and Beatrix reunite with Kyle, Shawn, Sarah and Cassandra.

Shawn: Did we barbeque that bitch?

Cassandra: Sounds like it.

Beatrix: You guys have a habit of bringing trouble with you.

Sarah: It tends to follow us.

Kyle: Alright. Let's get inside. We can talk about how we can find other opportunities to-

Suddenly, a large dent is made into the gate from the other side, alerting Kyle, Jake, Shawn, James, Sarah, Cassandra and Beatrix to aim their weapons at the dented door.

Kyle: What the hell was that?

More and more dents are made from the other side of the door by the Krens Living Monolith.

James: I don't think we killed it......I think we just pissed it off.

The Krens Living Monolith jumps onto the gate, roaring at the group before jumping in the air in slow motion, before landing in front of the group.

James: Yep! We so pissed the bitch off!

Kyle: Everyone get inside! Now! Run! Beatrix! Get Sarah and Cassandra inside now!

Beatrix: What about you guys?!

Kyle: We'll handle this! Go! Now!

Sarah: Kyle....

Kyle: Sarah, go! Now!

Cassandra: James.....

James: Go! Cassandra, we got this.....I hope.

Beatrix: Come on, sweethearts! Now!

Sarah, Cassandra and Beatrix run inside the fort while Kyle, Jake, Shawn and James stay outside to confront the Krens Living Monolith.

Kyle: Who's ever killed one of these things before?!

James: Dude, it's a fucking Living Monolith and a Krens one at that!

Jake: That doesn't answer the damn question, James!

James: The only way to kill a Living Monolith is with the God's Fist and that won't even work!

Shawn: Fuck!

Kyle: Okay....I'm thinking.....I'm thinking....

Jake: Think faster....think much faster because she's either getting horny or in a mood to kill somebody.

Shawn: Hey, it's blind, right?! We just need to draw out the noise of-

James: I'm pretty sure the radioactive fluid has enhanced this things' senses and sight, Shawn!

Jake: Kyle, are you still thinking?!

Kyle: I'm thinking!

A short pause, before Kyle finally comes up with a plan.

 Kyle: Jake, I'm going to need you to run with me and shoot.

Jake: What?! why?

Kyle: Trust me.

Kyle: Hey! Hey! Over here!

Kyle and Jake shoot at the Living Monolith, which chases them.

Jake: This is the plan?!

Kyle: To piss it off while the boys think of a plan!

Jake: Get it to chase us while the genius and the archer think of a plan?! (sarcastically) Yeah, great fuckin plan!

Kyle: Dude, it was a last-minute plan! And it worked once!

Jake: Yeah, once!

Kyle: Just shut up and shoot!

Shawn and James shoot at the Krens Living Monolith as well, gaining its attention and causing it to attack them.

James: Our plan is the same as yours!

Shawn: Piss it off until we know how to kill it!

Kyle: Goddamn it!

The Krens Living Monolith is suddenly shot in the chest, causing the center of the chest to leak glowing radioactive fluid.

Shawn: What the hell is that shit spurring out of its chest?!

James: Looks like it's that things' heart! A weak spot! Shoot it!

Kyle, Jake, Shawn and James shoot at the Krens Living Monoliths opened heart, weakening it, but causing it to leak radioactive fluid.

Kyle: She's leaking radioactive fluid! Get clear of her!

Shawn: It's like she's leaking her period blood.

James: Dude, that's just gross.

However, one of its tentacles knocks away Jake. Shawn puts away his crossbow and shoots at the Krens Living Monolith with his shotgun, gaining the beasts attention. The Living Monolith backhands Shawn with one of its tentacles.

James: Shawn!

The Krens Living Monolith then tosses a table, knocking down Kyle and James. Before the beast can finish off James, Jake, with a shotgun, shots at the Krens Living Monolith, taking its attention off James.

Jake: Hey! Hey! You ugly piece of shit! C'mon! Get away from them!

Kyle recovers as he notices the Krens Living Monolith advancing on Jake, throwing its tentacle into Jakes' neck and pinning him into the wall. With this distraction, Kyle takes this opportunity to grab a grenade as he then pulls the pin and throws the grenade into the Krens Living Monolith's weak spot. The grenade explodes inside the Living Monolith, causing it to drop Jake as Kyle grabs Jake.

Kyle: Get down! She's going to blow!

The Krens Living Monolith begins to spiral out of control, before its entire body explodes. The group recovers.

James: Well, that was nasty.....but I enjoyed that.

Kyle: We're done here. C'mon, James. We got work to do.

Later, Kyle, Jake, Shawn, James, Sarah, Cassandra, Bowers, Woody and Beatrix are in the war room while James finally cracks the data of Perseus, which is the holograph of an island.

James: There, you go! Perseus! Right in the middle of sea. Not exactly a picture on the fridge, but plenty of data. Go crazy.

Kyle: I don't's an the fuck do you hide an island?

James types as the data reveals an apparent maelstrom around the island.

Bowers: That's how! More of Pierces' classified shit. What the hells' a goddamned "thunderstorm" barrier?

James: It's some kind of shielding's a hurricane around the island......whoa! That's cool! Pierce must've put all his hard-earned tax-payers money towards a whole lot of sci-fi shit. I give the man points for a creative mind.....but it seems the only way we get on the island....

Sarah: Is to go under the island...

Bowers: Well, there's an old sub laid up in the shipyard out at the end of Oregon.

James: Yeah, if it's seaworthy. If it's fueled and if the motor's work....

Woody: Now, boy, that's where I'm useful. I served in the military for quite some time with that title. If it's drivable or in your case sea worthy, I can fix, drive and fuel it....if you can find the place to fill her up.

Kyle: the highway routes and streets were tore up when the bombs destroyed the world...but we'll have to go through em.

James: You mean what's left of it......what's left of it anyway.

Shawn: We're going to need gas, supplies, ammo, food. Let's find some fuel for the trip. Get some gas.

Jake: We can detour near Kinsmen or Union City. I know Kinsmen. It's a small town. Its people have a gas pumping station. Let's go there first.

Cassandra: Jake, are you sure?

Jake: We have to.....

Cassandra: Jake, I'm just asking because-

Jake: I know why you're asking.....I can handle it now....and we need the fuel.

Later that night, as Sarah is socializing with Cassandra and Maya while Jake is looking out at the moon with a beer in his hand, before Kyle arrives and sits down next to Jake with a drink.

Kyle: Mind if I join you?

Jake: Nah, man. Go ahead.

Kyle: what are you doing?

Jake: Looking out to that big moon.....the gotta admire it, gotta admire that God made a beautiful world....even after it's destroyed....

Kyle: Remember when we were kids and we would come out at night and try to count the stars?

Jake:'d suck at finding Orion's Belt.

Kyle: The Three Kings of Egypt.

Kyle: Gotta spite what's's a nice night......Ashley, she would always be on the roof....counting the stars.....

Jake: You miss her, don't you?

Kyle: She was like the sister I never got have......what we've been through together.....she was just a kid, but she was one helluva fighter.....she would've made a great Aunt....hell, part of me was going to make her the Godmother...

Jake: I'm glad I'm here with you tonight, Kyle.....sitting here with you....under the stars....this is nice....we need more moments like this.

A short pause.

Kyle: What were you and Cassandra talking about?

Jake sighs.

Jake: Kyle, please.

Kyle: Jake, what's in Kinsmen?

Jake: Kyle, this is a good night so far.....I don't wanna talk about-

Kyle: Jake, if this is going to jeopardize our objective, I need to know.....

A short pause, before Jake answers.

Jake: It's Keera's hometown.

Kyle sighs.

Kyle: Ah.....

Jake: I wanted to go there....after a while.....I wanted to see her family....they....they deserve that much.....I owe it to her and her....she grew up there.....I wanted you to see image I want for you and know; after we lost the baby, I thought maybe it wasn't my time to be a father....and after I lost Keera; I thought I fucked my chances as a know; with us thinking Dad was dead, either one of us had never learned how to be a father or a husband.

Kyle: We gotta learn how to become that ourselves.....make ourselves as men....and survivors.....proud....

Jake laughs, before looking at Sarah, admiring her.

Jake: Look at her, Kyle.....young.....beautiful....and with your seed.....

Kyle: I don't deserve her though.....I hurt her......keeping her brother's death from her.....

Jake: Kyle, you two are past that.....she's still with you.....even after that.....what y'all two have is strong.....and if Nathan couldn't see that, it's no one's fault, but his.

Kyle: Nathan wasn't always like that.....he was a good man.....a leader, but after his Dad.....Cratersville......Nora....he just lost it.....who he was....I didn't want to kill him...I tried, Jake....I tried so hard to remind him who he was no matter how hard it hurt.....but after he killed Billy and threatened Ashley, I-I just.......blaming Barnes had seemed like the only was stupid fucking easy way......a coward's way....when I should've just manned up and said something.

Jake: Kyle, you gotta let that'll be a good'll give her and your child a future. I know it.....I want you and Sarah to have the future that Keera and I failed to achieve.

Kyle:'re going to be a part of our family too,'ll be there....whenever I can't be for Sarah or my a teacher and mentor.

Jake sits back in the chair, before speaking.

Jake: What do you think it's going to be like?

Kyle: What?

Jake: Seeing Dad again.

Kyle: Weird.....but in a way; good.....

Jake: Yeah, it will be.....

Kyle: He doesn't need to know about the stuff we've done to survive......that can wait another time.

Kyle: What was Mom like? You were a kid when she died, but I was just a baby.

Jake, avoiding the question, but also wanting to spare Kyle the pain of knowing Mina is their mother, stands up out of his chair.

Jake: It's getting late.....we better turn a big day tomorrow morning.

Jake leaves as Kyle sits in the chair with a concerning look.

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