Secrets Must Be Hidden (Batma...

Por newsies_fan123

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BAD DESCRIPTION SORRY Scarlet has been looked after by Bruce Wayne for many years living the normal life. Un... Más

Chapter 2: The Long Mission
Chapter 3: Fair
Chapter 4: The Gala
Chapter 5: Rooftop Meet Up
Scarlet and Tim's Friendgroup
Chapter 6: The New Student at Gotham Academy
Chapter 7: The Wing and The Hood
Chapter 8: Just Tell Her.
Chapter 9: Becoming Detectives
Chapter 10: Maze pt1
Chapter 11: Maze Part Two
Chapter 12: Overwhelmed
Chapter 13: The Attic Club
Lore Book
This is why I will always Update
Mini Series !
Decision Made
Chapter 14: Roy Harper
Chapter 15: The Curious Meeting
Update in June

Chapter 1: Reunion

665 12 1
Por newsies_fan123


Scarlet Age 17

Tim Age 17 (couple of months older)

Damian Age 13 (turning 14)

Jason Age 22

Dick Age 24

BTW I don't know American exams. So if it doesn't make sense then sorry...

Scarlet stood by her locker as she organised her books. After yawning from today's work, she prayed her family had no plans that weekend she needed to attend. All that travelled through her mind was the thought of staying in her cosy bed all day. Leaving all her work for the evening or procrastinating until the last second.... The start of the school year usually didn't have too much work, which Scarlet always relaxed too much over, so she knew her mindset would need to start now to achieve the grades she wanted. The girl did well in the years before, however, the amount of stress from last-minute revision was the nightmare keeping her focused this year.

"A month in and I already regret taking chemistry" Raidan slouched against the locker next to her "I should have taken music. Do I need it? No. But at least I would have fun" Scarlet laughed as she explained how he was lucky he didn't pick that subject. The moment she realised it ruined her hobby it was too late to go back. The two friends began walking down the hall discussing how they would try and get by their subject choices and the thoughts of them going to University "I mean we're in middle school one minute and then woop" Scarlet waved her hand.

"Yeah, like I can't believe it" Raidan began speaking as Scarlet squinted her eyes up ahead. She noted her brothers walking and had a feeling something was up as Tim was whispering to Damian. They began to pass them  and Scarlet sent a glare in hopes they wouldn't do anything stupid. Raidan caught on "Hey, you worry too much. They are just walking" Scarlert smirked "Damian gets into too much trouble and Tim can be such a smartass sometimes. It's just if we get into trouble one more time Bruce is gonna give us a huge speech" She started a cough which turned into an impression of the millionaire. How they are representing the family and his company. How they need to be role models to others and so on and so forth.

Scarlet burst into laughter however when Raidan snorted from her impression. They passed their friend group putting posters on the wall, waving them goodbye, before hearing shouts from behind them.  "Get back here!" Someone quickly ran past them and when the second person ran past, Scarlet's arm was yanked with them. "Tim!" she shouted seeing him run for his life. She looked back to see Raidan running behind and someone from their year group with a furious face. Tim shouted, "Number one rule of running is never look back!"

"What have you done this time?!" Scarlet screamed as she was pulled into a crowd. Students were pushed out of the way as the family moved their way across. This is when Raiden caught up to them and began asking the same questions. "What did you do to get SAM DAVIDSON to chase us!?" Raiden panted as they all quickly ran down some more stairs.Scarlet scrunched her face before shouting on her little brother.

"Yes" The boy met them at the bottom of the steps. Scarlet frowned at him "You are in so much-"

"There they are! Damian!

"Not now" Tim dragged them outside praying to see their car. Thankfully Damian was thinking the same and sprinted to the black car. Scarlet hoped it was theirs and not some stressful guess. Jumping into the limousine, panting as she collapsed onto the seat, Raidan quickly said goodbye "Text when you get home" Scarlet waved before turning the window up.  Then her smile disappeared as her and Tim glanced towards their brother. Damian smirked leaning back "I thought that was a joyful run"

"Not when I see that jerk in maths" Tim snarled "What did you even do? All I saw was you jumping on his back-"

"What?" Scarlet's jaw opened and frowned at the younger boy. She then ranted about how he needed to stop causing fights and creating enemies with seniors was never good."Don't worry, I'll finish the guy easy" Scarlet put her hand to her head hearing the sentence from Damian. She sighed trying to figure out his thought process or if she has just gone insane.

Alfred then spoke through the speaker "May I say Miss Scarlet has a point" Scarlet made a face at Damian which he returned "Wait how did you-" Tim then noticed the speaker turned on and realised Alfred heard everything "Please don't tell Bruce. We'll get it sorted"

"Aww how protective of you" Tim playfully pushed Scarlet as they listened to Alfred "I'll say no more. As long as you don't cause dear Raiden to get into your troubles" Scarlet snickered proceeding to say how Raidan gets evolved either way; he's a magnet to the Wayne family. There was truth to this as their friend had been close to the family since he was little. If Bruce would let her, and if Raidan didn't have loving parents, she would definitely adopt him as a brother. Though her thoughts were stopped by Alfred informing them that it was an important day. They all looked at one another confused on what it could be. Tim piped up "It's not Bruce's birthday....right?"

The butler laughed before continuing "No, however, both master Dick and Jason are visiting" Scarlet smiled brightly remembering her weekend plans. Of course before she wanted a relaxed time, but it's been so long since she saw them. Dick last appeared two months ago to do research in Wayne enterprises and Jason was around five months. If she was honest, she couldn't really remember the jobs or studies they did. All that mattered was just getting to see them for at least a day or so.

Though it wad quite random of them visiting. Dick just mentioned it a month ago and Jason then informed them all a week prior he would be joining them as well. Damian crossed his arms "How fun" Tim and Scarlet stared at him blanky before he contined "I don't care about them visitng. It's just all the headliners will be after us,you know, we're all together and that" He waved his hand at the last part.

"Why even are they visitng?" Scarlet looked out the window "Dick overworks and Jason...well you know him. Tries to avoid Bruce as much as possible" Alfred spoke, now the mini window between them was down, answering her question "I believe Master Bruce is planning for them to do some research at his company. Plus it will be nice for you all to see each other" Scarlet nodded in agreement "Yeah, it's been so long since we have seen them"

"I think I see them too much" Damian muttered as Tim glared "I mean like...give me another two month haha... It's just that Dick is a Di-"

"Damain" Alfred called as they drove into the manor "Now, Master Dick will arrive tonight while Master Jason will apear tomorrow"

"I bet you Dick will arrive tomorrow" Tim looked at Scarlet. She rolled her eyes."Why is he always late?"


"Why does he always do this?"

Scarlet was sitting on the window seat looking out towards the grand gate. The darkness was nearing as the warmth from the day disapeared. She was wearing her pyjamas and dressing gown as her family sat around in the mini library. Bruce toom a sip of his coffee while reading his papers "I'm sure he will be here soon"

"Or he is a bad driver" Damian said as he sat upside down in the armchair. Tim smirked "Well it's not as bad as when you crashed the car"

"Don't bring that up, Drake"

Scarlet yawned hoping her brother was ok. She hoped he was rushing home as he missed it so much and wanted to return like the old days. She hoped he would decide to stay again and they would live as normal. However, she knew deep down that wouldn't happen. Despite missing them, calling now and again for comfort, she gave space understanding they were busy. Surprisingly enough, the boys kept in contact as much as possible. Probably  from the past experiences of her feelimg alone.

( A/N I'm going to make a another book of mini stories. Basically 'lore' for this book. All you need to know is that the batfam was too busy fighting crime to realise they were missing out on Scarlet's life. They made up obvs. But yeah will make that at some point. Will just probs add in there block things and let you know anyways) 

Though deep down she felt they enjoyed the calls as much as she did. Especially Jason. She never said it out loud, but his voice sounded a bit happier realising she was the one on the other end. Breaking from her thoughts however, Scarlet yawned and stood up. Alfred asked if she wanted any hot chocolate but she politely declined.

"I'm going to bed guys. If Dick arrives let him know he needs to buy a watch" She smirked leaving the room "Ha, maybe he bumped into Batman"

Bruce smiled to himself as she said goodnight to his daughter.


Bruce was making a call.


"Grayson, where are you?" Bruce rolled his eyes hearing punches and groans through the phone. Why can't thag guy can ever take a break?

"I'm a bit busy, Bats"

"You have ten minutes. Scarlet has been waiting for you"

"Make it five"

"Dick-" The call the  stopped as Bruce sighed. One day he hoped Dick would get there on time.


When Dick arrived he was greeted by an annoyed Bruce but got over it quickly after speaking. Dick explained the situation, some people were robbing a charity shop, and he just couldn't leave it. Bruce the nodded towards upstairs where Dick should get ready to sleep. He however went t to one room for a check in first.

Scarlet was peafully asleep as Dick slowly opened the door. The light hit her face just enough for her to slowly murmur "You're late" Dick chuckled walking in and sitting on her bed "I got caught  in traffic" He played with her hair as she tried to speak. All that he understood was that Damian insulted his driving and that she wanted hot chocolate. "It's too late for that now" Dick smiled. Scarlet reached her sleepy arms up and the brother knew that was the signal for a hug. They held for a minute until he felt her fall back asleep. Tucking her tightly and saying goodnight he left her room.

He hoped she missed him as much as he missed her. He hoped she imagined him moving back in. Though deep down he knew she never she was over that stage now. Seeing her online with friends and at parties made him realise she had her own life.

After thanking Alfred of taking his bags, he went towards his room where he deserved a massive rest.

"Bruce better not have any gallas planned"


Scarlet got the lie in that she wanted.

But too much of it.

She scrambled as she noted the time on the clock. Putting her sock on as she left the room she ran downstairs where she meant her family having breakfast. She jumped giving Dick a hug as he bit his toast "You were late dickhead"

"Nice seeing you too. Though I gave you a visit last night"

"No you didn't "

"Yes I did"

"No you....oh wait you did " her family laughed after her realsing her mistake. She drank her orange juice and turned to Tim to ask if any home was would due for next week. Before he finsihed his sentense, a loud motorbike noise was heard outside. It began to do a certain pattern which all the family began to discuss "Why does he always do that" Tim drank his tea. "It's better than the car honking" Bruce added to the conversation. He turned to his daughter for her opiniom but her seat was empty as the door flung open.

"I always forget she doesn't see that annoying brat as much as us" Damian bit his toast.


Jason had too his helmet off. He stared up at the manor covering his eyes from the sun. Man he felt out of place visiting again. If it wasn't for the stupid meeting he wouldn't be near the place. And if it wasn't for Scarlet he wouldn't even think of staying.

"Jason" she called as she ran over. He smirked turning towards her. He held his bags walking up to the steps "Aren't you giving me a hug?" She looked down at her bare feet "I would prefer not getting hurt, unlike you" She noticed some marks on his face "You really need to stop going to that boxing club"

"How else am I suppose to protect my baby sister" he jokenly made a silly voice as he reached the door. Scarlet smiled giving him a warm hug. She loved her families hugs. There was a sense of nostalga and happiness that came from it. Jason ruffled her hair before heading inside "So what have you been up too"

"So you want the truth or Jason approved side?" Scarlet joked knowing her brother was always nosy. She was comfortable telling him most things, but, he was probably the most protective brother out of them all. So hearing her hook ups at parties and secretive drinks were never really mentioned. Apart from gossiping with Tim. You both were basically twins and always backed each other up.

"Scar' " Jason put an arm around hef "There better be no boys or girls evolved" Scarlet teased "Good thing they are neither" They finally made it way to the family where she met her brothers looking annoyed. She raised an eyebrow looking towards Tim "You guys really upset about Jason returning?" She pointed backwards.

"No. It's worse" Damian spoke "We need to attend a gala at some point"


"I thought I escaped" Jason raised his hand to his face. He then sat down with the others. Bruce discssed how they all had to attend as he promised. If he missed one more event it could ruin the company's reputation. To make up for missing so many the Wayne children had to go as well.

"That's our streak gone" Scarlet muttered. It was infact a long while since she has gone to one. But it was such a dread. The only ones she enjoyed was Halloween events and ones her friend's families hosted. But even they got boring at some point.

"I will hear no more complaints" Bruce put his paper up. He the spoke to Scarlet "Also it's your turn to water the plants" she looked up from her food "Really? Ugh, I thought I was gonna have a relaxed day"

"Miss, I can do it-"

"Nope it's ok, Alfred" Scarlet got up quickly "Ok, good to see you all bye" She then zoomed out the door to attemd her chore. Bruce smirked knowing the plan worked. Though it was Alfred's job, Scarlet hated that he needed to do everything and then began doing some chores as a family. However, she would catch Alfred doing some of the work and get upset over it. Her words, which they are agree with, is "He's one of the family. Not just a butler"

"Race you to the batcave, Drake" Damian smirked

"You're on" 

"Guys" Dick sighed as they both ran off.

This was going to be interesting.


After putting his stuff away. Jason was the last one to arrive in the cave. Going down the eleavtor he looked down at his family looking over some plans on the table. He smirked leaning against the railings.

"So guys, what is so important that it brings a family reunion?"

Hope you enjoyed :) sorry if there is mistakes.

Also I have ideas on what I want to do. But I need to make sure it's a strucutre I like. So chapter 2 might be a while since I'm "writing as I go along" .

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