The Elemental Hero: Soshi (Ac...

Galing kay StoryKeeperKurai

4.9K 84 41

Here is a boy with green hair, freckles and dense as hell, his name is Izuku Midoriya. He has always wanted t... Higit pa

Izuku's Quirk (How does it work?)
Izuku Midoriya: Origin
I Have a Quirk?!
Rewrite? Maybe?
Toru Hagakure: Origin
The Entrance Exams
You Have Questions, I Have The Answers

A Reunion and Training

677 11 4
Galing kay StoryKeeperKurai

(Warning: My Hero Academia is owned by Kohei Horikoshi and Bones Studios. With that said enjoy, and remember go beyond PLUS I sound stupid. Ok bye.)






~talking with a time skip~


Izuku: Previously, on The Elemental Hero: Soshi.

Bakugo: Hey Deku, how does it feel that your girl is cheating on you with me?

Izuku: O-ochaco? H-how? W-why?

Ochaco: Because you are nothing to me, you are weak, quirkless, and can't satisfy me. While Katsuki here can do all that.

Izuku: You never once said "I love you too" to me. Never once tried to kiss me or try to make a first move on me. This world is too cruel for someone like me. I NEVER ASKED TO BE QUIRKLESS, I NEVER ASKED TO BE PUT THROUGH THIS MUCH PAIN!

(4yearold) Bakugo: Hey Izuku, once we get our quirks, let's be the best hero duo there is, ok?

(4yearold) Izuku: Ok Kacchan, we can be the best duo the world has ever seen.

Bakugo: I'm sorry...Izuku..for everything...

Izuku: (crying) M-mom, why did this happen to you, a-and you alone. I couldn't protect you. I will find the person who did this and I-i will t-try to avenge you. I will become the gre-greatest hero so I can pr-protect everyone.

Dear Teachers/Principle of U.A.

This boy that I have brought to you lost his mother in a fire accident caused by the Yakuza gang. He has no other family and is in need of a guardian. Please take care of him.



Aizawa: I'm Shota Aizawa, also known as the Erasure Hero: Eraserhead.

Cementoss: My name is Cementoss, and I am the Modern Literature teacher here at U.A.

Nezu: Am I a bear? Am I a mouse? Maybe, but for sure I am the principal of this school, my name is Nezu, pleasure to meet you Mr. Midoriya.

Izuku: It's a pleasure to meet you as well, sir. But may I ask, who will be my guardian?

??: I-izuku? Is that you?



He left U.A. to head to Aizawa's house so he could get a look around and see what room he would be sleeping in. Since he was the adopted son of Aizawa, he had to know the layout of the house since he was going to be living there. Once Izuku was there, he realized the house was two-stories high with some beige on the outside and a few windows. His garage was right next to it with a big white garage door.

Aizawa: This is where you'll be living, along with my wife, Emi Aizawa, or her Pro-Hero name: Ms. Joke. She is curr-.


Aizawa: Geez kid, but yes she is, and as I was saying she is currently out on patrol and would usually be around her at 8 P.M.

Izuku: Ok, but I never thought the underground hero would fall in love since you look like death itself and you hate the media.

God: And that Jesus, is how a young hero died.

(Author: TAKE 2, GOD DAMN)


Izuku: Ok, thank you for telling me this, is there anything else?

Aizawa: Yes, you have a brother named Shinso, his parents left him because of his quirk, Brainwash, saying it was villainous so we adopted him. He is at school an-.

Izuku: I HAVE SCHOOLL, thanks dad, but I gotta go, see ya later.

Izuku ran at full speed, not 5 speeds, and went straight for school. Once he arrived, he got some glares from the students and the teacher.

Aizawa: God damn it. Couldn't even explain yet. Whatever I'm tired. (Gets in yellow sleeping bag and activates Caterpillar Mode)

-At School-

Teacher: Midoriya, you're late. Try coming to school on time please.

Izuku: Sorry sir, I was with my father.

Bakugo: 'Father, the nerd doesn't have a father.'

Teacher: Whatever, take your seat. We will be talking about your careers. Ah screw it, you all want to go to the hero course.

The teacher then throws the papers in the air while the students except for Izuku, Bakugo and Ochaco.

Bakugo: Hey teach, don't lump me in with these extras. They might just make it to some busted D-lister, while me and 'Chaco (Ohcaco for those of you who don't know) can make it to U.A. on our own. We'll ace the mock test and be the only ones from this school to make it in.

Izuku: 'There goes Kacchan and his ego again, when will it ever change.'

Teacher: Oh, and Midoriya wants to go there as well.

The entire class went silent...then came the laughing and the nonsense.

Student: Midoriya, he doesn't have a quirk, he'll never get in.

Student #2: You gotta be kidding, he won't survive out there.

Ochaco: Hey Deku, don't bother, I'm sure you won't make it in anyway, since your so useless. 'I'm sorry Izuku, but I can't let you risk this.'

Bakugo: Hey, 'Chaco, leave the nerd alone.

The class was surprised that Bakugo stood up for Izuku, even Izuku was surprised. Ochaco went back to her seat and the class resumed as usual. Izuku had one thing on his mind, 'Why did Kacchan stand up for me.' This question kept ringing until the bell rang and he was snapped back into reality. Bakugo told him to meet outside the gates of school. He nodded and continued to pack his things until...

Bully: Hey Deku, so you wanna go to U.A.? Well you can't since you're quirkless.

Bully #2: Hey what's this? Hero Analysis for the Future'? Don't bother.

The bully then threw his book out the window.

Bully: Want some advice? Take a swan dive off the roof and pray you get a quirk in your next life.

(Author: As I'm writing it, and I know I've read this line many times in different fanfics and whatnot, it is sure as hell messed up. If anyone is dealing with depression please, and I mean please seek help, you are important to those around you. Sorry for taking your time but this had to be said.)

From outside the door Ochaco and Bakugo heard this with wide eyes. They were shocked to even hear that someone encouraged suicide. They were about to step in until they heard Izuku speak.

Izuku: Take a swan dive off the roof? Now isn't that messed up, what if this was the other way around, then what?

Bully 2: This isn't the other way around, I'm here to make sure you know your place since you're being so confident.

The bullies then charge at him with their quirks active.


Izuku said this in a demonic voice that the boys were scared of him, even the two outside eavesdropping. The pressure emanating from him was strong, it was getting hard to breathe for everyone except Izuku. The boy's were stuck in a dark void, where pictures then showed up, showing their worst nightmares to ever happen. They were terrified and one started to scream.

Izuku: You won't remember this, but I will.

Present Mic: Reigning Nightmare, this allows Izuku to use some of the darkness he stores into himself and can give people some of the most terrifying nightmares. He can also erase some people's memories about anything if he desires.

Izuku then leaves but not before Ochaco and Bakugo, once they heard his voice they ran. Izuku was then outside waiting for Bakugo but never showed. He then left and went on his way.




Izuku: 'Who is this? How does she know my name? Do I know her? What's going on?'

??: You don't remember me? Me, you and Ashi used to be the best of friends back then.

She had this whole bubbly personality that it can make anyone's day better. Then, the floating pair of clothes went down the stairs to Izuku's level, and she hugged him. Being the nice boi Izuku is, he hugged back, still confused.

Izuku: Umm, who are you?

??: You really don't remember me, well c'mon I'll show you.

As weird as it was now meeting an actual invisible woman and following her to an unknown place, he just went with it. He knew if she tried anything he would use his 'Reigning Nightmare'. From the look of things, he knew her quirk, Invisibility, so she never knew what she looked like.

Izuku: "Blinding Light: See-through".

The girl he saw before him was beautiful. She had short blonde hair and fair white skin. He stopped walking to sit there and admire her. The girl then turned around to see him staring dumbfoundedly.

??: Hey, what's wrong, you stopped walking?

Izuku: Y-you look...g-gorgeous.

??: What are you talking about? I'm invisible. There's no way you could see me. So stop lying!

She hated it when people lied that people could see her, it happened a few years ago by her 2 friends and never believed them. He tried to tell her, which annoyed her even more until she gave in. She looked down at herself to see that she could indeed see herself. She then took out her phone to see what her face looked like. She had a somewhat tiny permanent blush on her face, and sparkling light blue eyes. She could finally see herself, she cried while Izuku was hugging her saying 'thank you' over and over.

??: H-how? How did you do it?

Izuku: To be honest, I don't know, the words just came to me. It's like I've said them before.

??: "It's definitely you Izu" :)

They eventually got to the girls house, she opened the door and yelled for her father to come downstairs.


Both of the teens sweatdropped at the man's antics. The now-visible girl told him that this was his daughter and he can see her thanks to Izuku. Once the man heard Izuku's name he tried to hold back tears and ran to hug him.

Izuku: Uhhhh 'What the heck is going on, and why is he hugging me, I don't know this random man, I should probably neck chop him and the girl and run, but for now we play their little game, hug him back.'

Father: Izuku, my boy, how's it going? We missed you, especially her. (Pointing at the girl.)

Izuku: do the both of you know me? I don't know either of you, unless I- (muttering intensifies)

Father: He doesn't remember us?

Girl: No, he doesn't.

Father: Does he have the thing?

Girl: I don't know, let's check. Hey Izuku?

Izuku: Yeah?

Girl: Turn around and lift up your shirt.

Izuku: 'WHAT THE HECK? WHAT IS THIS GIRL ASKING?' May I ask why I need to show my back?

Girl: Well, I want to see if you have something on your back to see if it's really you.

Izuku: Wait you mean the symbol?

The symbol. This symbol is in the shape of different signs, this depends on the person inflicting the symbol of what they love most. Only 15% of the population has this and can be reversed. The way it can be reversed is just by the specific person rubbing it off, if anyone else tries to get it off, they would get shocked a bit. This symbol can show specific bonds between the person it has been inflicted on. The only way for people to make this bond is if you have a special connection and both people agree to this. There were four symbols, all in 4 different colors. Those colors were purple, red, pink, and cyan. The symbols were a book, caramel, ACID in big blocky letters, and a guitar.

Izuku: I've had these for a while, but I don't know how they got there. I tried taking it off but it just shocked me. So, are you gonna tell me who you guys are? 'And how I lost my stutter?'

Girl: Oh pfft, I forgot. Toru Hagakure, and this is my father, Mashikito Hagakure. I would introduce you to my mom but she is off in another country for work.

Izuku: Nice to meet you, and it seems you know me for some reason.

Toru: Yea, we used to be the best of friends, but you seem to have forgotten. It was me, you, Ashi, Kyo, and Mo-chan. I also have the symbols all four of us agreed.

She showed her back and she indeed had the symbols, except for the caramel, instead in its place was a green bunny. She then touched the bunny and it lit up, on Izuku's back the cyan caramel also lit up. This means that the person it touches is nearby, if they're not nearby neither symbols will glow.

Izuku: R-ruru? Is..that you?

Toru: Yes Zuzu, it is. I missed you.

Izuku: So did I.

They hugged, while in the background Toru's father was crying.

Mashikito: (still crying) S-so beautiful...two friends...are r-reunited...THE SWEET DILIGENCE OF LOVE!!!

Toru and Izuku: L-love?!

Mashikito: LOVE!!

While Mashikito was laughing like a maniac, Toru and Izuku went to her room. They talked and caught up in what happened after 11 years. Apparently Toru's father got a job close to this house they were in. Her mother then had to work overseas for a few years just to help support her family, which she did greatly. Her job was to help with support items since her quirk was used for support anyway. Her quirk was to pin-point the flaws in support items and help make them more efficient. Toru got her father's quirk, which is Invisibility, but he can turn visible whenever he wanted, while Toru couldn't. As bad as Izuku wanted to tell her his quirk, he was going to wait until he got into U.A.

Timeskip (Will explain more of what they talked about next chapter)

Once Izuku thanked them for the hospitality he headed back to the beach to clean more, but once he got there, he saw Skeletor, and a rip-off Tin-Tin.


Skeletor: Ah sorry young man, me and this man have to clean for training.

The skeleton man had black mostly in the eyes but cyan like pupils, he also had blonde hair which fell to the side of his face. The other man was tall also with blonde hair, he resembled that one guy from FallOut Shelter. He was also pretty muscular already, so Izuku didn't know what he was training for.

Izuku: Tin-tin over there looks pretty good, I kinda need the cleaning more than he does.

Skelly: You make a good point.

Izuku: 'Did he just insult me?' (growing a tick mark.) Well, if you kindly leave I can resume.

Tin-Tin: Hey All- Toshinori, I got that section over there done, anything else. Oh hey there, who are you?

Izuku: 'He was going to say All-Might.' I'm Izuku Midoriya, and you?

Mirio: I'm Mirio Togata, and this is my trainer Toshinori Yagi.

Izuku: So that's All-Might's real name.

Both blondes flinched.

All-Might: H-how did you know I was All-Might.

Izuku: Well, Mirio here almost gave it away.

Mirio: Sorry.

All-Might: It's ok Young Togata, anyway we have to leave, this was already the job of someone else.

Mirio: I'm guessing that's you Midoriya.

Izuku: Yup, so I'mma go clean, bye.

He left to clean while Mirio and All-Might watched.

Mirio: He's trying really hard to get stronger, don't you think he's a better suitor for your quirk?

All-Might: Yes, but I have decided on you to wield it, and that decision is final.

Once Izuku finished cleaning his section, he started training his quirk, without the hero's to help. He started with his water first.

Izuku: All right, lets try this. Water Bubbles: Bubble Beam. (Yes, I used a Pokemon move, fight me.)

Present Mic: Bubble Beam, once he uses this he blows bubbles from his mouth, once reached the target, it explodes, temporarily blinding the opponent which gives Izuku the upper hand in battle.

Izuku: Hm, let's try this, Combined Move: Water Thunder Tornado.

Present Mic: Water Thunder Tornado, combines Izuku's water, thunder and air side at once. He uses the air around him to take the water he spits out of his mouth into a tornado, he then uses thunder to inflict a shocking amount of damage. Once the opponent is caught in the tornado they get striked by the thunderbolt, it paralyzes them for 30 seconds.

Then a tornado the size of regular house comes out of nowhere, while Izuku is blowing water to fuel the tornado and strikes his hand down to summon the thunder. A huge gust of wind hits the beach, making some of the trash fly, along with SmallMight. Mirio was standing there smiling, admiring the power shown before him. Once the tornado died down, water came raining down, along with the trash, like nothing happened.

SmallMight: Young Midoriya, that was amazing, you will definitely become a great hero.


Once Izuku got home from the Dr. Tsubasa and told he was quirkless, he instantly got to his computer to watch his favorite All-Might video. This video contained All-Might saving a bunch of people with a fearless smile on his face. That was the hero Izuku wanted to be, someone who could save others with a smile, to make sure that people are ok and everything is alright.

Izuku: M-mom, l-look, he's smiling. Can I still be a hero, even if I don't have a quirk?

Seeing her son break down, made the waterworks, well start to work. She cried and kept telling her son that she was sorry and you can be a hero.

~Flashback End~

A few tears fell, he was crying. Crying tears of joy, at least his mother never gave up on him, and now his idol told him he could be amazing. Now Izuku felt like he could do anything.

SmallMight: W-why are you crying?

Izuku: Thank you, I haven't heard those words in a long time, naturally I get insults but you mean it. Now, I'mma celebrate.

He wiped the tears from his eyes and stood there feeling proud, he learned this trick from a local partygoer, that wasn't from here, she said she came from a different world but never believed it. He held his hands out and...

Izuku: Nature's Beauty.

Nature's Beauty: Just a party trick that sprouts tiny flow of water into the shape of an 'M'. Not something Izuku could attack with but just to get laughs out of people.

All-Might looked stunned at what he could do and Mirio was laughing.

Mirio: (still laughing) Oh oh, dear goodness (wheeze) such a simple party trick. It's so funny!

-In a different world-

Aqua: (Pouting) Who's making fun of my spell, I'm a goddess, and it's not a party trick.

Kazuma: Hey Aqua, what are you pouting over there for?

-Back in the MHA world-

Izuku: Ok, last one, since it's dark out, let's try to make it brighter. Sunrise: Blinding Sun.

Present Mic: Sunrise: Blinding Sun, this allows Izuku to make either day or night brighter, granting more power for Izuku to store and absorb. He practically charges his strength and endurance a bit more.

Izuku: Ahh~ that feels so good, well I'm going to go now, bye Toshinori and Mirio.

Mirio and All-Might: See you Midoriya/Young Midoriya.

All-Might: He will make a great hero.

Mirio: Yup, he will, the best of the best.


                                                                               Here's the Preview

Izuku: Alright, I tested out my quirk and got back with Ruru, now I just need to remember everyone else...sadly.

Toru: It's ok Izu, you'll figure it out, we'll see them once we get to U.A.

Izuku: You're right, and I met All-Might.

Toru: Really?

Author: While those 2 talk, I'll be talking a bit. One, I'm sorry if this took too long or you don't like it, I've been thinking of a good storyline and I think I got it. Two, while I was gone, April Fools and Season 5 of MHA came out...LETS GOOOOOO, I was too hyped once it came out and they announced a movie for it to. And lastly, there is a Youtuber that goes by the name of Planeskate A.U. 's, and if you go to the video called "My Deku's Meet Eachother" then that's kinda the thing I wanna do. But I will only do a few versions of Deku and bring them together. Thank you for hearing me out and what not, and please enjoy the future chapter's. I put Present Mic there to name Izuku's moves just because. ALL RIGHT YOU TWO GET TO IT, I'M HUNGRY AS HELL.

Izuku: Ah right. S-sorry.

Toru and Izuku: Next time: Toru Hagakure: Origin.

Toru: Wait, I get a chapter? Yayyyy!!

Planeskate A.U. 's Deku Meet's eachother Video (Sub to this dude, he makes some amazing shit)

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