Lost In The Flames Of Love (F...

By RachelWeiler

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Basically Like the title said these are future chapters for one of my books More

Explination A/n
1st Future Chapter: An Unwanted Guest
2nd Future Chapter: Back On Daemos
3rd Future Chapter: The Walk Back To The Castle
5th Future Chapter: Helping A Sick Princess
6th Future Chapter: Helping A Sick Princess pt. 2
7th Future Chapter: Helping A Sick Princess pt. 3
8th Future Chapter: Helping A Sick Princess pt. 4

4th Future Chapter: The Start To Taking Care Of A Princess

15 1 0
By RachelWeiler

-Asch POV-

Me and Leif finally get to the castle and when we do I set Luna down on my bed and stand back up I was now even more exhausted then before. I wanted to sleep and I wanted to sleep very badly but couldn't

Asch: "Leif...let's change into our proper daemos clothes and...head out to help the others...find Princess Ava" "Princess Luna is perfectly safe...as long as she's here"

he agrees and we go change into our proper daemos clothes and meet back up I was about to start heading out with Leif to help the others find Princess Ava when Leif pushes me just hard enough to fall back and land on my bed

Leif: "I'm sorry you're highness but as one of your knights I say no"

Asch: "What?"

Leif: "You're staying here with Princess Luna because you're clearly exhausted and as a knight it's my job to protect you"

Asch: "Yeah but"

Leif: "So please, I'll just go you stay here and rest"

Asch: "Th-Thank you"

Leif: "Your welcome, Sleep well you're majesty"

I then see Leif teleport out of the room then head out to help the others find Princess Ava

I then turn to the sleeping female knight and think "She's so perfect, so beautiful...Leif is lucky to be courting with a female daemos as gorgeous as you...I'd do anything to make you my queen when I become king...but I could never take you away from him"

I thought I said that in my head but it was apparently out loud so she heard it and squeaks out my name her voice sounded kinda gone but not entirely

Luna: "A-Asch"

Asch: *blushes hardcore* "F-Fuck I-I'm sorry you heard that"

Luna: "A-Asch it's ok if you love me because I-I do with you"

Asch: "R-Really

Luna: "Mmhm"

Asch: "H-Hey are you ok"

Luna: "I-I'm fine just...In a lot of really bad pain"

Asch: "Hmm"

I then placed my hand on her head

Asch: "I don't think I was quick enough"

Luna: "What do you mean"

Asch: "Leif gave you to me to hold you as we walked back to the castle because you were shivering and really cold he tried to keep you warm but couldn't so I did but I don't think I was quick enough because you seem like you're sick now"

Luna: "Heh...I'm fine Asch just hurting really badly like I said"

Asch: "You sure"

Luna: "Definitely"

Asch: "I-I'm sorry"

Luna: "It's ok"

Asch: "Do you think you could answer my question if I asked you one "

Luna: "Maybe...I'll give it a shot"

Asch: "What happened during the teleportation potion that Zex used to get us back here that made you get all beaten up like you had fallen in battle"

Luna: "I don't know what happened during that at all but I do sense that my spell worked in transforming Ava into a daemos to protect her, but I think my magic some how collided with the potion's magic which hurt me and possibly Ava in the process but I'm pretty sure I got hurt worse than her since I was right in the crossfire of the potion and my own magic"

Asch: "Makes sense"

Luna: "Yeah"

Asch: "Can you also explain this...you're highness heh heh"

Luna: "Haha! What! I'm still you're knight you're majesty"

Asch: "No not exactly look"

I then grab the horn ring and gently slip it off her left horn since I knew how sensitive a daemos's horns were and I didn't wanna accidentally put her into heat I then show the ring to her as well as her arm with the gold band

Asch: "These appeared on you when we teleported back to Daemos after Zex had said you used to be the warrior princess of my rival kingdom like how I'm a warrior prince"

Luna: "I don't remember anything of my past except that I was an assassin then became an ex-assassin who now works for you as a knight"

Asch: "But if you have this ring and the band you were apparently a princess"

Luna: "I know that Asch, it also explains my type of fire magic the shadow kind"

Asch: "Exactly"

Luna: "Though I will say my royal things are very beautiful"

Asch: "That they are"

I than gently let go of her arm and slip the ring back onto her left horn

Asch: "Heh...you look gorgeous wearing them too"

Luna: "Heh...maybe I'll start wearing them now"

Asch: "You should they look good on you"

Luna: "I'll wear them but I want you and the guys to treat me no different than you have been because I still wanna be seen as a knight and you're knight at that I don't wanna be seen as royal or as a princess I ran away from that remember"

Asch: "Understandable"

Luna: "However Asch"

Asch: "Hmm"

she then places a hand on my cheek and stares me directly in the coal-colored eyes

Luna: "If I do end up marrying you in the end and not any of the others I'll let you guys see me as the Queen and I'll happily rule by your side while you're King"

She then caressed me which in response return it but grab her wrist and tear up

Asch: "L-Luna"

Luna: "Heh...I love you my sweet prince"

Asch: "I love you too my sweet princess"

Luna: "H-Hey what did I say"

Asch: .....

Luna: "Heh...It's fine, just try to get some sleep Leif said for you to stay and rest remember"

Asch: "Yes...but I feel like I need to take care of you more"

Luna: "I'm fi...mmph" *shivers and winces from pain*

Asch: "You're badly hurt"

Luna: "I-I just need rest"

Asch: "Ok"

She then leaned against me and practically fell asleep instantly making everything think "Heh...cute but I should actually take care of her even if she said "no" she's clearly getting sick, I'm pretty exhausted but I'm the only one here right now so I'll do it then sleep"

I then gently push her off and lay her next to me "Hmm how should I do this...if I remember what the wise Misses Oates and even Luna taught us on how to take care of Princess Ava when she was sick this should be easy Princess Luna is also a Daemos so it will be even easier than Ava"

I then look over at the badly wounded and starting to get sick knight "She's hurt and bleeding so I'll start with the warm spell pool thing...wait now that I think about it do we even have bathrooms on Daemos we just use magic"

I then check and surprisingly we did have them in our bedrooms mine was really fancy too made entirely out quartz and painted with the royal colors of gold and red I was surprised I never used it

So I turn on the spell pool to the right temperature and put in some bubbles that's when I remembered what I had to do next which made me blush extremely hard and I really didn't wanna do it but thought "This is for my sick knight and possible queen I have to do it"

I then got to get Luna and take off her ripped and torn human clothes so I could set her in the spell pool to start cleaning her off. Honestly Leif wasn't wrong she did have a really beautiful yet perfect body it honestly hurt me to see it all weakened, bruised, cut, and burned

Once I finished cleaning her I wrapped her in a towel and wanted to dry her hair but couldn't I didn't have a blow dryer that's when I got the idea and used my magic to dry it but only for this once because I didn't want her to get anymore sick then she possibly was

I finished that and changed her into her damose clothes they were probably not as comfortable has her human clothes but at least they weren't ripped and torn I then set her down on the bed again but my royal cape around her shoulders to keep her a little warmer and laid beside her which surprisingly made me fall asleep as well

I don't know how long we were out for but I soon hear her wake up which wakes me up a little too

Luna: "Mmph...Asch?"

Asch: "Hm"

Luna: "Did you take care of me because I don't remember falling asleep in my daemos clothes or even asking to wear your royal cape"

Asch: "Yes I did and I still am taking care of you"

Luna: "Awww Asch thats to sweet...I can't believe you're doing this even with how tired you are yourself when I said I was fine"

Asch: "But you're not stop denying it you were really injured and then you clearly got sick from being to cold"

Luna: .....

Asch: "No response...so it's true"

Luna: "Mmhm...I-I actually feel horrible"

Asch: "I can tell you don't sound like you're normal self"

Luna: ....

Asch: "Anyway now that we're both awake do you want me to make you anything I'm not as good as Rhys is but I could try"

Luna: "Haha no I'm not hungry but thank you for the offer"

Asch: "Ok"

Luna: "Mmph I'm more so just still tired"

Asch: "You and me both"

Luna: "Heh..." "You especially"

Asch: .....

Luna: "H-Hey since were both tired...I-I know you're not the t-type to cuddle but c-ca..."

I then cover her mouth and smile softly

Asch: "Say no more com'er"

I feel her smile against the palm of my hand which I take away

She rested against my chest which as a result I hold her back and decide to keep her warm again making her fall asleep again rather quickly as I thought to myself "Heh...you're so cute Princess Luna"

Pretty soon I drifted off to sleep again as well this time deeply into sleep

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