5th Future Chapter: Helping A Sick Princess

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(A/n: Look I didn't have any good pictures for this chapter but Ava's predicted Daemos form is pretty close to Luna's since Luna has always been like the Ava of daemos before they even met Ava)
(Also this future chapter has a Rhys x Luna moment as well as next too ;3)

-Asch's POV-

I have no idea how long I was out for but what had woken me up was the knights returning but not just that I heard a soft crying then look to Luna who was in tears making me groggily talk to her

Asch: "Mm...Hey you ok Princess?"

Luna: "N-No"

Asch: "Why? What happened?"

Luna: "Y-You were right"

Asch: "About?"

Luna: "Me getting sick"

Asch: "I knew something was off about you"

Luna: "I-I know and I-I feel horrible"

Asch: "Just rest alright Princess"

Luna: "I-I can't"

Asch: "To miserable huh"

Luna: "Mmhm"

Asch: "I'll do everything I can but I'm not good at it remember when Ava was sick"

Luna: "Y-Yes"

Asch: "Either way I'll try to help you but I don't know how good I'll do"

Luna: "O-Ok"

Asch: "For now I gotta head to the other knights they just returned"

Luna: "N-No stay"

She holds me tight like she wouldn't let go

Asch: "I'll be back I promise"

Luna starts crying more making her get all stuffed up and cough even which made me feel really bad but I had to go so I caress her head then gently push her off me 

Asch: "Just try to sleep for now I'll be back"

I then get up and head out now in a bad mood since I really didn't wanna leave her and I was still tired

I finally make it to the main room with the other knights they were all confused other than Leif who knew where I was the the rest didn't so they were confused on where I was since I wasn't on my throne

-Rhys's POV-

As we all got back to the palace to meet up with Asch we all end up getting confused because he wasn't on his throne which made us wonder where he was.

However he ends up come out of his bedroom I assumed it was probably because its where he took Princess Luna to rest. When he asks about Ava.

Asch: "I'm right here you guys, any luck on track down and locating Princess Ava?"

Rhys: "No luck on finding her you're highness"

Asch: "Look. Harder. Next Time"

Rhys: "We're sorry you're majesty we looked everywhere"

Asch: *sighs* "Fine...we'll just continue looking tomorrow for now you are all to retire for the night."

Noi: "H-How's Princess Luna"

Asch: "I don't know how to say it but...she got worse"

That's when I thought "Oh no I hope she's alright, she was pretty hurt when I last talked to her what happed that could of made her worse" thats when the others started yelling well I was able to keep my calm 

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