Hellbound: Book 8 to the Sky...

By missmatched123

13.4K 550 290

Zathe is convince that he has to avenged Seto's death. By doing that he will kill Sky and Midnight. But he ha... More

A Surprise Visit
Mind Games
Makeshift Poison
Author's Note- Update on some things
Author's Note- Sequel- Writer's Block
Talk Zytan
Author's Note- IMPORTANT
Author's Note- MUST READ!
Author's Note- IMPORTANT
The Best of them
Debt Paided
Author's Note- NEXT BOOK


985 26 6
By missmatched123

Midnight's P.O.V
It has been a week since Seto died. I miss him more then anyone I ever knew. I just want to be in his arms again. Sky gave me a second chance and this time I won't screw up. Seto wanted me to live here, so I will. Ghost comes in. Demons died when Dark was banished. The base was rebuilt. So everything turned back to normal, expect for the fact that Seto is gone. We all miss him. Ghost sits next to me.

"You okay?" Ghost asks. I look at her.

"I'm fine."

"You miss him don't you?" Ghost asks.

"It's my fault he's dead."

"No it's not. Seto sacrificed himself so you could have a second chance. You loved him didn't you?" Ghost asks. I look at her. I do. I still do love him even though he's dead. But sometimes I can feel that kiss we had.

"Yeah and I still do. But i remember was that kiss." Ghost smiles.

"You two kissed?" Ghost asks.

"Yeah we did."

"And how was it?" Ghost asks.

"Great. He was the one and now he's dead." Tears start coming down my face. Ghost puts her arms around me and hugs me. I cover my face with my hands. I remember when Robert came to us to heal Seto. I

"Seto come back please." It's useless. He's gone. I hear horses coming towards us. I hide Seto's face.

"Hey you guys I brought help for Seto." Someone said. We all are crying expect for the boys. I saw tears come down their face but the deny it. Robert comes next to the recruit.

"What happen?" Robert asks.

"We're too late. Seto's gone." Katie said.

"No." Robert said.

"He saved me and died because of it." What are we going to tell the boys?

"I brought Ghost with me. Can't she heal him?" Robert asks.

"Ghost is here!" I see her.
~End Of Flashback~
I pick up a sword. The blade shines under the light. I put it back. The door opens.

"There you are Midnight." Someone said. I turn around. Tay.


"I've been looking for you." Tay said.


"I don't know. Just bored. It's for once that nothing bad is happening. Not yet anyway." Tay said. I smile.

Sky's P.O.V
I'm so tired. I'm laying on a couch with some papers I need to read. I need to stay awake. But I can't and I don't feel like getting up to go to my room. I put my head on the armrest. My right foot is on the couch with my knee up. My other foot is on the ground. I close my eyes.

Kitty's P.O.V
I open a door. I see Sky on a couch. Is he asleep? It is 11 p.m.. I close the door. I walk to him. He is asleep. He looks so cute asleep. I grab papers out of his hand slowly and put them aside. I don't want to wake him up. If he pasted out on the couch he must be tired. I take a blanket that was beside the couch. I put it on Sky. I grab the papers. I don't think I should read these. I sit in a chair. I put my feet on the chair next to me. I put the papers on my legs. Wait should I read this? I hear the door open and close. I look at who it is. Tay and Midnight.

"Hey!" Tay yells.

"Shhh. Sky sleeping." Why does she have to be loud?

"He looks so cute asleep." Midnight whispers. I smile.

"I found like that. I put a blanket on him. He has been up all night for the pass five days."

"We found it!" Midnight yelled.

"Shhhh." Tay and I said. I look at Sky. His leg moves a little bit.

"Found what?" Tay pulls out a knife.

"A knife?"

"Yeah I lost this days ago and I finally found it." Tay said.

"I think we should leave before we wake him." Midnight said.

"That will teach him to choose a better spot to pass out." Tay said.

I guess it does."

"Well I'm going to bed. At least Sky doesn't snore Kitty." Tay whispers. She leaves. Midnight leaves too. I look at Sky. I look at the papers. I flips a page. Whoa, I can't read that language. It's paragraph after paragraph of weird text. Well Sky can read it. So I'll let him deal with this. I put the papers on the table. I stand up and go next to Sky. I kiss his cheek.

"You three are loud." Sky said. He's awake. I knew we would wake him up.

"You should go to bed."

"I would, but I don't feel like getting up and I'm comfy." Sky said. I smile. I put my knee on the couch. I put my hand on the armrest.

"Well in that case. Good night." I kiss him. He kisses me back. I stand up.

"Night." Sky said. I leave him.

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