Chasing Champions

By SGD1318

13.4K 294 266

Where a young Aussie girl who loves anything to do with racing dirt bikes, that lives and breaths the sport... More

The Beginning
A New Start, In A New Country
Leaving everything behind, right?
To the track! Finally...
Make it or break it, the MX way
The Nightmare
I just want to feel happy right now, please...
New bike, new team, new life
The trip home, and tough decisions
Unfeeling is the new feeling, but not the best
Hot night, and a happy, carefree day
Last night of relaxing, then back to the grind
Won't stop, can't stop
What's wrong with me?
Off the bike, but into a new world
A new way of life as we know it
The horror
Will you really stay? In my darkest hour?
This is home
Happiness, and a shock
What the hell are we going to do?
Nothing is safe anymore, is it?
More the better, even if you can't see me
Oh Fuck
Bloody hell
Getting back to normal, or the new normal.
Back to it
Here enters Rhys Phoenix
The newest Lawrence
Time flying by
His turn
Can we fix this?
Final planning
The big day
The stay at home honeymoon
A coming home surprise
Rought times, and two miracles
Coming home and Confirming
OBGYN and telling some family
Time skip
Holy hell...
Joy and hell, no, no!
Oh god...
What...What? No, no way...


162 5 3
By SGD1318

Sarah POV:

As I wake up the next morning I was still sore from the night before. Trying to stretch I noticed that I was in bed alone. Grabbing my glasses and putting them on as I sit up and look around. When my eyes get to the door I see a note taped to it. With a huff I get up and go to see what it said, reading it,

"Hey love! I let you sleep in since I know yesterday was pretty rough. There is some advil on the counter in the bathroom too."

I roll my eyes as I read the last sentence but went and took it since I did need it. Not that I would tell him that, don't need him thinking he was that good now. Quickly grabbing my clothes, but right before I was going to strip I freeze. Remembering what that creep said, which in turn made me remember that I had gotten a text last night while in bed. Taking a deep breath I continue to strip so it wouldn't look like I was stopping him from watching, so he'd leave Layla alone and she could be safe as possible. My skin crawled as I get dressed normally in a pair of shorts and a nice top. Doing my hair in loose waves that now reached my ass, and just putting on some mascara. When I was done I felt sick as I walked out, knowing that once again that another guy that wasn't Chase saw me naked. Swallowing down the bile that was raising up throat I make my way downstairs to see them all eating breakfast. Composing myself as best as I could, putting on a mocking glare I say,

"Y'all better have saved me some!"

They all just about jumped a foot into the air making me lose my act and bust out laughing. I laughed even harder seeing the piece of toast hanging out of Jett's mouth as he choked, making Layla snap out of her shock to hit him on the back to help. I abruptly stop laughing as the little boy kicked my side rather hard, making my breath hitch and a hand fly up to where he kicked. Making Chase just about jump out of his chair to get to me, when he did I just waved him off saying,

"Your son is just throwing a tantrum again. I'm fine."

With a sigh he guided me to where he was sitting and made me sit down as he replied,

"So it's my son when he kicks or does anything you don't like but when he's being cute it's our son or your son?"

Right as I open my mouth he kicks again, making me wince and say,

"Damn straight. And don't you ever forget it."

Layla frowns and asks,

"Is it really that painful?"

I give her a smile as I lightly rub the now sore spot and say,

"It's a part of carrying a baby, most of the time it's just really uncomfortable when they kick but there are times like this where it hurts a bit."

She nodded while thinking over what I said. And the rest of the morning she asked me questions and I answered to the best of my abilities. After lunch I say,

"Well, Layla I think it's time to go tell your parents about all this."

I saw both Layla and Jett pale as she stutters,

"Really? Are you sure? Because I really think we should wait."

Biting my lip as my little boy kicked yet again, he hadn't really stopped all day and it hurt like a bitch but I mutter out,

"Yeah, we need to get this over with so we can focus on who the hell is stalking us all. We can only really focus on one major problem at a time. And we have a plan for this, the stalker we don't have a clue. And I really don't like that so I want to focus on that as soon as I can, hopefully before my baby is born."

I could see the reluctant agreement on there faces as Layla sighs and pulls her knees up and rest her head on them. Jett bit his lip nervously as he rubbed a hand on her back. I felt Chase walk up behind me and I wanted to lean back into him and just wanted let go again, to not think about how fucked up this all is, but I couldn't. These two were looking to me to help them, and fix this mess they had landed into. I could only hope that the plan that uncle had told me would work or I honestly had no idea on how to pull this off, and it was all on my shoulders. I could feel my stress levels start to rise and I shake my head, pushing that away and say,

"Ok, lets go. I know what your dad's plan is Jett and I think it just might be what we need. And now we have the surprise advantage so hopefully that will make everything a lot easier."

I see them nod in agreement as stand up, but I say,

"As much as I hate to do this, I think it's best for you to stay here Jett. We really don't need her mom to rip you to shreds."

I could see him wanting to argue before Layla cut in,

"Jett, shes right. My mom already wasn't found of me dating at all, and now this. She will kill you where you stand."

Jett looks at her with hurt on his face,

"You don't want me to go with you? I thought you'd want me to help you break it to them."

Her eyes widen as she waves her hands in front of her while saying,

"No no no, Jett it's not like that at all! I really do want you there but I think it will all end badly if you were. And we need this to go well so we can have you not be possibly in jail. I need you to stay here so our baby has a dad in his or her life."

My heart breaks seeing them having to go through this at such a young age. I mean they did do this to themselves, but no child should ever have worry about any of this on top of having a kid of their own. As I go over the plan with them I could see Jett calm down a bit and Layla grow more nervous. Before long we were on our way to Layla's parents house and I could see her biting her nails in nerves. And I couldn't help but bite my lip as I drive down the road, wishing that Chase could have come too. But I just couldn't leave Jett by himself like that, not with whoever was out there watching us. None of us should be alone till we find out who it is and he is dealt with. As we pull in and we get out and head to the door, Layla pauses as she reaches for the door and I could see the fear in her eyes that she was trying to hide. I grab her hand and give it a squeeze to remind her that I was with her all the way. With a shaky smile she opens the door and yells,

"I'm home, and Sarah is with me!"

I saw her mom and dad come out of the kitchen and walk over to us. Her mom asked,

"Hello Sarah, no to be rude but what brings you here?"

I look over to Layla seeing her glup before saying,

"I need to tell you guys something and she is my support. That's why she is here mom."

Her mom's eyes narrow as she turns to walk to the kitchen table, her dad looking concerned and followed suit. Gently pushing her forward as we make our way to them, sitting down her mom snaps,

"Ok, out with it Layla. What did you do this time?"

She glances at me and I give her a nod with a small smile, she takes a deep breath and shakily says,

"Mom, dad, I want you to sign guardianship over to Sarah. So you guys won't have to worry about work or anything for me to race. She is willing to pay for everything and help me get to the top level, and seeing as she is the first woman to ever get a World Motocross Championship I'd have to say this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to really make it there."

I could see the shock on their faces as they look at me in disbelief as her dad asks,

"You sure you would want to do that Sarah? Not that I don't think she couldn't do it but that's a lot to deal with. I just don't want you to become overwhelmed with you starting a family and getting back into racing yourself."

I smile and give him a nod,

"Yes I am sure. She has so much to give to this sport and inspire young girls that they can make it too. And don't worry about me, I will have Chase and both of our families to help if I need it. I just want to make her dreams come true sir."

I could see he lean back with a nod as he thought. But her mom was staring at him in disbelief and said,

"You really thinking about doing this? That's crazy! Sarah isn't old enough to do this! She is just a kid herself!"

I could feel my eyes narrow as I lean forward, catching her attention and somehow say evenly,

"With all do respect, you really don't know what you are talking about. And before you argue let me explain why. First yes, I am young. But I have been treated as adult since I went pro back home at 15. I have won 7 Aussie racing titles since going pro, I have won 3 world amauture championships as well. I am the only female to go pro against the guys, to win against them, and help her to get her hands on that number one plate. I have had to work everyday of my life to get where I am at. At this level it's like a full time job and then some. Back home I had a normal day job as well, I was a medic driver. I haven't been a child in years. Don't let my age or looks fool you. If anyone was going to teach her everything she will know for racing at this level against the guys it's me."

I lean back as my stomach turns just slightly from the emotions running through me. I take a few steady breaths before her dad says,

"Fine, we will sign it over, do you have the paperwork?"

Nodding with a smile I had them over as he signs and looks at his wife for a minute before she sighs and signs them too. Before pretty much throwing them back at me. With a sickly sweet smile I say,

"Thank you for understanding. Now to be clear before we leave, you know you just signed your rights away about your daughter. Meaning you have no say over anything involving her, that I now do right?"

Her dad nods and says,

"Yes we do, now I think you might want to leave before my wife changes her mind."

With a small laugh I nod and we stand up, as we walk out the door with her dad walking us out to my car, he pulls Layla into a hug and says,

"Ok I know that wasn't the real reason. While I know you do mean your word Sarah about helping my daughter with her career, that isn't it. What's really going on?"

Layla looks up at her dad only to start crying, telling him everything. From being 16 and pregnant, to our worries about her mom, to the guy who tried to start something with us, just everything. As her dad just holds her I could see the shock, the hurt, the understanding, and the love he still had for his daughter as he kissed the top of her head and muttered,

"No matter what you have me babygirl. Your mother will take time to come around. I understand why you guys did what you did and don't blame you for worrying, she would have done that if she thought of it. I will stay in your life girly, and will do anything you need me to do. While I am not happy with this at all, I'm on your side."

I couldn't help but smile at the twos relationship and a part of me longed for that. Shaking my head I softly say,

"As much as I hate to break up this moment, we need to get out of here before she comes out wondering what's going on."

They both nod their heads and with one last hug her dad says,

"I will pack all your stuff and bring it to you. Then I will tell your mom what's really going on ok?"

Layla nods her head and whispers,

"Yeah, thanks dad. For everything"

He just smiles and waves us away, as we pull out and head back home she whispers in disbelief,

"I can't believe that worked. Holy shit that worked!"

I couldn't help but laugh with her is happiness. And I couldn't help but feel relief, relief that one problem was done and closed. As we get home we run into the house scaring the boys half to death as they jump up and we jump into their arms as Layla yells,


And for the rest of the night we just goofed off and had fun. And it was one of the best nights any of us had had in awhile. But towards the end of the night I hear my phone go off, making me slowly walk to it and pick it up and see another text from the creep, making me remember that I never saw what was sent last night. Opening it my heart stops and falls to the pit of my stomach. Right then and there I knew I had to tell Chase, and now.  As we split up to go to bed, I stop Chase before we enter our room and with a smirk I drag him into a coat closet, only to let it fall and to sigh, bringing up a notebook I had grabbed from the kitchen on the way up and write down about the creeper. As he reads it I show him my phone and he sees the naked photo of me I could see him getting livid. Before he could start yelling I slap a hand on his mouth with wide eyes and point where it says I couldn't tell anyone, and he calms down enough not to start cussing a storm. But when his eyes land on the last text, he went pale. It was multiple photo of us, in his office last night, and a photo of me changing in our son's room. As he looks up from my phone and meets my eyes I can't help but cover my mouth to silence my sobs of fear. What I felt was pure fear of what he was capable of, and I couldn't do anything to stop him. Chase wraps me up in a hug and we just think, what now?

Jett POV:

As Layla went to clean up for bed I sit down on the bed and scroll through my phone. When I got another text from the asshole. Taking a deep breath I open it only to see photos of the girls driving, going to Layla's house, leaving and coming back. This guy was following them the whole time. He was close, way to close to them and they didn't even know. I could feel my blood start to boil when another text comes in saying,

"Your girls really are beautiful when they are scared. I wonder what they would look like shaking in fear as they lay under me, as I make them mine and only mine."

I felt my blood turn ice cold at what this sick twisted guy just said, what he implied. I swallow down my fear and try and think about how to keep them safe from this guy. This guy who seems to be everywhere, and we can't see him. It's like he's a damn ghost that we can't catch.

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