Star Wars Preferences & Imagi...

By rubyblackwell

73.1K 1.4K 249

Some fluff, some aggravation, some flirty times. All in fun for the men (so far) of Star Wars. Includes: Ana... More

The Lineup (thus far)
How You Met (Originals)
How You Met (Sequels)
How You Met (The Mandalorian)
Their Favorite Place to Kiss You
Cuddle Time
Their First Thoughts on You
How They Asked You Out (Prequels)
How They Asked You Out (Originals)
How They Asked You Out (Sequels)
How They Asked You Out (The Mandalorian)
Your First Fight
Quotes That Remind You of Them
When They're Jealous
Armitage Hux- The First Fight Extended
Armitage Hux: The First Fight Extended Part 2
Dating Him Would Include
Rom-Com That Fits Your Relationship
Sneaky Sexy Things They Like to Do
Silly Things He Does
Things He Secretly Likes That You Do
Finding You in a Compromising Position: Anakin Skywalker
Finding You in a Compromising Position: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Finding You in a Compromising Position: Qui-Gon Jinn
Finding You in a Compromising Position: Luke Skywalker
Finding You in a Compromising Position: Han Solo
Finding You in a Compromising Position: Finn
Finding You in a Compromising Position: Poe Dameron
Finding You in a Compromising Position: Kylo Ren
Finding You in a Compromising Position: Armitage Hux
Finding You in a Compromising Position: The Mandalorian
When He Gets a Bit Flirty
Drunk Voicemails
Poe Dameron- Not From Around Here
Poe Dameron- Not From Around Here Part Two
Anakin Skywalker- Trouble
First I Love Yous - Part One
First I Love Yous- Part Two
Poe Dameron- Shy
Qui-Gon Jinn- Have you lost your page? Part One
Your First Date- Qui-Gon Jinn
Poe Dameron- A Race -Part One
Author's note

How You Met (Prequels)

3.2K 56 9
By rubyblackwell

Anakin Skywalker

It had been odd, really. The day had started out as any other. A slight breeze tousled your hair. You were working on some minor bookkeeping for the Chancellor. He enjoyed how you kept things so very tidy.

You heard the scuff of boots coming towards your desk. It had been after lunch so there were no appointments to be kept. The Chancellor mostly saw to private meetings in other departments or reading over new laws and statutes wishing to be passed.

You didn't know who this could be.

Finally, two rather scruffy looking, in your opinion, men stood before you. Brown cloaked, somewhat pompous stances- oh, Jedis.

"Good afternoon, may I be of assistance?"

The older looking of the two smiled brightly, you were taken off guard by how friendly he seemed.

"Yes, we were hoping to have a quick meeting with the Chancellor, if he was in."

You nodded, suddenly forgetting if the Chancellor was there or not. He had taken his lunch, met with an emissary for Sardu...oh, no! He had left afterwards!

Your eyes flicked momentarily to the other man, surprised at your realization.

He gave you a small smile that made your heart flutter. He was beautiful.

"Uh, I'm sorry to inform you that the Chancellor isn't in at the moment. If you don't mind, I can pass along a holo if this is urgent."

The first man shook his head. "No-"

The second man shot out his hand and clasped yours gently. It was warm and slightly calloused.

The first rolled his eyes.

"We appreciate the offer, Miss?"

You blinked. "Y/n."

"Miss y/n, I am Anakin Skywalker and this is my Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. It was quite rude of us to not introduce ourselves before."

"Please just leave a message for him of our wish to speak to him on Council business. We should be going, Anakin."

The man still hadn't let go of your hand, gently rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand. He squeezed it quickly and turned to leave.

"When we meet again, my lady."

You felt the blush on your cheeks as they both strode out of the room.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

You and your friends had decided to go out on the town that night.

You had entered a fancy bar where the lights were low and the people were dressed to the nines.

The mood was sensual and the other occupants looked down their noses at each other.

You sighed, of course your friends wanted to come here.

There was a scuffle on the dance floor as you had gone to fetch a drink. Someone came tumbling towards you but at the last moment a large warm hand pulled you out of the way and right into their chest.

You looked up into beautiful blue eyes. Your breath caught as your eyes travelled up his face, which was covered by a thick beard to the lovely auburn hair on his head.

He steadied you and began smiling. "I apologize for having to handle you so roughly, Miss?"

"Oh, uh...y/n." You stood a bit straighter and couldn't take your eyes away from his. He just looked so handsome and welcoming.

"Miss y/n. I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi. That's Anakin." He gestured off somewhere to someone else, but you didn't pay it a lick of attention. You now only had eyes for this man.

He smiled a bit brighter. "I do hope your night remains pleasant, y/n. Though I am deeply saddened by having to part ways already."

He leaned closer to you, you could feel the warmth coming off of his robes and rocking you to the core.

"I do hope we meet again." He whispered. He pulled away and gave you a quick bow, another smile and soon left with a smirking friend.

You stood there a few minutes. Drink completely forgotten.

Qui-Gon Jinn

You had so many meetings to get through today. Your holopad would not stop beeping letting you know what catastrophe you had to walk into next.

You were grumbling and tapping away when you collided with something solid.

Being smaller than whatever it was you crashed into, you bounced off. Sending your holopad flying and smashing onto the ground.

You let out a frustrated groan and began to get up. A large hand was soon in front of your face. You looked up the arm into the eyes of one of the most handsome man you had ever seen.

"Are you alright?" A deep, rumbly voice asked you.

You took the offered hand and he pulled you up like it was nothing.

"Yes. Yes I'm fine. I apologize for colliding with you like that. Though I suppose I did receive some payback." You looked down on the ground at the shattered device that held your life together.

"It seems to me that it was a good loss. One to learn where your time should truly be spent."

You looked over at him quickly, brows furrowed.

He merely smiled. "I may have been observing you huffing down at the thing for longer than I care to admit."

You were taken aback. The man standing in front of you was obviously a Jedi. His robes and lightsaber a dead giveaway. Why would he be watching you?

"Why would you be observing me? Who are you anyway? Obviously a Jedi." You motioned to his waist where his saber was clipped.

He smiled again and looked to the floor. "I am Qui-Gon Jinn. And as to why I was watching you... well I have no answer that would be deemed sufficient enough. I merely saw a beautiful woman stomping through the halls, glaring at a screen. Most amusing."

You took in a quick breath. "I-I was not stomping!" Your face went hot causing him to chuckle lightly.

Two others had come closer during your brief exchange.

"I must be off, though I do look forward to experiencing more of your antics in the future. Good day, my lady." He gave you a quick nod and left with the others.

You mouth still stood open in shock at this Jedi's audacity.

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