The Wanted Unwanted

By Nittabeatrice_

856K 16.7K 3.1K

Being abused by some one you love is PAIN! Not being able to express and defend yourself is HELL! Running a... More

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 2O
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note

chapter 48

8K 200 65
By Nittabeatrice_

I love you... But GOD loves you more!

Third person's pov

Avery looked around the parking lot and took a deep breath. She couldn't deny how her hand shook with nervousness and how her heart beat frantically in her chest.

She's about to meet her parents.

She was a mess few days back after dinner. She was still thinking of her parents plea to reach out to them whenever she was ready.
She could remember Damon nervously trying to ask her what she decided. He made her see reasons to reconnect with her parents. One of his reasons that touched her heart was when he said "even if the one you gave your fragile heart to shatters it, family won't, and if they already have they would go the extra mile to fix whatever was damaged".

She told another deep breath them when she was asked the venue of wherever she wanted to meet them.

"Welcome Ma'am. Any reservations" was the first thing she heard as the doorman opened the high door for her.

"Uh yes, under Ne...

" Sorry for the interruption ma'am come with me" a woman said as she smiled apologetically at me for interrupting.

"Me" Avery asked pointing to herself before looking behind her to see if she was referring to someone else.

"Yes ma'am. I was directed by Mr Newman to lead you to the rooftop" she said again.

"Oh okay" she mumbled

The restaurant was surely so big that they had to pass through so many openings before they finally got to the elevator to the rooftop.

Avery couldn't deny her body was trembling each passing second of what she was going to face any moment.
The elevator door finally opened and the waitress led her to an airy open space where she met two figures sitting.

The air was tense around the two couples sitting in one of the most expensive restaurants they owned. The man and woman each thinking of what to say and how to behave towards their beloved daughter they unknowingly pushed away because of anger and greed.

The minute the elevator door opened Avery met two pairs of very familiar eyes staring right at her.

I swallowed the huge lump of air that was already in my mouth to numb the nervous flutter of my body.

I knew what was coming and I was ready to receive it. The waitress stopped leading me when the elevator door opened for us at the rooftop.

I headed slowly to the corner where my parents were sitting waiting for my mind to change but suprisingly my spirit, soul and body was hell-bent on getting the love I didn't get for years.

I finally got to where they were sitting and suprisingly they stood to welcome me making things a hundred times awkward for me as I don't even know how to address them in return.

"Uh h-hello" I greeted nervously

"You- you came" my mother said lowly as her eyes slowly started filling up with moisture.
"You really came to meet us" she said as if reassuring herself that I was really here.

Then she did the unexpected. The unexpected I always expected from them way back when I was younger.

She pulled me into her arms and hugged me tightly her tears soaking my dress. I stood there awkwardly with my arms frozen at my sides.

I looked up to my father's face only to get shocked because he had tears in his face also, which he tried to clean subtly as I looked at him. This alone almost made me tear up.

My mother pulled me out of her embrace as she stepped back to look at me smiling.

"Princess" my father called out after watching my mother and I in silence.
He looked as if he was waiting for me to reject him and maybe tell him not to call me 'princess'.

"Papa" I whispered in reply as I couldn't hold back my emotions anymore. Tears rolled down my cheeks without stopping as everything that happened between us as a small family came falling on my head like burning coals.
"We are so sorry. I'm so sorry" he mumbled as he embraced me tightly placing kisses on my head and forehead over and over again.

I basked in the feeling of family love for the first time in years.
The familiar scent of both my father's male cologne and female lavender scent filled my nose and I greedily inhaled lots and lots of them.


The tears were gone, our eyes were cleaned of the tears that showed our coming together as a family.

At first it was a little bit awkward as my parents didn't know the questions to ask me. It seemed to me as if they were treading softly so as to not upset me which was a little bit heart fluttering. It wasn't until I assured them to ask me anything did they become less tensed.
They asked me how I've been, how I've been holding myself up all years they abandoned me, the asked if I had any friends which was funny, they asked of my favorite food which made things tense again because those type of questions already should be known by them.

"We sincerely apologize from the bottom of our hearts for not being the parents you ever wanted princess" my dad spoke after a while of silence.

"It's okay" I smiled reassuringly making them breathe out in relief.

"Sweetie you're so beautiful and talented. You did really good for yourself all these years, I bet after I brag about you amongst my friends you'd become their fellow daughters idol..." My mom started making me blush. Both of them chuckled at my beetroot face and my mom pinched my cheeks as she cooed at me as if I was a baby.

"Do you have a boyfriend" my mom asked making all smiles I had on my face drop immediately. They saw it and immediately their smiles washed off their faces also.

"Ex-husband" I answered looking at both their faces to see any kind of shame or disappointment but I saw none which gave me the courage to continue.
"Ex-husband, b-because we are divorced"

"I'm so sorry to ask that. I didn't know sorry" my mum rushed out in regret as she placed her hands on top of mine.

"It's okay. You'd come to find out another day if not today" I said.


More silence.

It was as if they ran out of questions or they didn't know the kind of questions to ask me anymore.
I decided to break the ice.

"He used to hit me" I began as both their eyes widened in shock. I saw my dad clench his teeth and fist in anger.
"I was accused of what I didn't know about..." I proceeded to tell them every single thing that happened to me while I was married. I figured I needed to be honest with them cause it would do us all a world of good.

"Oh my darling" my mom who was already in tears jumped into my arms to embrace me. "You've been through alot. You've suffered alot first from us then your- your brutal ex-husband!" She cried in anger.

I couldn't stand as they murdered Damon in their head cause I knew they were already doing that. My dad especially.

"He's asking for forgiveness now. He's trying hard to make up for all his mistakes" I said.

"Oh not! You will not go back to him" my mom said angrily

"He's truly sorry" I mumbled

"We don't care. You're not going back to him period!" my mom yelled making me shocked and angry at the same time.
She definitely doesn't know what Damon has and is doing to show how sincerely sorry he is.

"You mean the same man who talked me into meeting 'my parents'?" I asked masking my anger. Immediately she fell silent, probably not knowing what else to say as she didn't know what to say of him or what kind of man he is.

"I need to have a word with him princess. Invite him over" my dad finally spoke.

With that tone... It's final and Damon has to answer his call.

My parents decided to drop me off at where I was staying. God helped me because they didn't ask why I was living in a fucking huge mansion instead of my apartment.
I could see my dad holding himself back from asking me who I was staying with the minute I told them I wasn't staying in my apartment for a while. I guess he decided against it.

When I got home, it was already 8pm at night considering I left the house by 3pm.

Immediately I opened the door, I met with a pacing Damon with his phone in his hand.
"Uh hey, good evening" I greeted closing the door behind me.

"Avery" he called out my name in shock before he rushed towards me.
"God I was so worried, I thought something happened to you, I didn't know if you'd be upset with me if I called you. Are you okay? Did it go well?" He rushed at the same time looking frantically all over me to check for any bodily harm before he moved back to give me space.

I'm at peace. After years, I finally found peace. I didn't even realize I had a smile on my face until Damon took a picture of my smiling face.

My heart is pounding in my chest cause of the recent occurrence in my life. My chest was filled with happiness I never imagined I'd ever have.

The grin on my face grew as I closed the distance between Damon and I.

I threw myself at him. Happy tears rolled down my cheeks and I swear I couldn't hold them back.
I felt his arm immediately go around me tightly drawing me closer to himself as soon as he came out of shock.

"I finally got my parents back Damon. I got my parents back thanks to you!" I said happily as more tears fell from my eyes.

"I'm glad baby. Whatever makes you happy" he mumbled in my hair and his hand rubbing my back in a comforting manner.

"I- I know this might come too soon and also the wrong time but... but please would you go on just one date with me. I promise it'll be wherever you want and I'll provide everything you need" Damon asked nervously, his hands were still around me.
I tried pulling back to look at his face but he held me tighter against his chest.
I could feel his heart thumping loudly against his ribcage.
He was always scared of rejection from me and I wasn't about to reject him because I vow to give myself the chance to be happy and loved.

"Yes, yes I will" I mumbled against his chest for his ears and heart to hear.

"Yes?!" He asked enthusiastically as he gently pulled me back as his eyes searched mine for answers.

"Yes I'll go on a date with you" I said shyly.

"Thank God, thank you love thank you so much. I promise you won't regret it" he reassured me while he stated intently at my face. His hands brushed the stubborn hairs that fell on my face.

We silently gazed at each other's eyes. His eyes held guilt and promises waiting to be fulfilled, and for the first time I clearly saw his love for me in his eyes which was overwhelming.

In his eyes, I saw everything I wished for.

I don't know how but I realized our faces were just inches apart.

And before I knew it...

His lips were on mine in a slow passionate kiss.

Ahhhhh somebody scream with me!

They finally kissed.

The wanted unwanted is gradually coming to an end. Just few chapters left.

Thank you for this amazing journey so far. Y'all are by far the best audience I'd ever wish for.

Don't forget to tap the star at the bottom of your screen 😉
I love you...but God loves you more

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