I'm All Aboard! (Eurovision 2...

By QueenOfRhododendrons

696 31 7

!Discontinued! Lynxth Rosenberg goes with her best friend to Lisbon despite her aunt's wish. It turns out it'... More

Authors note
Silent Storm (prolog)
Hear Them Calling
A Matter of Time
If I Were Sorry
Rhythm Inside
New Tomorrow
(A/N) 1st semi final!!!
(A/N) 2nd semi final!!!
(A/N) the grand final!!!


45 4 0
By QueenOfRhododendrons

We've been here in Lisbon for a few days now. Fiona has taken us to a lot of places and I have taken a lot of pictures. She says that there is still much more to see, and I do believe her. Just the city in itself is so beautiful that I want to take a picture every five minutes.

It's been so much fun. I've tried a lot of new food too, a lot which was too spicy or salty for my tastebuds, but it still tasted amazing.

I've noticed that there are a good number of international people roaming around. English is the common ground, but I can hear it on their accent that they are not native speakers.

Whenever we come back to our hotel room to take a break, I always write down what we've done. Fiona read half a page and said it seemed like a diary, so I've made my notes into an informal journal for future use.

I feel like I'm going down the same path as my uncle. I don't think my aunt knows, but I've read all of his journals/diaries. Fiona found them hidden behind one of the many bookshelves. She told me to keep them hidden and I'm glad she did. My aunt doesn't like if informative websites/books gets too personal. She said that personal opinions gave nothing of value for studying, but uncle Rosenberg's journals had given me lots of information despite having a lot of personal thoughts and opinions in it. I want to be like him and describe my emotions alongside the facts.

Today won't be as attraction sight heavy, as we will be visiting Ludvig at his work. Fiona seemed really excited about it. More excited than when she got a car for her birthday a few years back.

We take a taxi with Byström. He says something to some people, but I'm too caught up in looking around the building we've entered. There was a giant sign that said "Eurovision" on it. It seemed like it was some sort of event that was going on.

We were given a card, which we could put on like a necklace. Fiona said that it was necessary we wore them, so they could identify us as special guests, so we wouldn't get kicked out. Then we parted with her father.

»So, what do we do now?«

I ask and she looks around, scanning the area. I look around too. We're basically the only people here.

»We just hang around, until it's time to meet with my dad«

There's a hint of nervousness in her voice. Something then catches my eye.

»Let's get a drink and sit down«

She nods and we find a nice spot near a window.

»I saw this sign before we stepped in and now I'm seeing it here too. What is Eurovision?«

At first she looks a little surprised, then she lets out a small laugh before looking at me. I know that I am prone to ask questions that would be knowledge for the common person, but I am aware that I have had a very sheltered upbringing.

»It's this huge music festival. Over 40 countries will participate and they each have a singer or band to represent them. It's a fantastic show. I'm so lucky that my dad works with the Swedish representative every year, so I can come with him and meet some of the artists behind stage«

»Is that why we're here?«

Her face turns read and she laughs nervously.

»Y-yeah... sorta. I didn't want to admit it to you, because this is your first time out and there's so much for you to see and-«

I cut her off.

»No no. It's fine. This is also your trip and you seem very passionate about it. Of course you should also be allowed to do something you want to do«

»Haha, thanks, Lynxth. You're right. Uhm... If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna find the bathroom real quick«

As I watch her hurry off, I take my phone and decide to look up Eurovision. I find the official page, learn that it's really really big and that it has been going on since 1956. The winner last year was a Portuguese named Salvador Sobral which is why it's held in Lisbon this year.

I was looking at this year's artists, when a group of young men suddenly came into the room. I recognised them as Hungary's representatives. They sat down at the table next to mine and began to talk about their rehearsal. Then they said something too quietly for me to fully hear. Something about Sweden, beautiful and conversation.

I don't realise I've been listening in on their Hungarian conversation, until one of them says something in English.

»Hey there«

I look around confused, even though I know that I'm still the only other person here.

»Oh, me?«

I say calmly and smile a little. I lick the inner side of my canines. It's an old habit that I thought disappeared years ago. Guess I wasn't prepared for someone else to talk to me.

»Yep. You're from Sweden, right? Are you an associate of Ingrosso?«

The most blond in the group asks.

Ingrosso, Ingrosso. The name rings a bell, but I'm not sure who it is. Probably the Swedish representative.

»No. I'm here with my friend, whose father works with the swedish representative«


Is all he says. I look back down onto my phone and read the information about them. They're a band called AWS and the guy who asked me was the lead singer, Siklósi Örs. I look slightly up and see the man called Soma say in Hungarian to them: "if she was Benji's girl he would've probably introduced her by now"

Áron answers: "could also be she doesn't like the limelight. By the way who is on his team. She said her friends' dad"

I roll my eyes a little at them. I should probably reveal that I can understand them, before they say something about me or my associates, that they might come to regret.

»Who are you talking about?«

I ask in Hungarian and they all freeze.

»If you're wondering who my friends' father is, his name is Ludvig Byström«

They switch between giving each other looks and looking at me. I just stare at them, wondering where Fiona went, since it's been a good while. Is the toilet that far away? Is she okay?

Speaking of the sun, she suddenly walks in and struts over to me.

»Sorry, Lynxth! I met the Danish representative and I got caught up«

She doesn't seem to have noticed the tension between me and the Hungarian band next to us. Maybe she hasn't even noticed them.

»It's fine, I also found someone to talk with. Boys, this is my friend in question«

I make a move with my arm towards the band, and Fiona looks behind her. They all wave and she waves back.

»Yes, I am her friend«

She says and looks at us with a very confused look.

»They thought I was an affiliate with Ingrosso«

For a moment we're all silent. Fiona is still looking back and forth between me and AWS. It's clear they want to say something, and I think she realised something else happened before she came back.

»Is there something you guys want to say?«

I ask. They whisper something too quiet for me to hear and then Örs looks at me.

»Uhm, we just wanted to say your Hungarian is good«

»Köszönöm. Yours is not half bad either«

I don't know why I said it, but it felt like the best thing to break the tension. They laughed at my joke and I smiled a little. The only one not smiling was Fiona. She just looked more confused than before.

»Oh, Lynxth! Sweden is having a rehearsal in a bit. Let's go watch«

Fiona says and pulls me up. I take my things, wave at AWS and say "viszlát".

When we're away Fiona looks at me and half yells:


»I guess I do... I didn't really think about it«

»That's amazing! When did you learn it?«

»When I was learning about Hungary, some of the sources were in Hungarian and there weren't other in Swedish or English, so I decided to learn it«

Our conversation is interrupted, as we meet up with Mr. Byström.

»Tell me more when we get back to the hotel«

She whispers as we follow him into the arena. Now it's my turn to give a look of surprise. It's huge. I've never seen a room this big before. Rows upon rows of seats were lined everywhere I looked. Fiona said that all of them would be filled with people, plus there were standing places up front. It's hard to imagine that many people. The only thing I can imagine is a picture of a big group of tourists, but the group is small compared to what can fit in here.

Ludvig shows us a place where we can stand and watch, and Fiona is jumping with excitement as the Swedish representative goes up on stage.

The stage goes dark and the music begins. It's only when the song hits its chorus I realise why it sounds familiar, and for a moment I'm pulled away from Lisbon and back to the day I ran away.

My aunt liked the song and singer because it was associated with Ludvig Byström. Agneta mentioned Benjamin Ingrosso as representing Sweden in a big music contest. It's kinda funny how they both mentioned and now I'm here, looking at him rehearsing.

As the song came to a close I looked around the arena, trying to imagine it being filled with thousands of people. Fiona pulls me towards some sitting places that are in an open area.

»This is where the various artists sit«

She informs me as she keeps sneaking glances behind us. I look and see Ingrosso talking to Ludvig. He notices us, smiles and waves. I return the smile and wave back. Fiona does the same, but I can feel her grip tighten around my arm.

»Do you know which one Sweden will sit at?«

I ask.

»No. But I hope we'll make it to the final. We've always make it to the final«

»Except for that one time«

Fiona freezes as she hears the sound of a third voice. I feel a little shocked too, since I didn't hear him but it's only for a split second.


She says and laughs nervously.

Ingrosso walks up next to us, still smiling.

»Which year was that?«

I ask Fiona, seeing as she otherwise seems too shy to say anything.


They both say. They both chuckled. I just smile because of the moment. There's a moment of silence. It's getting close to awkward, but as I contemplate on what to say next, Benjamin speaks:

»You're Ludvig's daughter, right?«

He reaches out his hand towards Fiona, who's eyes grow big.

»Yes! Ehehe«

She shakes it and I can feel the happiness beam from her.

»You look like him a lot. And you are?«

He turns to me and I shake his hand.

»Lynxth. Just a friend«

I feel my tongue against my canines again. My aunt told me to get rid of the habit, even though no one could see it. I think it's because she doesn't like them not being "normal". She refused to acknowledge them so much that I sometimes forget they're different. I haven't even told Fiona about them. But my aunt isn't here, and it gives me a feeling of reassurance.

»Nice to meet you two«

His smile is genuine. Sunshine like Fiona's and Ludvig's.

»Nice to meet you too. AWS thought I was your girlfriend«

I say.

Fiona who was warming up freezes again. Benjamin looks surprised too.

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