"Just Friends" A Harry Styles...

By kbvball44

338 6 4

Rebecca is a soon to be Freshman in college, she returns to her hometown to attend community college. Rebecc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17:

Chapter 7

13 0 0
By kbvball44

It's been about a week since the party. I managed to recover from the terrible hangover I had.

I thought things would be weird between Harry and I, but they weren't. We went back to our usual relationship of annoying the shit out of each other.

I did learn some interesting stuff about Harry this week. Like that he tutors other students in English Literature. I saw him with some red head in the library. When I asked about her, he teased me saying I was jealous, which I totally wasn't. I was just curious. He told me since he likes the subject so much he offers to tutor others who need help with it.

I never thought I would have seen Harry Styles helping others in a school subject.

I also found out that Harry coaches a 12U soccer team. I was walking home on Thursday and saw Harry at the school's soccer field passing the ball with 10 kids that had on blue jerseys. It was quite adorable to watch. Especially at the end when they all tackled him. I went over and he even taught me a few soccer moves.

Other than that the week was pretty quiet and went by quite fast. Missy and I did homework together pretty much everyday after school.

Today is Saturday and Steph asked if I wanted to go kayaking on the bay with her. I said yes and am excited for some girl time!

I put on a yellow bikini, an oversized t-shirt and a pair of Jean shorts. I head to the dock to meet up with Steph.

She hasn't arrived yet, so I sit on the dock and stare out into the bay. It's so peaceful here, sometimes I wish I had never left.

I take out my phone and take a pic, I send it to Luke and say good morning.

I hear footsteps on the dock and turn around t see Steph waving.

"Hey girl!" She yells.

I see two guys behind her carrying the kayaks but can't see their faces.

Steph runs up to me and hugs me. I then see the guys faces. It's Harry and Louis.

My face turns red and I whisper to Steph.

"I thought it was just gonna be us two." I say.

"Oh, sorry did I not mention them joining us?" She smirks.

"No, you didn't." I say with an awkward giggle.

By that time the boys were approaching us.

"Hi Becca!" Louis says enthusiastically and high fives me.

"Were you texting your boyfriend?" Steph says teasing me.

"Why yes I was!" I say and stick my tongue out at her. As I say this I see Harry's face drop.

Louis  and Steph run to the end of the dock to put the kayak in the water. Harry sets his Kayak down and pushes his curls out of his face. He is shirtless and his chest is glistening in sweat from carrying the Kayak.

He seems a bit nervous as he touches the back of his neck.

"Hi Becks." He says and goes in for a hug. I wasn't expecting it, so it was a bit awkward. He was sweaty, but it was still a nice hug. He smelled like peppermint which was nice.

"Uh hi." I respond as I pull away.

"So...are you ready to kayak?" He asks.

"Uh yeah, sure." I respond.

We walk to the end of the dock and see Louis and Steph already out in the bay paddling. I quickly take off my shorts, but decide to leave my t-shirt on.

Harry puts the kayak in the water, then takes my hand and helps me lower into the kayak. His hand is on the outside out my t-shirt at my hip. For some reason every time Harry touches me, my heart rate goes up. I just blame it on the fact that I'm not used to anyone touching me, I'm usually not a touchy feely person.

Harry soon joins me in the kayak and we start paddling. Harry is doing most of the work, but I try to help. We race Louis and Steph, but they get way ahead of us since I struggle to help paddle. Soon Harry stops paddling and I turn around to see him basking in the sun.

He then opens his eyes and looks at me. His green orbs feel like they are staring right through me. His gaze has always been intense.

"So, uh, what did I hear about you having a boyfriend?" He says quietly.

"Uh yeah. His name is Luke." I confirm.

"Interesting. So what is it about this Luke Kid that  makes him worthy of you?" He says.

The question catches me off guard and I don't know how to answer.

"Well, Uh, he's nice to me and listens well." I say, I feel somewhat confident in my answer.

"Wow, he's nice. Aren't most people nice?" He says, crushing my confidence.

"Well not all men." I gesture towards him.

"Touché" he says.

We sit in silence as I have nothing else to say.

Harry's face gets serious.

"Becks, I really hope he treats you well. You deserve the world, I hope you know that." He says staring into what feels like my soul.

"Thanks Harry" I say blushing.

It's a bit awkward as the silence takes over. I state at the butterfly tattoo that covers his chest. I couldn't see it clearly last week at the party since it was dark.

Harry must have noticed me staring because he cleared his throat.

I blush, "sorry."

"It's okay. I'm glad you like it." he gestures to the tattoo.

"I got it for my Nana, remember when we used to go to the butterfly farm with her and we would have butterflies all over our arms and head?" He asks.

"Omg, of course. That was so much fun!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, well after she passed that was a good memory of her that I wanted to keep forever, so I got it tattooed on my chest." He explains.

"I love it Harry. I think your Nana would too." I say sincerely.

"Thanks." He says smiling at me.

Our conversation is interrupted by Steph yelling "omg ugh!"

We paddle over to see what is wrong.

"What's wrong Steph?" I ask.

"I was trying to get my phone out to take a picture and in the process my debit card fell out of my ziploc bag into the water.

"Oh no, you can't find it?" I ask concerned.

"No, the water is too murky." She says sounding upset.

I decide at that point that I am going to try and find the card. The water can't be bad and I'm hot anyways from the sun blazing.

I stand up and start to jump off the kayak. I realize that this was a bad idea as I jump because the whole kayak begins to shake and I see Harry falling in as I am about to land in the water.

I splash to the surface and am met with an uncomfortable feeling. I realize that the bay is swampy and my legs are in this mushy disgusting smelling mud up to my knees.

Harry splashes to the surface. Louis and Steph are both laughing.

"Rebecca, what the hell!" Harry says glaring.

"I'm sorry! I didn't think I would take you in with me, I wanted to look for the debit card. Ew, this mud feels so gross." I exclaim and start to gag at the smell and feel.

Harry starts to laugh at me, which makes me laugh through gags. Unfortunately I can't find the debit card and as I try to move around I lose my flip flops in the thick mud.

Harry makes his way to the kayak and brings it over to me.

"I lost my flip flops." I say sadly.

"Rebecca, just get in the kayak. We'll get you new flip flops." He says smiling, but rolling his eyes.

I try to get in but I can't jump in this mud. It's like quick sand. Harry realizes I am struggling and puts his hands on my waist to hoist me into the kayak. He needs to give me one final push to get my ass in the kayak, he pushes my ass.

"Hey, watch it!" I say smiling.

"Don't even, you got us into this situation." He says smirking.

He jumps into the kayak. We are both covered in this stinky smelling mud. We decide to paddle back to the dock to go rinse off.

"Hey, at least I know if I make you mad you will call me by my full name instead of Becks. Now I just need to figure out how to get you to call me Becca." I say.

Harry laughs. "You'll always be Becks to me."

I blush, but don't turn around. I hope he can't see the pink tint on my cheeks.

Finally we get back to the dock and head to the hose behind the shack that we rented the kayaks from. Steph and Louis take the kayaks to return them.

I follow Harry to the hose. He turns on the spicket and picks up the hose.

He washes all the mud off of his abs and legs. He then looks at me.

"Are you going to take the t-shirt off?" He asks.

I nod and nervously take off the oversized t-shirt to expose my yellow bikini.

Harry's eyes widen just like they did at the party last weekend. I feel very self conscious.

He sprays my front until all the mud is off.

"Turn around Trouble." He says teasingly.

I do as I'm told and turn around. He washes the rest of the mud off of me.

I then take the hose from him and instruct him to turn around.

"I already got myself clean." He says.

"You missed most of your back." He then compiled and turns around.

Some of the mud on his shoulder blades is sticking so I use my hand to wipe it off. He tenses at my touch, but then relaxes. I see goosebumps form everywhere that I touch. It's quite captivating to watch. Then as I think I am finished I stop spraying. I see a spec of mud still on Harry's neck and as I am about to spray Harry turns around. It is too late to stop myself from spraying. I spray him right in the face.

His eyes squeeze closed and his mouth drops open in astonishment.

"I'm so sorry." I say while giggling at how funny it is.

"So that's how it's gonna be." He says. I drop the hose and back away.

I am laughing as Harry picks up the hose and walks towards me.

"No, Harry please don't!" I say giggling.

But it's too late. He runs towards me and picks me up and puts me over his shoulder. He then sprays my backside as he runs around with me. It's so much fun, it reminds me of the old days when we used to laugh like this all the time together.

The ground is now soaked from our antics. Harry tries to put me down, but slips and falls backwards onto his back, I fall on top of him.

We both laugh uncontrollably. Until we start to pant to catch our breath. I am on top of Harry and I can feel his breath on my face. We become more serious and I start to study the pinkness of his plump lips.

Harry's head lifts slightly and our lips are only centimeters apart.

"What are you two dorks doing?" I hear Louis yell.

I turn my head to look at him and immediately get up off of Harry.

"We made a bit of a mess back here." I laugh and Harry nods as he gets up.

"I can see that." He says.

We get up and walk to the parking lot to say our goodbyes.

"Breakfast tomorrow?" Steph asks everyone.

Everyone nods so I join in confirmation.

I then head home to take a nap before binge watching Netflix the rest of the day.

I see Luke texted me back, but for some reason I don't really feel like answering him. I'll talk to him tomorrow.

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