Yandere Females x Male Reader

By SteveJones687

885K 8.1K 5.4K

Everybody loves a good yandere story, so here we are. P.S. I don't own any of the photos I use. More

EP 2 Powerless Sidekick x Yandere Royal Pain and Layla (L)
EP 3 Male Reader x Yandere Boss
EP 4 Male Reader x Yandere Helen Parr
EP 5 Male Reader x Yandere Nekos
EP 6 Male Reader x Yandere Female Magician
EP 7 Male Reader x The Yandere Store
EP 8 Male Reader x Yandere Mermaids
EP 9 Male Reader x Yandere Poison Ivy (L)
EP 10 A Very Yandere Easter(Female Easter Bunny)
EP 11 Jedi Reader x Yandere Fem. Clone Squad Part 2
EP 12 Male Reader x Yandere A.I
EP 13 Teacher Reader x Yandere single mom
EP 14 Male Reader x Yandere Booette
EP 15 Male Reader x Yandere Demon (L)
EP 16 Yandere Time Loop
EP 17 Male Reader x Rich Yandere
EP 18 Male Reader x Yandere Highschool DXD
EP 19 Male Reader x Yandere Resident Evil (L)
EP 20 Male Reader x Yandere Female Pokemon
EP 21 Male Reader x Yandere Female Orc
EP 22 Male Reader x Yandere Nezuko
EP 23 Male Reader x Yandere Hermione Granger (L)
EP 24 Male Reader x Yandere Attraction Syndrome
EP 25 Male Reader x Yandere Werewolves vs Yandere Vampires
EP 26 Yandere Reunion
EP 27 Yandere Female Disney Plus
EP 28 Male Quirkless Reader x Nana Shimura
EP 29 Male Reader x Yandere Female Pirate
EP 30 Male Reader x Yandere Ghost
EP 31 Male Reader x Yandere Alien
EP 32 Male Reader x Yandere Teacher (L)(T)
EP 33 Male Reader x Yandere Alice Angel
EP 34 Male Reader x Yandere Fae
EP 35 Male Reader x Yandere Corpse Bride
EP 36 Male Reader x Yandere Female Jason Voorhees
EP 37 Male Reader x Yandere Female Frankenstein
EP 38 Male Reader x Yandere Succubus Girlfriend and Daughters (L)
EP 39 Abused Male Reader x Yandere EX-Girlfriend
EP 40 Male Reader x Yandere Other Girlfriend
EP 41 Male Reader x Yandere Tribe (L)
EP 42 Male Reader x Yandere Resident Evil Part 2

EP 1 Jedi Reader x Yandere Fem. Clone Squad

32.5K 275 159
By SteveJones687

3rd person pov

(Y/N) was the padawan of Jedi master Aayla Secura during the time of the clone wars. The two were sent to Ryloth in order to protect the senator's family from an assassin who was trying to kill them. They were currently waiting for a transport to pick them up and bring them back to the temple on Coruscant.

Senator Orn Free Taa: Thank you master jedi I can not thank you enough for protecting my family.

Aayla: We were just doing our duty to the Republic. (Y/N) the transport is here, wrap it up.

The transport landed and a squad of clones came out to join us.

Commander Ruby: General Secura. General (L/N) it is time to go.

We began getting onto the transport when Taa's daughter called after (y/n).

Taa's daughter: (Y/N) wait.

(Y/N): Yes.

Taa's daughter: I just wanted to thank you for saving my life.
(Y/N): You're welcome, but it was just...

She kissed (Y/N) passionately. Even though Commander Ruby was wearing a helmet it was clear she was upset. She grabbed his arm and pulled him away.

Commander Ruby's mind: "Fucking whore. I would so kill you if it wasn't for the fact that everyone was standing right here."

Commander Ruby: General I think that's enough, it's time to go.

(Y/N): Yes commander you're right.

He looked back one more time to see Taa's daughter waving at him, but he was pulled onto the ship.

Commander Ruby: General Secura didn't you teach him about attachments and how he should be loyal to the troops of the Republic.

Aayla: Relax commander it was just a kiss. I don't sense any attachments between him and that girl. His only loyalty should be to the force.

Once everyone was in the ship the jedi were greeted by the rest of the squad including: Rosey, Abby, Jade, Nova, Robin, Jess, Mia, and Luna.

All girls: Greetings General (Y/N) well come back.

(Y/N): Thank you ladies.

Luna: General you are bleeding.

(Y/N): It's ok. The assassin was just a little too fast and I got cut.

Luna: You should let me take care of you.

(Y/N): It's just a small cut.

Aalya: (Y/N) go with her.

With that (Y/N) and Luna left for the medbay.

Commander Ruby: General why are we going back to the temple instead of being deployed on another mission?

Aalya: We are going back to the temple because (y/n) will undergo the trails to become a knight. 

Nova: Wait, that means (y/n) will be leaving us.

Mia: And he will be given his own troops to command.

Aalya: Yes.

Rosey: General he is still quite young. Why does the council think that it is time for the trails? Most padawans don't undergo the trail till about 23 he still has 4 to go.

Aalya: He is more than ready to face the trails and I actually recommend him leaving us.

Jess: Why General?

Aayla: Do not act like you don't know. Over the years I have noticed you girls' obsession with (y/n). I never should've allowed this to go as long as I have. Your duty is to the Republic and your fellow soldiers. You have put him over the mission multiple times. As his master it is my job to make sure he is on his way to becoming a master himself and I will not allow you to corrupt him.

Abby: We were not just going to allow our General to die.

Aayla: He is a Jedi. He knows that one day he might have to lie down his life for freedom and to bring an end to the sith.

Robin: Unlike you and the Jedi we see the value in his life.

Aalya: Enough! One more word from any of you and I will have you all court marshalled.

Commander Ruby: Yes General. We shall leave you now.

Without another word the girls left and Aayla went to speak with the pilots. The girls were angry and were trying to figure out a plan to keep (y/n) to themselves.

Nova: Commander we can not let this stand. She is doing this for the sole purpose of keeping us away from him. 

Commander Ruby: I know, but there is nothing we can do.

Jade: It is all her fault. Wait I have an idea, but if we fail we could be looking at a court marshall or death itself.

Abby: I am willing to run the risk if it means we can have for ourselves.

Commander Ruby: It won't be easy to take down a jedi master let alone do it without (y/n) noticing.

Jess: Luna is taking care of (y/n) now if she slips him a sedative we will be able to do this.

Commander Ruby: All right who's in?

All girls: I am.

(Y/N)'s POV

I was in the medbay with Luna and she was patching up my cut.

Luna: Does it hurt?

(Y/N): No. Not any more. Thanks for patching me up all these years.

Luna: Of course General.

(Y/N): Luna I've told you when we are alone you can call me (y/n).

Luna: Sorry. As much as I love patching you up maybe next time you can try and stay in one piece. 

(Y/N): Oh didn't you hear? This is my last mission with you. Once we arrive on Coruscant I will undergo my trails and have my own troops to command.

Luna: What!?

Her face twisted and her grip on my arm tightened.

(Y/N): Luna!

She got a transmission and all of a sudden she seemed back to normal.

Luna: Sorry (y/n) I was just shocked at the sudden news, but I am sure everything will be ok. Just let me grab something for the wound.

She began searching the room for something.

Luna: I found it.

She grabbed a needle and walked over to me.

Luna: Don't worry this won't hurt one bit.

Before she could stick the needle in my arm my intercom went off.

Aayla: (Y/N)! The clones have betrayed us. They have turned kill on sight.

Luna looked worried and tried to put the needle in my arm. I force pushed her away from me and into the wall. I grabbed my lightsaber and ran out of the room. I heard Luna call after me, but I didn't stop. I heard blaster fire and saw the clones shooting at Aalya.

Aalya: Run! Get to the cockpit and seal it shut. I will take care of the clones.

Commander Ruby: Girls get her. I'll take care of (y/n)

She switched her weapon to stun and started shooting at me. I used my lightsaber to block them.

Commander Ruby: (y/n) stop you don't understand.

(Y/N): I understand fully. How could you betray us after everything we have been through.

Commander Ruby: We are doing this because we love you.

(Y/N): What?

I lowered my guard and she shot me with the stun and I dropped to the floor unconscious.

Commander Ruby: I am sorry my love, but this had to be done for our future together.

Luna: Commander I'm sorry. Aayla contacted him before I could put him to sleep.

Commander Ruby: It's ok. He is resting now.

Luna: I will take him back to the medbay so he can rest.

Luna picked me up and took me to medbay. The rest of the girl shot and killed Aayla.

Jade: Commander we got her.

Commander Ruby: Good dispose of her and the pilots. Once you do that set course for somewhere we will never be found so we can live out the rest of our days with our love.

Jade: Yes Commander.

Commander Ruby joined Luna in the medbay to watch over you.

Commander Ruby: I will never let someone take you away from us ever. I know you will be confused when you wake, but we will take care of you.
Well that was a good first chapter. I hope everyone likes this.

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