apodyopsis || haylor

By hayloriess

39.4K 1.8K 6.1K

PREQUEL TO GYMNOPHORIA apodyopsis (n.) the act of mentally undressing someone The number one feeling I felt i... More

here comes trouble
mark me
first time not last
elle kidman
midnight thoughts
strike 1
cat is out of the bag
nye in nyc
million dollars picture
strike 2
from the dead
happy birthay, h
city of angels
normality and insanity
dressed like a daydream
a nightmare
too in love to think straight
tolerate it
& burn
when you're gone
strike 3
dear Taylor,
walking in the wind
taylor swift


451 34 110
By hayloriess

Extremely important author's note at the end, PLEASE READ.

May 20th, 2017

It has been a few days more than a month since Taylor and Harry fought, and it felt like whatever emotional aspects they built for their relationship has gone down the drain. They are back to just meaningless sex for the night, cuddling until the sun comes up, and they are back to strangers. If Harry knows every single inch of Taylor at night, then in the morning, they get dressed like two strangers and leave for school in separate cars.

"Okay, stop this nonsense, the both of you," Niall said after being fed up with Taylor and Harry's interaction towards each other. "I'd very much endure the PDA you used to make me gag with than this hatred, forced interactions."

"I agree. If you guys are broken up or going through a tough time, just say that, and we would be here to help you. If you don't need help, then act like adults, mature up and talk it out. This childish shit is getting tiring." Rocky said as Taylor just look down at her food and Harry sitting still looking at them. She knew he was deep in thoughts because his legs won't stop shaking.

"What do you want us to do? Pretend like she didn't fucking hurt me?" Harry spoke up, not mad or anything, just indifferent, which seems to hurt Taylor even more. At least when they were screaming at each other's faces, she knew he felt something, something for him to get to that emotion. Now it's just coldness.

"I know she's in the wrong, but you guys are made for each other. Soulmates have fought too, but the least you can do is trying to solve your shit out." Selena pitched into the conversation. Kendall was staying quiet just because she wants to get to know Harry's side before making up her mind on what she thinks they should do. It's hard for her to talk to him because Harry and Rocky aren't close like Harry and Niall and Taylor shares her thoughts with Kendall much more than she does with Selena.

"Can you guys stop saying that we are soulmates? Soulmates know each other, inside and out. Harry and I know each other's bodies, and that's about it. He doesn't know my favorite color, my favorite fruit, my favorite flowers, nothing! So stop saying that we are soulmates." Taylor raised her voice at all of them. It seems so easy for her to do so lately, just completely lost in anger. Everyone seems to be completely quiet until Harry spoke up.

"Purple and red, cherry, but you love kiwi too and sunflower." He said before staring at her straight in the eyes as he stands up to clear both of their plates, a habit Harry still keeps since they were still dating. "You said I don't know anything about you? I know everything about you, Taylor, but I don't think you could say the same about me."

"I-..." Taylor stutter as she watches Harry turn his back to dispose their plates. The others just sat there and shook their head. Harry has done some bad things in the past, but he had changed for Taylor, but she just took it for granted, like that's what's supposed to happen.

"You fucked up, sis. Big time, that's all I can say," Rocky said before standing up to clean up everyone else's plate.

"What do I do?" Taylor asks, hopelessly thinking about their relationship.

"You do what makes you happy, babe. Maybe you are not meant to each other at this moment; maybe it's better this way; maybe you will meet again 10 years later when you are both mature and know how to love each other properly." Niall said truthfully and hugged her. Kendall and Selena just sat there, a sad expression on their face, but the two girls have no clue how to help their best friend.

The bell rang, and everyone entered class except for Kendall and Harry, who has a free period. In a rush, the crowd of people pass through the corridor and turn back to being silent in just a few minutes. How fast life moves and things change.

"Harry? Can we talk?" Kendall asks when she found Harry standing in the courtyard.

"Sure," Harry said shortly before finding a table for them to sit down and talk like Kendall had asked. Harry didn't know what is there to talk about, but he guesses it's about Taylor.

"I'll just say it as it is. Do you still love her?" Kendall asks bluntly, and Harry didn't expect anything less from her. It's in Kendall's nature to be straightforward, especially when it comes to Taylor.

"I do. I don't think I will ever not love her," Harry answered truthfully; why does he have to lie anyway.

"Then why are you two doing this to each other? You love each other; why do this to her?" Kendall asks confusingly. Shouldn't they just solve this and get it over with? She can never understand complicated relationships, mostly because her relationship with Rocky has always been so matured and straightforward.

"I'm going to Cambridge at the end of the year," Harry whispered, looking down, almost too soft for Kendall to catch what he said. It left her shocked. Is this why he is distancing himself? Because he wants her to be used to not having him around?

"So you did this because...?" Kendall prompt, wanting Harry to open up to her some more for her to understand their situation.

"Because she needs to be used to not having me around, to protect herself, and to stand up to others. You and I can't be there for her forever, as much as I know we both want to and everyone else in the squad, but she needs to do it herself." Harry sigh, he wants to be the one protecting her, but now that he can't, the least he could do for her is to teach her how to protect her own heart.

"You need to tell her, you know, right?" Kendall said sadly, placing her hand on his shoulder to comfort him. As tough as Harry likes to act, Kendall can tell that he is hurting just as much as Taylor by doing this to her. "You're like my brother, and Taylor is my twin flame; I love you both, but I think this is not good for the both of you."

"I can't tell her, Kenny. We are the definition of 'right person, wrong time,' but I believe that in this lifetime, I will be able to find her again. We are meant to be, I know it. I will marry her, have kids with her, and grow old with her, but now is not our time. Taylor needs to grow as a person, and I need to fix myself." Harry looked into the distance, sadness cloud his green eyes. Kendall pull him into an embrace, not a hug Taylor would give him but a hug a sister would give her brother when she knew she couldn't do anything to help.

"If you think that is the right decision for both you and Taylor, I will help you through it." Kendall comforts him before following it with a smirk, a smirk Harry knew that she is up to something mischief. "But under one condition..."

"Ugh, I hate your conditions. You come up with the shittiest ones." Harry groans, knowing he has to agree to either way because Jenner never gave him a choice in the first place.

"...If we ever come down to when we both want to get down and dirty, you'll agree," Kendall said, smirking.

"Kendall...what in the world are you thinking!" Harry shouted in horror. "You are like my sister; how can I ever fuck you! That's fucking gro-" before Harry can finish his sentence, Kendall starts gagging, stopping him on his track.

"Styles, I do not want to fuck you! Are you insane?!" Kendall exclaimed, a horrid face taped to her model features. "That's fucking disgusting!"

"Then who's we here! The only people here are you and I!" Harry said, both confused and puzzled. The brunette seems to have a good laugh at his reactions.

"We here are Taylor and me; I'm just saying, she's hot, and we kissed a couple of times drunk, I still love dicks, but if there's ever a drunk girl hook up, I can tell you that you agreed," Kendall replied with a smug look on her face. The thought of Taylor and Kendall, naked together, tangled in the sheets, did turn Harry on, but he still can't shake the fact that Taylor and Kendall have actual sexual chemistry.

"I...I guess? If she agrees, she can?" Harry agreed, but it seems like he's questioning where this is coming from. Kendall just giggled in return, not giving away any more information and Harry. He just brushes it off after a bit, not caring that much anyway; knowing Kendall, she might just be doing this for the joy of seeing Harry's reaction.

The pair walk back into the campus. There was a brief moment when Harry first entered VHS that people thought Kendall had a thing for Harry and vice versa because of how fast they click, but it turns out they are more like siblings than lovers. Harry is the brother Kendall always wishes she has, and Kendall because the sister Harry hoped his whole life for.

"I have to pick up Tay. She's coming over for...you know..." Harry said, not wanting to say it as it is, that she's just going there for them to have sex. It pains him, as much as he used to do what he's doing with her; Taylor is different, Taylor is the love of his life, and they both know it, deep inside.

"I mean, you guys are going to do it no matter what I think, so what's the point in saying anything," Kendall replied as she gives him a tight hug. "You need to heal yourself too. I know hurting her hurts you just as bad."

"Thanks, Kenny, you're the best," Harry gives her a tight bear hug until Kendall has to punch his back to let her go, complaining he's suffocating her. They part ways when the other arrived, Kendall going with Rocky, Selena, and Niall while Taylor follows Harry to his car.

"Did it work? Are they back together yet?" Niall asks eagerly when the fours entered the car, but Kendall looked terribly for someone who just success the first step of their plan.

"He's leaving at the end of the school year, back to England to go to Cambridge; he got accepted and can't say no to them." Kendall sigh, feeling unbearably said for her best friend, who has no clue about this significant change that is about to happen in her life.

"What? Kendall, you must be joking! We are Juniors; how can he get accepted?" Rocky question but Selena just sigh.

"You can if you finish all your AP courses, and that makes sense why he has been grinding his ass off behind Taylor's back, just to finish all his schoolwork," Selena spoke up, shaking her head. "I just don't understand why he wants to do this, why he wants to leave so badly and so early."

"He wants to have a head start so he can feel accomplished enough young enough to take care of Taylor," Niall said sadly. "Once, when we were high, he told me that when he found the woman of his life, that he would get his shit together, stop sleeping around and build a future stable enough to take care of her for the rest of their life without having to take time away from his family like his parents had to do."

"So Taylor is the one, then?" Rocky questioned, but it seems like all four of them knew the answer already.

"He wants to marry her still, a future with her. He seems hopeful that they will meet again when they are older and build the family they visioned for the two of them." Kendall smiles softly. Harry and Taylor are meant to be together, and people who are meant for each other will always find their way back to each other. Everyone was hopeful, even Harry and stubborn Taylor, even if she doesn't even know it yet.

But one thing they seem to forget is hope breeds eternal misery.

Hey beautiful people of Wattpad,

I promised to never be the bitch that asks people to comment and vote but please understand that the only motivation I have to update is your comments. I would publish before I go to sleep and hope that when I woke up, I will be able to see your comments so please, if it means anything, please take a couple minutes just to comment something, telling me that you enjoy it. Before you assume it's for the ranking, it's not. It's my motivation and like Taylor said "I'm setting off, but not without my muse".

Anyway, enough with me being depressed and insecure about my own work, did you enjoy it? I hope you did because I really enjoyed making Harry and Kendall's relationship, it's rare in fanfic for them to have this relationship I feel like.

Don't forget to comment, please.

Lots of love,

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