Always The Youngling

By edxoxo17

640 16 5

A force was born the night of Luna's birth. Her aura was that of pure gold, something the people around her h... More

The Storm
Bounty Hunter


116 4 3
By edxoxo17

Luna was born with solid white hair, the hair of the moon. She was always the youngest of her siblings, and the only one to look nothing like them. Padme adored her sister to no end, but Luna disliked that she didn't look like her sister. To Luna, Padme was undeniably gorgeous. Luna felt as though she was average, a typical girl. No one had ever given her a second glance. The silver of her eyes gave her a strong look, one that Padme admired.
"Do you remember the stories I would tell you of Obi-Wan, Qui-gon and Anakin?" Padme asked as she tightened Luna's corset. Luna sucked in a breath and nodded.
"I remember." She said to her sister. Luna hated wearing corsets. But to wear the dresses she owned, she had to wear one. Padme had picked out a lovely purple dress that was cut off from her shoulders, allowing the neckline and her collarbones to show.
"Padme, this is your favorite dress." Luna told her sister, but Padme wanted her to make an impression on her old friends, especially Anakin.
"Luna, I don't care. It's more beautiful on you, anyway." She told her. Luna sighed and let Padme pin her hair back. Luna liked to wear her hair down, with her crown it gave her a more regal and royal look. She didn't want to be the same as her sister.
"I will be outside with Typho and Dorme. Hurry up now." Padme teased and kissed her sister's cheek. Luna sighed happily and looked in the mirror.
"Your highness, would you like us to do your hair?" One of her handmaidens asked. She had two, Rela and Fera; they were both twins born in the palace.
"That would be lovely." She handed her brush to Rela and they got to work. Luna had natural waves in her hair and the girls played on that with braids. They braided her hair in a half updo, and left the rest of her waist length hair down.
"You are so beautiful, your highness." Fera told Luna. Luna shook her head and scoffed.
"You are both more beautiful than I." She smiled at them and they blushed.
"Mesa here. Lookie, lookie, Senator! Desa Jedi arriven." Luna hears Jar Jar outside of her room. Luna curtsied to her handmaidens and left the room.
Padme is already at the door with Typho when she emerges from her room. Luna walked over behind her sister and nodded at the two Jedi.
"It's a pleasure to see you again, malady." The older one, Luna assumed was Obi-Wan.
"It's been far too long, Master Kenobi. I'm so glad our paths have crossed again, but I must warn you. I think your presence here is unnecessary." She told him. Obi-Wan looked behind Padme to see Luna standing behind her. Luna looked like a Princess of there ever was one. She showed elegance and beauty in an innocent way.
"I'm sure the Jedi Council have their reasons." Obi-Wan told Padme. He nodded at Luna. Padme turned to see her sister behind her. She pulled her beside her and smiled.
"Oh, my, I'm sorry. Forgive me. This is my sister, Luna. She's in line for the throne in two short months. Her coronation was set for tomorrow, but unfortunately due to these assassination attempts, we have to postpone. I fear for her safety more than mine." Padme holds Luna's hand.
"It is quite a pleasure to meet you, Master Kenobi. Padme has told me great stories about you." Luna held her hand out and he shook it, and then kissed her hand. Luna looked back to Padme and she nodded. Luna had never had that happen to her.
"The pleasure is mine, your highness." Obi- Wan told her. Padme looks around to see a younger man standing behind Obi-Wan.
"Ani? My goodness, you've grown." Padme said to him. Luna saw a handsome man smile at the two of them. He was sweating profusely and he seemed nervous.
"So have you, grown more beautiful, I mean...well I mean for a senator, I mean." He stuttered out. Luna giggled and smiled at his embarrassment. She couldn't help but think he was the most handsome man she'd ever laid eyes on.
"Oh Ani, you'll always be that little boy I knew on Tattooine." Padme told him, shutting his compliment down. Padme shook her head and smiled. Anakin looked away from Padme and looked down at the floor. Luna could feel herself giving him empathy. They all walked to the couch and the girls sat side by side.
"Our presence will be invisible malady, I can assure you both." Obi-Wan told Padme and Luna. Luna was too busy staring at Anakin. She felt a pull towards him, unlike one she'd ever had.
"I'm very grateful you're here, Master Kenobi. I'm Captain Typho, head of her majesty's security service. Queen Jamillia has informed you of our assignment. The situation is more dangerous than either the senator or Princess will admit." Typho snapped Luna out of her trance and she looked down to her hands in her lap. Her face lit up bright red. She hated when Typho belittled her. She wasn't a child.
"I don't need security. I need answers. I want to know who's trying to kill my sister and I." Padme told them. Anakin looked up and stared at Padme, his eyes wandering over to Luna. He couldn't help but admit she was stunning. Her long white hair brought attention to her beautiful high cheekbones and silver eyes.
"Were here to protect the both of you, not start an investigation." Obi-Wan explained to Padme. Luna had decided to excuse herself for the night, but Padme held her down.
"We will find out who's trying to kill you, Padme. I promise you." Anakin told Padme, while staring at her lovingly. Luna was deeply saddened by the fact that he was in love with her sister.
Anakin bit his lip and looked down. He has enough of embarrassing himself today.
"We will not exceed our mandate, my young padawan learner!" Obi-Wan turned to Anakin to scold him. Padme sighed deeply. She couldn't help but feel bad for putting him in that position.
"I meant in the interest of protecting her and the Princess, Master, of course." He slipped out, glancing at Luna. Luna had let her gaze slip back to him, a force drawing her in, keeping her there.
"We will not go through this exercise again, Anakin. And you will pay attention to my lead." Luna stood up and Anakin watched her slowly. She twirled her hair and watched the speeders fly by the window.
"Why?" Anakin asked while staring at Luna. Padme watched her sister stand up curiously.
"If I must excuse myself, I am feeling faint." Luna told everyone. Dorme stood up to help the Princess to her room.
"Oh, Dorme, please let her stay in my room. I want to make sure she's safe." Padme informed her and Dorme nodded, leading Luna to a room down the hall. Luna stood in the doorway of the room and got a vision.
A hole was cut into the window, Padme and her were asleep. The world was quiet until the door opened and the vision was cut short.
"Are you alright, Luna?" She heard Dorme ask. Luna could feel herself losing her breath.
"I'm having another vision." She told her. Dorme frantically went into the bathroom and gathered a cold rag. She placed it on Luna's forehead.
"Come your highness, let's get you into a nightgown." Her handmaiden, Rela, grabbed her hand and led her to the washroom.
"Are you alright?" She asked as she pulled the corset off of Luna. Luna nodded and took her crown off.
"I'm not sure what happened. I usually have to be triggered to have a vision, but this one came on for no reason at all." She explained to Rela. Rela nodded and helped her slip into a light blue nightgown.
"Do you want to speak about it?" She asked politely, but Luna shook her head.
"No, I fear that I don't remember it well." Luna lied, but Luna saw the vision clearly and knew that if she were to fall asleep, something would happen to either her or her sister. She could sense it.

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