The Empire King | ✔️

By cloudy_Alya

435K 11.6K 4.1K

Mason King 👑 Leader of One of the most feared Mafias in the country, The Empire. Strong ,handsome, rich... More

.♦. Welcome .♦.
.♦. Aesthetics .♦.
.♦. And So It Begins .♦.
.♦. Coincidence .♦.
.♦. Emotions .♦.
.♦. First Day .♦.
.♦. Alaska .♦.
.♦. The Ball .♦.
.♦. Ex boyfriend .♦.
.♦. Secrets Exposed .♦.
.♦. Dinner .♦.
.♦. Betraying Him .♦.
.♦. Confrontation .♦.
.♦. Escaping .♦.
.♦. Girl's Night .♦.
.♦. Finally Free .♦.
.♦. Part Of The Family .♦.
.♦. Back To Work .♦.
.♦️. Date .♦️.
.♦️. Empire Queen .♦️.
.♦️. I love you .♦️.
.♦️. Eavesdropping .♦️.
.♦️. Mask Off .♦️.
.♦️. The End .♦️.
.♦️. New Book .♦️.

.♦. Whipped .♦.

18.2K 534 217
By cloudy_Alya

🌹 Eliza's POV 🌹

I straightened my back and fixed my clothes before entering the meeting room. Today was the day the important meeting ,that Mason mentioned yesterday , is held.

I dressed formally but elegantly as Mason ordered me too.(picture below). Mason was already inside with the others as I went to print some files, I knocked on the door then entered.

As I did so all the heads turned to me which made me even more anxious. I hate attention.
I nodded at them as Mason motioned to me to sit on the chair next to him.

"This is miss Eliza Stone, she'll be joining us through this meeting " Mason spoke before directing his head to me " Eliza this is Mr.Connor Gold, he runs a very well known asian security company".

Mr. Connor is a handsome young man, he's in his early twenties and he is surely dressed as one. He was wearing a very casual clothes that showed his arms, both have random tattoos scattered on them. He has black hair and can we talk about his flawless skin! Man I should ask him about his skin routine.(picture below). (A/N): Where are my bts fans at?)

" Nice to meet you " I said as I shook his hand.

"The feeling is mutual Miss Eliza" He said offering me his billion dollar smile.

Throughout the whole meeting Connor would keep glancing at me and of course Mason didn't miss that as I noticed his jaw clenching every time he noticed Connor glancing at me.

The meeting was finally over for my relief as we exited the room Connor spoke " Eliza, would you like to join me for lunch?" .

I froze. I barely know him and he wants me to have lunch with him, what should I say " Uh I -i.."

I glanced at Mason as he came to my rescue " She can't, we have some work to finish today, she'll be busy throughout the day if not the week" .

Connor smirked then nodded "Sure. Well then I'll see at the ball next week.later" He winked at me before leaving.

"Thank you" I thanked Mason for saving me, he only nodded.

"What ball was he talking about?" I asked.

"We're going to a ball that is being held by one of my friends next week" He said casually.

"We?" I asked, he never mentioned anything about a ball.

"Yes, me, you and some of my brothers" He said then headed towards his office.

"But I-" He cut me off as he said " Miss stone these types of events are part of the job and you'll be obliged to attend them. Unless you have any objections" He gave me that look that said 'don't you dare to object'.

I shook my head " No, sir" I said to which he replied with a faint 'good' before entering his office.

Great, now I have to go shopping for a new dress.

👑 Mason's POV 👑

"Come in" I said as a knock sounded through the room.

"Mason, is it true?" Alaska said entering the room looking angry.(A/N: some of you couldn't see the photo in the Last chapter so here it is again).

"What's true?" I said leaning back in my chair.

"Are you taking that poor ugly employee to the ball as your escort?" She questioned stomping her feet like a brat.

I rubbed my nose trying to keep my anger at bey " And how is that your business?" I asked , arching my eyebrow.

"I always escort you to these types of events, what changed?" She asked.

"Again none of your fucking business. You work for me and what I say goes, do you understand that" I said calmly but viscously.

"But -" I cut her off " Shut up Alaska. I don't care who your father is, don't cross the line or else you won't like the consequences " She glared back at me .

"Is this a bad timing?" Luke said standing at the door along with Brent.

"No, Alaska was just leaving" I said dismissing her.

Brent and Luke took a seat as Alaska left not after I ordered her to close the door behind her.

"I really don't know how you keep up with her bratty attitude" Brent said .

"For real. I would've kicked her out by now " Luke added.

"I thought you're supposed to be the kind brother and I'm doing this for the sake of her father" I said.

"Well I'm kind with the people who deserve it" Luke shrugged.

"Anyways one more strike and she'll be out" I said then added " Enough about her, what is it?" I asked.

Brent and Luke shared a look before Brent said " The russians are not happy about the fact that you chose the Asian company over them".

"They might seek revenge " Luke said then added " And the ball is a perfect opportunity to do that".

"I don't get what's their problem, we made competition and they lost. Isn't it fair enough?" I sighed.

"I don't know ,but maybe it's better for us to not attend the ball" Brent said.

"No, we're the most powerful mafia and we won't hide because of possible threat from some idiots" Jason said storming in.

"What are you doing here" I asked him.

"That's on me I kinda told him, now that I think about it maybe I shouldn't have done that" Cole said .

"I thought you went to pick Sophia " Luke said.

"Oh we did, she's outside with the others" Cole said.

"The others?" I asked.

"Yeah Alex, Will and Elijah are here too" Cole replied.

"Yoo you're having a family reunion without us?" Will asked, barging in with Sophia and Elijah on his tail.

"ciao miei cari fratelli" Sophia said smiling.(Hello my dear brothers).

"Hey Principessa, I say the Italian classes are doing their job perfectly" (princess).

"Si" She said proudly.(yes).

"Where's Alex?" I asked.

"Oh he's flirting with a girl, this is the first time I ever see her but she seems so sweet" Sophaj said.

"For God's sake" I said, rubbing my forehead " Go grab him for me, will you Cole" .

"Sure" Cole said.

"Ooo someone is jealous" Elijah said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut the fuck up " I growled.

"Definitely jealous" Will added.

"Well I would be jealous if I was him too, she's...something else " Alex said as Cole pushed him inside.

"Can you all shut up and chat when we're at home. Now are you going to do" Jason said, silencing them all.

"Jason is right.. we will go, but make sure to raise up the security measures and discuss them with Mr.Lee " Mason said directing his words to Brent.

"That what I thought " Jason said smugly before adding " I'll beat the hell out of whoever dares to mess with us"

"You won't be going" I said.

"What the fuck, why?" Jason smirk dropped.

"Only me and Brent will be going, the rest of you will not" I said.

"But.." Jason argued but I stopped him by raising my hand then adding " No buts ".

" Now all of you take Sophia and home while Luke and Brent finish their work". I ordered.

"Fine " Jason stormed out as the rest followed him.

"Luke, send me Darcy on your way out" I told him as he gave me a thumbs up.

Seconds later Darcy was in front of me " Yes Mr.king" She said.

"I want you to go to Stacy's shop and get the dress I ordered, then get it delivered to this address" I said handing her a piece of paper.

"Of course Mr.king, anything else?" She said.

"You can tell one of my guards to take you there, that's all" I said to which she nodded then left.

First you get her to your company, give her money, get jealous when Mr.Lee or anyone else talks to her and now you buy her a dress. What else?

I rubbed my forehead and sighed, I'm in some deep shit.

-- - ♦ - --

(A/N): Opps it's been a while, but to make it up to you here's a DOUBLE UPDATE.

So make sure to check the next chapter.

Don't forget to vote and comment ❤

💐 Sending all of my love 💐

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