Insanity behind the eyes

By Snowyvillainess313

21.5K 535 148

So basically Harry got into Azkaban and this takes place after Sirius's death and this is a NOT lightbashing... More



1.8K 44 20
By Snowyvillainess313


Harry tried to take that blasted animal no, creature's cloak off but no how hard he tried it won't come off. Every time he went to touch it, It just slid it from his finger! No matter what he tried he just couldn't get that horrible cloth off! He felt like crying. "Everything slid from my hands just like this cloak... My friends, my freedom, and now this cloak... why can't I do anything right... " Harry whispered to himself while silently sobbing.

"Who's there?" A piercing shrill voice of a female ran through Harry's ears.

"Might just be a new prisoner or death eater" Another hoarse yet calming at the same time ran through his ears.

"Come forward" A commanding voice ordered him to do that although Harry swore that he had heard somewhere before.

He went forward to the only glint of light peeping into his cell.

There was a face that was revealed in a bit of light.

"Lucius, how does that person look like?"The same piercing shrill voice of a female ran through his ears again, but this time, her tone was a bit curious.

"Well turns out to be a man, no boy to be around Draco's age he looks like he is a bit shorter than Draco though. He has got a mix of Forest and Jade green eyes and that's all I can make out from the dark and because he has got a cloak on" The commanding voice, now softened a bit spoke.

"What's your name little boy" Voice of a female ran through his ears but her tone changed again with more curiousness and hints of Insanity.

Harry proceeded to tell Harry Potter but stopped for a bit and asked them.

"Isn't it polite to give yours first?" Harry said while trying to keep his tone as even as possible but eventually added a bit of mockery in his voice.

"Lucius Malfoy"

"Bellatrix Lestrange"

"Antonin Dolohov"

"H-Hedrix, m-my name is Hedrix E-Evans" Harry said while going back to the wall of his cell.

"So what crime did you commit for your presence in here, and most importantly, are you a pureblood or a Mudblood?" Bellatrix asked in a curious AND disgusted tone.

"I still don't exactly know my crime but more likely got here due to Dolores Umbridge and no I am neither pureblood nor a mudblood" Harry chose his words carefully before speaking to not give away too much information to deatheaters.

"Then what's your blood-type then Mr. Evans" Lucius sneered while speaking that.

"Well you see my mother married my mudblood father so now I am a Half-blood" Harry- or now Hedrix said while shuddering at the M-word.

"So you also hate mudbloods too, Mr. Evans," Lucius said in a testing tone.

Hedrix was about to protest but backed away, This time he thought wouldn't need Gryffindor Courage to face to tell Lucious everything and still be a spy but rather Slytherin cunningness and brains in him. So he began "Yes indeed I do Mr. Malfoy because my mother died during birth complications and my father abandoned me because of freakishness that we call magic but because of my mother's fortune I was able to survive and I think I managed to myself to become enemy with Dolores Umbridge" 

"Very well kitten what's your age" Bellatrix voice came from the shadows

Harry felt pure rage in him because his godfather's MURDERER was asking him but instead of bursting from anger he decided to take breathes and answered "I might be around 15"

"Oh you are around Draco's age darling once we get out we will let you meet him too!" Bellatrix exclaimed loudly that some dementors came over to make sure nothing was wrong and then went back.

"Sorry," Bellatrix said cheekily.

"What's exactly your sentence? I mean this is lifetime prison so what did you do?" a new voice came before he recognized it to be Antonin Dolohov.

"She said something about stealing from Gringotts? I mean no one has the guts to break in there as it is super secure, then Cruciatus curse but it failed drastically, then killing an older Hogwarts student, Broken into Ministry of magic and I think freeing someone? Yeah, that are my crimes pretty much I guess" Harry replied in an even tone.

"Hmm Ok want to play a game?" Antonin asked.

"Uhh sure?" Harry replied in a bit ok not a bit but lots of confusion, A DEATH EATER wanting to play with the boy-who-lived the destined-to-kill-you-know-who. Not that the death eater knew of course but still, It counts.

"Ok, this is a muggle game Rock-Paper-Scissors" Antonin replied casually.

"Oh yeah I know that game, pla-seen it many times in Hogwarts with Mug-Mudbloods" Harry said know super confused about what's going on. A DEATH EATER CASUALLY ASKING FOR PLAYING A MUGGLE GAME WITH YOU!

"Ok let's start the game know" Antonin started

"Rock-Paper-Scissors" Both of them exclaimed at the same time.

"I got paper you got rock Scissors so you win" Antonin replied.

"Wait, Wait, wait, wait you can actually see me and my hand?" Harry replied with no signs of evenness in his tone, not one bit of casualty.

"Of course my animagus form is a cat" Antonin replied in a low but calm voice.

"Wait you have an animagus form?" Harry asked in a low voice enough for only Antonin and maybe Bellatrix to hear.

"All death eaters do, Mine is a cat, Lestrange's is a raven or something and Malfoy is a Ferret" Antonin replied with a bit of amusement at the last line.

"Really? Because I clearly remember Draco Malfoy being transfigured into a ferret last time in my fourth year" Harry said clearly with a happy and more open tone to the death eater.

"So you study with Malfoy Junior? Nice." Antonin replied coming closer to the bars of the cage.

"Not exactly, we have some typical house rivalry nothing much." Harry replied while coming closer to the bars following Antonin.

"Well, whatever you say-"

"I am going to sleep goodnight" A shrill feminine voice came interrupting Antonin.

"Me too," Lucius said and dozed off.

"As I was saying goodnight Harry Potter" Antonin replied while he too dozed off with the rest of the death eaters.

Harry was panicking how does he know it? How? He hadn't told anyone, had he? Did he use Legilimency? He can't see through the cloak, right? Or can he? Was his imprisonment announced? What would Hermione, Ron, Luna, Neville, and the other ones who helped him fight in the department of mysteries and helped him form Dumbledore's army would think of him? Would they think of him as a traitor? Or still, welcome him with two open arms again? These thoughts did not let him sleep all night. Finally, he went to sleep when hints of light started to come from the tiny window.



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