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After Sirius entered the Veil of Life and Death, Harry was broken about it. First Cedric and now Sirius "God what's wrong with me! Do everyone I know are supposed to die? Am I a curse?" Harry thought to himself while clinging to a pillow given to him by Luna on Christmas, Yes their same strange carefree sometimes but while giving this to him she also said "Beware of the one around you, You never know when there's a traitor among the people you trust so you better be aware of your surroundings... Oh and be neutral not light not dark but...neutral." I never knew what she meant but... Ok I  guess. I put aside those thoughts and started trying to Sleep but I did not. The memory of Sirius passing through the Veil kept replaying in his mind like a endless cycle until he cried himself to sleep.


"Mr. Potter did indeed kill Mr. Diggory and it was not You-know-who" The female said while shaking in pure rage and fury about hate of certain boy, Harry Potter.

Now, now let's just not  jump into conclusions yet, at that night no killing curses were shot off from Mr. Potter's wand" Man replied calmly.

But you-know-who possibly couldn't return! The boy-who-lived certainly killed him when he was a child! Mr. Potter is a plain liar. He could have erased his wand history after he killed him! For all we know he could have writing in daily prophet that Harry Potter is a great vanquisher of dark lord while he is a spy for you-know-who. He could be a death-eater!" The woman replied still not recovering from the anger of people not believing her point.

Well if so hasn't he killed light lord and others? He certainly would have if he was a death eater." Man replied in a slightly annoyed tone at the woman.


"You are dismissed" 

The woman left the room in rage overwhelming anger.

If he can't just send him to Azkaban then I will tell some Aurors to do it. Certainly he has to break law! I will see his laws broken myself!


Insanity behind the eyesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin