Cyberpunk 2077 Oneshots

By Authortius

9.8K 315 13

Random short stories that involve the characters from Cyberpunk 2077. This will be a x female!reader book. N... More

|1| A Memory - Jackie Welles x Sister!Reader
|2| Protector - Claire Russel x Drunk!Reader
|3| Massage - Maiko Maeda x Assistant!Reader
|4| Diner date - Goro Takemura x Fixer!Reader
|5| Overreacting- Vincent x Sensitive!Reader

|6| Wrong Place - Valerie x Joytoy!Reader

1.6K 41 3
By Authortius

"Disgusting, you foul pig!" A bystander spits at your feet in disgust. Hatred in his eyes. It was a young man. An elderly woman passed you, not before giving you a dirty look.

You just ignored them, you received negative looks and harsh words everyday. It's not like you wanted to become a joytoy. But when money is tight, you have to resort to different measures.

It was late at night, possible around 11pm. You stood there in your skimpy clothing. It was uncomfortable, but it's not like you had a choice.

You had three clients today, which was great in terms of money, but you don't want to relive what happened. What you do know is that when you get home you will have to have a very long shower. You usually clock off at 3am.

Night was the best for a joytoy, better potential clients. You remember when you were with one of the CEO members of Arasaka, although you don't know his name. As a joytoy, names were classified. You do your thing, get paid and leave. It was as simple as that.

"Heyy...Y/n...." You turn to see Davi. He was an elderly homeless man, usually drunk, but surprising he didn't seem drunk this moment.

"You got some change?" He holds up a tin towards you. "I'm working Davi," You roll your eyes at him. Whenever he sees you, money is all he asks. This could explain why he was sober, he had no money to buy him some alcohol.

"Oh come on, girl. Be nice," You clench your jaw at his smug look. Respecting elders, you always did, but Davi is making you rethink that belief.

"Leave Davi, you're scaring people away," You attempt to shoo him away from your corner. Having some bystanders give you looks is a different thing, but with Davi here, it would just make things worse for business.

"Oi! Is that how you treat your elders? Give me money!" He yells out, attracting attention. This upsets you, although you don't react back, it's just not how you deal with things. So you ignore him and walk to the other side of the road, making sure no cars are coming.

"Who are you to leave with my money!" You ignore the shouts of Davi and continue to do what you were doing before. Gain a client.

"Fine go then!" He yelled at you from a distance. You made no move to shout back at him as he threw curses and degrading names your way. You'll just have to be prepared for tomorrow night. Knowing Davi, he is one who doesn't give up.

"I'm surprised you didn't say anything..." You jump slightly at the unknown voice. Your gaze catches a pair of dark eyes. It's a female merc. You could tell by the way she dressed. No sign that showed she was from a gang or business employee.

"If you react, it adds fuel to the fire," You tell her.

Valerie looked at you, noticing how revealing your clothing was. A joytoy, is what instantly entered her mind. However she had no idea why you would work as this instead of finding a different place. Although she had no place to judge you or your choices.

Seeing your interaction with the homeless man mildly shocked her. You didn't react in a hostile manner. It was passive-aggressive. This job wasn't for you. Valerie knew that being a joytoy was one of the most dangerous jobs, you wouldn't know what agenda your client has or even what type of people just feel like warning up their guns.

"So, do you want my services or to stay and chat, please understand I don't have time to chat in anyway as I am really busy," You inform her, forcing her out of her thoughts. She clears her throat.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I wouldn't want to keep you from work, you take care now," Valerie leaves, however this time she has a determined expression, not that you noticed anyway. You just went back to work, ignoring the odd feeling that entered your body.


It's been two days since you saw the stranger, not that you  cared it anything...

Luckily Davi wasn't around, at least that's what you hoped. A car stopped in front of you. Slowly approaching the vehicle, you took note of the type of carrot was. Elegant, sleek and expensive. Definitely a business person.

The window rolled down and it was the stranger from some days ago. She gave you smirk as you stared at her curiously.

"I would like to request an escort," You raise your eyebrows. Not sure what's happening, but you can't say no, seen as she is a possible customer.

"Sure," The door unlocks and you enter in the passenger side. You turn to her and she gives you wink. Thoughts race through your mind as you try and comprehend what's happening.

"I would like your company, nothing else, just name your price,"

"Uh..uhm.." Your voice can't find any words to say. She starts the car and drives off slowly.

"In what sense? What do you require?" You finally find your voice.

"I want a partner-"

"-woah hold on, this is more of a one night stand, I don't do long term..." You cut her off. She chuckles and shakes her head.

"I mean, I'm looking for a partner in the work I'm doing,"

"You do know I'm a joytoy right?"

"It's not that, the way you handle yourself," You look at her, she had an unreadable expression. Confusion clouds your mind, as you have no logic idea as to what is happening.

"You're a merc." You state. She gives you a glance and raised her eyebrow, an indication that she is  impressed at how observant you are.

"What do you say, because I'm rounding this block and by the time we stop at your corner, I need an answer," She clarifies. You take a breath.

"I..don't even know your nam-"

"Valerie, yours?"

"Y/n.." You say softly. This is all happening to fast. A second later the car stops, and you are parked in the exact spot from when Valerie picked you up.

"So, your answer?"

You look at her and back to the spot where you usually stand. Becoming a merc, is a huge decision and it's a dangerous job. You wouldn't know what gigs await you.

On the other hand, being a joytoy isn't a job you wanted, you were forced into it. Sometimes you were rough handled by some clients, but isn't that how mercs at handled as well...just differently?

You sigh and turn to her. Your eyes speaking for themselves. Valerie nods at your decision.

"Let's go,"

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