New York To Los Angeles

By Hidden_shadows98

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A surprise move from her home city of New York, to Los Angeles has Amelia in a whirlwind of emotions. But it... More

Chapter 1- New York To Los Angeles
Chapter 2- Los Angeles at last
Chapter 3- Sleepover and Pranks?
Chapter 4- A Game Of Soccer Anyone?
Chapter 6 - The Diner and Bella
Chapter 7- Midnight Misfits and The Carters
Chapter 8- Dodgeball and Bonding?
Chapter 9- What You Aren't A Fan Of 1D? ;)
Chapter 10- The Drama has only just begun....
Chapter 11- WestOak gains an Oompa Loompa
Chapter 12 - Chase finds a girl and Alex throws a fit
Chapter 13 - I Ditch School
Chapter 14 -Secrets...How Stupid Could I Have Been?
Chapter 15- Screw My Hardened Heart!
Chapter 16 - An Afternoon With The Player
Chapter 17- The She-Devil Has A Little Sister?
Chapter 18 - Sasha's Point Of View
Chapter 19 - Soccer Season & Sasha
Chapter 20 - A Party With A Side Of Drama
Authors note
Chapter 21 - Confusion, Jealousy and Reese
Chapter 22 - Music And A Whole Lot Of Awkward
Chapter 23 - Just A Kiss Goodnight
Chapter 24 - Like You Never Existed
Chapter 25 - Christmas And Unwanted Guests
Chapter 26 - Jake's POV
Chapter 27- A Heated Apology
Chapter 28 - The First Date
Chapter 29 - Love Is In The Air
Chapter 30 - 'These Words'
Epilogue - Part one
Epilogue - Part two
Epilogue - The End

Chapter 5 - First Day Of School Joy!

6.8K 133 21
By Hidden_shadows98

Dedicated to KiaraLondon for her awesome series check them out! :)

(Love to hate you, Hate to Love you, No Cliche) Courtney to the side ---------------------------------------------/-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You know that dreaded feeling you get in the pits of your stomach? That nervous feeling that eats away at you? That was exactly what I was feeling as I woke up on that dreaded Monday, it was Dooms Day, my first day at school. The nervous feeling continued gnawing away at my insides and with a defeated sigh I climb out of bed an hour before my alarm clock. I walk straight into my bathroom and peel off my clothes, taking advantage of the extra time by washing my hair. Once done, I wrap my hair up in my towel and wear some white jeans and navy blue off-the-shoulder top. I grab my bag and place the essentials inside; dumping it in the downstairs' hallway I walk into the kitchen to pour myself some Coco Puffs.

Swirling the chocolate cereal around with my spoon as thoughts of what could happen today run through my mind. Let's see...I could meet a stuck-up bitch, who runs the school and likes terrifying new students; or end up humiliating myself in some....well humiliating way or...Stop it Mia don't talk yourself out of this, you're strong enough to handle a stuck-up queen bee and/or an embarrassing scene.

After I finish my cereal I rush back upstairs, going into the bathroom to brush my teeth and curl my hair. I finish curling the last lock of hair and place a hair band over my hair letting my fringe hang loose. Doing it once over in the mirror I smile in satisfaction. My curled hair reached a few inches below my shoulder, the fringe swept to the right and my brown eyes framed by my naturally long eyelashes. Swiping a light layer of red lip gloss over my lips I check the time, it was a quarter to eight. Well that gives me forty five minutes before homeroom.

While I wait for Chase to get ready I go into the living room to watch some TV, amusing myself with Dora The Explorer. I never got the point of this show; in fact it's quite irritating to watch. I mean what's with the whole "Swiper no swiping" thing?! I change the channel, trying to find something interesting to watch when I hear Chase come down, at quarter past eight. How long does he need to get ready?! Honestly! He takes more time than me.

"Hey Mia, are you ready to go?" Chase asks, not even waiting for my answer before walking out of the room.

"Well, good morning to you too" I grumble swinging my bag onto my shoulders and following him down the driveway to where Jake's car was parked; Jake himself leaning against it waiting for us. Apparently the boys had arranged a plan where we all drive to school together until my parents buy a car for Chase, us being neighbours just made that much more convenient.

Chase just gives me an amused look, before doing one of those man hug things with Jake. I offer Jake a small smile before climbing into the backseat. He gives me a smile in return before striking up a conversation with my brother. A few minutes into the drive my phone vibrates with a text from Courtney asking where I was. I type back a short reply telling her to meet me in the office in roughly five minutes, since the drive to school wasn't long.

"Amelia. Amelia are you even listening?" Chase asks in an annoyed tone.

"Huh?" I whip my head to look at him zoning back to my surroundings, what can I say day dreaming comes easily to me. Chase rolls his eyes and Jake laughs.

"Meet Jake and I at his car after school we're going to the new diner Mum and Dad bought" he answers and I nod, not really listening. Before I knew it we were parked in the school's car park, I hop out of the car giving Chase a quick hug turning to walk into the school but get blocked by Jake.

"What don't I get a hug?" He asks teasingly his muscles rippling under his black shirt, his jet black hair mussed in a hot way and his blue eyes lit up with amusement. Shaking my head I side step him only to have him mimic my move.

I sigh "Jake move!" the guy just shakes his head smiling.

"Not until I get my hug" He replies with a smirk, causing me to sigh again.

"Fine" I said reluctantly moving forward but when he leaned forward for a hug, I ducked under his arms laughing "See you later Jake" I called over my shoulder as I ran inside.

I walk over to the office using the directions Courtney told me yesterday, good thing too because the hallways were filled with rowdy students ranging from freshmen to seniors. When I got to the office I notice Courtney standing outside talking to Daniel, she spots me a few seconds later and runs over to pull me into a hug. "Hey Amelia!" she squeals.

"Hi Courtney" I laugh lightly only to stumble back slightly when Daniel pushes his twin out of the way and crushes me in a hug, pulling back and slinging his arm around my shoulder.

"What's up Amelia?" He asks smiling

"Oh not much just having to face going to a whole new school. Now come on I need to get my schedule" I reply sarcastically before shrugging off his arm.

I gave a polite smile to the office lady and walk up to her to receive my schedule.

"Hi I'm Amelia Johnson. It's my first day of school; could I please have my schedule?" I ask politely.

The lady gives me a warm smile "Sure thing dear just give me a few minutes" she returned five minutes later with my schedule and locker information, I thank her before comparing my classes with the twins.


Period 1- Algebra

Period 2- Free Period

Period 3- Chemistry


Period 4- English

Period 5- History

Period 6- Music

Period 7- Gym

"Huh well I have you in all my classes except for English" Daniel said happily.

"I only have you in Gym and history" Courtney said sadly pouting slightly.

"Well at least we have lunch together too right?" I ask trying to think on the positive side. Yeah, you'll need a lot of that positivity to get you through a whole school day, at a new school. My inner voice snickered, how helpful!

"True" Courtney agreed. We walk along to find my locker and I place all unnecessary books in before looking at my timetable again.

" any of you mind telling me where my homeroom is?" I ask sheepishly. The twins laugh and offer my directions, not a moment too soon either since the bell signalling homeroom rang as soon as they finished.

I walk into the classroom and take a seat at the back, next to the window deciding to just ignore the class while I wait for the teacher to arrive.

"Good morning class!" I look up to see a lady in her thirties walk into the classroom. Her red hair was pulled up into a bun and pair of red-framed glasses were perched on her nose, her green eyes sparkling from behind them. She looks up from the pile of papers in her hand and sweeps her gaze across the classroom, her eyes locking on mine. When she spots me she makes her way over, a warm smile on her face. "You must be Amelia. Welcome to WestOak High. My name is Mrs Brightmore I'll be your homeroom teacher for your junior and hopefully senior year" she says shaking my hand.

I smile "Nice to meet you Mrs Brightmore". She gives me one last smile before she walks off to the front of the class.

I let my gaze wonder over the students in the room, and for some reason found it surprising to how normal they looked.

Of course they look normal you idiot! What did you expect? Tutu wearing jocks and screeching birds flying around? There's that inner voice again!

The bell for period one went off and I jumped from my seat, making my way out of the classroom so I could get to Algebra on time. Fortunately with the twins' excellent directions I made it on time. Tentatively I step into the classroom and notice the teacher, Mr Drew writing instructions up on the whiteboard.

"Excuse me...uh...Mr Drew" I walk up to him. He turns around and raises an eyebrow.

"Hi, may I help you?" He asks nicely, his brown eyes warm. Well the teachers here are a lot nicer compared to Jackson.

"Um I'm Amelia Johnson the new student..." I trail off as he nods knowingly.

"Right, well welcome to WestOak Amelia. You can take a seat anywhere in the room, the class will start soon" smiling I thank him and walk to the row of three desk in the middle of the room where Daniel was seated. I take a seat on his left so that I'm in the middle desk.

"Hey Daniel" I smile.

"Hey, how are you finding WestOak so far?" he asks.

"It's only been, like twenty minutes" I laugh staring at him weirdly. He just gives me a smile and shrugs waiting for my answer. "It's fine so far".

"Ah Mr Carter, how nice of you to finally bless us with your presence" Mr Drew announces from the front of the classroom. Daniel and I turn our heads to see Jake smirking at the doorway of the classroom.

"Well-" He starts speaking but Mr Drew raises his hand to silence him.

"Please, save us the self-adoring speech and take your seat beside Mr Carter" Mr Drew snorts causing me and Daniel to stifle our laughter. Jake's smirk soon transforms into a scowl as he plops into the seat next to me.

"Give self-adoring speeches often Carter?" I ask a wide smirk plastered on my face, no doubt annoying Jake to bits.

"Only when people need to be reminded of my awesomeness" he smirks. When he notices the 'are-you-serious-look' on my face he laughs and shakes his head. "You're so gullible, it was a joke Johnson. Even I'm not that self obsessed" with that he flips open his maths book and starts the work on the board.

The three of us sit in silence, scribbling down the answers to the questions.

"Hey Johnson, you know what you did in the car park wasn't very nice" Jake whispers looking at me.

"Never said it was" I whisper right back. On my right Daniel poked my arm trying to get my attention.

"What did you do to him?" he asks curiously.

"I'll tell you later" I answer distractedly trying to focus on what Mr Drew was teaching, unfortunately Jake had other plans.

A sharp poke hits my arm and the grip around my pen tightens.

The poking only contiues and I glare at Jake who simply gave me an innocent smile, the mischievousness clear in his eyes.

Three pokes later and I turn around to face Jake again, irritated beyond belief

"What Carter!" I hiss.

"Are you trying out for the soccer team?" he asked. I gave him a look of disbelief

"What?!" I whisper-yell, confirming whether he asked me such a stupid question while I was trying to study he wants to talk about this now?

"Are you deaf? I said-".

I cut in "No! I'm not deaf I heard what you said-".

"Then why did you say what?" he asks confusion written on his face though his eyes sparkled with amusement.

"I was going to-".

"You were going to tell me what?" he asked interrupting me again an amused smirk on his face.

"Stop interrupting me and maybe you'll find out!".

"Jeez no need to get your panties in a twist" he chuckles only annoying me further so after giving him one last glare I turn around, ignoring him for the rest of the lesson. The bell rang twenty minutes later and I let out a sigh of relief, I mean Mr Drew was an awesome teacher but Algebra really wasn't my thing. It didn't help that I we had a truck-load of homework to finish off, something that Daniel grumbled about all the way to the library.

"Chill Dan, that's why we have free period, to catch up" I nudge him with my shoulder lightly as we enter the quiet room. Daniel didn't take that well as he gives me a scowl.

"You're such a goody-good Amelia"

I turn towards him and glare "Am not!" I say in my defence.

Daniel gives me a smirk and replies in a sing-song voice "Are too". I am not a goody-good! I storm away from Daniel and plop down on one of the seats around the table. Daniel sits in front of me after awhile and we start our homework, with him letting out a sigh every now and then

"Daniel stop sighing it's just homework, jeez!" I snap.

"It's not just homework its three f*cking pages of torture!" he whisper yells. His frustrated face made me burst into giggles, poor guy he really must hate me. We spent the rest of the period chatting quietly while finishing off our homework.

"Chemistry next we have assigned seats so we won't be sitting next to each other" Daniel warned me as we near our next class.

"Oh no!" I fake gasp "How will I ever survive if I'm not sitting next you?" I cry out in a dramatic voice. Daniel rolled his eyes

"Weirdo" he mutters under his breath before picking up his pace.

"I heard that!" I shout, struggling to keep up with him. He looks over at me over his shoulder and grins,

"You were meant to".

I introduce myself to the teacher, a short man with graying hair.

"Hello Amelia. I'm Mr Grays please take a seat next to Mr Carter he'll be your chemistry partner for the year" I walk over slowly to my seat next to the smirking Carter and let out a silent groan.

"Hello there Partner" he grins widely and I glare in response.

"Leave me alone" I grumble. He chuckles quietly to himself before speaking in a patronizing baby voice.

"Aww is someone angry they're not sitting with their boyfriend?" I sat frozen as I replayed that sentence in my head, my mouth opening and closing as I tried to come up with a response.

Jake shook his head laughing slightly as he placed his index finger under my chin to close my mouth. "Don't want to swallow a fly now do we?" he winks.

His words jolt me back to reality and I stare into his piercing blue orbs.

"Daniel's not my boyfriend" I splutter out in confusion.

He arches an eyebrow "Uh huh, right" he replies not at all convinced and turns to face the front, I glare at the side of his face.

"He's not! We're just friends!" He looks at me from the corners of his eyes a small smile on his face.

"Don't worry I won't tell Chase" he replies and let out a frustrated groan before focusing on the lesson. When the bell ran for lunch I jog to the door, almost forgetting to wait for Daniel.

"Hey Amelia, how was sitting next to Carter?" Daniel asks when he catches up to me.

"Great! I can totally see us becoming BFFs!" I reply with sarcasm dripping from my words.

"You know he thinks we're going out?" I asked him.

His eyes widen in surprise "Why would he think that?" he asks confusion clear in his voice.

I roll my eyes "How am I supposed to know?! Either way he thinks you're my boyfriend!"

"Hmm interesting" he whispered a wicked grin creeping up on his face. I take a step away from, giving him a weird look.

"You know I haven't known you for very long but even I can tell that grin is deadly" I say nervously. He ignores my comment and carries on walking with that strange grin on his face "Daniel?" I ask anxiously he was seriously looking delusional at the moment.

He gave me a small smile "Relax Amelia" I sigh, knowing I won't get a answer from him and followed him into the noisy cafeteria. While we wait in line I scan my surroundings and notice the 'popular' table stood in the centre of the cafe while other cliques were scattered around them. I see Courtney sitting near the popular table with a couple of people and gave her a small smile when she saw me looking. She waved back and I turn to face the front of the line again.

"You ran out of chemistry pretty fast" a familiar voice whispers into my ears from behind me.

"Yeah, well I was hungry" I answer dismissively.

"Want to sit with me at my table?" Jake says gesturing to the popular table where my brother sat with a couple of jocks and cheerleaders.

"No thanks I would like to retain the brain cells I currently have" I scoff grabbing a chocolate muffin and a slice of pizza, I pay for my food before following Daniel.

"Tsk tsk such harsh words Amelia don't you like me?" he fakes hurt placing a hand on his heart.

"What gave it away?" I mutter sarcastically causing him to chuckle.

"See ya later Amelia!" Jake yells walking to his table, his shouting had attracted the attention of the while cafeteria and I muttered a string of curse words under my breath.

What was that about?" Daniel says staring at Jake weirdly.

"Just him annoying me again, nothing new" I mutter before turning to Courtney.

"Hey Courtney... What does it mean when Daniel starts smiling like a creep?" I ask nervously.

"What are you planning now Dan? You've already scared Amelia" Courtney scolds him.

"I don't know what you're talking about" he replies with an innocent smile.

"That smile spells trouble" the guy opposite me says leaning forward I let out a small chuckle. "I'm Lucas by the way" he extended his hand.

I shook it smiling "Amelia... and that is my brother Chase" I gesture to my brother who was making his way towards us. I took another look at Lucas, he had striking green eyes, and short brown hair he looked pretty fit too.

"So how's school so far Mia?" Chase asks after saying hello to the rest of the group.

"As good as school can get. How's your day been?" I reply, taking a bite of my pizza.

"Eh good I guess. Pass your schedule for a minute" he demands and I cock an eyebrow at his rudeness but pass it anyway.

After surveying the paper for a minute a mischievous grin took place on his face. I eye him warily as he speaks "Guess who's in all of your classes" he sings. I look at him confusion I only know four people at this school so far it can't be the twins and it can't be Chase he's a senior so that leaves.........

Ah crap!

"Jake" I groan if possible his grin grows wider. He hands me back my schedule and waves goodbye walking back to the 'popular table'.

"Oh how stupid of me I forgot to introduce you to every one!" Courtney exclaimed turning to me. She then went around the table introducing everyone. There was Danielle a red head with green eyes, Bridget with blonde hair and hazel eyes and Rebecca with black hair and hazel eyes. Sitting next to Lucas was Cameron with blonde hair and light blue eyes. Wow what was with the gorgeous people around here! We carry on chatting about random things when a couple of cheerleaders came our way.

There at the front was the girl on the plane with even more makeup and a skirt that clearly defies the school dress code. I mean seriously it just reached her mid thigh has she no self respect? She and her two followers (a blonde and a brunette) smirk down at me.

"Well, well, well look at what the cat brought in" she sneers in response I raise an eyebrow.

"It seems like an old used up ball of blond yarn" I respond eyeing her blonde hair which fell past her shoulders. The cheerleader turned red (I still didn't know her name) and I smirk in satisfaction.

"Wait, you're not blonde" the blonde follower asks me looking confused. I hold in my laughter as the rest of the group gives her an 'are you kidding me look'.

I carry on with my insults "You know you remind of a Barbie doll I had as a kid....after my dog chewed her up" I said thoughtfully. At this the whole cafeteria burst into laughter and I look up in surprise, it seems the whole school was interested in our little exchange. I looked past Blondie to see Jake, Chase and the jocks clutching their stomachs laughing.

It seems Blondie realizes it too because she leans forward placing her hands on the table, her blue eyes flashing with anger "Listen here b*tch I don't know who you think you are-"

I interrupt her lame ass speech, which couldn't be anymore cliche "But I run this school and you don't want to mess with me blah blah blah could you get any more predictable....Blondie" by now I was standing a smirk playing on my lips.

"Jakey poo are you listening to her!!!?" she screeches and I burst out laughing.

"J-j-Jakey ......poo" I clutch my stomach looking at Jake who was blushing furiously as he stood up.

"Sorry Jenna you're on your own" he replies, winking at me before sitting down.

She glares at him "My name's Sasha!" This has me in fits again how could Jake confuse the two names? I look back at him and he just shrugs like it's no big deal, amusement clear in his eyes.

"Well Sasha is it? Is it ok if I call you Blondie?" I don't wait for her reply

"Of course it is, now back to business why don't you go touch up on your makeup it's been smudged from all that scowling, so I can carry on eating" . I glance at my nails like they're the most intriguing thing in the world. She screeches covering her face before running to the bathroom, followers in tow, I watch her leave shaking my head

"What an idiot" I mutter before sitting down. The silence in the cafeteria was broken when someone cheers and everyone bursts into laughter before returning to their usual chatter. Suddenly I'm suffocated by the girls hugging me

"You're our new best friend!" Rebecca screams earning laughter from the boys. new line

"Can't.....breathe!" I wheeze.

"Whoops!" and all four let go off me.

"I've always hated that vain, uptight b*tch!" Danielle speaks up causing the whole table to burst into laughter.

"Oh that was classic Amelia! No one has spoken to Sasha like that!" Courtney exclaimed.

"Yeah I figured" I mutter darkly.

"Hey! Amelia right?" I look up to see another cheerleader standing at our table, her black hair pulled into a bun and she was beaming down at me, blue eyes sparkling with kindness.

"Uh yeah" I respond hesitantly.

"That was great what you did with Sasha before! I'm Lily and I'm forever thankful" she said dramatically after plopping down next to me.

I giggle at her acting "It was my pleasure" I reply in a posh voice.

"How do you know my name by the way?" I added.

"Oh Jake's been talking about you" she said slyly. My mouth formed an 'o' and I carried on eating my muffin.

"So are you guys a thing?" she asks out of the blue, causing me to nearly choke on my muffin. Lucas who had been following our conversation starts chuckling but I shut him up with a swift kick to the shins.

"Ow that hurt you've got a hell of a kick there" he whines while I smirked.

"I am a soccer player" his eyes widen dramatically.

"That explains it" he mutters. Meanwhile Lily was conjuring another scenario.

"Oh em gee! Jake plays soccer too you guys would be the perfect match!" I stare at her before collecting my rubbish and standing up.

"There is something seriously wrong with people at this school! First someone asks if I'm dating Dan while the other..." I look at Lily "says I'll be the perfect match for Jake" shaking my head I walk out of the cafeteria dumping my rubbish on the way. Weird people!

Coincidentally the bell rings signalling the end of lunch. I make my way to English; glad that I had asked Daniel the way to my classroom earlier. I was the first one there surprisingly; I quickly introduce myself to the teacher.

"Welcome Amelia. I'm Miss Wilson. I'll show you to your seat". I followed her to my seat mentally cursing her, do we have to be in assigned seats. I take a closer look at the teacher she's young with light brown hair that falls just past her shoulder, she has soft brown eyes. I guess she won't be so... bad.

"Okay, your seating buddy will be Jake Carter, he's a handful so good luck" and all thoughts of her being a great teacher flew out the window. I can only imagine how this day will end......


Ok so this was part 1 of her school day, this was like 9 pages long on word! Sorry for the long wait! What do you guys think of Sasha? And Lily?? Please vote and leave a comment it would mean so much to me!!! Oh and a late Happy New Year!

2/7/13 Edited by Selinah and to some of my older readers it has been rewritten it sounds much better than the 1st version thats for sure

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