Karlschlattnapity Shenanigans!

By KeysLox

12.1K 236 49

So recently I've found the ship Karlschlattnapity! It consists of Karl, Schlatt, Sapnap, and Quackity from th... More

Basic Headcanons!
Main Story Idea!
Early Morning Talks
Large Fight
Relationships are hard, no matter how accepting or prepared you may be. [part 1]
Relationships are hard, no matter how accepting or prepared you may be. [part 2]
Ideas! (A/N)
Was it ever perfect?
Fixing the Ouchie.

Schlatt & Tubbo Headcanons!

2.1K 42 13
By KeysLox

Here we go! Onto some headcanons! I'm not the best at writing them, so bare with me here! Also! There will most likely be a part 2 one day!

‼️One or two of these headcanons might be triggering, so I'll put the warnings here!‼️

⚠️Mentions of Alcohol, Functioning Alcoholic, Getting Drunk, and Addiction. Most of it is light, but it is in there.⚠️


• Schlatt mainly picked on Quackity as a child because he was jealous of his wings.
•He starts drinking from some family things, he only talks about it with Quackity after the run into each other after a few years of being apart.
• He likes to softly nudge/head butt things cares about. (Him and Tubbo butt heads a lot)
• Both Schlatt and Tubbo have floppy goat ears.
• Schlatt is whats known as a 'Functioning Alcoholic' some days are worse then others, but most days he's drinking. Sadly. (Quackity and the others slowly get him to dwindle down on his intake. Say he was a 10/10 when he met Quackity. When the four of them get together officially, he's down to about a 4/10 or 5/10. And sooner or later he turns into a 'maybe 2 today' drinker, not a 'lets have 4 beers at 5 am and casually take sips all day' drinker. Hopefully one day he stops altogether.)
•Tubbo hangs out with his friend Tommy a lot, who is Philza's son. He also had a friend who he calls 'Ranboo' but Schlatt's never met him.
•Tubbo loves flowers, space and bees, his room is full of those star stickers you put on the ceiling that glow in the dark, he has fake flowers all around his room so they don't die, and his ceiling fan chain has little bee handles so he can pull down on them to turn the lights on.
•Schlatt and Tubbo moved from house to house for a while, living in about 3 separate places before finding one they could actually afford.
•When Quackity and Schlatt got married, their living situation got a lot easier with two people making money for the house. (Yes, Quackity moved in!)
•Tubbo, when he was younger, was very quiet around his friends and in public but extroverted with his family. He usually makes small noises only Schlatt can understand when he needs something if they're out.
•Schlatt and Tubbo have been learning Spanish from Quackity.
•Tubbo slowly begins to call Quackity padre
•Schlatt takes cold showers.
•When there's thunder storms, Tubbo sleeps between his dad and his padre.
•If Schlatt knows he's going to be drinking too much from a hard day, or just because he wants to, he'll stay locked up in the spare room and won't let anyone inside. He started doing this after he lashed out at Quackity once, they almost physically fought and Tubbo had seen the whole thing.
•Tubbo doesn't understand what Schlatt's going though as he's too young, but Quackity says he's just a little sick.
•Schlatt knows he shouldn't drink, but he also knows that he has a addiction. Early in the marriage he doesn't have the willpower to fight it.
•Schlatt vows to never steal Quackity's money for alcohol. He doesn't break that promise. Ever.
•Schlatt sleeps on the right side of the bed.
•Tubbo, when being held by his dad, likes to tug on his ears.
•When being held by Quackity, he likes to pet his head wings. They're very delicate and remind Tubbo of how fragile flowers are.
•Schlatt didn't get along with Sapnap at first, they both have short tempers and they argued a lot. As the story progresses, they become good friends. A big part is for the sake of keeping their husbands happy.
•Tubbo and Sapnap go out on 'patrols around the house' pretending to fight off mobs and monsters.
•Tubbo likes to listen to Karl's stories (He's the only one who gets to hear them as of right now)
•Schlatt has this flirty thing going on with Karl. It started as soon as they met, and even though they don't have a romantic relationship, there's obviously something going on between them.
•Schlatt likes to say his name out of the blue sometimes. Tubbo follows suite in this.

|-Here's a quick wholesome father son bonding time! (With Quackity, too!)-|

   Tubbo ran at his father, bumping his head lightly into his leg with a loud giggle. He looked up with his big baby blue eyes and reached his arms high in the air, patting his dads knee rapidly. Schlatt set his drink to the side and knelt down, lifting the boy into his arms with a exaggerated groan. "You're getting big!" He joked, smiling as Tubbo began to play with his long ears. "How's my strong man doing today?" The kid replied with a small mumble, hitting his head against Schlatt's chin with a smile. "I'll take that as good, then."

   The goat man set his son on the counter, grabbing his drink and placing it in the fridge. He looked back to Tubbo and just smiled. The kid was patting his thighs and swinging his legs over the counter, smiling happily. "Do you wanna do something today?" His blue eyes lit up immediately, and he nodded. "Can we go to the.. the flowers and bees?!" Schlatt grinned, lifting his son into his arms again. "Of course, kid. Whatever you want."

   They headed out, one arm holding a large bag full of snacks, toys, and a big blanket, the other holding his sons hand. It didn't take too long to get there and set up a spot underneath a big tree, Tubbo was already running around, arms spread out. He was pretending to fly. "Dad! Dad, I'm like Padre!" Schlatt looked up from what he was doing, watching his son with a shocked face. "Did.. Did Quackity teach you that word, Tubbo?" The goat boy nodded, 'flying' over to his father. "Mhm! He told me it meant dad in.. in Sp-" He paused, struggling with the word. "-anish." Schlatt nodded. "So.. you see him as another dad?" Tubbo started swaying side to side. "Yup! Can we go pick flowers now? I wanna see if we can catch a bee this time!!"

   "Y-Yeah! Yes of course, Tubbo. Just give me one moment." Schlatt took out his phone, quickly texting his husband. 'Your dadhood is official.' Then he was off with Tubbo to pick some flowers. Schlatt didn't see the texts, but Quackity replied with; 'I thought I was the mom.' A few minutes later.. 'But what do you mean. Explain.' More time passes. 'Babe. What the hell do you mean. I'm at work you can't confuse me like this.'

Back at home, Schlatt tucks Tubbo into bed, gives him a kiss against his forehead, and heads out of them room. "Night, Tubs." He speaks softly, shutting the door behind him. He hears the doorknob to the front door turn and looks to it, seeing a slightly stressed Quackity. "Wow. You look like shit.. what did they do at work today?" Schatt had grabbed his drink from the fridge, taking a sip of it as he leaned back against the counter. "What did you mean." "Hm..?" "Your text! You never answered me! 'Your dadhood is official'?! What am I supposed to get out of that?" Schatt tried to hold back a grin before let putting out a stifled laugh. "Nothing bad, don't worry yourself. Tubbo just called you Padre while we were out. I asked him if he sees you as a father figure and he said yeah."

"Okay good. As long as it's not that ba-" The taller male tilted his head to the side as Quackity paused, watching as a smile spread across his face. "... He does?" "Yeah. Like I said, you're officially a dad now." The again took off his jacket, letting out a giddy sigh as he reached behind himself to undo his wings from their corset. "Sweet. Is he asleep right now?" Schlatt nodded. "Yeah, just put him to bed." This time Quackity nodded and he let his wings ruffle out a bit. Schlatt could feel the stare as he turned around to throw his bottle in the recycling bin. "Third." The shorter male smiled. "Good job, that's better then yesterday." "Yeah, thanks."

The two chatted for a while longer, sitting on the couch. They turned on the tv, needing some background noise. After a few hours, Schlatt let out a loud yawn, but midway Quackity slapped his hand over his mouth. "Shh! We have a child sleeping." Schlatt grinned, waiting a moment before licking the palm of his husbands hand. "WH- EW! SCHLATT!!" He withdrew his hand, rubbing it on his pants. "You're gross." "Oh you love me, bird boy." "Yeah yeah, now can we please go to bed? I think someone has work in the morning right?" The goat ma groaned, standing. "Don't remind me. But fine, let's go."

Into the room they went, changing into their night clothes and laying down in bed. Quackity let one wing hang over the side of the bed, then nestled against Schlatt. They fell asleep quickly, that's is until the door opened. The bird looked up instantly, seeing Tubbo's small frame shutting the door. "Tubbo? You okay..?" The boy nodded, but climbed up into the bed. "You sure..?" "Just woke up, sorry." Quackity gently shook Schlatt awake, who just swatted his hand in the air, made some muffled sounds and then continued to snore. "Lost cause. Here, just come lat down.."

He moved over slightly, letting Tubbo slip between him and Schlatt. "Need anything?" Quackity asked as his head hit the pillow. "No thank you, Padre.. oh wait, yeah." "What is it?" "How do you said I love you in Ssp...Spanish?" He couldn't help but smile. "Te quiero." Tubbo paused. "Sounds hard to say.. uhh.." "Say it with me, okay?" Quackity slowly sounded out the sentence with Tubbo, making sure to stay quite as to not wake the man besides them. After a few tries, Tubbo could somewhat say it. "T-Te quierrrro, Padre." His 'R' sounded like a pirate, which make the winged male chuckle a bit. He gently kissed the top of Tubbo's head, pride in his eyes but hidden in the dark. "Yo también te amo, mi pequeño cabrito.." He muttered, finally shutting his eyes. "Yo también te amo."

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