Your Smile :) Jay x Daniel [A...

By CrystalWolfyy2

10.1K 260 150

Daniel Park the transfer student. Handsome, charming and kind. Lots of people are attracted to his good looks... More

[Sorry] Ep 0
[School]|Ep 1
[Seeing Him]|Ep 2
[Shock]|Ep 3
[Re-thinking]|Ep 4
["GaSp!"]|Ep 5
To The Gurl I keep muting (Skip if you want)
Not a Chapter LOOKISM PICTURES skip if you want

[I'm sorry Mom] |Ep 6

601 20 5
By CrystalWolfyy2


BOLD = Places, time skips or POV changes (POV means Point of View)


Regular = Me narrating it or something

"Parenthesis" = Someone talking

WARNING: SWEARING WORDS, if you do not feel conformable with swearing words (there aren't too many) please be cautious, or click off!




Alright this is gonna be the last chapter with this info and warning.

All of a sudden I felt impact on my chest and I went flying back onto the hard ground. 

I shut my eyes when I hit the ground "Ugrh!" My glasses fell off my face onto the ground as well as the shopping bag I was holding, somehow nothing escaped the bag though.

Before I could even open my eyes I was turned around onto my stomach and my backpack was ripped off on my back causing my arms to bend in a humanly impossible way. "AhHGH!" I huffed and turned around squinting, scared I was going to get hit. Two of the guys held onto my arm. The girl with damaged blond bleached girl watching and the Giant fat guy holding into my backpack.

I struggled to get free but my arms wouldn't move. I wasn't strong enough. "No WAIT!"

"Or what?" The fat guy holding my backpack looked down at me. "Seems like you can't do anything right now huh?"

I felt defeated, utterly useless. If I had my new body I would have been able to do something! There's no one walking around on the street this early in the morning no one would be able to help me.

I was scared for my life.

Losing my backpack wasn't worth it and I let him search it with no struggle just me watching him breathing hard, sweat forming all over my body. I'm sure someone would mistake me for a pig.

He looked angry and turned to the girl "JUST 3 DOLLARS! Give me the bag he was holding I wanna see what's inside."

The fat dyed blonde girl gave him the bag and he opened it. His mouth clenched tight and you could see hes slightly yellow teeth. Then he looked towards me.

"Making a FOOL of me HUH!" He stomped to me and took out one of the cup noodles. He was right in crouched down in front of my face his men still holding on to my arms. My eyes were so wide waiting for what he'll do or say next. 



He smashed the cup noodle into my mouth I could taste the dry flavoring of the noodles through the foam encasing.

I couldn't see straight my eyes were vibrating. I was so terrified that I couldn't breath anymore.

"Hey we are wasting time on him Dilan." The girl spoke up.

He turned to face her with a visible vein on his forehead. 

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO." The fat guy known as Dilan yelled

"No-no that's not what I meant, he's not worth the effort and people might come it's better if we get out of here and leave this pig" Said a pig herself 

Dilan turned to look at me and grabbed my shirt pulling closer to his face that I could smell his breath.

"Lucky Bastard. I'll let you off the hook this time. Act like this never happened." Then a smirk curled on his face. "Just to make sure you won't tell anyone."

He let go of my shirt and stood up. I puffed out the breath I was holding from what seemed like forever. 

"Doo gimme your phone." 

The guy with the big nose let go of my arm that he was holding and quickly took his phone out his back pocket and handed it to Dilan. 

"Pull his pants down, have to make sure he'll keep his mouth zipped."


Then it was done. He had a picture of my...elephant nose... on Doos phone. A guy from my school. I was humiliated beyond words. They pushed me on the floor and left laughing like it was the funniest moment of their lives.

I layed there for a long time staring at the now blue sky thinking where I went wrong. Why this happened to me. Do I deserve this. Was this pay back. Pay back. I know.. pay back from how I treated my mom. I'm sorry mom.


"I'm so sorry mom." I spoke out loud with a shaking voice.

"Ugrh..I'm so sorry mom..I love you mom."

Then I was full out crying in the middle of the side walk with my pants down I didn't want to live anymore.

"Is school going to be like this? Will my new body have to go through this too? I can't even sleep to escape it all."

My new body! School! I have to get to school! School...I don't want school to end up like this.

I lay there for about 4 more minutes then used all of my willpower to get up and pull my pants up. Somehow, someway no one came around to see me like this.

Then I slowly walked the rest of the way home tears falling from my face. I ended up crying myself to sleep.

( A/N omg I canttt I have to thank my friend they helped me so much through this scene they did up with a lot of the details on what happens. This scene goes to them I cant believe I forgot to credit them, they help me a lot through this story. They read it through to make sure My english was okay because its not my first language.

They have a SasuNaru that they made today while they made this with me! (Sasuke x Naruto) They loves this ship more than I do somehow XD

Its called: To Hold You, there account is called Gettinghighonchicken so the full name of the story is: 

To Hold You | -GettinghighonChicken- | ~SasuNaru~

PLEASE CHECK IT OUT they will be updating it soon! If you copy and paste it the fanfiction should show up)

I got out of what I called a bed then remembered what went on today. It felt different like someone told me this happened to them rather it happening to me, even if I know this happened to me. I got myself ready for school. It was kind of early so I could take my time. I had woken up at 5:28 (A/N he obv knows because he checks his phone as soon as he wakes any normal person does this, like don't you?) I brushed my teeth, took a shower, got on my only uniform.

I was on my way to school. It was about a 20 minute walk, I wasn't going to waste money on a bus or bike. I got to the entrance and looked up at the big white school. Knowing this will be part of new high school life. I walked up the rocky path and into the school building. Very few students were there since it was pretty early to be at school. I walked to the cafeteria that was on my right in the first floor. When I had gotten in there was only about 17 people in the giant cafeteria. Since I didn't have anything at home that was breakfast material I decided to eat at the school. I got my breakfast from the lady. I went back to sit at the table I sat with Jiho in lunch. As I was walking there I saw Duke enter the cafeteria. (A/N Jihos not there its just the place he sat with him at lunch)

My eyes widened and I froze for a second. I made up my mind last night that I was going to avoid him and Jiho. I'm not going to turn into a dog that people can just walk all over, I need to spend my time with the right people even if I'll miss their friendship. I quickly turned around so he wouldn't see my face and speed walked to table without even thinking about it. By that time there were about 30 students inside the cafeteria.

He didn't see me right. Right. Right. Right. Don't look back he might be there. Just eat act normal. Just act normal so he won't notice you. Wait where does he even sit ,is it close by. Stop stop your over thinking just eat, just eat.

So that's what I did breakfast was over and it was time to get to class. But I still was panicking the entire time. I ran out as quickly as I could to get to class early and sit by someone so Jiho and Duke wouldn't sit by me.

There was almost no one as I was running to my classroom. When I got to the room there was only 3 students seated. I looked to see who would be the best one to sit by. 

First one; too skinny and tiny, a loser like my real body. He would ruin the image I'm trying to make.

Second one; It was the guy who was talking to the girl I think his name was Zack. I don't really want to sit by him I don't think he likes me that much. He has a teddy bear in his hands. I wonder what that's about?

Third one; It was Jay! He seems like a nice guy too he doesn't look like a loser at all and he's... really handsome. We talked too.

Of course I was choosing Jay, it was really my only option. I heard the door open behind me, someone was about to walk in so I rushed to the empty seat besides him. He looked confused.

Jays POV: 

Whys he sitting next to me? There's so many empty seats and he chooses the one next to me. This is annoying. 

"I'm so sorry I know you probably want to sit alone but is it okay I sit here for now on? Next to you? It's um for personal reasons." It was like he could hear my thoughts!

I looked out the window and nodded. I don't know what personal reasons there may be for him to sit next to me but there has to be a reason. He seems nicer than the other guys so I'll let him pass. I just hope he won't read my mind every second. That would be annoying.

20 minutes has passed most of the students are in the classroom, the others probably are skipping and there's no teacher...again.

Then I here Doo talking about some guy beating up a fat dude. I don't know what gives him the right to talk trash about someone like that but it's still interesting ether way.

I hear Daniel stand up next to me I look over at him. He looks mad, really mad.

"Your going too far."

My eyes widened

What did just he say?

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