The Queen Of Darkness (A Shor...

By aTouchOfClass

1.8K 46 78

Here's a story about five beautiful Princesses who are sisters and are parts of the earth they later on becom... More

The Queen Of Darkness

1.8K 46 78
By aTouchOfClass

A Story Written And Created By: Jade Alexandra. Book Editor: Sarah Jessica.

The Queen Of Darkness.

When telling a story like this, I just don't know how I'm supposed to start. Thus as the story teller, I will have to start it wherever it may have begun. Here's my story, on the Queen of Darkness.

Once upon a time there were five sisters. These five sisters were princesses. But they weren't like the princesses we read about in Fairy Tales. No, these were much different. These five sisters all lived together, in the deepest, darkest part of the Desorion Forest. Each one was part of the Earth itself.

The older sister, Tajin, was the Princess of Night. She wore a long, billowing, black starry dress that was created by shooting stars. Her hair was long, and as dark as night, reaching all the way down to her feet. She had big black, pearl colored eyes, with long thick dark lashes. And her skin was as white as snow. Her symbol of freedom was the Black Pearl.

The second oldest sister, Sagineek, was the princess of Sand. She wore a long sleeved dress that was created by sand storms. Her hair was long, and sandy blonde. She had big and deep honey colored eyes, surrounded by lots of lashes. Her skin was also as white as snow. Her symbol of freedom was the Yellow Diamond.

The third oldest sister, Qualeemah, was the Princess of Wind. She wore a long sleeved dress that was created by the thick grey clouds that held rain. She had long, shiny grey hair that flowed around her. She had big grey, lovely eyes. Her skin, too, was the white of untouched snow. Although, she had no feet. She floated on a dark wispy cloud. Her symbol of freedom was the Grey Pearl.

The second youngest sister, Malinque, was the Princess of Oceans. She wore a long dress, which was created by the seven seas. She had long, profound dusky blue hair. Her eyes her big, blue, and bottomless. She was a white as snow, also. Her symbol of freedom was the Blue Diamond.

The youngest sister, Astimah, was the princess of Light. She wore a lengthy dress that was created by lightning. Her hair was long, and pure white, it pooled around her in waves. She no eyes, in place, she had beautiful light that shone brightly against all darkness. Her symbol of freedom was the White Pearl.

All of their symbols of freedom were the shape and size of almonds, and were placed in the middle of their foreheads. The symbols represent the sisters' freedom, to roam where they please. Without them though, they would be trapped in whatever place their life finds them at.

These princesses, need to be needed. for example you can't ask the princess of sand to create Sand in the dessert, or the princess of Ocean to create water in the middle of the ocean. However, the more they're not needed, the weaker they become.

Finally these sisters are very beautiful, physically and emotionally. They're known to be very peaceful, loving people. They hold no hate or jealously towards each other. Each sister was created from what they already are. And for those of you whom don't understand, you never will.

In a kingdom, not too far from the Desorion Forest, lived a king named Barthalemu. Barthalemu was a noble king, who loved his people whole-heartedly and did all that he could to keep them happy. However, deep down inside of him, he had a wish.

As much as he loved his kingdom, he also loved the night dearly. It was the only time he had to himself, were he was able to sleep and rest his tired over-worked body. But unfortunately, he had so much to do, that he only had a small amount of time to sleep at night. Not sleeping as much as he needed, he would feel drowsy all day long, while trying to please his kingdom.

So every night, before he went to sleep, he'd wish the same exact thing. Every night, he would look out his window and speak to the darkness. He would say, "I wish that I could find someone who could bring to me the night, for as long as I please. If they were a man, I would give him whatever he yearned for. If they were a woman, I should marry her and make her my queen."

One night one of the guards over heard the king make his wish. He knew that if somehow helped the King, he would be granted with whatever he wanted. The guard, coincidently, knew about the Princess of Night. So he went to her and told her about the King's wish for Darkness.

Princess Tajin went to the palace of the king, and asked if what the guard told her was true.Barthalemu told her what the guard said was true, and that he really did wish for Darkness. True to his word, the king presented the guard with a pot of gold, which was what the Guard

requested for his help.

Princess Tajin told the king that she would be able to bring him the night anytime he wanted it, so the king said he would marry her and make her queen. However, the princess did have one request, that if he were to marry her, that no matter what, she shall remain queen forever. The king of course agreed to her request and they were married.

The king lived very happily with his queen by his side. She gave him the one thing he wanted the most, the night. Everywhere she appeared, the darkness came rolling in with her. This made the King very glad, for a while. But after living in solitary darkness for about a year, he started to feel very depressed. His palace was dark all day and all night, so he no longer had the luxury of light. Honestly, he couldn't enjoy the day, because there was nothing but darkness around him.

Due to his unhappiness, the king had another wish. So every night, before he went to sleep, he'd wish the same exact thing. Every night, he would look out his window and speak to the darkness. He would say, "I wish that I could find someone who could bring to me light, for as

long as I please. If they were a man, I would give him whatever he yearned for. If they were a woman, I should marry her and make her my queen."

Queen Tajin heard the King, and knew of his woes. She told him that she would get her sister, Astimah to help him. The king was delighted to hear that she knew of someone that could help, so he sent her to fetch her sister. She, as her older sister had, requested that she become his Queen. The King quickly agreed to this, and they were married.

Now that the King had day and night in the palm of his hands, he was extremely pleased. Both of his Queens stayed in different parts of the palace, so it was separated by light, and darkness. It was a truly amazing sight to see.

One day, the King was out taking in a breath of fresh air, walking around the palace with the Queen of France whom had decided to visit him that day. She had noticed that the King had a large garden that was quite poor and she told him, "You know, if you took good care of your garden, it could be the most stunning garden in the whole kingdom."

That night, as the king laid his head down to sleep, he thought about what the Queen of France had told him. He decided that she could be right, but he would need to get his hands on the perfect soil, to havethe perfect garden.

Thus being, the King had another wish. So every night, before he went to sleep, he'd wish the same exact thing. Every night, he would look out his window and speak to the darkness. He would say, "I wish that I could find someone who could bring to me the perfect soil, to make my perfect garden. If they were a man, I would give him whatever he yearned for. If they were a woman, I should marry her and make her my queen."

Queen Tajin heard the kings wish again, so she told him about her sister Sagineek, the Princess of Sand. She told him that she would be able to make the perfect soil, for his perfect garden. So, the king sent for Princess Sagineek immediately, and like both her sisters, she had the same request. The king agreed, and they too were married.

Now that the king had what he wished for, he was very happy. Unfortunately though, it didn't rain that much over his garden, so nothing beautiful bloomed like it was supposed to. The king went to

bed, laying his head down to sleep, and thought about what he could do. He needed rain for his garden, but where would he get all the rain he needed?

So every night, before he went to sleep, he'd wish the same exact thing. Every night, he would look out his window and speak to the darkness. He would say, "I wish that I could find someone who could bring to me all the rain my garden requires. If they were a man, I would give him whatever he yearned for. If they were a woman, I should marry her and make her my queen."

Queen Tajin, once again heard the kings wish. She went to him and told him that her sister Malinque is the Princess of Oceans, and she would be able to bring all the rain his heart desired. As soon as the king heard this, he decided he couldn't waste an ounce of time more, and quickly sent for her. She as her other three sisters, had the same request. Again, the king agreed, and they were married.

Even after he married Malinque, the king felt as if there was something missing. The king went to bed, laying is head down to sleep, and thought about what he needed. He decided he had the best soil in the kingdom, rain whenever he desired it, and all the sun his flowers would need to bloom, but he didn't have the perfect weather for the perfect garden.

So every night, before he went to sleep, he'd wish the same exact thing. Every night, he would look out his window and speak to the darkness. He would say, "I wish that I could find someone who could bring to me the perfect weather, to help my garden bloom. If they were a man, I would give him whatever he yearned for. If they were a woman, I should marry her and make her my queen."

Queen Tajin, as usual, heard his woes and helped him. She told him her sister Qualeemah was the Princess of Wind, and that she would be able to help him with the weather.

The king, yet again, quickly sent for the last sister. She, as had her other sisters, requested the same thing. The king of course, agreed, and they were married too.

Oh, what a happy life he lived. He had the most beautiful wives, and the loveliest magical garden. All the people of his kingdom came to see the King's perfect garden. None of them could believe their eyes. The garden was said to be described by only one word, heaven.

As the years passed by, the king grew so attached to four of his wives, that, he seemed to forget about his first wife, Queen Tajin. He told her to keep away from his beautiful garden, because of the darkness she carried with her.

As the years passed by, the King grew attached to four of his wives, and his lovely garden. He eventually seemed to forget about his first wife, Queen Tajin. She wasn't allowed near his precious garden, because of darkness she carried with her.

No one appeared to pay any attention to what Queen Tajin was feeling and thinking. She believed that since she was his first wife, the one that helped the King with his woes and wants, and the one to bring to him all four of her younger sisters to make him happy, that she deserved a better thank you than being forgotten. Queen Tajin felt a strange feeling, deep down inside of her. It was a bad feeling, filled with hate and jealousy to her younger sisters. This feeling made her slowly lose her beauty, and made her feel very weak.

One day the queen thought that she would have to do something herself, if the King couldn't divorce her sisters. So she came up with a devious plan, a plan that was very evil.

One by one, the four other queens disappeared. Queen Tajin took all of them to places they weren't needed, and removed their symbols of freedom. She took all four gems, and placed them in a small lavender box she kept in her bedroom.

Queen Astimah was trapped in the North Pole, where it was day time every day. Queen Sagineek was trapped in the middle of the Arabian Desert, where she was surrounded by sand. Queen Malinque was trapped in the middle of the ocean, where she was surrounded by water. Lastly,

Queen Qualeemah was trapped on the top of the highest mountain, where she was surrounded by wind.

Queen Tajin told the King what she had done. The King had gotten very, very angry with her, and ordered her to leave his palace. Queen Tajin instead refused his order, and removed the King, his guards, and all the servants from the palace, so she could have it to herself.

This lasted three years. The people of the kingdom were starving, and the palace was always covered in complete darkness. People started to call Queen Tajin, the Queen of Darkness.

The King was very depressed about all this, and thought that it must come to an end. He refused to let another one of his many cherished people die. And he refused to let the Queen of Darkness take over his beloved kingdom any longer.

Thus, the king ordered one of the guards to go and claim the symbols of freedom from the palace. The guard, fearing the future of his kingdom, did what he was told.

The Queen of Darkness laughed in the guards face, but allowed him to take the symbols. She handed over the small lavender box to the guard, than asked him menacingly if his King honestly believed he could beat her power, and find her sisters. She believed him to be absolutely foolish.

The guard told the King what the Queen of Darkness had said, but the King wasn't fazed. He and his servants immediately wrote thousands of letters, and sent them all over the world, in hopes of find four of the bravest men. These men had to be capable of taking four of the toughest journeys to find the missing queens. And of course, each of the men would have a special favor in return.

After months and months of waiting, finally the four men arrived to Barthalemu's kingdom.

The first man was a famous world traveler from Boston named Jonah Bear. His journey was to travel to the North Pole and find Queen Astimah. His favor in return would be to have a University built for him in his honor, and named after him as well.

The second man was a famous pirate from Britain named Philip Ali. His journey was to sail the seven seas and find Queen Malinque. His favor in return would be his freedom to walk away from a death sentence.

The third man was a famous rock climber from Australia named Anthony Jetrarow. His journey would be to climb the highest mountains and find Queen Qualeemah. His favor in return would be him added to history books in the future, for his amazing accomplishments.

The fourth and final man was a Badawen from Saudi Arabia named Abdulrahman Al-Harthi. His journey would be to travel through the hot and steaming deserts to find Queen Sagineek. His favor in return would be him having a small house and a big farm for him and his family.

Each man was specially thanked by the King. They were each promised to get what they requested when they had returned. He man was given the symbol of freedom, to the Queen they were in search of, to hang around their neck. And then off they went, on their long but exciting journeys, not knowing when they would return.

The days and months passed by slowly, and yet there was never a message from any of the men.

Jonah Bear had finally reached the North Pole, and he looked and searched everywhere for Queen Astimah. He noticed that the symbol he wore around his neck glowed, and spoke to him. It told him in order to find Queen Astimah, the owner of the symbol he wore, that Jonah Bear must call out the Queen's name and claim that she was needed.

Accordingly, he did what the symbol told him to do. He called out her name saying that Queen Astimah was needed, and after a short amount of time, Queen Astimah appeared. She asked him why he claimed that he needed her, and what it was that he wanted. Jonah told the Queen what

was happening to the people of the kingdom, and what her sister, the Queen of Darkness, had done. He told her that her light was needed to remove all the darkness that had taken over the kingdom.

Queen Astimah acquired her symbol of freedom than told Jonah Bear to take her back to her kingdom. She told him if the kingdom needed her light, than they shall have it. And then, back to the kingdom they went.

As for Philipe Ali he searched and searched the ins and the outs of the seven seas for Queen Malinque. He too noticed the symbol he were around his neck glowed, and spoke to him. It told him in order to find Queen Malinque, the owner of the symbol he wore, that Philipe Ali must call out the Queen's name and claim that she was needed.

He did what the symbol told him to do, calling out her name and saying that Queen Malinque was needed. After a short amount of time, he felt his ship shaking, and from beneath the sea Queen Malinque appeared. She asked him why he claimed that he needed her, and what it was that he

wanted. Philipe told the Queen what was happening to the people of the kingdom, and what her sister, the Queen of Darkness, had done. He told her that her water was needed to drink and grow food for the kingdom's people to survive.

Queen Malinque acquired her symbol of freedom than told Philipe Ali to take her back to her kingdom. She told him if the kingdom needed her water, than they shall have it. And then, back to the kingdom they went.

Meanwhile, on top of the highest mountains, Anthony Jetrarow searched high and low for Queen Qualeemah. He also noticed that the symbol he wore around his neck glowed, and spoke to him. It told him in order to find Queen Qualeemah, the owner of the symbol he wore, that Anthony Jetrarow must call out the Queen's name and claim that she was needed.

He did what the symbol told him to do, calling out her name and saying that Queen Qualeemah was needed. After a short amount of time, he felt strong winds whipping in his direction, and out of the wind Queen Qualeemah appeared. She asked him why he claimed that he needed her, and what it was that he wanted. Anthony told the Queen what was happening to the people of the kingdom, and what her sister, the Queen of Darkness, had done. He told her that her wind was needed for the kingdom's people to inhale, and grow food for the kingdom's people to survive.

Queen Qualeemah acquired her symbol of freedom than told Anthony to take her back to her kingdom. She told him if the kingdom needed her wind, than they shall have it. And then, back to the kingdom they went.

During this, in the hottest desert, Abdulrahman Al-Harthi searched everywhere for Queen Sagineek. He similarly noticed that the symbol he wore around his neck glowed, and spoke to him. It told him in order to find Queen Sagineek, the owner of the symbol he wore, that Abdulrahman Al-Harthi must call out the Queen's name and claim that she was needed.

He did what the symbol told him to do, calling out her name and saying that Queen Sagineek was needed. After a short amount of time, and all around him a sand thrashed through the air, and out of the sand Queen Sagineek appeared. She asked him why he claimed that he needed her, and

what it was that he wanted. Abdulrahman told the Queen what was happening to the people of the kingdom, and what her sister, the Queen of Darkness, had done. He told her that her sand was needed for the kingdom's people to grow food in, so that the kingdom's people could survive.

Queen Sagineek acquired her symbol of freedom than told Abdulrahman to take her back to her kingdom. She told him if the kingdom needed her sand, than they shall have it. And then, back to the kingdom they went.

The King couldn't believe his eyes when all four of his beloved Queens arrived with the four bravest men in the world. The King, as promised, gave the men what they had asked for. As for the four sisters, in order for them to cute their sister, they all needed to combine their symbols as one. This would create one woman that could control darkness, light, water, wind, and sand. It would also prevent any jealously and damage that could harm the kingdom's people again.

The king, his guards, and all his servants moved back into the palace, with his one Queen by his side. As for the kingdom and it's cherished people, well. It couldn't get any better than it already was.

The end.

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