
By -SH_12-

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The last thing Sapphire expected after having a disastrous few months, was to fall in love. A love which came... More

1. Bittersweet
2. Awkward Compliments
3. Detentions and Karen
4. Dad Jokes and Detentions
5. Ice Cream
6. Excuses and Parties Pt1
6. Excuses and Parties (Pt2)
7. Ugly Crying Face
8. Awkward Lunch
9. I Think My Water Broke
10. Disastrous Date
11. Order From The Boss
12. Dealing With The Aftermath
13. Curiosity Killed The Cat
14. Could Life Get Any Better
15. Karaoke
16. One of Her Girlfriends
17. Terrifying Duo
18. Slow Dancing and Compliments
20. Safe in Your Arms
21. Hurt
22. Rumours
23. Safe Haven
24. Are You A Rat?
25. Pregnant At The Supermarket
26. Chaotic Birthday Pt.1
26. Chaotic Birthday Pt.2
27. Safe Room
28. Each Others Saving Grace
29. Falling For You
30. Who is He?
31. Comfort
32. Admiring My View
33. The Boy In My Wardrobe
34. Life is a Beach
35. Our New Tradition
36. His Other Side
37. Roberto
38. Crying In The Club Pt.1
39. Crying In The Club Pt.2
40. Friends
41. Kidnapped
42. I Want You To Cross That Limit
43. Old Man

19. Conflicting Feelings

89 5 1
By -SH_12-

Published: 16/03/2021
Word Count: 3057
Sapphires P.O.V

The weekend was over and I was dreading going back to school. I worked the entire day on Sunday to avoid the thoughts which were invading my mind about the charity dance on Saturday night. Thankfully it was a busy day and I was kept on my toes.

I walked into school and just had a horrible feeling in my stomach. I had so many conflicting feelings, Zane my 'boyfriend' was canoodling with a beautiful girl whilst I stood there. The disappointment hung above me like a dark grey cloud.

Another thought was nagging me but I pushed it at the back of my mind. It had something to do with an incomprehensible devil. The universe had funny timing, Rafael has always seemed to be the one to save me from distress but why did my heart have this weird feeling after he called me beautiful.

Ughhh this is not supposed to be happening.

"Why are you scowling" I looked to see Mia staring at me with a confused look. Nice to know my inner conflict was now reflected on my face.

"And why have you been avoiding my calls since the dance" I ended up leaving with Mia after Zane did a disappearing act. Rafael offered to take me home but couldn't as he had to stay back to help clean up. I was grateful as I needed time away from him, I was embarrassed enough that he witnessed my 'boyfriend' cosying up with another girl.

"A lot happened at the dance which I didn't fill you in with and I just don't know what to think" My words probably didn't make sense, but Mia knew me long enough to understand something was stressing me as she pulled me into a hug.

We agreed to talk about it over lunch and I was dreading it because my friends won't be very happy with the whole Zane situation.


"Spill" Mia didn't beat around the bush when it came to things like this. We all sat in the field in our usual spot.

"Well, on the night of the dance Zane tried to kiss me and Aiden thankfully saved me" I gave me a small smile.

"Zane got pretty pissed and tried to kiss me again but I stopped him. After that I don't know where he went and later when I stopped dancing with you guys I saw him..... uh ... in the corner with some girl."

Mia put her arms around me. "Oh Saph, why didn't you tell me, I would've kicked his ass"

"It's on sight when I see him next." Liam cracked his knuckles earning a laugh from everyone.

"I knew he was a prick. He is just asking to be beaten up and I will be more than happy to rearrange his nasty face" Aiden didn't bother to hide his hatred for Zane.

"You should've told us when it happened. Where did you disappear in that time" I felt my face heat up. I couldn't look Liam in the eye when he asked me the question

"I didn't want to tell you because I felt stupid and I know how you guys wouldn't have hesistated to beat him up."

"Hahaha true" Dean is always just looking for someone to fight with.

"But where did you go Saph" Mia gave me a knowing smirk and I wanted the ground to swallow me.

"I was with Valentino and his friends"

"Oh Valentino" I glared at her to stop but she carried on, the boys leaned closer as their eyes grew wider with curiosity.


"Oh so what about when you were dancing with Rafael" Their mouths seemed to drop and so did mine.

"I-uh..it-it was just a quick dance, he offered and I said yes" Why was I struggling, it was the truth. It as just a dance.

"Oh is that why Zane was glaring the entire time you were dancing. You two seemed to really be into it"

"Mia stop it"

"Awww does someone have a crush on the big bad wolf" Aiden pinched my cheek and spoke to me in a baby voice.

"What the heck Aiden cut it out. I do not have a...a crush" That was ridiculous, I had respect for him, he helped me in my time of need. Therefore I was just grateful, nothing else.

"You guys look pretty cute together"

"Mia there is no 'together'. He offered to dance with me to take my mind off Zane as he was there when I saw him with that girl"

"Aw that is so cute, the knight in shining armour" Rafael and a knight in shining armour, he's more like the villain.

"This conversation is over" My face was burning at this point, I'm sure it was red as a tomato.

I grabbed my stuff and ran inside.


I looked to see my phone buzzing loudly and when I saw that it was Zane I flung it onto my bed. He texted me throughout the day to talk to him but, the only conversation that is going to happen, is me breaking things off.

I've had enough of the disrespect and heartache of constantly defending him. My phone kept ringing and it got annoying so I decided to pick it up.

"Hello" I tried to keep my voice polite.

"Sapphire what is this, you've been ignoring me for so long"

"Zane, I just need time to think, especially after how things went down at the school dance" There was no need to beat around the bush, I had to be honest with him and let him know that he hurt me.

"You're seriously doing this right now, I can make it up to you. Come on" His voice was laced with desperation but I had to put my foot down.

"Zane, this is a conversation we need to have face to face and not over the phone. In the meantime please - " He had cut the call. Well that answers my question on what to do with this relationship.

I turned in my chair and looked at my mirror. Disappointment reflected back, what was my life right now. I was watching myself sulk in the mirror.

I needed a walk.

I walked over to my wardrobe to grab my favourite black jacket when I noticed another one next to it. I still had Rafael's leather jacket. I had tried multiple times to return it but I chickened out and now it had been so long, it seemed rude. The worst part of it all is he never asked for it.

You know, I'm going to go and give it. I'll knock on his door and hopefully one of his parents will open it and I can give it.

I put my black jacket on and ran to my dressing table, sprayed a bit of my favourite perfume. I walked towards the door but ended up running back, I checked my hair so it doesn't look crazy. I leaned closer to check my teeth and then put some clear lipgloss on. Can't walk out of the house with crusty lips.

What was I even doing?

I made my way out of the house with his jacket in my hand. Why was I so nervous I was just handing back a jacket. I can totally do this.

I walked to his door and lifted my hand to knock on the door. Oh I can't do this, I turned around to leave but ended up turning back around.

"I can do this, it's just a quick 30 second job. Just woman up and do it"

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I probably waited a couple of seconds before the door opened. I felt my jaw drop slightly, wow this lady was pretty. She had beautiful brown eyes, her face was defined and her hair was hung in beautiful curls which looked natural.

"Hi sweetie" She had a spanish accent and I instantly knew where Rafael got it from.

"Hi" I squeaked and she gave me a warm smile.

"I came to uh return this to your son, it's his jacket" Your son?!? What is wrong with me why couldn't I just say his name.

"Oh is that Rafael's, did he lose it" She looked bewildered.

"No he gave it to me to borrow" Her eyes widened but she covered it up.

"Oh come in Mija" She opened more for me.

"Oh no it's ok ma'am, I should get going" Apparently she didn't take no for an answer.

"RAFAEL, CARINO, COME DOWN YOU GOT A FRIEND" She turned and smiled innocently at me as if she didn't yell the house down.

"It's ok really, ma'am I don't want to bother you" More like your son, I'd hate to get on his bad side.

"Quien es"

(Who is it)

"Una hermosa chica está aquí para verte"

(A beautiful girl is here to see you)

Rafael came up behind his mum and his eyes widened.

"Oh it's you. I mean uh-"

"What my son means is, he is happy to see you please come in" She slapped him on the shoulder and I let out a giggle.

"And lets not keep her waiting" His mum held my arm and led me into the house whilst Rafael stood there.

He was wearing a white shirt and grey tracksuit bottoms. They accentuated his built body, his arms were muscular but slim at the same time. As I walked past him, his signature scent made its way into my nose and I caught myself inhaling it.

I need help.

His house was nothing like I expected, it was small and cosy. It had pictures on the wall of a little boy which I assumed was Rafael and a couple with his mum. There was one small family photo in which there was a man and even from the picture this man radiated off an intimidating aura. He had the same piercing eyes as Rafael and his face structure was just like Rafaels.

"Please sit down dear" I sat down on the sofa and looked around awkwardly as Rafael walked in. I quickly stood up, I felt scared because I was kind of invading his personal space. I mean we weren't friends to the point we could visit each other's houses.

"I came to return your jacket" I awkwardly stuck out my hand with the jacket. Rafael moved closer and took the jacket. Our hands touched and I quickly looked away.

"Don't worry I washed the blood out" My dumb big mouth rambles when its nervous and this was a beautiful example.

"Blood?!?" His mum had a panicked look on her face.

"I had a terrible nose bleed and dripped down the jacket. Once again thank you for helping me" I gave Rafael a smile which he returned and I was taken aback.

"No worries, I'm here to help anytime"

"Oh mijo" His mum looked proud and grabbed his face. He seemed to have a more relaxed and childish demeanour around his mum and as he started to pull away and protest like a child.

I was finding it hard to believe that he was capable of such emotions.

"Why don't you show her around whilst I put a snack together for you" She seemed to have an excited smile on her face as she spoke. She walked away only to come back.

I wonder who else does that.

"Silly me, I forgot to ask your name mija haha" She laughed as she walked towards me.

"Its Sapphire ma'am"

"Sapphire, it's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl and stop calling me ma'am, call me Sofia" She gave me a hug before running into the kitchen.

"She is so cute" That was the first thing that came out of my mouth when she left.

"She gets it from me" I turned to Rafael with a questioning look.

"Isn't it the other way around" He seemed to give a thought but I knew he was pretending.

"Nah not really, she got cute when she had me, my presence in her womb really did wonders for her" I rolled my eyes and laughed at him when he was trying to be serious.

"Well, let's start this tour shall we, my mums gonna take ages because she does everything to perfection"

"Lead the way then" I gave him a cheeky smile which he returned and I tried not to act like it affected me.

He showed me their backyard and then took me towards the shed where he whipped out his dick.


He showed me their backyard and it was adorable, his mum had all sorts of flowers which I fell in love with. We were headed upstairs to see his bedroom. I'm not going to lie, my heart was beating out of my chest, I felt so nervous all of a sudden.

What the hell was wrong with me it's just a room.

"Uh, this is my room" He opened his door and I was surprised. It was really nice. It was very tidy, it was light blue colour and his bed off course had black sheets. He had a desk in the corner of his room just like I had in mine. I followed him and stood beside him.

"I have to say, I'm surprised it's very tidy"

"I just can't stand clutter" Rafael seemed like the type to have his things in a certain way.

"Haha you should see my room, it would scare you" My room was messy, but it was an organised mess. But I know where everything is, it's a systematic mess.

"You alone are enough to scare someone and if that is your way of seducing me to come to your room, try harder mi amor" He winked at me and I felt my mouth drop.

"That is not what I meant and I'm a nice person, if anyone is scary it's you" I glared at him and he put his hands up in surrender.

"Ok, ok calm down" He laughed at my angry expression.

"As I was saying, I think your room is lovely" I emphasised the first part of the sentence to show him my frustration but it didn't affect him.

"Thank you" I walked over to his desk and saw a drawing. It was amazing despite being incomplete. It was a drawing of a face with just the smile as the only feature drawn so far. It was drawn with such detail I was mesmerised.

"This is amazing. You are so talented" Rafael had a shy smile on his face he walked towards me and I knew he was going to come for the picture.

"Who was the inspiration behind it" I wanted to know what goes on in that head of his.

"No-one it just came to my head"

"Oh really" I gave him a challenging look as he moved towards me.

"Yes, now give it back" I felt like messing with him so I darted across the room.

"Not until you tell me who it is"

"No" He reached for it and I put it behind my back. I laughed as he tried not to be rough. I moved back and realised I was stuck. He had a predatory look on his face as he reached me and it sent shivers down my spine.

"Hey Sofia" Rafael turned around and I ran past him, once he realised his mum wasn't there it was game on.

"That's it" He ran towards me and grabbed the paper.

He ended up putting all his weight on me without realising and we both flew back.

"Shit" I closed my eyes and braced for the impact. My back hit his soft bed and I felt myself sink in.

I opened my eyes to see Rafael on top of me. He was crushing me with his weight but it didn't bother me. Instead I could only focus on how I could literally feel his heartbeat. He quickly realised how close we were and he shifted his weight onto his elbows and propped himself up.

"Did I hurt you?" He looked to see if he had hurt me. I shook my head unable to find words. His body heat radiated onto me and I felt myself enjoying it.

Someone needs to check my brain, what is wrong with me.

"I'm starting to think this is your way of seducing me, first asking me to come to your room and now this. I have to say I'm flattered"

"Me and seduce you, please I'd rather slam my tongue in a car door" I felt myself heat up, I was literally incapable of flirting let alone seducing someone. And the thought of seducing the devil himself was incomprehensible.

"Oh really, is that why you're holding me so tightly" I became conscious of my hands and they were gripping his waist tightly. I loosened my grip on him.

"It was an instinct, if you didn't charge at me we wouldn't have fallen"

"Oh so it's my fault, it's nice to know your instinct was to grab me" He winked at me and I felt myself blush. I looked away from his intense gaze which was lighting up a fire inside of me. A fire which I knew would burn me if I stayed too close.

"Yes it was your fault, now can you move" My voice came out as a whisper, I was almost too scared to speak. My hands loosely held his sides instead of the death grip I had earlier.

"And what if I don't want to" He looked with an emotion in his which I couldn't place my finger on. His voice suddenly became hoarse and it seemed like he was contemplating something.

"I-uh" I couldn't get any words out of my mouth, my mind was in haze after he had spoken. I couldn't tell if he was messing around or being serious.

Suddenly he was off me, it was as if something within him flipped and his demeanour changed,

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that or invaded your space" I sat up quickly, as Rafael walked out of the room leaving me sitting on his bed confused.

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