Jumping Into Fandoms

By I_Have_aVoice2

877 19 466

Me and Queenie here just love messin around, so why not jump into fandoms and ruin the plot entirely? That so... More

Transformers Prime
Fast and Furious: Spy Racers! Part 1!!!
New Studio!!!!
Harry Potter!
New Studio Part 2!
Valentines Day!
Spy Racers Part 2
Kidnapping BTS...Shhhh don't tell Kitty....wink!

The Haunted Studio

13 0 0
By I_Have_aVoice2

The Haunted Studio

Kitty Noir: OUR STUDIO IS HAUNTED! I thought this stuff only happens to Xara...but here we are! haha!

Queen Mari: our studio is not haunted

*a loud thunder rumbles*

Kitty Noir: now?

Queen Mari: ...someone is trying to pull a prank on us

Kitty Noir: The only people I know who love doing that is Me! And Zippy...who isn't even here-ya know it could be her...

Queen Mari: no*gasps* did you make her your enemy when we went to get snacks at the store

Kitty Noir: Oh no Zippy isn't an enemy...she just loves her pranks...you know it was her when you see glitter or her mark...see when she does a prank she carves a star wherever she knows you will find it...so LOOK FOR A STAR!

Queen Mari: It's clear skies today...

Kitty Noir: A CARVED star!

Queen Mari: Oh yeah *looks around*

Kitty Noir: *smh* Queenie Queenie Queenie

Queen Mari: I can't find a star!

Kitty Noir: Then it isn't Zippy! ...maybe Trap...I'm just thinking about the insane peeps from my base...Regan Hill maybe? Nah she would just kill Toretto and Nowhere...hmmmmm Kylie? Nope can't...she's with the Miraculous peeps those guys are pretty much quiet.


Kitty Noir: GASP YEAH!

Tony: Or the place is just plain haunted...

Me: Yeah...WAIT Tony? When did you get here?

Tony: *shrugs* I just walked...our base is only a couple hundred feet from the studio *Points to Kitty Noir's base*...plus Deya is in a bad mood and I had to escape that before she attacks me

Kitty Noir: ...huh...I should really start to spread out everything around here haha...did Valeria come over again?

Tony: ...no?

Kitty Noir: Tonyyyyyyy

Tony: Yeah...so what?

Kitty Noir: ...good question...OH YEAH! QUEENS GUESS WHAT?!

Tony: Cat no...


Baby Nussu: im too young to die

Queen Mari: Can you die?

Kitty Noir: What? No...TONY GOT A GIRLFRIEND!

Tony: *trying to hide his face right now*

Raven:*pops out of thin air* you have a girlfriend

Queen Mari: i thought i told you to go home

Raven: I knowww but Alexandra is boringgg

Kitty Noir: HAHA! Tony got one on Valentines dayyyyyyy her name is Valeria and she is very fun!

Tony: I should have just stayed with Deya...

Kitty Noir: You CHOSE to walk hover here, you suffer the consequences!

Raven: i did NOT approve this

Kitty Noir: ...nice...

Queen Mari: Don't you have a boyfriend Raven?

Raven: *laughs* no

Queen Mari: Tyrone ring a bell

Raven: no

Queen Mari: your cold hearted

Raven: And your in love with fictional characters!

*ThUnDeR NoIsEs*

Elizabeth*comes in running like she lost her phone charger* ahhhhhhhhh

Tony: And she's back...I'm just going back to-

Kitty Noir: *grabs his arm* You are staying here!

Queen Mari: i sent you home!!

Elizabeth. 1. You have a nice mirror and 2. What was that sound

Tony: This studio is haunted

Raven: a thunderstorm


Kitty Noir: What? Can't take the heat?

Queen Mari:*start uncontrollably laughing*

Kitty Noir: *falls to the floor from laughing so hard*

Raven: ummm whats so funny

Queen Mari:*whips a tear away* well i'm laughing because her name is kitty noir cats go into heat she said can't take th heat- Also Elizabeth-you hair

Kitty Noir: Cat puns for free by that Queen of cats! But you have to pay $5 for admission...so gimme *holds out her hand for money*

Elizabeth: 1. Whats wrong with my hair and 2. We have to pay you to tortuer us

Kitty Noir: Yeah pretty much! Ya gotta pay $100 so I don't torture ya! Either way...gimme me money

Elizabeth: and your ok with this?

Queen Mari: i mean i think its a good idea-its better then her stealing

Kitty Noir: VERY true...now I steal money in a different way! Now gimme!

Elizabeth: I'm out..oh wait Tony i borrowed your hair brush and shampoo

Kitty Noir: gimme gimme gimme

Queen Mari: no your staying you had the chance to leave now pay her before she starts getting physical

Kitty Noir: *bouncing around singing* gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme

Queen Mari: wait..*takes out a credit card* here kitty i took Elizabeth's card yesterday

Kitty Noir: I only take CASH MONEY!

Elizabeth: that's my Golden card- it's one of a kind give it back

Queen Mari: no its kittys now

Kitty Noir: Ya know what I think I do take credit! *snatches it from Queenie* MINE!

*ThUnDeR NoIsEs*

Kitty Noir: *drops the card and screams* WE STILL HAUNTED! TAKE TONY! HE WASN'T GONNA SURVIVE LONG ANYWAY!

Tony: Hey!

Queen Mari: calm down

*clowns start laughing*



Kitty Noir: You're 18. You've lived a full life!

Queen mari: yea *sniffs* i haven't touched a lion or a tiger yet

Tony: -_- how about it takes someone else who has experienced life to the fullest!

Queen Mari: don't you fight people for a living

Tony: *yells at the studio* TAKE HER FIRST! *points at Kitty Noir*

Kitty Noir: We sacrifice who we sacrifice Tony, there is no way outta it.

Queen Mari: I bet tony is behind all this~think about it besides Elizabeth who is the only one who want us to die

*GlAsS ShAtTeRs*

Tony: I CAN'T DIE!

Kitty Noir: Technically ALL humans are!

*camera replays Kitty saying ALL humans are!*

Queen Mari: yea not tony

Kitty Noir: XDD

Queen Mari: the only person that could be behind this is Raven or Mal, but Mal is with Voltage and Raven is under the couch

Kitty Noir: Where is Voltage?

Tony: I think he went out with Quickshot and Wheeljack...I don't really pay much attention to him unless he is trying to throw me across the room

Queen Mari: aww i wanna see that

Kitty Noir: OH I have it on video! Lookie! *shows Kittys laptops screen*

Tony: *on his phone minding his own business*

Voltage: FLY! *picks up Tony and YEETS him across the room*

Tony: What? NO! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *splats on that wall*

Kitty Noir: *dying of laughter*

*Video over*

Kitty Noir: *currently dying of laughter and puts the video on loop*

Tony: -_-

Queen Mari:*laughing* my stomach...

*Zombie~clown start walking into the room*


Tony: *Screaming* NOR DO I!

Queen Mari:*screams even louder*

Elizabeth*faints dramatically *

Kitty Noir: AAAAAAAAAA GHOST ZOMBIE CLOWN! *runs into a wall and falls on the floor*


Elizabeth:*wakes up* what you say to me!!

Tony: NEVERMIND! *starts running*

Kitty Noir: *picks up the camera and runs* I WANT TO LIVE at least until I turn 30...then I think I'm just about done with life by then dontcha think?

Queen Mari: *transforms* i shall not die

Tony: *runs after Kitty* DON'T LEAVE ME WITH THIS CLOWN!

Kitty Noir: TOO LATE! ALREADY DID! *runs out of the room*

*every door closes*

Kitty Noir: *Runs into a door and falls on hre aft* oof! OWWWWWWW!

*camera lands sideways on the floor but you can see what is going on...sideways...*

Queen Maris voice: TAKE THIS YOU UGLY CLOWN!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAA *Attacks the clown*


Kitty Noir: Yeah always say lies as your last words!

Tony: *curled up into a ball shivering*

Zombie Clown* FIghting Queenie*

Kitty Noir: *poofs a prod and Zapps the clown with it* EAT THIS CLOWN!

Zombie Clown: *takes the prod from Kitty*

Kitty Noir: ...welp...that didn't work... *turns into a cat and claws at the clown*

Zombie Clown: *picks her up by the tail*

Kitty Noir: *Meowing and hissing and trying to scratch the clown*

Elizabeth:*throwing stuff at a zombie clown*

Raven:*hiding under the couch*

Tony: *Still curled up in a ball shivering*


Queen Mari:*all of a sudden remembers something* i have a zombie bunker

Tony: *Jumps up* WHERE?!

Kitty Noir: *still trying to get out of the clowns dirty hands*

Queen Mari:*makes a force shield around tony raven, and elizabeth. Then throws a brick at the zombie holding kitty *

Zombie Clown: *dropps Kitty Noir and falls on his aft*

Kitty Noir: *splats on her face on the floor and jumps up to hiss at the clown before transforming into her half human counterpart* Stupid clown

Queen Mari: hurry kitty

Kitty Noir: *runs behind the shield*

Queen Mari: raven open the portal

Raven: you told me not to

*everyone at once*

Queen Mari: DO IT!

Tony: OPEN IT!

Elizabeth: RAVEN!


Raven: fine*opens the portal*

Kitty Noir: *jumps through to tackle Raven at the other side*

Queen Mari: *Lands perfectly on two feet*


Tony: *runs through the portal*

Elizabeth:*fell in when kitty tackled raven*

Kitty Noir: *sits on top of Raven* Where are we now? *starts singing* Where are you nowwwww? Alantissssss. Under the seaaaaaaaaa. Under the seeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaa. Where are you nowwwwwwww? Another dreammmmmmmmmmmmm. There's monsters running wild inside of meeeeeee. I'm FADEDDDDD!

Tony: Great now ya got her singing Alan Walker. NOW SHE WILL NEVER STOP!

Queen Mari: we are in Ravens bunker

Kitty Noir: I'M FADEDDDDDDDDD! SO LOST! I'M FADEDDDDD! I'M FADEDDDDDDDDD! SO LOST! I'M FADEDDDDDDDDD! These shallow waters never met what I neededddddddd. I'm letting goooo a deeper diveeeeee. Eternal silence of the seaaaaa I'm BREATHING! ALIVEEEEE! WHERE ARE YOU NOW-

Tony: *covers Kitty's mouth* Just stop...you sing that song too much

Kitty Noir: *bites his hand*


Kitty Noir: *Smiles*


Kitty Noir: *stands up* hehe sowwy

Raven: now here are some rules

Kitty Noir: *groans* Uck rules

Raven: *reopens the portal* wanna go back and fight a zombie clown

Kitty Noir: I like rules *sits back down*

Queen mari: close that portal NOW

Raven*closes portal* rule number one don't touch anything. This bunker has ever you need

Kitty Noir: *is suddenly tempted to touch everything in the bunker* this is gonna be a loooooong day

Raven: Now i still haven't cleaned from when i did a little experience so try to act normal. I made this bunker so that i could-

Tony: OH! Let me guess! Clone me in secret!

Raven:*glares at him* actually it so i could make this place perfect for whoever steps in! Thats why i needed your DNA!!*walks off into another portal*

Kitty Noir: New reason every time...Alrighty all we need is some weapons to fight the clown! *poofs a sword and shield*

Queen Mari: look what you did Tony shes our only way out!

Tony: We have Cat! She can poof us!

Kitty Noir: I only know where our base is and Xara's base. I can really only poof in those places.

Tony: You are forgetting our base is next to the studio

Kitty Noir: ...oh yeah...XD

Queen Mari: our powers don't work here*tries using my powers to hit tony, but fails*

Tony: -_-

Kitty Noir: *continues poofing things* Mine work! Mine is SPECIAL power!

Queen Mari: wait for it

*everything starts glitching*

Kitty Noir: *looks at the pizza in her hand* eh I like it anyway *is about to bite it when it turns into a golf ball* HEY! MY PIZZA!

Elizabeth: what the RAVEN!!!!!!!!!

Raven:*comes from the room and lands on her bum* owww.....what do you want

Kitty Noir: For my poofs to work! *throws the golf ball at Raven and right when it hits her head it glitches to a foam cube*

Raven: -_- its for your safety. Your DNA is all in these tubes*hands them out* Good news is you all will be able to live in this world! Well except you Tony your results have not come back and i don't feel like checking

Kitty Noir: HA!

Tony: ...Can we just go back to base?

Queen Mari: wait...so you didn't know if we'd live when entering here!?!?!

Kitty Noir: *starts screaming*

Raven: no Kitty and your DNA is weird and has been altered which is you can do what you do, but Tony and Elizabeth are human

Kitty Noir: Alrighty then...why don't I just poof us there and a bunch of weapons and ATTACK that clown?

Elizabeth: you mean i could have died

Raven: yes...i wouldn't do that kitty it's not safe your powers don't really work here

Kitty Noir: ...then we make weapons and you portal us outta here...

Queen Mari:*detransforms* hey Raven can you open a portal for my castle

Elizabeth: castle! Can i come

Queen Mari: its for nussu he needs his energy

Elizabeth: oh

Raven: *opens a portal and clones of everyone walks out except one for Tony* meet your bodyguards

Kitty Noir: *looks at her bodyguard* eh...

Raven: you can change its settings. Anything you can do it can do better


Elizabeth: wait why doesn my bodyguard have split ends

Raven: Cause you had split ends when i did her

Queen Mari:*sits nussu on top of my head* mine looks pretty

Kitty Noir: XD Come on peoplesssss

Tony: Yeah lets go!

Queen Mari: wait Tony can you fight?

Tony: How else do you think I survived a war?

Kitty Noir: Kid has a point

Tony: I am older than you

Kitty Noir: Child shut it!

Queen Mari: I'm only asking cause you curled up into a ball plus you don't have a bodyguard

Tony: I have never fought a clown before! Decepticons? Yes! My crazy sister? ...actually that one is a no...but I fought people and won!

Queen Mari: just saying whoever is behind this might be tackling our fears there could be more then just zombie clowns

Kitty Noir: I haven't been locked alone in a small dark room yet so no fear there!

Raven: i'm scared of nothing

Elizabeth:says the girl who hid under the couch

Raven: says the girl who fainted

Queen Mari: enough Raven open the portal*transforms* Tony if you die....well i'll plan a wonder full funerall for you

Tony: Give me a mace and I can knock it out

Queen Mari: I'm not letting you touch ANY of my weapons

Tony: Fine by me. I can just sit and watch on the sidelines.

Raven: *opens portal* you do that and id watch your back i might slip and push you into a zombie clown

Tony: -_-

Queen Mari: lets go*walks through portal*

Kitty Noir:*Runs past Queenie*

Queen Mari:*almost falls* hey!*chases after her*

Elizabeth: lets go robot me

Robo ELizabeth: yea whatever*both walk through*

*inside the base everything is either burning, spraying water, or being destroyed by zombie clowns. There are also weird looking demon bunnies wearing ballerina tootoos

Kitty Noir: This is literally everything I hate all rolled into one big chaotic room...ATTACK! *poofs a sword and starts swinging it around madly*

Queen Mari:*starts acting like Doctor strange*

Kitty Noir: *starts running wildly ats tries to decapitate the clown*

*both Elizabeth's are throwing hair products and money at them.Robot Elizabeth is throwing brick money*

Tony: *YEETS a dagger at a demon ballerina bunny*

* dagger hits mal*

Mal: *in a soft voice* ow

Tony: EEEE *runs behind Kitty*

Mal: i see you've met my friends*glares at Tony*

Queen mari: your friends!?!?!?

Kitty Noir: I thought this place was haunted!

Mal: I've been working on my hunting skills.

Tony: Also...didn't you have a sparkling to keep entertained?

Mal: yea i left Arlon with voltage there playing with fire! I wish i could be there, but this studio won't haunt its self

Kitty Noir: Are you sure Quickshot and Wheeljack are okay with him playing with fire (GREAT movie by the way!)

Mal:m*laughs* yea..no


Mal: cause he asked its kinda hard to say no to him

Kitty Noir: Well duh! Why ya think Quickshot just lets him take her rifle now? Though she draws the line at PLAYING WITH FIRE!

Mal: Arlon is responsible if it gets out of hand hell stop it...now lets get back to this haunting thing...*stares at tony* WHY DID YOU THROW A DAGGER AT ME


Mal: I WAS THE BUNNY*turns into a bunny then back to her human form*

Tony: Well how was I supposed to know that?!

Kitty Noir: In his defense...we never knew

Mal: you should have *floating upside down*

Queen Mari: soooo were are just going to ignore the fact that it was MAL that has been driving us crazy

Kitty Noir: Mal just poof dis away...plus...where's the camera? I think I lost it...

Tony: Here *hands it over*

Kitty Noir: Well...guess studio is not haunted...then I guess that wraps this up for today...right? Queens got anything to say to the camera?

Queen Mari: i have no words

Mal: you guys are no fun *makes everything go away*

Kitty Noir: *sticks out her tongue* ANYWAY! I guess that wraps up today. We love you all so much! BYE BYE!

*camera stops rolling*

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