Peter "Pitbull" Mackenzie or...

By MaxineKetteridge

495 30 4

Peter Adam Mackenzie, Was once a proud marine fighting for his country. That was until he was severely injure... More

The beginning.
Part 2: A bad feeling.
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Untitled Part 11

Part 3

45 4 0
By MaxineKetteridge

I sighed seeing where his eyes were but said nothing instead turning back to the bar to finish my coffee. Now I see in the mirror a woman walk over to us.

"So how'd you get yours?" she asked and I looked puzzled at her then she lifted her leg to show her prosthetic. 

"How do you even know I have one?" I ask not looking at her. I can see her though in the mirror.

"Because you have the pained look I had when I first got mine." she says as she sits on my right side. " It's this one right?" She places a finger lightly on the sleeve of my hoodie of my right arm, instinct makes me flinch away as I feel out of no where panic hit. Now all I want to do is leave but I know I can't, Seeing the door was open I stand.

"Excuse me, please." I say and quickly headed out into the fresh air. I stand to one side and light up a cigarette to calm me from the minor panic I'd just had. Its now I hear her voice and see her walk around a corner smiling. Then she stops I'm unsure how she will respond.

"Peter?" I hear her call my name. "Oh my god, Peter is that you?, you came" I nod as she walks over to me a large bearded man walks up behind her. I see her stop in front of me and smile. "This is Adrian my husband." She says motioning to the guy behind her. I see on his cut that he's Killer the guy I was waiting to see.   

"So how do you know my wife?" He asks and I notice his arms go around her protectively. But its Cordelia who speaks up for me.

"He was brought into the hospital where I worked before I met you guys." She said then looked at Adrian behind her. " I thought he'd be a good fit, he's a good guy Killer." It's now we all hear a crash as a large black SUV crashes through the main gates.  

"Get the kids inside" Killer shouts. " Looks like trial by fire, what do I call you Kid?" He asks  as we both move quickly down to the now crashed car.

"Pitbull" I say  as Bullet and Ace join us. Just as we reach it shots ring out ricocheting off the SUV's side.

" So who'd you piss off?" Ace asked looking at me as he does. I shake my head.

"Nothing to do with me." I say but then spot one of the men. motioning to Killer he nods he's seen him too.

"I want him alive." He says then taps Bullet on the shoulder " Go with him, make sure he doesn't fuck up."  I sigh but move around the now wreaked SUV avoiding the gun fire. Rounding the front I see one guy just about to get a bead on Killer and I rugby tackle him to the ground with a punch of my right hand he's out cold. The second is high in a tree just out side the compound firing in. I point that I've seen him and slowly make my way half crouched to the tree the guy was so focused he didn't even notice when I jumped and grabbed his leg yanking him off the branch to land in a heap on the muddy ground.

"Who sent you!!" Bullet screamed at him while I stood back. The guy didn't answer quick enough so received a punch to his face. I heard a sickening crunch as they guys nose was broken.  

"And you say I have a mean punch." I say haling the now out cold second guy over my shoulder and carrying him up to a small shed set far back from the main building or homes. 

"Put them in there, Pitbull, tie his hands and feet, we'll deal with them later, dinners ready." Killer says dumping the first guy down. I quickly tie both men to chairs and step back. I paused as the others headed back to the club house not sure if I should follow.

"Hey prospect, you coming, the girls will kill us if we're late" Killer says looking at me I nod and quickly follow behind them. On entering the club the Ol' Ladies hurry to check every one.

"You all okay, no holes?" one asks Ace who holds her close. I move to the bar and sit down as a plate of food is placed in front of me I look up to see Killer. 

"I'm willing to give you a chance, only coz Cordelia has vouched for ya." He says holding out  a prospects cut. "Just so you know we were betrayed by a prospect so we'll be watching ya hard, now you got any where to stay?" I shake my head as I eat.

"Staid by the road side or on camp sites mostly, before that the Vet hospital." I finish the food and take out my meds using a glass of water to down them. 

"Got no family?" He asked "I got ta ask." Again I just shake my head but say no more " what no girl waiting for ya?"

"Nope no wife, no girl, no one" I say with a deep sigh. I hear a hum from over my shoulder and turned to see another patched member.

"Hey doc." Killer says "How's every one?"   

"A few scuffed knees and some scares but all are fine." He looks at me and then to my arm. " Bet that hurts like hell." I once more just nod. He reaches out and picks up my meds looking at them. "Bet these don't help ether" Again I shake my head.

"Alright, no more questions, there's rooms up those stairs, take your pick and bed down."  Killer says and I glance to the rooms with the doors open. Grabbing my jacket and the prospect cut I head up the stairs.

Finding a room right at the end of the row I find it has a single bed, dresser and bed side stand. Placing down my jacket I sit on the bed. Its now I hear a soft knock on the door and it slowly opens and I see one of the sweet butts.

" Hey um.. Cordelia  thought you could use some help." She said stepping into the room. I stand and move towards her.

"No, thankyou" I say opening the door and motioning for her to leave before I shut it and lock it returning to the bed. I sit with my head in my hands, well hand my whole body shaking.   

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