𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕝𝕝. (𝕘𝕩𝕘)

By whoopsies13

580K 13.4K 23.3K

"Don't make that promise when we both know it could break," Hermione told her with a cry, but Y/N only gave a... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32

chapter 24

16.6K 405 2.6K
By whoopsies13



Being greeted with a hard impact towards the ground was not something the group was particularly fond of. With grunts and groans, their bodies hit the grass underneath them, Ron seeming to make a connection with the ground first.

Lucky for Hermione, she seemed to have a softer landing. On top of Sofia and Y/N, that is. "Oh, have mercy," her girlfriend muttered with a grunt as she landed on them, Sofia letting out a yelp as Hermione's body sprawled on top of them. Harry helped the girl up quickly as she looked guilty immediately.

"Oh, my God! I'm so sorry, I didn't know," she apologized profusely, Harry and Ron helping Sofia up as Y/N gave her a dismissive wave, Hermione helping her stand as she scanned her for injuries.

"I've felt worse, don't worry about it," she told her assuringly, but Hermione didn't look even the slightest bit convinced as she scanned her and Sofia for injuries.

"That treacherous little bleeder. Is there no one we can trust," Ron spat as he brushed Sofia's coat off, giving a sarcastic laugh as Harry grumbled in agreement.

"They kidnapped her because she supported us," Harry muttered as he brushed a few leaves from his hair, him and Y/N sharing a look. "He was just desperate."

"Lovely. People risking their lives to back us up," Y/N muttered as Hermione wiped a bit of dirt from her cheek. "Ron, do the enchantments with me?"

With a nod, the redhead agreed. With Hermione's hand dropping from her cheek, Y/N and Ron made their way away from the group, all putting their bags down. Sofia and Harry walked a bit to the side as Hermione dusted herself off. Ron had turned to Y/N when they both stopped suddenly, watching five men appear out from their crouched positions on the ground.

Standing still, Sofia and Harry turned and stopped just as Hermione did as well. With a swift turn of her head, the bushy-haired girl was met with another man standing against the tree in front of her, a gasp leaving her lips.

"Hello, beautiful," he said, Hermione stumbling back and inching herself away from him as she noticed they were surrounded by the six men. With a look to Ron and Y/N, they all seemed to have a mutual agreement as they scurried in the opposite direction, all departing into different directions as the Sntachers watched.

"Well, don't hang about! Snatch them!"

With breathless pants and adrenaline fueling their bodies, Harry ran with Sofia as Ron, Hermione, and Y/N all joined them by their sides, running just yards away from each other through the forest. With snaps and loud cracks, spells were casted and rebounded from every direction, all of them sprinting down a hillside.

Making their way down the steep hill, a Snatcher pointed their wand at Ron, the boy letting out a grunt as he felt his feet be bound together with a rope, hitting the floor under him with a groan. Though, the others didn't seem to notice as they kept running.

With Harry and Sofia still together, they ducked and ran beneath fallen over trees when a Snatcher appeared from overhead, jumping right onto them from an opening. With a grunt and groan, Harry managed to push him off, grabbing at Sofia's hand and tugging her back up to continue their run.

Y/N ran next to Hermione as she spared a glance over her shoulder, catching two Snatchers coming up behind them. With a quick look to Hermione who seemed to get what she was telling her, she grasped her wand and quickly retracted it from her pocket, pointing it over her shoulder and knocked the two down flat on their backs with a crack.

Sprinting down the hillside even faster, Y/N looked to her side, eyes widening as she saw a man lunging at Hermione from the left. With a quick push causing Hermione to move forward ever so slightly and almost stumble, Y/N was able to move her before he got to her, but it didn't seem to work in her favor as she felt their bodies clash, being sent to the ground with the man on top of her.

"Y/N," Hermione yelled as she stopped, looking at the scene in front of her as she watched Y/N quickly flip the man over as he struggled to jump at her from beneath her. With hands grabbing at the man's wrist to keep him down, Y/N turned to Hermione quickly.

"Go! Now, Hermione," she ordered her frantically, losing her grip on the man as he was able to slip his wrist from her hold, planting a small scratch at her cheek as he went to grab at her. With a cringe at the feeling, she grabbed his wrist again, fighting him to the ground as she looked back to Hermione's scared expression.

"I'm not fucking kidding! Go! Now," she told her again, her voice coming out rushed and pleading as Hermione gave a quick nod and one last glance, turning around to run back down the hill. Turning back to the man under her, Y/N struggled to hold him down as she felt him try and flip them over. With a swift move, she grabbed at her wand that Ron had given her in her pocket, took it out, and pointed it at him as she quickly muttered, "Confundo."

With one final thrash against her hold, the Snatcher seemed to freeze, his face going blank as all of his movements stopped. With a quick motion, Y/N stood up quickly, turning around to join the others at the base of the hill. Looking forward as she ran, she caught Hermione and Sofia already at the bottom, Snatchers appearing from all directions.

Looking to her left, she caught sight of Harry. Now changing her direction to run beside him, the two cousins sprinted down the hill, nearing the two girls as they turned around to see them. Sharing a look with Hermione, Sofia seemed to understand what she was about to do. Giving her a nod she watched as Hermione turned away and rose her wand to Harry, hitting him with a spell and knocking him down to the ground just feet away with a grunt, then turned to do the same to Y/N.

With a groan, she hit the floor next to Harry, her back making impact as they felt their faces change. And as her head hit the floor, the voice of Voldemort called out both their names, a vision clouding their sight to see the Dark Lord hovering over a man in a cell, asking him where the Elder Wand was. And with one answer, the man known as Grindelwald answered, "Dumbledore. In the earth."

With a gasp, both sat up quickly, Y/N's eye now shut and black from Hermione's spell as Harry's was swollen along with the side of his face. Sofia and Hermione crouched down to them for a moment as the Snatchers closed in, both looking scared. "He's gonna have it—the Elder Wand—by tonight," Y/N whispered frantically to Sofia as she checked her, Hermione crouching by Harry's side.

But with a tight grasp of both of their coats before they could respond, Hermione and Sofia were tugged up into two man's holds. "Don't touch them," Ron growled, a man planting a firm punch onto his stomach as he heaved over with a groan, falling to the ground.

"Ron," Sofia screeched as she watched him clutch his stomach, both her and Hermione struggling in the mens' hold they were in, trying to get out.

"Your boyfriend will get worse than that, if he doesn't learn to behave himself," Scabior told the girl, Sofia trying to elbow at the man who held her, but it didn't seem to work.

"Get off me," Hermione spat at the Snatcher behind her, his hands and arms wrapped around her as Y/N turned to him with a glare through her one non-swollen eye, her and Harry still laying on the floor. With a quick scurry to her feet, she grit her teeth together as she lunged at him. "If you don't let her go—"

With a shriek and a groan, she was tackled to the ground, the wind being knocked out of her as she hit it with a thud. Giving a sharp breath, she tried to regain hers, the Snatcher removing himself from off of her as she laid on her back.

"Same goes for your girlfriend," Scabior told Hermione as he towered over Y/N's curled up position on the ground, her hands clutching her stomach. He squinted his eyes as he looked between Harry and Y/N, noticing his swollen face and her black eye. "What happened to you, uglies?"

Harry only remained silent as Y/N tried to bring her breathing pattern back to normal. "What's your name," Scabior asked after a few moments. Harry only gave a blank look.

"Dudley, Vernon Dudley."

"Hm, and her," he asked, gesturing down to his cousin on the ground as she slowly sat up, her jaw clenched.

"Petunia Dudley," she answered quickly, feeling a Snatcher quickly and harshly pick her up and off of the ground, looping his arms in hers and holding them back by her sides.

"Check it."

Scabior gestured to one of the men next to him as he neared Sofia and Hermione, slowly sauntering up to them as they continued to thrash against the two mens' hold. "And you, my lovely," he asked Hermione, moving his face closer to hers as she averted her eyes down, fidgeting uncomfortably in the Snatcher's hold. "What do they call you?"

"Penelope Clearwater, half-blood," she told him softly, craning her head back and away as he rose his hand, cupping her cheek as she looked everywhere and anywhere but him.

"If you don't get those filthy, disgusting hands off of her in five seconds—"

With a roll of his eyes, Scabior turned to the man next to the one holding Y/N, giving him a pointed look as he gestured to her. With a nod, the man turned to Y/N, planting a punch to her stomach as well as she heaved over just like Ron.

"There's no Vernon Dudley on here," one of the men called out as he looked through a book, "No Petunia Dudley, either."

"You hear that uglies? List says your lying," Greyback spat to Harry and Y/N, both cousins trying to thrash against their Snatchers' holds. "How come you don't want us to know who you two are?"

"The list is wrong. I told you that I know who I am, and she knows who she is," Harry answered back hastily, Scabior now making his way over towards Harry and Y/N as he pushed Greyback away. Closing in on the two, he observed them for a moment. With a skeptical squint of his eyes, he turned to Y/N, quickly hooking the collar of her sweater down before she could turn away to stop him, revealing the lightening bolt scar just over her heart.

"Change of plan. We're not taking this lot to the Ministry."


Y/N and Harry walked towards the front gate of the Malfoy Manor in Scabior's hold, the man fisting both of their coats in his grasp. With Hermione and Sofia walked to Y/N's side as Ron walked at Harry's, they were stopped at the iron, black gates, a familiar woman walking towards them.

Bellatrix gave the group a skeptical look as Harry and Y/N were pushed towards the gate. Eyeing them curiously, she watched one of the Snatchers brush a lock of hair from Harry's head to reveal his scar, another hooking Y/N's collar down to show hers. At the sight, Bellatrix's face lit up.

"Get Draco."


Harry and Y/N's heads were held up, Bellatrix's hands grasping their hair in her hold tightly. Throwing the platinum-haired boy in front of her a small, evil smile, she quirked up an eyebrow. "Well?"

Y/N eyed the boy in front of her, Draco seeming to observe them up and down nervously in front of the group. Lucius stood to the side with a small smirk as the Snatchers kept Ron, Sofia, and Hermione in their hold behind them.

"I can't be sure," he told them, Lucius moving towards him and placing a hand on the back of his neck firmly.

"Draco. Look closely, son," he ordered him quietly, whispering to him as Bellatrix held the cousins' heads up. "If we are the ones to hand Potter and (Y/L/N) over to the Dark Lord, everything would be forgiven. All would be as it was, you understand?"

"Now, we won't be forgetting who actually caught him, I hope, Mr. Malfoy," Scabior spoke up with an eyebrow raised as Narcissa spared a glance to the man, her husband's face falling.

"You dare to talk to me like that in my own house," he yelled back, his voice raising as his wife quickly walked towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Lucius," she warned him in a whisper, pulling him away from Draco as the boy was now left standing alone once more, his parents watching from the side. Bellatrix reached out to him, taking his hand and tugging him to the two cousins who were kneeled down on the ground.

"Don't be shy, sweetie. Come over," she told him softly, feigning a sweet smile. He kneeled down to their levels. "Now, if this isn't who we think it is, Draco, and we call him, he'll kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure."

"What's wrong with their faces," he asked, not answering the question as he looked over Harry and Y/N's state.

"Yes, what is wrong with their faces," Bellatrix repeated to the Snatchers, looking a bit skeptical as she eyed them up and down.

"They came to us like that," Scabior answered nonchalantly, "Something they picked up in the forest, I reckon."

"Or ran into a Stinging Jinx. Was it you, dearie," Bellatrix cut in as she pointed her wand as Hermione who stood next to Sofia. Saying nothing, she remained silent in Greyback's hold with Ron and Sofia. Becoming annoyed, Bellatrix left Draco by himself in front of Harry and Y/N, the three seeming to have a staring contest as she walked towards the Snatchers. "Give me her wand. We'll see what her last spell was."

Watching Hermione's face fall into one of nervousness, the woman cackled. "Got you," she teased as she neared a Snatcher at the back, gasping as she looked down to the see the sword of Gryffindor in his hand. "What the—where'd you get that from?"

"It was in her bag when we searched her. Reckon it's mine now," he deadpanned, but was quick to shut up as Bellatrix threw him back and away with a spell, turning to the group behind her to do the same. Tightening a rope around Greyback's neck and winding her wand around Scabior's, she sent them choking to the floor with her wand in hand as Hermione, Ron, and Sofia moved over to the wall. She released them, the sword now in her grasp.

"Go, get out," she yelled at them, both scurrying to their feet quickly as they clawed at their necks. Walking back over to Ron and Sofia, she grasped at them before shoving them into her sister's hold, them colliding with Harry and Y/N as Hermione watched frozen against the wall. "Cissy, put them in the cellar! I want to have a little conversation with the one, girl-to-girl."

"Hermione! No, no! You leave her alone, I swear! You can do what you want to me, anything," Y/N yelled as she was pushed to the staircase leading downstairs, thrashing in the Malfoy's hold as she watched Bellatrix push her face towards Hermione.

With a smirk and a cackle, the woman turned to her, watching her yell and thrash to get out of Narcissa and Peter Pettigrew's hold. "Tempting, my dear, really, it is. However, if you're who I think you are, you'll be the Dark Lord's problem. Carry on."

Being pushed down the staircase, Y/N yelled out Hermione's name, clawing and pushing at her captors' hold. Being forced down into the cellar, the man opened a cell, throwing them into it as they landed with a grunt. With a small groan as she hit the ground, Y/N sprang back up with her teeth grit together, lunging her body as she threw herself onto the bars of the door, pushing and pulling at it in attempts to get out.

"No, no, no. Hermione, Hermione, no," she muttered quickly, her heart hammering in her chest as she gripped the door tightly. With a final tug at trying to open the door, she felt arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her away as she struggled in Ron's hold. "No! Let me go, I can't leave her alone with her! Ronald! Now! You let me go right now! You fucking idiot, now!"


All of them freezing at the new voice, Sofia seemed to be the first one to whip her head around to look down the dark cellar. Watching the figure of a girl appear at the other end, Ron took out his Dilumenator.

"Harry? Ron? Sofia?"

With a flick of the lid of the small object with one arm still holding Y/N into him, a light flew to a lamp nearby, bouncing off onto a familiar girl standing just a few yards away.

"Luna," Harry and Sofia asked at the same time. Although, their conversation didn't last long as a scream that Y/N immediately recognized was heard from upstairs, her heart stopping as her blood ran cold. With a shove to the boy holding her, she jumped at the door again, pulling and clawing at the cellar door as a pricking sensation hit her eyes.

"Hermione! Fucking let me out! God damn it, Let me out! I'll kill you! I'll do it as soon as I get up there," she screeched, hearing the muffled sobs and yells from upstairs as she heard Bellatrix cackle, but her laughs stopped as a loud gasp was heard.

"What? Why isn't it working? Why isn't it working!"

Y/N's chest heaved up and down as she pulled and pushed at the cellar door, tears brimming in her eyes as she tried to yank it from its hinges. Feeling her throat close up and her vision start to cloud with the color black, she felt hands cup her face, gently pulling her back to see Sofia's eyes looking into hers frantically, full of concern.

"Shit, she's having an episode," she muttered as she saw her chest moving up and down quickly, tears slowly falling, running down her cheeks and her face a bit paled. Caressing her face cautiously, Sofia looked to the boys for a moment, but they looked scared, clueless. Turning back to Y/N hastily, she gave a gentle squeeze to her face.

"Y/N, I need you to breathe with me. When I breathe, you do it, okay?"

"No, no, no. Hermione—she—she's upstairs—alone. Hermione. I can't—No, I can't lose her," she muttered over and over, her chest starting to rise and fall even quicker as tears rolled down her face faster. Sofia shook her head, making her look at her frantically.

"Look at me, look at me. We'll get her, look at me. Can you do that for me," she asked gently, Y/N nodding quickly as Sofia moved to hold her hands, interlocking them and giving them a squeeze. "Good, good. Breathe in with me, and when I breathe out, you do, too. I'll count off, okay?"

    With a dazed but hasty nod, Y/N looked at her through teary eyes, one still swollen shut just like Harry's face was. "Okay, one... two... three... four... five," Sofia counted out with each breath, Y/N doing the same and following in her actions as she felt her heart rate slow down, her vision no longer black, clearing up.

    "We've got to do something," Ron said, turning to Harry frantically as they watched Sofia try to calm the girl down. Another scream was heard as Y/N screwed her eyes shut, trying to tune out the sound as Sofia squeezed her hand, continuing to count.


    "There's no way out of here. We've tried everything. It's enchanted," Ollivander said as he appeared next to Luna. Harry only remained emotionless as he reached down to his sock, taking out a piece of glass.

    "You're bleeding, Harry. That's a curious thing to keep in your sock," Luna said intrigued. He only spared her a glance as he held it up towards himself, muttering, "Help us."

    With the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs towards the cellar, Ron took his Dilumenator and took the light from the lamp, the room falling dark again. As Y/N opened her eyes, feeling herself a little calmer and breathing more normally than she was before, she caught sight of Peter opening the door with his wand pointed at Ron, feeling a surge go through her as she tried to rip her hands from Sofia, but the girl tugged her back.

    "You let her go," Ron told him, but he quickly fell quiet as the man pointed his wand at him.

    "You disgusting rat! Let her go," Y/N snapped at him as she went to lunge, but Sofia held her back once more as he ignored her, pointing to the goblin at the back.

    "You, goblin, come with me," he told him, the shorter man complying and joining him at the door before being led out, the cellar being locked once more. With a look to Y/N to see a few stray tears streaming down her face as Sofia wiped them and whispered soft things to her, Ron flipped the cap of the Dilumenator back up, light going back to the lamp as a small figure appeared in the middle of the room, right next to Sofia and Y/N as they were startled, stumbling back a few steps.

    "Dob...Dobby," Y/N and Harry asked at the same time, the house elf turning around with a gasp and a wide smile. "What are you doing here?"

    "Dobby has come to rescue Y/N (Y/L/N) and Harry Potter, of course," he answered matter-of factly, "Dobby will always be there for Harry Potter and Y/N (Y/L/N)!"

    "Wait, so you're saying you can Apparate in and out of this room? Could you take us with you," Harry asked quickly, the elf slowly nodding.

    "Of course, sir. I'm an elf," he answered as Harry turned to Ron and Sofia, both looking a bit dumbfounded.

    "Works for me," the redhead answered, the raven-haired boy now turning to Sofia as she gave a nod, then to Y/N, but he didn't even have to ask as she nodded frantically.

    "Hermione," she told him hastily, the boy giving his cousin a reassuring nod as he turned back to the house elf.

    "Dobby, I want you to take Luna and Mr. Ollivander—"

    "Shell Cottage on the outskirts of Tinworth," Ron cut in quickly, looking to see Harry's confused expression as he gave a nod. "Trust me."

    "Whenever you're ready, sir," Luna told the small house elf, Dobby's eyes widening, and a shy grin rising to the corners of his lips.

    "Sir? I like her very much," he pointed out, walking to the two of them as he held out his hands, Mr. Ollivander taking it as Luna followed. Looking back to the group in front of him, he sent them a pointed expression. "Meet me at the top of the stairs in ten seconds."

    And within a blink of an eye, they had Apparated from out of the cellar. Turning to look at each other, the group noticed the sound of footsteps coming back down. Without thinking, Y/N tugged her and Sofia to one side of the wall near the cellar door as Ron and Harry stood on the other, their bodies flushed against the wall.

    Pettigrew slowly unlocked the door, opening it to see the cellar dark again, but no one inside. With a confused expression, he took a step in, but quickly heaved over as a foot collided with his stomach, falling to the ground as the group looked to Y/N in shock.

    "Been wanting to do that for nearly four years. Good riddance," she mumbled as she stepped over his body, the man seeming to have the wind knocked out of him as he laid still on the floor. As they exited the room, they looked up to the top of the stairs, Dobby standing with a wand in his hand.

    "Who gets his wand?"

    With a look to Harry, who looked at Ron, the group quickly made their way up the stairs, the house elf giving it to the redhead. Not even thinking twice, Y/N made her way up the steps first towards the manor's living room, crouching down as she heard Bellatrix's voice becoming clearer, more closer.

    Joining her, Harry walked beside her as Sofia and Ron stayed a bit behind, their wands in clutch. As they passed an unconscious Snatcher, their Snitches flew out out of his pocket, starting to follow the two cousins. Quickly grasping them as they crouched down at the top of the stairs to put them in their pockets, they watched as Bellatrix interrogated the goblin. Though Y/N's sight strayed elsewhere, feeling her heart stop and her whole body freeze.

    Sofia seemed to notice her demeanor as she, too, recognized Hermione's body lying on the ground, her being extremely and completely still. "Sofia," she muttered quickly as she looked to her with a frantic expression, but the girl only gave a small nod as she muttered, "I know, hold on. I promise."

    "So, you're saying the sword just so happened to walk out of my vault on its own," Bellatrix snapped at the goblin as she circled him, Lucius and Narcissa watching silently from the side.

    "There is no place safer than Gringotts—"

    "Liar," Bellatrix yelled as she cut his cheek with her blade, the goblin freezing as she snarled at him. "Consider yourself lucky, goblin," she whispered before backing away, sauntering over to Hermione's body on the floor, a tear escaping her and running down her cheek. "The same won't be said for this one. I don't know how my blade didn't manage to work on you, but no matter. I've got plenty more ideas that are sure to work."

    "Over my dead body," Y/N muttered as she jumped up, sprinting back up the steps as she pointed her wand at Bellatrix. "Expelliarmus!"

    The others followed behind her, Harry pointing his wand at Lucius as Bellatrix's wand flew at Ron, the boy catching it. "Stupefy," he yelled, sending the older Malfoy back and into a chair. Looking back in front of him, the raven-haired boy managed to see Narcissa and Draco coming at them, but Sofia and Y/N were quick to deflect their spells as Ron helped.


    With the whole group freezing in their spots at Bellatrix's orders, they looked to her, her blade held against Hermione's neck with her head up at the ceiling. Y/N felt every cell in her body stop as her breath caught in her throat.

    "Drop your wands," the woman ordered quickly, "I said, drop them!"

    The others seemed hesitant to do so, but Y/N immediately threw hers to the ground as her chest started to move up and down rapidly once more. Sofia was the first to follow, then Ron, then Harry. "Pick them up, Draco, now," Bellatrix ordered her nephew, him quick to pick them up and scurry back to the side.

    "Well, well, well, look what do we have here," Bellatrix teased as she looked out at the group, pressing the blade to Hermione's neck once more. "It's Harry Potter, Y/N (Y/L/N)."

    With their faces morphing back to normal, Y/N no longer had a black eye, Harry's face no longer swelled.

    "They're all bright and shiny and new again, just in time for the Dark Lord. Call him," the woman continued, looking to Draco who seemed a bit hesitant to do so, standing still. "Call him!"

    When the boy didn't do it, Lucius stepped forward, glaring at the group in front of him as he reached down to his sleeve, yanked it up, and revealed the Dark Mark. Holding a hand out and about to summon the Dark Lord, Bellatrix looked up at the ceiling as she held Hermione, that seeming to catch everyone's attention as well as they followed her line of sight.

    With a small, mischievous grin, Y/N and Harry spared a glance at each other before looking to see Dobby sitting on top of the chandelier, loosening the screws. Everything seemed to go in slow motion as it fell down towards them, Bellatrix releasing Hermione and pushing her forward, Y/N wasting no time in reaching out to her, the girl's body collapsing into hers as she secured her in her arms.

    Ron grabbed at Sofia and pulled her into him as Harry managed to grab their wands from Draco, Y/N quickly bringing Hermione back and towards the group as the bushy-haired girl clutched onto her, frantically looking up at her with tears in her eyes. "Y-Y/N," she whispered out as a tear fell, the girl only giving a small grin as she felt a familiar sensation prick at her eyes. "I've got you, I've got you."

    Sending Lucius back with 'Stupefy' and disarming Narcissa, Harry joined the rest with the goblin and Dobby by the stairs, Sofia seeming scared in Ron's hold with his arms around her waist as Y/N held Hermione against her protectively, the girl clawing, grasping at her jacket with a few tears.

    "Stupid elf! You could've killed me," Bellatrix screeched to the house elf.

    "Dobby never meant to kill! Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure," he informed hastily, Narcissa retrieving her wand and pointing it at them before Dobby snapped his fingers, it flying across the room once more and into his hand.

    "How dare you take a witch's wand? How dare you defy your masters!"

    "Dobby has no master," the house elf snapped back assertively, glaring at Bellatrix as Narcissa seemed stunned, "Dobby is a free elf. And Dobby has come to save Y/N (Y/L/N), Harry Potter, and their friends."

    Holding out his hands to the group, Harry and the goblin lunged at one of them as Ron and Sofia did as well, Hermione and Y/N taking the other as they braced themselves, screwing their eyes shut as they felt themselves be tangled into a cloud. And just like that, they Apparated into a cloud, not knowing a certain dagger had followed with them.


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