Final Fantasy XIV: Dreaded Sy...

By Flash4951

67 3 2

It has been two weeks since the battle at the Crystal Tower. Admes had fled, Alenka changed sides, and Revena... More

Age of Reflection
Calm Before The Storm
Remembrance of Foils
Adversary Unbound
Never To Be
Other Chronicle: Dark Descent
Spark of War, Sinch of Fate
Truth Unto Covenant
A Masters Heed
Ceaseless Retribution
Lament Thy Eye
Finish The Fight

Connections Unwritten

2 0 0
By Flash4951

28th Sun
Second Astral Moon
3:19 PM
The Acre of Healing

A comforting stream disappeared into the Acre while dragonflies zipped past those who came through. The path leading to its center was flourishing with life of all kinds, birds and insects alike creating their very homes within the peaceful confines of the Seedseer's abode. Today was the first day of G'raha Tia's training under Kan-E-Senna, the latter humbly offering to take the former under her wing and educate him on an elden technique called a Soul Surge. Granted to Louisoix's disciples by the man himself, Kan-E made it evident that this could be the only way to awaken Dariya from her slumber. Not only was this a chance for G'raha to grow stronger amongst his peers, but a chance to right the wrong he committed two weeks past that changed the very state of Eorzea.

"Is there anything more you could tell me? You're leaving me in suspense!"

"Shush. Focus."

One vague response after the other was the best Raha could get out of the woman, serving to remind him of the position they were in as the center of the Acre sat in tranquil silence. Legs crossed, on a log, and with his eyes closed as the Miqo'tes ears wiggled with curiosity, G'raha Tia made his best attempt to focus in on his core; the absolute center of his body and mind, where Kan-E said that mastering would be the first step to unlocking a Soul Surge. However, as with most things, those very steps would be easier said than done. 



"...Raha, has your Allagan heritage ever disgraced you in any way?"

One of the archers' eyes opened at that question. Disgraced?

"What could you mean? I'll have you know that I'm rather proud of my blood."

"No, not in a prideful or historical sense. I mean that of a personal bond."

To put it simply, Kan-E couldn't understand how Raha stayed so devoted to his Allagan lineage. From emperors to empresses, rulers to tyrants, all of them came before the boy and set the standard that all Allagan blood is held too to this very day. How could he be proud of something like that?  

"Why would you want those who came before you to represent you? After everything they've done?"

The boy put a hand on his chin in response, signaling to the Seedseer that this was something he'd never even thought about. Pride and history can only take one so far, especially if those two things intertwine to make what the Allagan Empire is foreseen as today.

"...Well, if I had to answer, I'd say that I don't want them to represent me. If anything, I don't even associate with the older generation of Allag."

That was a surprise. This got Kan-E's interest.

"All they did was cause chaos to prove dominance. They struck fear into the hearts of others with the intention of ruling over man. I don't know if I've made it obvious, but that's not why I'm here. I'm no tyrant or emperor. I'm just a bowman with a dream of seeing the world, and all I could ever ask for is to be looked at as more than just an heir to my Empire. Not only that, but I'm not even a full-blood. To put it simply, I serve...a higher authority."

"And what is that authority, might I ask?" Kan-E wondered out loud.

"The protection of my friends and the discovery of this world."

If the tail wagging and ear wiggling wasn't evident enough, G'raha Tia was as happy as can be that he was finally able to be honest about his lineage. Despite how prideful he was for his roots, he wouldn't let all the horrible things his Empire may have done weigh him down, and the boy was at his happiest just the way he was. His words seemed to resonate with Kan-E-Senna enough to where she’d decide on where this path would take them immediately-Acceptance came first, then perseverance, and after what happened to her at the hands of Admes, she’d come to assume that this would be a learning process for the both of them. She was already so, so proud of the Sharlayan archer.


"Yes, Kan-E?" 

"You've passed step one."

There was silence for a moment.


28th Sun 
Second Astral Moon 
3:28 PM

"Okay, let me get this straight. You lot are helping a group of blue-blooded extremists eradicate an entire race of animals all because of some war that no one even knows how it started?"

"I implore you, Jiana, this situation goes much deeper than you feign to understand."

"The only thing I'm feigning is whatever the hell this is gonna do in the long run!"

The rather irritated leader of Avalanche, Jiana Iana, was currently in the middle of being probed for as much information as she could give about the path leading to Sohm Al. Strun, Hirosch, Alphinaud, and Lucia were the ones conducting the interrogation, all in the midst of the rest of the traveling group making preparations to return to the road. 3 PM was a rather late time to begin moving again-at least in Lucia's book-and she wanted nothing more than to gather what they would need from Jiana and move on with this journey. However, if not evident already by her unwillingness to agree with Ishgard's methods, the white haired and red-garbed Lalafell was rather...difficult to appease.

"It's not like offing every dragon in Coerthas is gonna get rid of the problem. I can guarantee you that there are bigger, more dangerous creatures out there that you guys don't even know exist. And what are you even doing this for anyways?"

Lucia, already fed up with Jiana's constant deflecting, pinched the bridge of her nose with two fingers and fired back as frustration blanketed her tone.

"We are doing this to end a one-hundred year war that wouldn't have started if the dragons kept their peace with mankind. For a hunter who's supposedly been all over Coerthas, you're pretty damn stupid when it comes to Ishgardian history."

Taken aback by such a venomous response, Jiana couldn't help the idea of antagonizing Lucia further as she was now fully aware of the group's situation. Without her, they couldn't get into Sohm Al-at the very least not safely. And so, because of that, she held the keys here.

"I'm stupid? That's rich coming from you. At least I have the balls to go out and make my own life instead of turning into Ser Aymeric's bitch."

A hint of steel laced itself underneath Jiana's chin in an instant. Flaming eyes staring abroad for a moment came back to reality unto the hunters own orbs. Ravna put out a hand with the intent of keeping Lucia from doing anything rash, but before he could make a move, Alphinaud put out an arm in front of him to stop the boy.

"What? Gonna kill me because I said a few mean words? If you want to save your city, you need me. Under the guise of corrupt politicians or not."

"....Go on."

Pulling her sword from in front of Jiana's neck, Lucia allowed the Lalafell to continue speaking all to her chagrin thanks to the Aymeric comment.

"There's an abandoned ruin south of Tailfeather that trails up into the right entrance of Sohm Al. The walk is long, but if you avoid any trouble, you'll only have to go through two floors of the wretched thing instead of the normal five. Then, above Sohm Al lies Zenith, where it's rumored that the only dragon strong enough to take on Nidhogg lies in wait. Hraesvelgr."

The room went quiet while Jiana finished her explanation, giving Lucia and her companions time to process all of this while sitting herself on a wooden crate in a corner of the surrounding room. Hirosch for one had his own thoughts on the matter of staying dragons, but kept them to himself as he-along with Cadbur-had much more to worry about as of present.

"That enough for you, commander?" The Lalafell teased Lucia.

"...More than so. Thank you, Jiana." She'd respond.

With the group heading southbound and their path set for Sohm Al, Alphinaud would be the first to exit the room while Strun and Hirosch followed after. Lucia, being the last to go, would be stopped by Jiana before she could fully leave. A part of her expected this, unfortunately.

"Oi, Lucia. I want to talk to you."

A sigh left the woman's lips before she closed the door and turned back toward Jiana. 

"What's wrong now?"

"Nothing. I just felt like reminiscing with the person who took my spot as a Temple Knight is all."

Great. This again. 

Jiana, around the same time Lucia had applied, was in line to be a Temple Knight and underwent training beneath Ser Aymeric. However, after an incident that saw the Dreadwyrm raze the entirety of Ishgard's firmament, Jiana was mysteriously dispatched from the Knights regime and replaced by Lucia. For the latter, the rest was history, but for the former, that history became a vengeful grudge.

"Look. What happened in the Firmament was a situation that nobody could control. You need to trust me that I'll ask his lordship for a reason as to why you were let go."

Pushing herself from the top of the crate she was seated on, Jiana's expression grew serious.

"That was nearly five years ago, firecracker. You've had my trust, all this time, and squandered it just so you could get closer to Aymeric while I rotted outside of the fold. Care to explain that?"

"I can't!"


The two's exchange was out of earshot of the rest of the group, leaving a rather tense silence to ring out in the air.

"...I still have a job to do past that. Nidhogg is our main priority here, and after he is felled, i can promise you that I will bring you back. You did the same thing for me all those years ago."

That's when Jiana stopped her.

"...Speaking of. How does your lot even know about Nidhogg? Isn't his existence kept top secret by Aymeric?" 

As Jiana questioned Lucia further, the knight could only avert her eyes while the shorter woman continued on her tangent.

"I'm beginning to think you're losing your loyal edge. Letting state-kept secrets become privy to outsiders is one thing-not only that, but what gave you the idea to let them waltz into Sohm Al like its an ordinary job? Either you don't know the gravity of this situation, or you're not being truthful with those who trust you."

From then on, Lucia found herself growing more and more uncomfortable the longer Jiana rambled on. All she was saying was the truth, yes, but to suggest that she was turning her back on Ser Aymeric? That she didn't understand the consequences that could come with this mission? It seemed like blasphemy to her.

"...Can we please be done?"


Re-opening the door to leave after the other three before her, Lucia watched as Jiana turned away and allowed the woman to leave after all that time. However, as soon as she closed the door behind her, a whisper came from underneath the hunter's breath.

"....Don't make me have to save you again."

28th Sun 
Second Astral Moon 
3:41 PM
Dravanian In-lands

Deeper and deeper into the brush of the Dravanian Forelands, a beast tribe by the name of the Vath had just gotten done supplying Yda and Papalymo with a sack full of the best food they could find. Having already taken what their people had to offer and deciding to make for the Hinterlands instead of backtracking, Papalymo would implore his friend of a woman that Y'shtola introduced to him once in the past-the same woman that taught Y'shtola everything she knew, and a person that Papalymo had enough faith in to at least show hospitality to the duo until they could properly formulate a course of action.

"Hmm...This Matoya fellow sounds like a real hoot! Is she really as cranky as you made her sound?"

"Trust me when I tell you, Yda, she is anything but a "hoot". I implore you to behave yourself once we make our introductions, knowing how unwilling she can be when it comes to showing those she's unacquainted with even a shred of kindness."

A small frown laced itself onto Yda's face, coming to the conclusion that maybe her and this "Master Matoya" would have some fine tuning to get through before anything major could be done in the two's favor.

"Well, regardless, there has to be some reason you trust her so much. Do you really think she'll know where the others are? We've been stuck in Dravania for nearly a month now without any leads!"

Papalymo looked to his masked companion and gave an all too familiar stoic nod.

"I am sure of both my own judgement and her own capabilities that, if given enough time, she can help us find our way back to our friends so that we may not have to only rely on each other any longer."

"Are you saying you don't enjoy my company?"

"I'm shocked you're only now catching on."

The two shared a laugh amongst themselves as they walked along towards the nearest valley that they could see. Past this valley was a steep hill that trajected downwards into the Hinterlands, and if they could get there, all they'd have to do is wait for Matoya to work her magic and hopefully give them something to work with.

That was, until, a spear hit the ground in front of them that shook the floor beneath. 

Landing beside this spear with his hand on its hilt was Fei, picking up right where he left off from fighting the main group of heroes and staring both Yda and Papalymo down with a cocky grin.

"....And who may you be?" Papalymo questioned, motioning for Yda to drop her sack of and equip her Gut Wrenchers from where they sat on her hips. As she did so, he wouls let go of his own bag and slowly reach for his staff.

Fei simply laughed.

"....The guy who was sent to take you out, is who."

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