Summer Love

By mariahbelle18

14.9K 204 18

THIS IS NOT MY STORY This is written by eternalstelena on Elena thought getting sent to summ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 35

229 2 0
By mariahbelle18

It had been 3 months since their wedding, and it had indeed been a happy 3 months. Elena was really starting to feel the symptoms of pregnancy now, seen as how she was almost 6 months pregnant. There was a noticeable bump, which Stefan touched every chance he got. She didn't mind though, in fact she loved it. She also had an increase in appetite, she wanted food every second of the day and if Stefan didn't have a plate in his hand he would know about it. She would apologize with a kiss after she had ate her food though, and Stefan would happily accept that form of apology.

Stefan and Elena had moved into their new house last month, and they were so happy with it. It truly felt like a home, and a home they wanted to stay in forever. It was hard to find a home that was perfect, but this home was very close to it. Now all the time they had was focused on their jobs and preparing for the baby.

Stefan's intern hours had increased a little, and he was close to actually being hired as a junior doctor. He could eventually move up the Doctor career path, but for now this was amazing. The hours weren't too long, meaning he had time to focus on Elena and their baby. Elena had also found someone who was willing to hire her as a work at home journalist even if she is 5 months pregnant, which was really great. Her boss emailed her the daily tasks that she had to do and she got to work on them straight away, she loved staying productive and this job helped her do just that.

It was both Stefan and Elena's day off, and they were about to head to Elena's scan. They can choose to find out the gender today, and after having a long discussion they both agreed they would like to know. That way they can decorate the baby's nursery and buy cute outfits in the appropriate color. Not that babies couldn't wear all different colors, but they had already picked out their color scheme for a boy or a girl.

After the scan Stefan was going to pick Damon up from the airport. They were 2 weeks away before summer camp would start again, and Damon wanted to fly to England for a week so he could come visit Stefan before he became occupied by the camp once more. Damon would be staying in one of their plenty of guest rooms, and Elena was excited to have family stay with her. Their house was big enough for her whole family to stay in, and if she had it her way her whole family would move in with her. Or maybe that was just her pregnancy, overly emotional, hormones talking.

Elena was currently stood in front of her wardrobe, holding in a scream. Her baby bump was very visible now and all of her clothes were starting to become too small for her. She needed some maternity clothes, but she hadn't gotten around to buying them yet. That was definitely something she had to do, before she became a big ball of stress and exploded.

"Why don't you just wear one of my t shirts?" Stefan suggested. He thought Elena was acting adorable, but also borderline insane. The look she gave him just confirmed that she was acting insane, and he was fearing his life right now. He had learned that it was best to not get on the wrong side of her, but it was moments like these where he knew he was going to get it.

"And leave the house looking like a mess in my husbands over sized shirt? No I'd rather have my stomach out on display." Elena snapped, but both of them knew she didn't mean it. Pregnancy hormones mixed with irritation because of clothes was never a good mix.

"Hey, come here." Stefan spoke and she walked over towards him. He lightly cupped her face in his hands, making her look directly at him. "I love you, but I hate that you're so worked up over this. So let's take a few minutes to breathe and then we can work together to find something to wear? Yeah?" Stefan asked and Elena nodded. It was amazing how quickly he could calm her down, she didn't know what she would do without him.

"You're so good to me, I'm sorry for snapping at you. I love you so much." Elena replied and wrapped her arms around him. Sometimes she felt like she didn't deserve Stefan, but times like now she just appreciated the fact that she had him. She was really lucky to have him, and she was never planning on letting him go.

"I'm good to you because you deserve someone being good to you, and it's okay." Stefan assured her. He didn't want her to work herself up over her moody outbreaks and become even more stressed. He didn't like to see her stressed, he just liked to see her happy and it was his job as her husband to make her happy. And that was the best job he could ever have.

Elena finally found an old sweater of hers that fit her. She would be a little warm, since she was wearing a sweater in the middle of summer, but she only had to wear it for the appointment. Then she could get back home and wear her comfy bed clothes again.

They left the house and on the way to the doctors Elena found herself become nervous. What if there was something wrong with the baby? She knew she was just freaking out over nothing, but cases like these happen sometimes. Her old neighbor went for a casual check up, and then a few hours later she was giving birth to a baby who was 2 months early. Thankfully, the baby survived, but it was stories like those that made Elena panic. It could happen to anyone, and she really didn't want it to happen to her.

They walked into their doctors and quickly got ushered into the examination room. Stefan and Elena spoke a little before their usual doctor walked in, giving them a big smile.

"How is everyone feeling today?" The doctor asked.

"Good, a little nervous." Elena replied, holding onto Stefan's hand.

"You don't need to feel nervous here, you and your baby are in safe hands." The doctor assured her. He rubbed some of the gel onto her stomach and then a few moments later he was turning the screen round so Stefan and Elena could see. "Look, all healthy." The doctor spoke.

Both Stefan and Elena felt speechless, that was their child. You could see it's little head and body, and Elena felt herself wanting to cry. That was her child, her and Stefan's child, and she would love it unconditionally. She would be it's protector, and she would never leave its side. This was her and Stefan's little dot, and they would always defend their little dot for as long as they shall live.

"Would you like to know the sex of the baby?" The doctor asked. Elena looked over towards Stefan and he nodded his head in reassurance. They had spoke about this before, but he could have changed his mind.

"Yes." Elena replied.

"Congratulations, you're having a baby girl." The doctor told them and both Stefan and Elena started grinning. They were going to have a little girl.

"We're having a girl." Stefan laughed. He couldn't believe it. He threw his arms around Elena as they both laughed, they both had secretly wanted a little girl. Elena would have loved a boy too, and hopefully she would have another baby in the future, but she could dress her little girl up and take her to ballet lessons.

"I'll let you have a moment whilst I print the scan photo out." The doctor spoke, and then exited the room.

"I wanna kiss you right now and never stop kissing you." Stefan randomly spoke, making Elena burst out laughing.

"Stefan! We're at the doctors and I've got a huge stomach." Elena giggled. Men.

"It just makes you even more beautiful." Stefan replied and then gently kissed her. Elena looked at him with love and admiration in his eyes. One of the things she feared is that as her stomach grew he would see her as fat and be repulsed, but Stefan isn't that kind of person. And he makes her feel beautiful about her large stomach, he always makes her feel like she's a queen.

The doctor walked back into the room and handed Elena the scan photo. Both Stefan and Elena peered at it, looking in awe at the photo. You couldn't really see much, you never could with scans, but it was still amazing.

"This is our baby girl." Stefan gushed, looking at the scan photo. "We made this." He added, making Elena laugh.

"Damn right we did." Elena replied, making both of them laugh. "Thank you for everything." Elena spoke to the doctor, who nodded.

"You're welcome, I'm just doing my job." He smiled and both Stefan and Elena gathered their things together and exited the room. Stefan threw his arm around Elena's shoulder and pulled her in closer to him, kissing the side of her head. Elena smiled as he helped her walk to the car, even though she wasn't at the stage of needing help yet.

"When are you picking up Damon from the airport?" Elena asked as they got into their car.

"Probably after I drop you off at home." Stefan replied.

"Actually, can you drop me off at a mall? I really need to get some maternity clothes." Elena replied. She couldn't continue to have a break down every time she opened her closet, she needed some pregnancy clothes so she could stop getting so stressed all the time.

"Will you be okay on your own?" Stefan asked with a worried face. He wanted to make sure she was always okay.

"Stefan I'll be fine, I'll only be like half an hour and then I'll take a taxi back." Elena assured him.

"Okay, I love you." Stefan spoke, pulling into the mall parking lot. The good thing about living in London is that you only needed to drive for 5 minutes to find a mall.

"I love you too." Elena replied, planting a gentle kiss on his lips before exiting the car.

Elena walked into the mall and immediately headed to the maternity section of every shop she looked in. She had bought a few clothes when she bumped into someone she honestly never thought she would see again.

"Bonnie?" She gasped. The last she heard, Bonnie was living her best life in Paris. She didn't know why she was back here, and she didn't care. Even though it had been years, she still couldn't forgive the fact that Bonnie had hurt Caroline as badly as she did.

"Hi Elena." Bonnie smiled, but Elena didn't return it. She didn't plan on ever being friends with her again, so she didn't need to be nice to her.

"What are you doing here?" Elena asked.

"I decided to move back here. Paris was beautiful, but England is always going to be my home." Bonnie told her and Elena just awkwardly nodded, not knowing what to say.

"Well, okay." Elena replied, wanting this conversation to come to a halt.

"So, you're going to be a mum?" Bonnie asked, pointing at Elena's stomach.

"Yep." Elena replied, not knowing why Bonnie was trying so hard to talk to her. The last time she spoke Elena threatened to make her life a living hell, it wasn't her finest moment but she was protecting her friend.

"And you're married." Bonnie pointed out, and again, Elena nodded. "So who's the lucky guy?" Bonnie asked and Elena started smiling, not because of Bonnie, but because she was now thinking about Stefan.

"Stefan." Elena replied with a huge smile on her face. Just talking about him makes her feel like a proud wife.

"The guy from summer camp?" Bonnie asked with a gasp. Bonnie didn't know much about Elena, considering she was the worst friend possible, but she did know she had something with a guy from summer camp. She thought it was just a summer love, but how wrong she was.

"Yeah, I married him." Elena smiled, feeling proud enough to show him off.

"Well, congratulations." Bonnie replied.

"Thanks. I, uh, should go." Elena spoke, wanting to get back home to her amazing husband.

"Okay, I'll speak to you soon." Bonnie replied, and then walked off, making Elena feel confused. She shrugged off the conversation and continued shopping, until it was time for her to go home.


Elena collapsed down onto the bed after unpacking all of her new clothes. Stefan wasn't home yet, so she guessed that he was still picking up Damon from the airport. Elena decided she could start making dinner herself so that Stefan wouldn't have to cook, and by start dinner she meant order take out. Stefan does a lot for her, and the least she could do was give him a break from having to cook a meal for everyone.

She was in the middle of ordering pizza, going with the safe food option, when she heard the door open and close. The next thing she could hear was the brotherly banter and she quickly placed her order, wanting to get down there and see Stefan. She wanted to greet her guest too, but she had missed Stefan. Which was crazy since they were only apart for like an hour.

She hung up the phone and ran downstairs, not too fast because of her large stomach. Once she made it downstairs she saw Stefan and Damon sat down on the couch, laughing at whatever. She smiled at the sight in front of her, loving whenever Stefan had that big goofy grin on his face that she saw a lot.

"Hey." Elena spoke, making their presence known. They both turned to look at her, Damon smiled whereas Stefan looked at her with so much love in his eyes that it almost knocked her off her feet. It's been 4 years and he still looked at her like that, even when she was wearing some sweatpants and a big baggy t shirt.

"Hey, did you get some clothes?" Stefan asked and Elena nodded as she sat down with them.

"Yep, and I also ordered us some food." Elena replied, making both of the boys break out into a big grin.

"Thank God, I'm starving." Damon spoke and Elena laughed at him.

"Well it should be here in about 20 minutes." Elena informed him. They all fell into casual conversation, and Elena was happy that she was spending time with family. The doorbell rang 5 minutes earlier than expected, and Elena answered it. She was in the kitchen putting the food onto plates when she felt Stefan's arms wrap around her waist.

"Hi." He whispered in her ear, making her smile. Just his voice had the ability to brighten her already bright mood.

"Hi." Elena replied. She turned around so she could pull him into a kiss, one of those long passionate ones that always left them breathless. Those were her favorite kind.

"So what clothes did you buy?" Stefan asked as she turned back around to continue serving the food. His arms wrapped around her waist and he rested his head on her shoulder.

"I can show you tonight." Elena smiled deviously, loving how he can still make her feel sexy even when she has a huge baby bump.

"Mm, I like the sound of that." Stefan growled, then playfully nibbled her ear, making her squeal.

"Hey." Elena whined as she giggled. "Your brother is in the next room." Elena reminded him.

"So?" Stefan responded.

"Guess who I saw today." Elena changed the subject. Stefan looked at her, waiting for her to tell him who. "Bonnie." Elena told him. At first Stefan looked confused, but then his face showed that he remembered who Bonnie was.

"Did she say anything to you?" Stefan asked. After Bonnie left town no one talked about her, apart from when they were saying how much of a bad friend she was.

"Yeah, she spoke to me like we were old friends catching up which was weird." Elena replied, still feeling confused. She called Caroline to tell her what happened earlier and they both spent 10 minutes feeling confused together.

"Maybe she's trying to be your friend again?" Stefan suggested. He never understood girls, or their secret girl code, but he understood what Bonnie did was wrong. To sleep with someone who had a girlfriend is one thing, to sleep with your best friends boyfriend is another.

"Probably, but I don't want to be her friend." Elena replied, picking up her plate. "Let's go eat." Elena smiled. They walked back into the living room and Stefan handed Damon his plate. They all sat at the table, and just talked about whatever came to their minds.


It had been a week since Damon arrived, and it was time for him to leave again. Stefan had just left to take him to the airport, and Elena could tell he was sad about his brother leaving again so Elena decided to make plans for them both. She was going to take him somewhere she hated going, and she would only ever do this for Stefan.

"Are you going to tell me where you're taking me?" Stefan asked once he arrived back home. They were getting dressed for the day, and Stefan hadn't stopped asking about their plans. He looked even more sad then when he left, and now Elena was even more determined to brighten his day.

"Nope." Elena smiled. "I'll just tell you where to drive." She told him. They locked the door and climbed into their car. She put the location into the GPS, and they drove for about an hour before they finally arrived.

"A beach?" Stefan asked whilst smiling. "But you hate the beach." Stefan reminded. Elena hated the beach, but Stefan loved it, so she was willing to put her hate aside for one day just for him.

"But I love you more." She replied. They headed down onto the beach front and started to walk across the sand, taking a nice leisurely stroll along the beach on a nice summers day. At least, that's what it was for Stefan. For Elena it was sand getting everywhere and unnecessary walking, but she kept quiet so Stefan could enjoy this.

After they finished walking they decided to look at the little shops on the boardwalk. Elena was looking at the food places when Stefan came back with a box in his hand.

"What's that?" Elena asked, confused.

"The prettiest bracelet for the prettiest girl." Stefan replied and opened the box, revealing a bracelet with seashells on it.

"Stefan." Elena gasped. "You're amazing, you know that?" Elena spoke and Stefan smiled at her.

"I love you." Stefan replied.

"I love you too."


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